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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Oded Guez like "Bugeye" Kin refuses to give "get" gets fired from Bar Ilan

Oded Guez
What's up with arrogant mamzeirim like Bugeye Kin and Professor Guez?
We have to thank the RBS"O every single minute that we have a Medina that takes action. If not we would have "les din Ve'les Dayan" just like in the USA!

The Rabbinical High Court of Appeals in Jerusalem has made the unusual decision to excommunicate, Oded Guez, a physicist at Tel Aviv University, for refusing to give his wife a get for the past four years.

They also ordered the publication of his name, photo and personal details.

The Rabbinical High Court of Appeals last week issued a herem – a writ of banishment — against Oded Guez, a physicist at Bar Ilan University, because he had refused to give his wife a divorce, the Ynet news website reported Friday.

The university said Guez had already been suspended from working at the institute’s physics department a year ago, Haaretz reported.
The herem says Guez is not to be honored, hosted, allowed to attend synagogue or even be asked as to his health or visited at home if he is ill, among other prohibitions, “until he relents from his stubbornness and listens to his betters and he unchains his wife and gives her a get [religious divorce].”
The unusual sentence was issued after Guez failed to show up for a hearing. He had appealed against the rabbinical court’s ruling last year to publish his name but lost at the High Court of Justice.

100 year old video shows men and women davening at the Kosel .... no Mechitzah no problem

Almost 100 years’ Dutch tourists came to Jerusalem and decided to film scenes from the streets of Jerusalem, then not yet the state of Israel. Filming was a rarity in those days, not like in today’s smartphone age.
The scenes from Jerusalem were filmed in 1918. We see scenes of people davening at the Kotel, which was then commonly known as the “Wailing Wall”.
This scene doesn’t look all that much different then what we would see today when we visit the Kotel. The only difference we see is the women and men davening together.
Also shown in the video are scenes form the streets of “modern” Jerusalem. Shown are Arabas, Christians, and Jews walking the street, no different than today! Though the style of dress is quite unlike what it is today.
Scenes from the hustle and bustle of Jerusalem’s market is also scene where vendors sold clothes, food, and much more!
Products were moved with “low-tech” help of donkey. No cars were seen on the streets of Jerusalem in those days.
Watch the video to see what Jerusalem was like 100 years ago!

Satmar Violates "Hisgarus Be'umois" in South Blooming Grove

Crowd protests house-buying spree in South

 Blooming Grove!

 Residents form grassroots group similar to United

 Monroe to protect the character of their town

Satmar constantly screams that the State of Israel is violating the prohibition of "HisGarus Be"umois" which basically means that one shouldn't instigate the gentile nations ....
But all the State does, is trying to defend herself, but that's not good enough for the Satmar SHIT'ah, but when their own ox is being gored they don't give two bits about any prohibition!

They are instigating hatred in Monroe and now in Bloominberg.... the goyim are screaming and they don't care .....

 The crowd spilled through the doorways at this week’s South Blooming Grove Village Board meeting as dozens of speakers described in detail a spate of home buying.
Some longtime residents described it as “a major land grab,” with reports of cash-on-the-table offers, some as high as $50,000 over market value, from people affiliated with the Village of Kiryas Joel.
United South Blooming Grove
A group of South Blooming Grove residents have organized themselves in ways similar to that of United Monroe, a grassroots organization that in three short years has changed the political landscape in Monroe. Among United Monroe’s issues is its opposition of the annexation of land from the unincorporated portion of the Town of Monroe into the Village of Kiryas Joel.
Kiryas Joel is seeking the additional property in order to accommodate the increased need for housing; opponents say such development will ignore environmental concerns and destroy the character of the area.
Members of “United South Blooming Grove” have been documenting the offers for what they described as quick sales for properties on Old Mansion Road, Worley Heights, Dallas Drive, Fort Worth and Old Mansion Road.
At the meeting this week, Toni Picone of United South Blooming Grove presented what she described as documents for at least 40 home sales in neighborhoods of South Blooming Grove over the past six weeks.
According to United South Blooming Grove, perspective buyers have been driving the streets and researching homes, especially those owned by the elderly. After paying inflated prices for one or two houses, the buyers then post hand-written flyers throughout the neighborhood warning: “Your neighbor’s house is already sold. I have a cash order that you should accept before prices start plummeting,” the group told village officials.
Press "read more" below

Protest gets Chicago BDS billboard taken down

A massive online campaign demanding that a Chicago advertisement agency remove an offensive pro-BDS billboard calling on motorists boycott the Jewish state has borne fruits, as the agency eventually relented and agreed to take down the offensive sign.

