Sunday, July 12, 2020

Will a Frum Jew Still be Able to Live in the USA .... Rabbi Wein Doesn't Think So

Even a cursory review of world history allows the reader to realize that great and mighty countries and empires fall not necessarily because of outside pressures, but because of the implosion of the society itself. 
Rome ruled the world for over five centuries, and, at the height of its power, it succumbed to barbaric tribes. The breakup and disintegration of the Empire came as Rome was undermined by the spread of Christianity within its society and the dissatisfaction and dissolution of social norms. These factors gave way to internal violence and a complete abandonment of any sense of loyalty to the Empire itself, or to the history that Rome had so carefully fashioned and preserved over its centuries of hegemony. In short, Rome collapsed from within and not from without.

The same can be said of the Spanish Empire in the 16th century, which never recovered from its foolish, and self-destructive exile of its Jewish population at the beginning of the century. It no longer possessed the creativity and will to succeed that had driven it to become one of the major powers in the world.
The Ottoman Empire was also rotten from the inside, and any stress placed upon it would hasten its extinction and disappearance. The first World War provided that stress. and the Ottoman Turkish Empire never recovered. In our time, we have witnessed the destruction of Communism within the Soviet Union after 75 years of brutal and tyrannical rule. Once again, the Soviet Union collapsed from the inside and not from the outside. It had weathered all of the storms of World War II and the Cold War, but it could not survive because of the malaise of its population, the burdens of bureaucracy and inefficient government that it had foisted upon a helpless populace.
A serious question has now arisen regarding the future of the United States of America. 
It is a very polarized society, and over the past decades it has lost its moral footing. It has become dissolute, hateful of its own heritage, spoiled by too much material wealth, and subject to Marxist indoctrination emanating from its educational systems. Whether or not the United States will be able to survive this storm is, as of yet, an undecided question. However, it is clear to me that no matter what happens, it will become increasingly difficult for Orthodox Jews to maintain themselves in American society. The entire culture is hostile to Torah values and to a Jewish way of life.
Jews have waxed prosperous over the past decades, and the continuity of Orthodox educational institutions is contingent upon the continuation of that prosperity. However, whether America will have a prosperous future over the next few decades is a difficult question to answer. There will be more governmental regulations regarding curriculum, and the nature of educational classes in schools. Education separated by sex will certainly not be allowed, and the concentration on Torah studies will be severely limited. I hope that I am wrong regarding my fears, but my heart tells me otherwise.
Certainly, the America that I grew up in and lived in for most of my lifetime no longer exists. There is no longer wholesome entertainment nor a feeling of moral probity. America was once a religious country. Today it has become overwhelmingly secular with all the attendant evils that such a change in society inevitably engenders. History teaches us that nothing goes on forever, and that great countries and empires rise but inevitably fall.
For many years, I thought that the United States was an exception to that rule, but I no longer believe so. The curve has already flattened, and we are witness to the downward spiral that leads to irrelevance and impotence in world events, I fervently pray that I am wrong but these are my impressions as I view the current scene.
Shabbat Shalom
R Berel Wein


Brisker said...

America could implode if Moshiach is very imminent and this time for real, but if not Wein is wrong because R' Chaim Volozhiner said that America would be the last golus.

Anything is possible miday Shomayim but if America chalila stops gender segregated classes, which only Democrats would do, they would also have to shake up all the Amish, Mennonites, etc, and even the Muslims who there is a secular meshugass to coddle them as a sacred cow, even ignoring their subscribing to violent fatwas against secular people themselves.

There would also be a civil war with traditional White enclaves seceding if radical secularists take over & attempt to impose neo-Marxism on everyone. Most if not all of the Red States would be welcoming to frum Jews to shore up their numbers.

Race riots leading to such a scenario were predicted as an inevitable metzius in the 1980s book called Blood in the Streets by the head of the Times of London, William Rees-Mogg & economist James Dale Davidson.

Because Davidson is a Republican who was the first to expose some Clinton scandals, most reviews belittle him & downplay his education and other credentials. It's harder for them to attack Rees-Mogg despite that his Conservative conclusions drive them insane, because he also has a lot of Liberal bonafides like having been BBC Chairman.

frum but normal said...

Rabbi Wein,you have no idea how right you are,but it's not only frum Jews who will find it difficult to live here,but any Jew and not only Jews but any normal human being will realize that America is no more,as the filthy TRAITOROUS Marxist America hating DemonRats will turn this once great country of our a living hell ala Venezueala and Cuba,
When the inevitable civil war will commence as the hundreds of millions of heavily armed patriotic Americans will rise up against the marxist sewer rats,it will be the Jews who will suffer the most as they will be blamed for much of the demise of America (unfortunately they will be partially right) just look who were the ringleaders of the criminal traitorous DemonRat party who tried to overthrow the duly elected President It was Nadler Schumer,Schiff,yemach shemom,who are the owners of the NY Times,CNN CNBC who for the last 40 years have poisoned the minds of Americans in Marxist leftist hatred to their own country,unfortunately all secular leftist atheist Jews,
My friends it's high time to follow the example our friend DIN start packing our bags,if you listen carefully you can hear the whistles of the cattle cars.
God almighty has handed us our promised holy land on a silver platter,let's not turn our backs to him because we might regret it