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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Let them Eat Cake!

My Dear Readers,
Covid-19 has apparently dumbed down our community. 

In the years past, people would ask our rabbanim serious "shaalis" especially when one met a Gadol Hador.... 
Now our holy community that finishes Shas every seven years and learns and finishes Mishna Berurah, want to know if they can bring home an "eyer kichel" for their lady that was slaving in the hot kitchen, doing homework with the kids, trying her best to get her brood of  screaming brats to sleep, while he was having a drink with his buddies..

Now I admit that I have been by Rav Chaim Kanievsky, after calling a friend of mine in the US who has "pull" there. And even after all the "protektzi," I still had to wait hours to finally get in there and was warned repeatedly to keep it down to three minutes....
So of course I prepped to get everything I wanted to say in the allotted time.....

So here comes a guy who probably was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and on silk sheets, waits who knows how long to get to see the Gadol Hador and guess what he asks him?

Please .... Please ... I got to get out of here... Please...



Anonymous said...

This is actually a legit shayla because the halacha is that baalei simcha do not put out food so that the guests should clean them out to take everything home. So for instance if someone takes a huge smoked fish home he is stealing. So R' Chaim is just saying that the hakpoda does not extend to little things where someone at home can make a brocha to participate in the simcha.

DIN makes a valid point, but one which is more nogaya to a certain clown rabbi in Flatbush who has been getting up for decades to shrey from the bima about various shaylos he manufactured that are so inane that it's a busha vocherpa that he actually bothered big gedolim in Israel about them. One time it was about putting the really YUUUUGE OU, not the regular oversized OU, on the Famous Nathan's sign on Kings Hwy, so that no one should confuse the treif branches with the kosher one.

Dusiznies said...

My point was .... you have minutes to speak to a gadol and you waste it on something that's not significant ....not even a Shaaleh

First of all ... you see at a bris... the Baal Simcha puts out "doggy bags" and that's because people are in a rush and need to go to work.....it shows the mentality of the Baal Simcha that he wants the food either to be eaten or taken home...]

Second of all. In New York State once you put food out, it cannot be put back into the kitchen except to dispose of it ...even packets of ketchup or mayo, cannot be put out for another meal... once its out its done..

Finally ... Show me a guy who is making a simcha that will be upset if he sees you stealing a sugar kichel?
This Shalleh is not for a Gadol and its not even for your little rabbi ...
If you are so frum that you think its genivah ... which basically is an insane thought, you should ask the baal simcha..
"Reb Yaankel... can I take this chocolate cookie to my wife? Please?

And having been in the food business, I have never met someone who puts food out with the thought that he is taking it home...yes I have had people asking me at a wedding ...if there was still food not put out ...and would take that home...once you put food out..its hefker... yes even that smoked fish is now hefker.. absolutely ..makes no difference what the Baal Simcha is thinking ... the fact that he put it out is enough for everyone to do with it what he wants...
of course its not mentchlickeit to fold up a smoke fish and put it into your pocket... but if you took that guy to a Bais din ... you would lose..

Anonymous said...

You could maybe lose in beis din on the smoked fish IF the fressers in attendance already picked at it, but only because it doesn't have a shavyus anymore for beis din to be goyveh, but he is still nikra a crook if it's worth shoveh prutah with many other fressers still remaining who want but didn't get to pick at it yet. And if the sticky fingered fresser is a goy he's still chayav misa on even pachos mishoveh prutah.

But if the fish was just put out & still whole, the ferd who wraps it up to take home is stealing something of value that no baal simcha would ever be maskim that a single ferd fress the whole thing off site, leaving nothing for the other guests. This by the way happened many years ago when the Woodmere shul rabbi Shaya Richmond made a bris as a poshuta yungerman. A ferd not only took the whole fish but he rudely wrapped while interrupting a drosha. A posek who was there was later telling people in disgust what the halacha is.

אשרי העם שככה לו said...

Boruch Hashem there are Yidden even today that are concerned about such things, are makpid on sheilos of גנבה/גזל.

הלואי ווייטער, כמותם ירבו בישראל