Posted on the major highway I-294 by the Lamar Advertising agency, the huge billboard directed motorists to visit stopfundingapartheid.org, a rabid anti-Israeli organization. It read in massive letters: "Boycott Israel Until Palestinians Have Equal Rights."

An outpouring of Facebook users gave one-star reviews to the Lamar Advertising agency's page and the company was inundated with phone calls. 

After initially refusing to apologize on late Thursday and defending the "First Amendment rights" of its customers to advertise calls for a discriminatory boycott, Lamar Advertising relented on Friday.

"Serious questions concerning the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SEAMAC) billboard in Chicago have been raised in numerous contacts to Lamar Advertising," wrote the company in a Facebook post.

"Since Advertiser responsibility is central to Lamar’s Copy Acceptance Policy, we have tried to contact SEAMAC to discuss these issues but have not received a reply to our telephone and email messages. Therefore we have decided to remove the SEAMAC copy as soon as possible."

One Facebook user Uri Pilichowski last Thursday called on locals to call the company and protest, urging: "let's get it down before Shabbat."

Thanks to the pressure of Israel supporters, that goal was realized and the company agreed to remove the discriminatory ad on Friday.

Miller Shtrimal Chooses to use Syrian Star to Advertise!

Since the Magan David symbol is now treif like the tail of a rodent, so Miller Shtrimal Tails, decided it's best to use the Star symbol of the Syrian Flag on it's advertisement ....since both Miller Shtrimal and the Syrians hate the Jews living in Israel!

Some have asked me why Miller Tails hasn't used the Saudi Arabia Symbol? Doesn't it have the "Teitelbaum" Symbol 

Muslim Lady that went to Miami Shul wanted to know about Judaism?

New 71 year old Video clip discovered from Kotel

הוידאו המלא . וידאו חדש של הכותל חובה לשתף את הוידאו הכותל לפני שבעים ואחד שנה ,  

Maccabees were Tziyoinim!

Though Purim is coming up....I'm posting this to the

 Tzibbur, because it is relevant now! 

The following made up dialog between a father and his son regarding Chanuka sounds very funny but actually points to a very big problem in today's society (translated from אבא ליטאי: המכבים היו ציונים):

(S is the son and F is the father) 

S - Daddy, how did we defeat the Greeks?
F - With Hashems help

S- So what did the Maccabim do?
F- They were just soldiers. Hashem helped them and with Hashem's help they won

S- The Maccabim were soldiers?
F - Uh ... they were soldiers of Hashem, Hashem's army

S- So the Maccabim where Lubavitchers?
F - No, no, heaven forbid, they were Litvaks

S - Did Yehuda Hamaccabi have weapons?
F - Yes

S - So Yehuda Hamaccabi was a chiloni or a non-Jew?
F - Of course not, why would you think that?

S - But only chilonim and non-Jews serve in the army
F - In those days religious people also served in the army

S - Why did the Maccabim go to the army and we don't?
F - Because our Torah learning protects us

S - And their Torah learning didn't protect them?
F - Maybe you should go learn Mishnayes with Moishe

S - The Maccabim learned Mishnayes?
F - They learned Torah a lot of Torah

S - Did they not work?
F - Chas V' Shalom

S- Did Antiochus give them money?
F - No, they worked 

S - What did they do?
F - Matisyahu was a farmer

S - Matisyahu was a Thai?
F - Of course not why would you think he was a Thai?
S - Because all of the farm workers are Thai

S - How did he work in the fields with a white shirt?
F - How do you know he wore a white shirt?
S - Because Moishe said that a real Jew only wears white shirts

S - What did the Maccabim want?
F - They wanted a Jewish state that would be independent

S - Is that we want?
F - Yes but we can't say it, we are not Zionists

S - But daddy, I want to be a Maccabi, Zionist and a soldier
F - Gevald, what happened to you!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Satmar Dayan Hillel Weinberger Speakes Like a Pervert to Thousands of Yeshiva Students!

