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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Thousand Satmar Chassidim Celebrate the "End of the Virus"

The Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum, had announced that right after the virus dissipates he will make a grand seudas hoda'ah. 
He wasn't kidding and kept his word.... 
A thousand Satmar Chassidim attended a royal banquet in honor of the "end of the virus." Not one of the guests wore a mask, and there was absolutely no social distancing.... 
The Seuda "officially" celebrated a Siyum Mishnayois, which ordinary kids do all the time at their Bar-Mitzvas.....and no one invited knew about that, they thought they were coming to the Seudas Hoda'ah.... 

I guess someone figured out that people were still getting very sick, and there isn't a day that someone doesn't die from the virus... people would realize how stupid and silly that would look like, so he quickly ordered banners that read "Siyum Mishnayois..



Anonymous said...

Well said: The kehila needs to keep on trucking.

Such machines are fueled by power, money and underage znis.

Anonymous said...

It’s a sheva brochas.

Anonymous said...

Herd Mentality - A herd consists of a bunch of beheimas.
With a Jackass for a leader.

Litvak said...

It is about time that the whole world realize once and for all that , Satmar, Neturei Karta and all other similar guru centered lunatic communities are not Judaism!

They are mindless cults that idolize ignorance and stupidity!

Their ignorance extends to Jewish subjects as well and it is abysmal. They do not understand Halacha (Minha 20 min after the shkia!) do not know Tanach, pray in pidgin Hebrew and have no knowledge of the language.

What these psychopaths are practicing is not Judaism--it is a perpetual costume carnival (cum mafia)!

It is no wonder that they always turn up in the middle of hillul hashem scandals -- they have no real Torah.

I really pity their children who are deprived of both worlds.

As far as their leaders are concerned, I will grant them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are mentally unbalanced, and not something worse.

A very orthodox litvak

Anonymous said...

Litvak, well said.

But your gedolim warlords are not much better. And guess what, your warlords like Malkiel Kotler and Chaim Kanievsky bow down to the chaseedisha gedolim warlords who are more powerful because you speak English well. And you can not be pulled by your tail, or rape your kids as easily as chaseedisha people.

So in future best is not to make fun of chaseedisha culture. Because such Nazi Eugenics is part of the problem. But maybe this was your Trojan Horse.

Litvak said...

"chaseedisha culture"?

Culture is what you grow bacteria on.

Real Jews do not have "culture"; they have Torah!

Anonymous said...

Litvak, unfortunately, we are just a culture (like the tzudoikim) within a religious industry. We are being taught way too much fake Daas Torah and propaganda.

Then in practice we are taught and forced to bow to gedolim who are infallible. Avoida Zorah.

And underage znis covered up with impunity. And actively pushing all these victims to suicide. Sheechas domim. And you're claiming this is the Torah.

Litvak said...

Anonymous, you are correct!
But who do you mean by "we"?
I agree that today's "litvish" society has been totally corrupted by hasseedich insanity, the"gedolim" taking the place of "Rebbes".
When I sign off as "Litvak" I mean like 200 years ago!

Anonymous said...

Litvak, mmm lol.

So the dispute from 200 years ago is the solution? I don't think so. Only respect for people of all cultures is the solution.

If you want to attack leaders being evil, great. You can even advocate to temporarily hinder progress of populations who make poor leadership choices. But directly attacking populations is always part of the problem.

And you're spelling your name with a Hasidic accent... So I'm guessing you're a troll-catfish hybrid. But seems the best I have met so far... I agree with most of what you say. It seems like you mean well.