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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"Langeh Rekkel" Eichenstein Crawles Out of His Silent Cave to Personally Attack the Governor

Who goes out to vote for these naive stupid fools?
Which Frum Jew that learned even one  blatt gemarrah in his entire life would pull a lever to vote for these "galitzyaners" and who is advising this "up'grissinar naar?'

He is a political midget, who is absolutely clueless on how government works ... he thinks this is a battle between Bobov 45 and Bobov 48
...doesn't realize that he is playing in the Major Leagues.

Where was he hiding till now? The last time we saw him was with that raving lunatic Heshy Tishler breaking the locks to the park...
Does he even know that he will be crawling back like a caterpillar to Cuomo to get funds for the "moisdois?" Does he think that by attacking Cuomo personally he will get anything for his constituents?
This is not a battle between the Republicans and the DemocRATS....
"Langeh Rekkel" forgets that in New York , all are from the same party ... he is a stooge for Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander who begged naive dumb Boro-Park Jews to register for the democrat party..
Well now suck it up and shut up! 

 Guys ... I actually do not like Cuomo ... and despise him ...
but I think that Cuomo is far smarter and shrewder than "langeh rekkel" Eich- en- shtein.. ..
Cuomo will eat him for for a snack ...and kick him to the curb ... he means nothing to Cuomo or the Assembly ..Eich-en-shtein is only an annoying mosquito to any serious legislator ... he is in way over his head ...
If you want the moisdos open ... follow the rules... simple as that ..and that's what he should have been addressing ....




DIN gets Results said...


This was after every heimishe yeshiva facetiously covered the outside sign with a sign stating "Child Care"

Compliments of Agudah said...

An askan speaking on condition of anonymity, said that he’s received unflattering comments about unzerra in recent days from top hospital officials & elected officials.

“I was never so depressed in my entire life,” the askan said, saying he had a hard time explaining to his children why they couldn’t go to the Simchas Beis Hashoeivos blaring from all sides during Chol Hamoed.

“The problem here is that there are 1000s of government officials — legislators, state senators, assemblymen, state judges, federal judges, prosecutors, you name it — who live in the state of New York. They don’t love us, they don’t hate us, they have no opinion about us. But this is not the first time they’re getting a certain view of us as a community that is reckless & that has no problem being mass spreaders of illness.

“Take, for example, a judge in the 9th District of the State Supreme Court. He reads what’s going on, and he says, ‘Okay, I see what kind of people they are.’ Tomorrow there will be a case before him — let’s say the development the chassidishe community filed against the town of Chester for not allowing them to build there — and the judge will say to himself, ‘Those people don’t want to live next to Jews? Well, good for them. I wouldn’t want to live next to Jews either, because I see what they're all about.’

“Years after COVID is gone,” he said, “the community will still be suffering from this.”

Mamash Perverse said...

Shame on Yochanan Donn writing in Hamodia who does not challenge top NJ Agudah Fresser, the FAT FERD Avi Schnall, for deceiving Gov Murphy with two faced lies, showing the Governor kol koreis from anti-Agudah rabbonim AGAINST the virus while covering up that the Agudah does the exact opposite while trying to undermine those rabbonim!:

Schnall has also unremittingly made sure that Murphy was kept up to date on the community’s efforts to control the pandemic. He forwarded every kol korei from gedolim, every robocall, every doctor’s letter, every notice from a yeshivah that voluntarily closed.

All the efforts paid off, Schnall said, when Murphy nixed a plan to follow Cuomo’s lead and crack down hard on the frum community. That cooperation manifested itself in a tweet that Murphy posted less than an hour before Simchas Torah praising the community for their work to limit spread of the virus. The governor was fascinated, Schnall said, when he saw a kol korei by Lakewood’s leading rabbanim calling for hakafos to be minimized — fewer than five minutes each, they advised.

“He was very impressed that here’s a Jewish holiday with customs that are thousands of years old, and the rabbis, the leadership, put out a letter changing those customs in a big way because of the situation,” Rabbi Schnall said. “And he showed his appreciation for that.”

“We make sure that every little blurb that comes out from the rabbanim, that the governor is aware of everything,” he said. “So he knows, he feels, that he has a partner ready to work with him.”

fyi said...

"Langeh Rekkel" forgets that in New York , all are from the same party ... he is a stooge for Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander who begged naive dumb Boro-Park Jews to register for the democrat party.."

He has a lot in common with tuches lekker in chief (Pinchus) Ezra Friedlander. They both were schooled in Bobov. They both are Rebbishe eineklech from B.P. They live doors from each other. Eichenstein was employed by Friedlander earlier in his career, before he was placed with NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli.



With Kashau roots, that description is questionable for him.

How it seems to me said...

"He is a political midget, who is absolutely clueless on how government works ... he thinks this is a battle between Bobov 45 and Bobov 48
...doesn't realize that he is playing in the Major Leagues."

He is actually not a fool, he has been working in the field for years, despite his youth, and has gained knowledge and experience, but I wouldn't say this is his finest moment.

P.S. In general, NYS assembly is not the biggest of leagues.