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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Riots In Meah Shearim After Police Arrest Lady For Not Wearing Her Mask

After a long hot boring Shabbos, and stomachs full of Cholent, Ptcha, Greevin & Shmaltz Herring.... Meah Shearim residents decided to take a cue from the USA shvartzas and rioted like a bunch of animals because a lady and her daughter were seen walking without masks and refused to identify themselves to cops as per Israeli law...and got themselves arrested..

Riots broke out in Meah Shearim Saturday night after a woman was detained by police for refusing to identify herself after police found her without a mask. Rioters threw bottles and stones at police and burned garbage bins as well as blocking traffic. One policeman was lightly injured in the head and two rioters were arrested.

The policemen saw a woman and her daughter without masks on Shivtei Yisrael near Meah Shearim and asked them to identify themselves. When they refused to identify themselves, they were arrested, sparking riots by extremists in an attempt to prevent police from completing the arrest. Later rioters blocked the nearby road 1 for an hour and burnt garbage cans.



Zako said...

Keep in mind that these riots have a reason behind, whether you agree with it or not : The israeli police forces keep shamelessly over-harassing the religious populations as long as they can. It's becoming evident that they have instructions to do so. Religious people get fined, handcuffed, brutally floored and arrested in Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, ecc, sometimes just because the mask covers the mouth but is placed right below the nose.
Meanwhile, almost no one wears a mask in Tel Aviv and other "progressist" paradises. Hundreds of photos show this. More over, in TA, policemen have been seen kindly distributing masks in the open streets while their colleagues distribute nis500 tickets and unjustified physical violence in several religious neighborhoods.
Such scenario has not been seen since 1938 in Warsaw, Cracow and Berlin.
Some big shots in the Mishatra are surely having good fun these days.

Yesterday (monday) in Jerusalem, two cops pulled over to harass a 14-year-old girl strolling down the street with a baby in a buggy for "not wearing a mask properly" where it became clear that she WAS wearing her mask and pulled it a bit down only to answer to these uniformed harrassers who held her and her toddler for over 14 minutes. Thank G-d they did not paralyse this girl with their Taser. In the end, crowd was gathering on the scene and these two "officers" fled away in their police SUV.
Now it has reach the Knesset.

Dusiznies said...

What you write is the truth ...except....
The Chareidim are spreading this disease .. that's what the numbers show ... Yerushlayim, Bnei-Brak, Modiin Illit, Ashdod and Bet Shemesh Bet is where its festering, just this week a Yeshiva in Bnei Brak had 200 cases ......and it's because of the nature of how they live.. in close quarters
but by in large they don't follow the rules and don't care even if their communities are suffering a big reflection on how they are educated ...
Even if you are to tell me that Tel Aviv has a high rate of infection...they don't learn Torah they don't learn mussar , so we should emulate them?

Zako said...

To DIN 3:41AM

"The Chareidim are spreading this disease... that's what the numbers show"
In the normal world this is called stygmatizing / singling out, besides being a solid piece of fake and motsi shem ra.
Brazil and Argentina have over 100.000 new cases each day. How many Chareidim did you see there ?

"Just this week a Yeshiva in Bnei Brak had 200 cases... and it's because of the nature of how they live.. in close quarters"
Oh, I see, so what is your opinion about all those people gathering in crowded restos, universities, fitness clubs, beaches, shopping centers, and all means of transportation ? Perhaps they are all 100% immunized ??
Ah ok, TV and social networks don't really show this, I get it.
So much more fun to display religious people, and who cares if they represent only 0.9% of the population, right ?

"but by in large they don't follow the rules and don't care even if their communities are suffering"
So you are explaining here that EVERYONE in Tel Aviv, Natanya, Haifa... follow the rules ?

"Even if you are to tell me that Tel Aviv has a high rate of infection...they don't learn Torah they don't learn mussar , so we should emulate them ?"
Ooooh... this is a good one. So now it's the cops' job to "emulate" citizens and to separate those who learn Tora & mussar and those who don't.
Wow. Even North Korea didn't think of that.

Dusiznies said...

The facts...
This mornings Stats:
You are right on the money that Chareidim, which I am actually one of, are only 0.9% of the population...but .... get ready for this one..
according to the latest stats of the Misrad Habriut ... they have 20% of the cases ....
I rest my case!

Zako said...

To DIN 8:13AM

I'm actually one too...

The Misrad Habriut says that Chareidim have 20% of the cases ? Fantastic. This shows that the Chilonim have the other part... 80% of the cases (but the israeli apartheid-cops still keep chasing and brutalizing religious people).

Ouch. Can't be clearer than this.

Dusiznies said...

To the guy who addressed "Zako"
I deleted your comment by mistake.

Anonymous said...

Zako, how much do the gedolim walords pay you to post? Do you know you promote their avoida zora, geela oroyes and shfeechas domim?

You probably only care about your payments and maybe you also get abuse privileges. But I need to be moicha so others don't buy your propaganda and fake Daas Torah.

Zako said...

To Anonymous 3:13pm

Ok, I see, you are again one of those jihadic radical weirdos totally uncapable to separate subjects. Kinda limited happy brain who perfectly fits in soccer stadiums.

I wish I had connections with gedolim, but it's not the case, sorry.
The subject here is not Covid, not protection, not regulations, not social distancing, not masks, not beis medresh, not mikva... ecc.

The subject here is ONLY about the DISPROPORTIONAL israeli police behavior. In other countries, what these guys do now is plainly rated as apartheid (if you know what apartheid is). Or antisemitic Berlin 1938, if you prefer. You just recently had a pretty bad example with your disastrous "progressist" NY mayor a couple weeks ago, and this happens in other places too, in case you didn't know.
- In other countries, this disproportion (ferocious police attacks against the Chareidim only) would already have generated riots, blood, and chaos.
- In Israel so far, ONLY the israeli-ethiopian population has teached the Mishtara an unforgettable lesson about the consequences of this police segregation.
Seems like you totally forgot how one day, in 2020 Minneapolis, a Dereck Chauvin has set the US on fire (and how many have been killed since then ?). Eretz Isroel doesn't deserve this.

I have absolutely no political activity, this is just my opinion. Once you shoved this into your corrupt endoctrined brain, we can go on with the discussion. And if this is too much for you, just say it.

Duck said...

Zako, quack, quack, quack.
You make as much sense as your fake Daas Torah.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck.

Unknown said...

Zako is intelligent, unlike the writer of the article and the other commentator. Israel is showing facets of a facsist state, and not everyone thinks its acceptable. As to the degeneration of the US it seems like the American Jews have thrown in their fate with that country (unlike Jewish Americans) who still have their priorities straight.