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Monday, August 29, 2022

Israel Bombs 1,000 Iranian Missiles In Syria


Satellite imagery showed widespread destruction at a giant military facility in western Syria targeted in a recent Israeli airstrike, and the head of a Syrian opposition war monitor said Sunday the strike targeted a depot housing over 1,000 middle-range missiles for Iran-backed fighters.

Syrian state media reported after the Thursday night attack near the cities of Tartus and Hama that two people were wounded and fires were sparked in nearby forests. It added that the missiles were fired from over the Mediterranean and most of them were shot down.

Mossad Chief Slams US: “Rushing Into Deal That’s A Total Lie, Defies Common Sense”


As reports swirl of the emerging nuclear with Iran, the head of the Mossad chief Dovid Barnea has been holding meetings on the issue, and on Thursday, he harshly censured the Biden administration at a press briefing.

Barnea said that the nuclear deal that is emerging is a strategic disaster as in the long term, it will make it easier for Iran to obtain nuclear weapons – an effort that the Islamic Republic hasn’t abandoned since 2003. In fact, the deal actually gives Iran a license to obtain nuclear material that will allow it to build a bomb.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

What Happened on the Simcha Day Camp Bus in 2016 ?

CNN’s Dana Bush Downplayed Anti-Semitic Hate and Violence Towards Orthodox Jews


Orthodox and politically conservative Jewish groups are criticizing CNN’s special report on anti-Semitism that aired on Sunday night, alleging that it whitewashed anti-Semitism directed at Orthodox Jews coming from the political left.

The hour-long “Rising Hate: Antisemitism in America,” hosted by the network’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash, focused on rising incidents of violence and hatred against Jews.

Agudath Israel of America said that they appreciated that CNN chose to focus attention on anti-Semitism through the creation of the report but was disappointed that attacks on Orthodox Jews—who represent the most likely victims of the attacks due to their visible attire—was addressed only tangentially.

“While the show mentioned anti-Semitism on the far right and the political left, Ms. Bash’s comments on social media seem to minimize the violence on the left by simply calling it ‘troubling discourse emerging,’ ” Agudath Israel said in a statement to JNS. “We are hopeful that this is just the beginning of a wider discussion on the topic that will transcend party-line politics in order to effectively combat anti-Semitism.”

Another Orthodox group, the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents more than 2,000 traditional rabbis, called the special report a “deliberate whitewash,” claiming that the opinions the report shows did not represent traditional communities.

“Though the program acknowledged that hatred can come from both the left and right, it also seemed to suggest that 90% of anti-Semitism can be tied to white supremacy: [attacks in] Poway [Calif.], Charlottesville [Va.] and former President Donald Trump not condemning David Duke ‘enough’ for their liking,” said CJV vice president Rabbi Dov Fischer.

“There was no mention of [Democratic] Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, [Nation of Islam leader] Louis Farrakhan, or the perpetrators of the clear majority of shootings, stabbings and other random attacks that have become sadly common in places like Brooklyn, N.Y.; Monsey, N.Y.: and Jersey City, N.J. This was a deliberate whitewash—one that enables left-wing anti-Semitism to fester unchecked.”

The group wrote that according to statistics and leaders in the affected communities, the overwhelming majority of anti-Semitic attacks are not coming from white supremacists. It pointed to two separate incidents over the weekend where Orthodox Jews were attacked by African-American teens and noted that the hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas in January, which the special report covered, was a result of hateful beliefs aligned with the political left.

The special report’s reliance on ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt was a common thread among those who criticized it.

CNN appeared to rely inordinately upon Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Obama [administration] staffer who has taken the ADL in a highly partisan direction, and even brought in Jill Jacobs, head of an organization seen by most of the Jewish community as providing political cover for anti-Semitism,” CJV southern regional vice president Rabbi Moshe Parnes said in a release.

CNN failed to speak with a single Orthodox rabbinic leader—whether from the Simon Wiesenthal Center or a rabbinic organization like our own—and hid from its audience the predominant cause of the current crisis.” JNS

Who is this Eli Pollack who refuses to give his wife a get even after being Jailed ?


Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Going To Get Worse


Never in my lifetime have so many people been so obsessed with one man.

People despised Nixon; they cheered or reviled Reagan, and they revered or dismissed Obama, but none of those responses comes close to the mania attached to Donald Trump. I mean the hate side, not the adoration. The former feeling and the cult it spawns dwarfs the latter. Liberals mock the idol worship they find among Trump’s supporters, but while Trumpists smile and cheer and vote for the man, liberals abhor him with a passion three times as fierce. It’s visceral, fanatical, knee-jerk. If nearly the entire psychology profession didn’t suffer from the condition to greater or lesser degrees, it would be a likely subject for diagnosis, particularly given the unself-conscious way in which the victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome act out their animus.

Anti-Police Tlaib Caught Snitching To Cops


Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), a member of the radical left-wing “Squad,” has been one of the Democratic Party’s most vocal critics of law enforcement. She has called for an end to policing and incarceration in America. The country’s police force, she has argued, is an “inherently and intentionally racist” institution that condones “government-funded murder” and “can’t be reformed.”

Alas, the congresswoman’s allies in the movement to abolish the police and empty federal prisons will be outraged to learn that Tlaib recently snitched to the Detroit Police Department after checking her home security system and seeing that an individual fleeing the cops was hiding in her trash can.

It's now illegal for anyone under 21 to buy canned whipped cream in New York


  • A 2021 law made it illegal for New Yorkers under age 21 to purchase a can of whipped cream.
  • The law is meant to prevent teens from inhaling nitrous oxide in canned whipped cream.
  • Some 1 in 5 young people uses inhalants by the time they reach eighth grade, per the DEA.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

What the "Raah" Bird Teaches Us


In this week's parsha, Parshas Re'ea, the Torah itemizes and names the non-kosher birds!

כל צפור טהרה תאכלו, וזה אשר לא תאכלו מהם, הנשר והפרס ןהעזניה, והראה ואת האיה והדיה למינה

"You may eat every kosher bird. The birds that you may not eat, are the eagle, the ossifrage, the osprey, the white vulture, the black vulture, the kite, the entire raven family."

Rashi points out that the ראה, איה and the דיה are all from the raven family. 

Rashi asks why is the white vulture called ראה? He answers that this bird can see very far.

The gemarra in Mesachtas Chulin (63b) goes a step further and states:

עומדת בבבל ורואה נבלה בארץ ישראל

"While standing in Bavel it can see a carcass in Eretz Yisrael"

Question: If Hashem gave this bird such a gift to be able to see so far, why didn't Hashem make this bird kosher? Why is it a non-kosher bird?

The Baal Shem Tov ז"ל  answers that any creature that resides in Chutz Le'aaretz and sees a "carcass" in the Holy Land cannot possibly be kosher. 

The Elul lesson for "Chutz Le'arretz'nics" is, that if you focus and see bad things in Eretz Yisrael, search your soul; know that it is not coming from a good place. 

What affidavit tells us about DOJ’s Trump intentions


Predictably, it was much nothing about ado.

To what should be the surprise of no one, the Justice Department so thoroughly redacted the affidavit supporting the FBI’s raid of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate that the exercise was pointless. DOJ has given us nothing about the monumental decision to execute a search warrant at the home of a former American president — unprecedented in US history.

In the absence of information, we are left with speculation. Here are a couple things worth observing:

Interestingly, one of DOJ’s principal arguments against disclosing the FBI’s warrant affidavit, an argument that plainly persuaded Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, was the need to avoid unfair prejudice to uncharged persons. Of course, the uncharged person at issue here is former President Trump.

Texas Keeps Dumping Busloads of Migrants in New York ...Dem Hypocrites Going Berserk as 14 hotels now used for housing


A busload packed with nearly 50 migrants arrived in the Big Apple from Texas Saturday amid outrage at Gov. Abbott’s continuing plan to dump border crossers from Mexico and Central America in New York City.