Satmar Bais Din

There is a lot of molestation and sexual activity, homosexuality to be specific,  rampant in the Satmar Mosdos, Rachamana litzlan.

This is of course natural since there is a total separation of the sexes in their daily life to the point that if you would pick up any Chareidie Newspaper, be it English or Yiddish, you wouldn't know that women even exist ....
A planet of men only .... similar to the movie "The Planet of the Apes!"

The women cannot even have  makeup on when they walk the streets..And must wear stockings that the Satmar Rebbe an expert on women legs, designated. 
The Satmar Oilim call them "bulletproof stockings"

The Streets are also gender separated, just like in Saudi Arabia!
They blame women in Kol Koras for all the tragedies that have befallen the Chareidie Jewish Tzibur! 

Not only is there a separation of the sexes, the boys have a tradition of going to the mikva every single day, sometimes even twice a day, and the mikva has become a hotbed of homosexuality and molestation!
The Nuchem Rosenberg Blog  is a direct result of this phenomena. 

So to stem the epidemic, they sent out the "chuchem" Dayan Hillel Weinberger to talk to the teenagers.

There is an audio of the speech that Weinberger gave in the Queens Satmar Moised, that went viral.
In that speech, the Dayan tells the impressionable boys that what they have "between their legs is kodesh kedashim" and cannot be "touched by the boy or other boys, and cannot even be thought about"

Instead of addressing the issue with dignity, like a Talmud Chochum, this uncivilized barbarian spoke to young  teenagers like filthy pervert! 

Hillel Weinberger's Rebbe,The Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l, once spoke before Kol Nidrei Night and was describing the "bullet proof" stockings on the holiest night of the year... 
can you imagine sitting with your tallis over your head and listening to this? 
 I'm sure that after that "chizuk" drasha the entire Tzibbir couldn't help but think about the legs of women while klapping "Al Cheit" !

So the apple hasn't fallen too far from the tree, and Hillel Weinberger got his jollies off watching the boys stare at him while he was describing what's "between their legs" 
Good Shabbos!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bibi Netanyahu's Chareidie Daughter gives birth to a girl

Mazal Tov to Bibi! 

His daughter just gave birth to his
 first granddaughter.

Not much is known about Noa Netanyahu-Roth who prefers

 to remain out of the limelight. 

She is Bibi's first child and is ultra-Orthodox. 
She lives in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem’s most
 staunchly Charedi neighborhood.

Noa Netanyahu

Frum Girl Flees From Attempted Kidnapping; Suspect looks frum

The New York City Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying a man who attempted to lure a young girl on Tuesday evening as she was walking back home after school.

The incident happened at around 4:39PM, on Tuesday afternoon, on East 7th Street and Avenue R in the Flatbush Jewish community. The 14-year-old female victim, while on her way back from school was suddenly approached by an unknown male and put his arm around her and tried to lure her. The victim then tried to run away when the male suspect held on to her arm. The victim was able to free herself and the male individual fled the location. - 

The individual wanted by police is a male white, approximately 20-years-old, 5’8″ tall, 150lbs., with brown eyes, short black hair, medium complexion and last seen wearing a white collared shirt, a black jacket, black pants and black shoes.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.
All calls are strictly confidential.

Obama to skip Scalia's funeral... warns Republicans to go ahead with Supreme Court Nomination but Obama when he was a Senator filibustered Bush's Nominee

What's good for the goose is apparently not good for the gander!
This Obama guy when he was a Senator in 2006, voted to block Samuel Alito as a Supreme Court Justice .... no problem .... 
But now that his ox is getting gored, he doesn't like it and says that the Republican opposition is "unprecedented"
A chutzpaniak!

