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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Power of One ......What One Rabbi Did For Utah ......



LES AYM said...

Chabad has their quirks, but nobody can compare to what they've accomplished over the years.
Just amazing!

Another piece of Lubavitch propaganda-let's have a DIN movie instead said...

When are we seeing the video The power of one, what one guy, DIN, did for the world?

I don't expect to see it, of course, since you are not a Lubavitcher, so the Chabad Lubavitch propaganda machine won't be promoting you.

But don't you think someone can make a similar movie of some minutes about you too? Every person is an עולם קטן and can make a big רושם, especially over many years.

These Lubavitchers go to places where there are ignorant Jews, because there they can tell them what they want and some fall for it, hook, line, and sinker. On the other hand, where Jews are knowledgeable in their faith, Lubavitch is not seen much and doesn't have much success, as those in the know see through their act and recognize them for the cult they are.

Gog uMagog? said...


Which gedolim said Yidden should always have their passports ready?

What Chabad Lubavitch didn't tell you said...

They make it look like this Lubavitcher is some type of malach (angel). But what was Zippel doing when his son was allegedly abused over ten years? This big shliach of the Rebbuh was so busy or blind that he didn't notice something very wrong with his son??



Dr Segal imitates DIN said...

The head of Israel’s first coronavirus ward in Sheba Medical Center slammed the Israeli public for disregarding human lives by failing to adhere to health regulations, Yediot reported.

Dr. Gadi Segal wrote a post on Facebook urging Israeli to start viewing the coronavirus pandemic more seriously.

“I’ve posted the names of the people who have died as a result of the disease,” Segal wrote. “Many of them I knew, some died in my arms,”

“Their blood is on the head of anyone who thinks that his theories, his parnassah, his personal liberty, his freedom of speech, his right to refuse and in general, he himself, is more important than the lives of others. As a human being and a doctor, I’m ashamed of the society I live in.”

“And perhaps this is the main problem – there’s no shame left in the world. Perhaps that’s the cause of all the tragedies we see around us.”

In an interview with Ynet, Segal said that denial of the pandemic and non-adherence to simple health guidelines will bring about a lockdown.

Dr. Segal also noted that “underlying illnesses” are far more common than the public is willing to believe. “In Western society, starting at age 50, the proportion of people with underlying illnesses is huge. These are not sick people, but functional people who live normal lives but they have diabetes or high blood pressure. There are so many people in the population who have high blood pressure.”

“All that’s necessary is to realize the fact that there’s a very problematic illness here and use a mask and avoid gatherings. There’s a very simple equation here. There’s a pandemic. A lockdown has devastating and damaging results and people don’t want it but instead of adopting steps that will prevent infection, they deny the pandemic. It’s a catastrophe.”

Chabad-Lubavitch-LDS-Mormon shidduch said...

It has been observed that Lubavitchers and Mormons have similarities. As Mormons are considered heretics, OTD, by mainstream Christianity, so too the Chabad-Lubavitch cult vis a vis mainstream Judaism.

They both are heavily into missionizing, sending out loads of young people to try to spread their faiths among the gullible, desperate, and forlorn.