Thursday, July 9, 2020

Anti-Semites At Publix in North Miami Beach

Anti-Semitic Incident At Publix on 8th Avenue in NMB

Yesterday at about 12:15 pm, a member of the Jewish community was in the checkout line of the Publix on 8th Avenue. Behind him was a 30 to 40 year old black male who began harassing him since he saw his head covering and began ranting about Jews and threatened to beat him up.

The security guard came near but neither the guard nor any cashier uttered a word. As the Jewish customer left the store, neither Publix security or personnel walked him to his car even though he was visibly shaken and concerned for his safety. He was subjected to further anti-Semitic rants and threats of physical harm as he walked to his car. As he drove home, he saw the individual was following behind him. He drove around the neighborhood until he was no longer being followed.

Publix staff and security, by its defining actions, made it clear that they are just selling groceries and could not care less about the safety or comfort of its customers or at least its Jewish customers. It appears, to Publix every customer is the same and they are not willing to inform a paying customer that his conduct is inappropriate or offensive and if it is not immediately stopped, that the customer must leave the store.

As we shop and even as we walk the streets, this is just a reminder that we need to be more vigilant. If a person is ever in fear of his or her safety, they should immediately call 9 1 1. If it is possible to safely take a picture, one should do so. In situations like this, it is not possible. The incidents should always be reported to the police since the police track anti-Semitic incidents and, therefore, it must be reported even if the police will not be able to apprehend the aggressor.

Please take a minute and email the CEO and president of Publix and ask them why the Publix is so tolerant of a customer trashing a Jewish customer merely because he was Jewish and threatening him with bodily harm while all Publix personnel let out not a peep and offered no protection. The can be reached at:

Kevin Murphy, President:

Todd Jones, CEO

If you write, please copy me.

Young Israel Kehilas Ahavas Shalom
990 NE 171 Street
N. Miami Beach, FL 33162
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