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Monday, September 7, 2020

We Found the Video Of President Trump Talking About Wounded Soldiers

Forget the Fake News smear articles with ridiculous anonymous sources. 

Here's a 2007 video of Donald Trump talking candidly about our wounded soldiers. 

What people don't know is that for years he has been giving them free trips to Mar-a-Lago among many other donations to our veterans.



Anonymous said...

You convinced me.Putin's useful idiot is a tzadik gomere who who is mevatel his entire yesh to focus only on the needs of others.Even his thrice weekly golf outings are leshem shamayim,and his denigrating Mcain was only to help him raise up his neshama to the oilam hoatzilus.Thank u for showing me the true nature of our dear fuh.. Oh leader who will stop this magefa before he rises again on easter.

Dusiznies said...

"putin?" LOL.....
Yes "Putin" ha ha....Putin happens to be very good to Israel allowing them to bomb the crap out of the Iranians in Syria... That "Putin?"
"McCain?" The Dead "MCcain?" The one who flew to England to pick up the fake dossier? That McCain?
McCain was a loser to Obama and then tried to throw Trump under the bus... with a fake dossier... he started up with the wrong guy ... he thought Trump was another patsy ... he got one rude awakening ..
I sure hope McCain doesn't "rise up on Easter."

Kamala Ferd Face Harris said...


After graduating from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Sen. Harris specialized in prosecuting sex crimes and child exploitation as a young prosecutor. But two investigations by The Intercept and The Associated Press found that Sen. Harris was consistently silent on the Roman Catholic Church’s abuse scandal — first as San Francisco district attorney and later as California’s attorney general.

Survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of priests say she resisted informal requests to help them with their cases and refused to release church records on abusive priests that had been gathered by her predecessor, Terence Hallinan.

As attorney general, Sen. Harris filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to refuse Hobby Lobby’s request to deny women health care coverage for contraception because of the craft store chain owner’s religious beliefs.

In her 2014 brief that was supported by 15 states and Washington, D.C., Sen. Harris wrote that if Hobby Lobby were allowed to withhold birth control coverage on religious grounds, it might lead other corporations to demand similar exemptions from the nation’s civil rights laws.

In the landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that family-owned corporations can’t be forced to pay for insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act if it offends their religious beliefs.

Later, as a U.S. senator, Sen. Harris cosponsored a congressional bill to weaken the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to ensure it is not used to permit discrimination in the name of religion.

The measure, called the Do No Harm Act, was first introduced in 2017 and again in 2019. The RFRA originally passed in 1993 to prevent the government from “sub- stantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion.” Do No Harm’s backers believed that the RFRA “should not be interpreted to authorize an exemption from generally applicable law.”

Had it passed, it would have ensured that religious employers could not deny health care coverage for employees or claim exemptions to civil rights laws.

Passaic said...

Huge breakout of infections became known today but it's being COVERED UP instead of shutting down the yeshivos.

That's what happens when both Rav Stern & Rav Hirth fall ill.

G-d help us from those who took over the asylum!