President Barack Obama will not attend Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral on Saturday, the White House said, adding that Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden will be at the services. He will be golfing instead.

Obama and first lady Michelle Obama instead will go to the Supreme Court on Friday “to pay their respects to Justice Scalia” while the justice lies in repose in the Great Hall, press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Wednesday.

Women combining the army with Torah study

MK Trajtenberg with seminary girls
I can't wait to see all the anti-Zionist cockroaches coming out of the walls with their hateful cursing e-mails after reading this article!

But I'll spare my readers, I wont publish them!

MK Manuel Trajtenberg (Zionist Union) visited Midreshet Lindenbaum today (Wednesday), in order to speak about religious women in the IDF.

MK Trajtenberg met with Rabbi Ohad Tehar-Lev, the head of 
the seminary, and Yinon Ahiman, the CEO of the Ohr Torah Stone institutes. The three talked about all of the programs that make up the Ohr Torah movement, and the students' interest in economic and social issues.

Afterwards, Trajtenberg spoke with a number of the students, particularly focusing on how woman are able to combine Torah study with serving in the IDF.

He stated that "The desire of girls from the national religious sector to deepen their study of Torah fits well with their desire to have a meaningful service in the best IDF units, and this is a special phenomenon that brings with it good news for women in the Israeli society."

According to Trajtenberg, "The way to an equal society between men and women also goes through the world of content - particularly the world of Jewish content. 

The young people who learn in seminaries are the pathfinders leading the way. Formulating a Jewish identity that is based on, and created from, the Jewish tradition is a meaningful mission for Zionism in the 21st century, and for the State of Israel in order to mold the concept of being Jewish and democratic."

Rabbi Ohad Tehar-Lev, the head of the seminary's Israeli program, said that the visit was important to both sides. "I personally got to know a very ethical, visionary, smart, and wise man with a wide perspective, who understands the deep meaning of Torah study as a whole and Torah study for women in particular. 

I think that he was also enchanted by the girls and by their Torah study and the paths they are taking. We met a very special person here, and I wish all leaders could be like him."

Boro Park Frum Jew falls from Building

A frum heimishe divorced man who shall remain nameless until family is notified died after falling (?) from a building on 47th Street in the heart of Boro Park .
Misaskim is at the scene!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Meet Israel’s newest missile…it looks like a drone, can stay airborne for 9 hours, and destroys targets at enormous distances

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) unveiled in an international aviation exhibition in Singapore this week new “Roamer” class missiles that look like an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), but are in fact missiles that hover in the air until they lock on their targets, then collide with and destroy them.

AI also unveiled the Rotem, a tiny drone that can roam in urban environments. The Rotem is an lightweight electric drone that can be operated by a single soldier, and has the ability to stay in the air for 30 minutes.
The drone is equipped with an electro-optical thermal camera and is vertically launched from a small launcher. The Rotem is simple to use, allowing entry through windows and nimble maneuvering around fences.
Harpy NG, and is considered the next generation of what IAI terms its “loitering attack systems”, referring to these models’ ability to loiter over a target before destroying it.
Like its predecessors, the Harpy NG is launched from a launcher placed on a truck or a boat, but its properties allow it to stay much longer in the air, and particularly to better identify enemy radars, which are the supreme target until the arrival of manned aircraft.

The new Harpy can better detect radars because of the expansion of bandwidth installed, whose frequency range was lowered. In this way, the missile is able to detect more of the enemy’s radars installations. 
The air time of the new missile has been increased by 40 percent compared to the previous model, meaning it can hover  for about 9 hours, flying at an altitude of 15,000 feet at an average speed of 120 kilometers per hour. It can thus cover enormous distances. This means that if it is used by air forces, it can be used to blind the enemy’s radar

Columbia & Cornell Universities are the worst with anti-Semitic Activity but UTA Should top the list

I wonder why they omitted the worst offender? 
United Talmudical Acadamy which is Satmar?
Don't they burn the Jewish flags like the 10 Universities mentioned below?
Didn't they hang the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l in effigy?