Another busload is expected later in the day, according to reports.

The most recent arrivals are mostly young men and several women, now part of the 1,500 migrants sent to the city by the Texas governor to draw attention to the flood of migrants crossing daily from the southern border — a figure that is expected to surpass two million in this fiscal year.

City officials have long been outraged by Abbott’s actions, which have also seen busloads of migrants sent to Washington, D.C.

“He’s weaponizing asylum seekers,” Manuel Castro, commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, told Fox News. “It is shameful, and it is our moral obligation to condemn the use of human beings for political purposes.”

City Comptroller Brad Lander called Abbott’s strategy “inhumane” and “disgusting.”

The migrants are being housed in 14 Big Apple hotels because the city’s shelter system was overloaded amid the growing crisis at the southern border, The Post revealed Thursday.

“Texas is filling the gaps left in Biden’s absence at our border,” Abbott wrote on Twitter Saturday. “We’ve made over 19,000 arrests, seized over 335.5M lethal fentanyl doses, & sent over 7,400 migrants on buses to DC and over 1,500 to NYC. While Biden ignores the crisis, Texas steps up.”

AOC and her progressive comrades lost big in primaries

 They didn’t get high Marx.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad” of left-wing allies will return to Congress as mere “annoyances” next year, with both their size and clout diminished in the wake of Primary Day, pundits told The Post.

“The policies that The Squad stood for were never popular and the candidates who tried to mirror those policies are finding themselves out of Congress,” said a senior Democratic Capitol Hill insider, who believes the group will become little more than “gadflies” in a Republican-controlled house come November.

The far-left Dems — who cheered defunding the police during the George Floyd riots — suffered blows on multiple fronts.

Rockland Rabbanim Urge Community to Vaccinate for Polio


Due to the recent resurgence of the extremely dangerous Polio virus, many influential Rockland County Rabbanim have released a strongly worded statement, urging everyone to get the polio vaccine.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Re'eih


Israeli intelligence no longer trusted in Washington?


Is Israeli intelligence no longer trusted in the corridors of power in Washington, D.C.?

That would appear to be the case, judging from comments made last week by U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price at a press briefing.

Senior Israeli analysts told JNS that the relationship between the Israeli intelligence community and its American counterpart has worsened since President Joe Biden took office.

“It is going in a bad direction,” said Yonatan Freeman, an international relations expert at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Biden has changed the tune on Israel.”

Last week, Israeli security forces raided the offices of seven NGOs in Ramallah. They reportedly confiscated dozens of documents, printers and computers. The military sealed the office doors and posted notices that declared the groups illegal.

Listen to this clown running for Governor of Florida


Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Due to FBI Pressure


 In a bombshell interview with Joe Rogan, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says that prior to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, the FBI pressured the company to look out for “Russian disinformation”.

As a result of that warning, Facebook censored the story, which was first broken by the NY Post.

Following the FBI warning, Facebook’s algorithms were specially programmed to limit the sharing and visibility of the story while the company investigated whether the laptop was genuine.

Zuckerberg made it clear that despite having zero evidence that the story was fake, the social media platform censored the story in a “meaningful” way for five to seven precious days.

Although he does not recall whether the FBI specified the Hunter laptop, Zuckerberg insinuated that it was clear the FBI was referencing that scandal.

This is a blockbuster revelation, as it is the first confirmation by a media outlet that they censored the story based on instructions from the FBI.

Virtually every media outlet, including the NY Times and CNN, have confirmed the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop, years after the 2020 election.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’


srael Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s request to hold an emergency telephone conversation with U.S. President Joe Biden to discuss the nascent nuclear deal with Iran has been rebuffed with the excuse that the American president “is on vacation,” Israeli media reported on Wednesday.

According to Israel’s Channel 13, Lapid sought to speak with Biden in an attempt to prevent a return to the 2015 JCPOA nuclear pact but U.S. officials denied the request, informing Lapid Biden “is on vacation.”

In another instance of American rejection, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz was set to meet with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday but was informed that the latter was “out of Washington,” the report said.

