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Top Photo See Top Satmar "Askan" At Israeli Day Parade Bottom Photo See Him Entering Coliseum Escorting R' Sternbuch |
I cannot for the life of me understand how a Jew gets up from his couch in his comfortable home in Chutz Le'aretz, and takes a chartered bus to a rented arena to bash his own brothers and sisters that are rushing their babies, toddlers and wives to bomb shelters, in front of the entire goyishe world??
Only someone from "zera ameliek" would do something like this....
Only someone with no empathy in his entire DNA could do something like this.....
On one hand serving chicken soup for the sick in hospitals and then stabbing the country that is the home for more than half of the world's Jewish population, in the back, on Parshas Shlach no less.
What demons do the leaders of this archaic irrelevant movement possess?
One of these barbarians, apparently wants to have it both ways. He wants to be with all the pretty girls at the Israeli day Parade and then on the very same day he goes to the Coliseum with the rest of the smelly terrorists to give homage to the self-hating Jews!
All this hate is taken verbatim from Vayoel Moshe where the Holy Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum implores Jews to demonstrate in the streets to show the Goyim that we the good Jews are not represented by the Zionists ...
These vermin are mainstream Satmar according to the hat they are wearing ...
To be excoriated & expunged ...
That is Yidel Perlstein from CB12.
Your buddy Ezra Friedlander was there too. He tweets links to shiurim on Vayoel Moshe by Jeremiah Cohen of Natruna, and then attends the Israel day parade.
The photo with Perlstein does not seem to be from this year's parade, but rather from a previous one, as he is with Rabbi Dov Lipman, who a parade grand marshal, but that was not so this year.
In the background is Yeruchim Silber holding a bullhorn, promoting DeBlasio evidently.
Quotation of the Day ..."In Israel to be a realist you must believe in miracles" ...
David ben Gurion
Ben Gurion believed in miracles but not Satmar & Co.
"There is no miracle or hand of Hashem in all of its wars The State of Israel ... it is the Satan ... Sitra Achara ...
besides the Israelis amassed lots of weapons & won with a pre-emptive strike which is only natural" ...
Quote from: Al HaGeula V'Al Hatemura ... from The Holy & Saintly Rabbi Joel ...
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