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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Girl Finally Get a Date ... Now She is Rejecting Him Because He Put His Hat in the Back Seat


Question: How many people suffered from Covi-19 in the last 6 months? How many unfortunately died? How many people went through personal problems. whether it be health, parnassah, shalom bayis, or losing children through tragedyjust in the last 6 months? 

Just this morning we read about the young bride who died right after her chuppah, who never got the chance to dance at her own wedding..whose husband is sitting shiva during the week that would have been sheva brachos.

Yet this spoiled brat, fresh out of the money guzzling seminary, is about to reject her 'basherta" because he wasn't wearing his hat.

What are we teaching our girls....? 



Mad Hatter said...

This nasty hypocrite machshayfa Mrs Rose actually practices what she preaches though it may not be obvious to the untrained eye.

She once spurned & was in gantzen mevazeh a BMG guy, with among other absurdities, claiming he wasn't yeshivish enough, while stacking him against a not yeshivish whatsoever "better catch" who the odd time he dons a hat, it's a gray one! So technically yes, she does not care about hats!

Get off Mehlman's pages you reptile in human skin!

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

The corrupt Board just announced that Yudi Frankel wants to resign from YSV Monsey but they are begging him to hang on just a bit more until they get R' Yitzchok Grossbard from Detroit to replace him.

What happened? Is Frankel pulling a Shea Fishman after he was exposed on the blogs as a willing tool for the achzoriyus of the Board?

Did the Board already tell Grossbard or will he get the news after moving cross country that to be the YSV figurehead you must do the Board's dirty work?

Anonymous said...

The vast importance of a hat. These people are mental

Fresser Way or the Highway said...

A new low for yeshivos following the Philly-Agudah pied pipers to make life MISERABLE for remote learners!

Never mind the fake frumkeit to asser dedicated video link that can't be repurposed for anything else. In some cases they are not even providing a phone hook up - AFTER they said they would! You see, IMPOSSIBLE is a dargah beyond MISERABLE.

Brain Surgeon said...


For those not already brain dead, perhaps Philly-Agudah want to make sure so that no one dare question them?

Zako said...

Ok guys... make sure you go on shiduchim in large SUV's only, so you can sit in AND keep your hat on !


Sabra65 said...

Stupid girl. If I was that guy, and she reconsidered, I would tell her to be fruitful and multiply, but in different words. And then they wonder why there is a shidduch crisis.