Gantz will meet with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan alongside his Israeli counterpart, Eyal Hulata.

Channel 13 cited an unnamed Israeli official as saying that “the gaps between [Israel] and the Americans are very large” in the newly drafted deal.

Senior Israeli officials have lamented the new deal is “even worse’ than the one that preceded it, which former president Donald Trump withdrew from in 2018.

On Wednesday, Lapid delivered a rare condemnation of Biden, saying that the latest proposal between Tehran and Western powers crossed even his own “red lines.”

“In our eyes, it does not meet the standards set by President Biden himself: preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear state,” Lapid said.

“We have made it clear to everyone: if a deal is signed, it does not obligate Israel. We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state,” Lapid said.

A day later, however, Lapid said the pressure tactics against the American administration were working.

“The Americans accepted a large part of the things that we wanted them to include in the drafts,” Lapid said on Thursday. “It is a welcome change, and the dialogue with them is good and we will continue it.”

Biden has already faced criticism for using his vacation time as an excuse to ignore issues at home, this week coming under fire for ignoring the border crisis.

Convicted criminal & pervert Eliezer Berland to hold prayer event at Mearas Ha'machpilah


The head of the Shuvu Banim sect, convicted criminal Eliezer Berland, is expected to arrive in the city of Hebron on Thursday evening in order to hold a prayer event at the Cave of the Patriarchs (Me'arat Hamachpeilah), together with his followers.

Berland has to date served two prison terms, the first following his plea bargain after admitting to serious sex offenses, the second following another plea bargain after admitting to fraud and extortion. However, he has thus far not faced justice for his role in the deaths of two young men targeted by his students, even though he has freely admitted that he knew of at least one of the deaths at the time. Furthermore, several people who were then considered close to him have testified that it was Berland who ordered his followers to commit the murders.

Meir Shitrit, the brother of one of the young men, Nissim Shitrit, who disappeared in 1986, is protesting Berland's visit to the holy site. Berland met with him several months ago, following the arrests of several of his students. "I'm sorry I did not tell you 35 years ago: You can say Kaddish for him," Berland said, referring to the Mourner's Prayer recited by first-degree relatives. Shitrit's body has not been recovered.

"This is an absolute disgrace," Shitrit wrote on Thursday, after hearing of the intended visit of the sect to Me'arat Hamachpeilah. "The Jewish community of Hebron is about to welcome this notorious individual, Eliezer Berland, a person who is unworthy of being a leader of anyone. They are using public money to support a convicted sex offender who admitted to and was found guilty of terrible crimes and who is guilty of the three cardinal sins in Judaism, sins so grave that a person must give up his life rather than transgress them - sexual offenses, murder, and idol worship."

Shitrit added that, "They are advertising that the 'tzaddik' [exceptionally righteous person] is going to visit Me'arat Hamachpeilah today, the resting place of our holy Patriarchs and Matriarchs. It's incomprehensible that a person like this could be a descendant of our holy ancestors when the blood of their descendants is on his hands. I cannot comprehend the sheer insolence of this cruel murderer whose followers, to this very day, continue to conceal the place where my brother Nissim is buried, may Hashem avenge his death. I cannot comprehend the fact that there are still people who support this man.

"The Torah teaches us that we must not stand by and allow our fellow Jews' blood to be spilled," Shitrit continued. "We are all the children of our holy ancestors - all of us, other than this man who brazenly and openly transgressed the three gravest sins in the Torah. I sign this with grief: 

Meir Shitrit. May Hashem console His people and avenge the blood of His servants."

Jew Hating J Street accepts $1M donation from George Soros


Two Israel-involved PACs reported millions of dollars in donations in August, including from billionaire donors with long track records of giving to Israel-related causes.

Kraft Group LLC, the company owned by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, gave $1 million to the United Democracy Project, the new super PAC affiliated with AIPAC, the powerhouse Israel lobby. George Soros’ Democracy PAC donated the same amount to the J Street Action Fund, the PAC affiliated with the liberal lobby claiming to be pro-Israel lobby.