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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Judge Freier responds to Netflix's 'Unorthodox' ....

Judge Ruchie (Rachel) Freier from Brooklyn New York is a Kings County Civil Court Judge, a volunteer paramedic and director of Ezras Nashim, the all women’s Basic Life Support First Response Agency.

Freier joined a special video online discussion and related to the Netflix "Unorthodox" mini-series, which brings the story of a Hasidic young woman from New York who decides to leave her family, home and way of life.

Judge Freier wrote about the series in an op-ed in the Satmar "Vos Is Neias" website.
"A good friend from the broader Jewish community who saw the movie called me and asked “Are all Hasidic marriages arranged and begin loveless?” Frieier writes, "This propelled me to watch it and determine its accuracy".

Freier noted that the production is fiction, but is based on a memoir written by Deborah Feldman with the same name.
"Perhaps it reflects the experience of one woman", Freier wrote, "and in doing so unwittingly or intentionally depicts Hasidic men as either naïve or shysters and women as subjugated, unloved, uneducated, unhappy and without opportunity".

Regarding the topic of education, Judge Freier explained that there have been serious changes during the past twenty years. 

"Educational opportunities for Hasidim have changed dramatically", she wrote. "Colleges that catered to the needs of Hasidim began opening their doors. Classes, assignments and exams that respect the Shabbos and Jewish Holidays, and separate classes for men and women were introduced".

Regarding the field of marriage and intimacy and the message in the series as if everything in that field is forced upon the woman, Freier clarified: "While different families have different customs for the duration and number of meetings, and the period between the engagement and wedding; in all families the girl has the last word; the engagement cannot be finalized without her express consent".

"The scenes of the mother in law meeting in the supermarket and subsequent meddlesomeness in her son’s intimacy, as well as the Kallah teacher were ridiculous exaggerations and condescending", Freier noted. "The underlying message we aim to imbue is that if you want to be treated like a king, treat your wife like a queen and vice versa".

"Most disturbing were the inaccurate scenes of marital intimacy, more akin to spousal abuse than Hasidic relationships", the judge wrote. "While spousal abuse exists in every society, I grew up seeing my parents and grandparents address each other with warm affection in the privacy of our homes. The bedroom scenes in the movie were not even in accordance with Jewish Law, the Halacha".

Freier noted that "ironically" in a scene in which the main character's grandmother suffers a heart attack, the Hasidic female EMTs in purple vests that were seen responding to the call and performing CPR were dressed to resemble the volunteers of Ezras Nashim, the organization that Freier founded. 

Although, as Freier explained, "that too is inaccurate as Ezras Nashim continues to confront incredible challenges including launching a branch in Williamsburg".
"While our community embodies magnanimous kindness, Chessed", Freier explained, "there are areas where change is needed — real change will come from within, not from those who leave".


LES AYM said...

Well of course Deborah Feldman had an agenda, and I also think she came from a dysfunctional family.
So I definitely agree, with what Judge Ruchie Freier says.

However, Judge Ruchie Freier, NEVER would have never been allowed to accomplish what she did had she been Satmar.
She would've been blacklisted very badly.

Even in Boro Park she had a lot of push back when she was running for office and still has a lot of push back regarding "Ezras Nashim".

Agudas Moilech said...


Who knew that the Association of Jewish Camp Operators is just another Agudah division in every way, from being run out of Fresser HQ to being headed by Agudah flunky Frischman to pushing the same sick Philly agenda again of endangering lives to satisfy their urge of being contrarian to anything that doctors advocate?

There is also a degree mixed in here of GREEDY FRESSER camp owners who don't give a damn about your children's lives, they only want to line their pockets with gelt. They are a perfect fit for Shmuel Kaminetzky whom a poel yotzai of his anti-vaxx lunacy is exposing everyone to the virus. You may have heard that Rebbitzen Kaminetzky spent years researching crackpot conspiracy websites authored by neo-Nazis or Leftist quacks. That happens to be true but she didn't form her medical opinions from them. They are just the excuse to feed her already preconceived notion that doctors are evil incarnate. Her actual basis for all this is really sad before she set out to find a narrative she could use to fit her agenda. Look who's talking about evil after all the victims the Kaminetzkys sacrificed to measles & now the novel coronavirus.

There is no way the camps can guarantee a safe environment! Current testing technology does not safely pinpoint the virus in people. It often takes multiple tests over time until the virus can be accurately IDed. And are they going to mandate that all the non-Jewish workers also live on campus & cannot leave?

The scaremongering about kids draying zich arum in the summer is just like old Shmuel K who specializes in finding all kinds of frumma sounding sound bytes to tummel about while pushing his twisted philosophy.

How ironic that the Reform movement announced this week that they will not consider opening any of their camps no matter what the government says because there are too many unknowns about the virus and therefore they will not do anything that could risk lives. How sick is this that the koifrim have a position here that is much closer to the daas of the Torah than what the Agudah Fressers are doggedly pursuing? This is modern day sacrificing of kinder to the Philly Moilech.

Trump Campaign imitates DIN said...


It's not every day that a video is both hilarious and sad at the same time.

Anonymous said...

@agudasmoilech take ur head shove it up ur ass and leave it there forever. People like u make the world unsafe

Anonymous said...

@agudasmoilech u Nazi. U cant possibly be a yid and write what u just wrote. So either ur mentally disabled or an ignorant piece of shit. Go shtup urself

Anonymous said...

@agudasmoilech I hope u burn in hell