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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Monsey Rabbis Throw "Steinmetz Hashgacha Under the Bus

The Forshyer Rebbe just sent out a notice to his congregants that  he will not allow any "food with R' Yechiel Steinmetz's" Hashgacha in his shul....
The Forshayer is the same rabbi who continued with his Melave Malka, singing and clapping, while one of his loyal followers, who had just minutes before been stabbed in the head by a black assailant, was rushed to the hospital where he subsequently succumbed to his wounds. The Forshyer aka The Kossinyer Rebbe, defiantly kept his shul open during the entire Covid-19 pandemik. The rebbe is more concerned about some guy in his shul fressing a questionably Glatt kosher juicy steak than he is about the guy's life.
However, there was a meeting of local Monsey Rabbanim, who came to the conclusion that the Hashgacha of R' Yechiel Steinmetz or Steimets (there is a chilukei deos on how to spell his name) is worthless.. they didn't say what it was that Rav Steinmetz did wrong just that his hashgacha is worthless...
All this while restaurants are struggling to stay afloat.
This "Steinmetz" hashgacha is very popular in Monsey and has many restaurants with his hechshir. According to those who attended this meetings the rabbis pointed out that they had many lengthy discussions with him and asked him to correct many of the "violations" but he ignored their advice ..

So just like the BLM leaders brought gigantic companies down to their knees so will these rabbis now destroy the "Steinmetz" Hashgacha in one fell swoop...

Unless he served treif and there is no evidence that the restaurants under his hashgacha did ... he should be able to stay in business... after all he doesn't have to kow tow to R Rottenberg ..he can have his own standards ...but so far there is no further info..
We all know the Finkel Treif saga in Monsey awhile ago...
And I have a question.......
What is it with the heimishe hashgachas that have major Kashrus issues ....?
You hardly ever see this with the OU?  
My advice... eat from OU hashgachas.... 
See Update 

Pass me a Devil Dog or better yet pass me a Yankee Doodle...


Monsey said...

From day one Steinmetz did not care about bugs so there were yeshivishe who never ate from him.

The fact that he has most of the restaurants is a red flag, not a good thing. Whenever someone has all the restaurants in town it's because he is the easiest & has the cheapest fees, which is only possible when the guy is a shvantz who let's the owners get away with murder and otherwise doesn't check up.

In Brooklyn this has happened in waves. The Chuster mentally ill clown had all the restaurants until one day an Italian goy under him started opening across the street from Chaim Berlin & cooking on Shabbos. When he lost all his places because of that, the next mentally ill clown Dovid Katz took over until the rabbonim woke up to what he's doing. Then it was the turn of Gornish the Gornisht. He's not much better but in his case there is a huge conspiracy of rabbonim who either cover up for him or turn a blind eye. Why do they protect Gornish but not the previous ones? And why do they protect Gornish while chasing away Navarro & the other shysters? It's because Gornish is calculating & smart so they cannot mach him avek as a meshugenna. And because he is one of them who has a shul in town. Some of the kashrus hawks who attack everyone else even daven by Gornish. So he gets away with it.

There is a huge tayna now on the Monsey rabbonim because they knew the whole time Steinmetz is unacceptable but only did something about it when he started competing against their eruv & chapping oiss some of their sponsors.

Anonymous said...

This is all politics. It is an issue about a new group working on an eiruv in Monsey areas and fighting with another group of originals. A bit complicated. It has zero to do with kashrus - it is about bullying people to do as you want. His hechsher is 100% fine.

Anonymous said...

July 8, 2020 at 9:54 AM

Nu. So are any of the Eiriv Rabbonim worth anything???

Of course you know they did not complain about his hechsher even until a few days ago. They send him a threatening letter to behave otherwise they'll put out a letter against his hashgachas. If Steinment would have of chosen to "Behave" the letter would not of come out. Thus the Eiriv Rabbonim are big BIG Fraud and A-one shaysters. They absolutly don't give a Darn about Kashris.

I would eat in all his Restaurants and establishments but won't use the Eiriv Rav Raboonim's Eiriv.

Besides Steinmintz was most instrumental in making sure the Town did not take the whole eiriv down as per the local laws. But just like the eiriv Rav Raboonim dont care about Kashris they also dont know a dont care about hakooris Hatov.

Anonymous said...

i spoke with a few rabbonim in monsey. This is a money issue nothing to do with kashrus.
Regardleas, since when is someone who sits in an audience while a woman sings the national anthem called a rebbe? is that the 2020 version?
and his opinion counts for what exactly?

Anonymous said...

Monsey has loads of yidishkeit/yahadus problems.

Their old time shatnez tester is being machshil the entire monsey area, thanks to the Forshay rebbe.

The KYO restaurant serious kashrus/treif issues, no letter came out thans to the same rebbe above.

The Shevach/Finkel rav hamachshir continued giving hashgochas all because of the same Rebbeh.

There are many other issues that he could take credit for (tongue n cheek)

Are the Monsey Rabonim and residents just plain stupid or they just don't care? Does it really make a difference? NO.