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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Satmar Rebbi, condemns GOP and Orthodox Jews who are Pro-Israel and who "insult" Obama

"When GOP presidential candidates make increasingly strong pro-Israel statements, and some Orthodox Jewish activists applaud them, saying this is the only way they can win Orthodox votes, it gives the world the wrong impression of Orthodox Jews.” Aaron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbi
Can you imagine? Satmar Rebbe criticising Frum Jews who want the President to be Pro-Israel?
Read politickerny.com for more of his distorted way of thinking!politickerny.com

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Satmar Grand Rabbi in Brooklyn, told a gathering of 30,000 of his followers on Saturday night that religious Jews should condemn those who “insult” President Barack Obama.

“Recently, certain self-appointed Jewish leaders have gotten up and insulted the President in the worst way, their words have been broadcast on the radio and television and all the media, why should Jews come out in public with statements like these?” the Rabbi said in remarks at the New York State Armory in Crown Heights, according to a release from the Central Rabbinical Organization. “It’s forbidden by the Torah to do so, it provokes the nations to hate us, and it brings danger upon Jews not only here but all over the globe, who knows what the effects of this irresponsible behavior could be? Therefore it is our obligation to make known that religious Jewry is completely opposed to these self-appointed leaders, we pray every day for our country and we bless its leaders with success in all their efforts to bring peace to the world.”
The gathering is held annually to celebrate the founding of the Satmar Grand Rabbi.
In the release, Rabbi Shmiel Weider, a Satmar activist who attended the gathering, explained that part of the context of the rabbi’s remarks was due to the victory of Bob Turner over David Weprin in a heavily Jewish area of Brooklyn and Queens, a victory that was spurred on by Jewish leaders like Ed Koch.
“The rabbi was reacting to recent events such as the special election in New York’s 9th district – a heavily Orthodox Jewish and Democratic-voting area – in which Republican Bob Turner won, Pro-Israel politicians wish to claim that the vote showed Jewish displeasure with President Obama’s Mideast policies,” he said. “And when GOP presidential candidates make increasingly strong pro-Israel statements, and some Orthodox Jewish activists applaud them, saying this is the only way they can win Orthodox votes, it gives the world the wrong impression of Orthodox Jews.
The remarks come as the battle over the Jewish vote has heated up in anticipation of 2012.


Anonymous said...

does anyone in his right mind take this gangster who is masquerading as a rebbe seriously?
this piece of garbage has been fighting his brother in secular courts for the last10 years,because he wants to be the sole capo de capo of the satmar gang,this gangster had the chutzpah to go to court and asked. them to subpena his 93 year old father who was the then satmarrer rebbe,to appear before the court,and they should determin that he is senile,and therefore his appointing his other son to become rebbe in williamsburg should be declared null and void.
this animal had the gall and chutzpah to declare than any couple who get's married in the town of kyryas joel, and he is not the mesader kedushin,the marriage is null and void,and the children born out of this marriage are not kosher,and when it comes to do shiduchin with these kids people should take it into consideration,
and this monster even had the gall,to name in his newspaper every chasan and kallah who were married
without him being the mesader kidskin.

Anonymous said...

these people are the lowest of the low. i walked past NYC city hall once and saw some politician getting their endorsement on the steps. i wanted to ask, "Do you favor the Satmar stance on Israel/mixed marriage/welfare/a million other things that go against the American and Jewish way of thinking?" but i had to go to work (unlike the pols and Satmars).
PS- love the comment above. perfect. almost as much as their beard pulling fight at a Williamsburg wedding.