The 10 Campuses With The Worst Anti-Semitic Activity:
 1.     Columbia University
 2.    Cornell University
3.     George Mason University
4.     Loyola University Chicago
5.     Portland State University
6.     San Diego State University
7.     San Francisco State University
8.     Temple University
9.     University of California Los Angeles
10.   Vassar College

What is wrong with her? She Screeches, Barks and Coughs!

 Where is Ezra Friedlander when we need him?

Hillary barks like a dog!

Chareidie alert!
If you are a Chareidie don't watch the video, it's Kol Isha!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yeshiva World Blog Has the Exclusive on A Story That Never Happened!

First they put their watermark on pictures that are not theirs ..... 

Just yesterday they featured a video from a terrorist attack in Israel that had their Logo all over it ... it was a u-tube video that any shmoiger could download, but they stole it and made it look like  Yeshivah World has reporters in the field, and that their reporters  shot the video !

 Last night because it was  slow news night, they fabricated  a story that the Erlauer Rebbe Shlitah, died, (Chas Ve'sholom,)  and had an instant obituary, all because they so crave the "exclusive"...
it was crucial for them to beat the Satmar Blog VIN to the punch!

If I was a family member of the Erlauer Rebbe, I would make sure that no one gets near his IV tube ...I wouldn't put anything thing past these news hounds!

They must have written his obituary years ago, ...waiting for the Rebbe to die ..... because they were ready for it and posted it within seconds of the imaginary death ...

I'm wondering how many obituaries they have on Gedoilim that are still breathing? 
But the good Rebbe defied the editors of the Yeshiva World and he is B'H still alive!
I'm wondering what their Poisek, Rabbi Yair Hoffman has to say about having Obituaries ready in case they die!

After they posted the story 1:00AM .... they pulled it down 45 minutes later .... 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Driver of Egged Bus was a Frum guy who had a previous similar accident

The driver of Egged bus nr 402 who was driving the bus from yesterday's lethal car accident killing 6 and seriously wounding several more on Road 1 near Latrun interchange, seen at the Traffic Court in Jerusalem on February 15, 2016. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90The driver of Egged bus nr 402 who was driving the bus from yesterday's lethal car accident killing 6 and seriously wounding several more on Road 1 near Latrun interchange, seen at the Traffic Court in Jerusalem on February 15, 2016. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90
Israel - The driver of the bus involved in a collision that left 6 people dead Sunday night was ordered kept in custody for three days, on suspicion of negligent manslaughter and of tampering with the investigation of the accident.
In court on Monday, police said that in the 40 minutes between the time the accident happened and when the police placed him under arrest, Chaim Biton managed to remove the bus’s tachograph – which records the vehicle’s speed – and replace it after removing a disc.
Police also said he made a series of phone calls during those 40 minutes and they are working with the cellular companies to access the numbers he called.
The arrest warrant for Biton says the police case so far is based on forensic evidence taken from the scene as well Biton’s testimony and that of the truck driver he hit and multiple witnesses at the scene.
Police said that while driving his 402 Egged bus on highway 1 from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak “for reasons that remain unclear, he left the right lane and began driving in the shoulder and did not notice a disabled truck on the side of the road and struck it with great force.”
Police said that at the last moment he apparently did notice the truck because he swerved to the left, causing the bus to hit the truck mainly on its back left side. 
Almost all of the passengers sitting on the right side of the bus were killed or hurt as a crane mounted on the back of the truck gutted the right side of the bus. Speaking at the Jerusalem Traffic Court on Sunday, police said the accident “looked like a terror attack”.
Biton was arrested at the scene of the accident at 7:30 Sunday night, some 40 minutes after the collision. Police continued to investigate the scene until 2am, after which they questioned Biton until 6:30am.  
The accident on Highway 1 bore a striking resemblance to an accident involving Biton in December 2013. Like Sunday’s accident, in that collision Biton was driving the 402 line on Highway 1 from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak when he hit a truck from behind, leaving 18 passengers lightly hurt.