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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Dayan Fisher. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Dayan Fisher. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dayan Fisher Addresses Civil War in Eida Hachreidis and Sends Warning to Satmar


Dayan Fisher 
I didn't really want to write about this, but I received countless e-mails of readers trying to understand what's happening within the Eida Hachreidis. So instead of answering individually, I decided to explain it to my readers as best as I can ... because as you will see it's complicated!

The Eida Hacreidis was founded by Rav Chaim Yosef Sonnenfeld in partnership with  Rav Yitzchok Yerucham Diskin in 1921. They were succeeded by R' Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky followed by  R' Zelig Reuven Bengis, followed by R' Yoel Tetelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, and then R' Moshe Teitelbaum.

The Eida is  presently headed by the "Gaavad"  R' Tuvia Weiss, and by the "Raavad" Rav Moshe Sternbuch.
As you can imagine the Eida Hachreidis is vehemently anti Zionist. And this anti-Zionist stance is ideologically derived from the Vayoel Moshe, which was written by the late Satmar Rebbe , R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l.

Within the Eida there exists a group that are even more extreme than their leaders and they are called "Sikrinim".....

Years ago when R' Yoel Teitelbaum decided that the residents of Yerushalayim should vote in local elections, the "sikrinim" or extremists, went out of their minds and like the "progressives" and "DemonRats" in USA politics, shut all debates and threatened violence, the Satmar Rebbe got intimidated and quickly withdrew his suggestion and now it's all  forgotten except in the memory of some old Yerushalmie Jews. Reading the Vayoel Moshe one would never know what transpired a half century ago. 

In 1959 R' Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik established the "Asra Kadisha" which is presently headed by R' Dovid Shmidel and he is  allegedly called the "Godfather of the Asra Kadisha Mafia"

Why is this organisation called a "Mafia" ...?
Originally this self appointed organization was supposed to monitor archeological  sites exclusively throughout Israel and report when they came across Jewish bones. 
One of the ways they distinguish who's who,, is examining how these bones are buried and where. Jewish people were buried away from cities and towns, so most bones found in Israel are not Jewish, this is something that even the Asra agrees. 

In the last decade or so, the Zionists undertook a massive building campaign to accommodate its residents, which of course included Chareidim. 

The Asra Kadisha discovered a great way to make money. They began to protest all constructions sites and would only render them "kosher" after extorting huge amounts of money from the developers..
Of course this was only in the Chareidie areas, because in Tel Aviv, their protests would last about 3 and half seconds.

Interesting, they never found Jewish bones in Bnei Brak or Meah Shearim or any site where a Shul  or a yeshiva was being built... 
Being history buffs  they know that the Romans would never have murdered and buried Jews where Yeshivas or Kollilim would be built 2,000 years later.
As I posted previously the Satmar Bais Medrish in Meah Shearim is sitting on a site that no developer previously would touch since Dovid Shmidel insisted that the vacant lot contained Jewish bones. 
Lo and behold years later, Satmar built their Shul on top of that very site.... 
What happened? Did the bones disappear? 
Shmidel who claims that R' Yoel Teitelbaum is the one  who instructed R Yitzchok Soloveitchik to establish the "Asra Kadisha" wanted Satmar to buy the lot for practically nothing, and what a better way to accomplish that; spreading rumours that the lot was a Jewish burial ground 2,000 years ago.

A couple of years ago a chassidishe developer named "Gulovnazitz" started to build a development in Bet Shemesh Bet, and took the "Raavad" of the Eida Hachareidis, R' Moshe Shternbuch to inspect the site,,,, after spending some time there, R' Shternbuch declared the site "kosher" and the developer began to build.

When the "sikrinim" encouraged by Dovid Shmidel got wind of it, they were very disappointed since that meant that they would never see a "Shekel"from Gulovnazitz, so they told the "Gaavad" R' Tuvia Weiss that they found Jewish bones on the site, and of course R' Tuvia Weiss paskened that the site was "trief"

Rav Shternbuch who had examined the site with his very own eyes, didn't get intimidated and declared his "psak" "100%" Valid & kosher"

Gulolvntziz completed his project without caving in to the "mafia"; hundreds of Chareidie families live there now.

What to do now? Two leaders of the Eida Hachreidis contradicting each other.
So the "Sikrinim" organised protests to denounce R' Shternbuch and would embarrass him in public, calling him "Rasha" and even assaulted  him.

Rav Shternbuch unlike the Satmar Rebbe who caved in to the "Sikrinim" over 50 years ago, refused and refuses to back down and stands by his psak.

The "sikrinim" now facing a formidable foe from their very own organization, organised last week what was supposed to be a huge rally to defend the "Honor of the Zakon Hador, R' Tuvia Weiss"
They had to do this, to discourage other developers from doing a "Gulovntziz"

They couldn't call it a protest against Rav Shternbuch as he is the head of their own Eida Hachreidis .....
So they held the rally in support of R Tuvia Weiss,  implying  that by  Rav Shternbuch holding on to his psak that was in fact "dissing" and being "Mevaza" Rav Tuvia Weiss.
To give the rally legitimacy, they dragged the 95 year old R' Tuvia Weiss to the rally, who looked confused the entire 10 minutes that he was there.

They were in for a huge surprise!
First of all, they expected thousands to show, but only a handful showed.... 
but most important was the fiery speech that Dayan Fisher, the official spokesman of the Eida Hachreidis made in the presence of R' Tuvia Weiss which was carried live on many Chareidie radio station and may have delivered a fatal blow to the "skrinim" and to the Eida Hachreidis!

Rav Fisher, like Calev ben Yefuna, first began his "drasha" praising the Gaavad R' Tuvia Weiss and when he had the attention of his audience, ripped into them and said that he doesn't understand how one organises a rally in support of a Talmud Chacham yet at the very same time embarrasses and curses another... he never mentioned the intended target of the Sikrinim  the Raavad R' Moshe Shternbuch, ......but everyone knew who he meant.
he then stormed off the stage leaving everyone in shock. All the "big beards" on the dais were stunned and couldn't leave fast enough .

 Dayan Fisher knew that Satmar would twist what he said and say what he meant in his "drasha" was that no-one should be "mevaza" R' Weiss when he clearly meant R' Shternbuch,  and so he fired off a letter (above) to the Israeli Satmar Newspaper "Kahala Kadisha" which is the Israeli version of the Ahroinie newspaper "Der Blatt"warning them not to twist his words. He did that because Satmar  naturally backs  R' Tuvia Weiss since they control the Asra Kadisha

The Eida Hachreidis is now in midst of a civil war, and that doesn't bode well with the leaders, because the Eida is a honey pot with a lot of shekels coming in with their Hashgachas ....and they cannot afford to lose that ..
Let's get the popcorn and watch as this unfolds...

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Satmar & Hisachdas Ha'Ganavim Protest in Front of Israeli Consulate in Manhattan ...Developer in Gush Etzion Refuses to payoff the "Asra Kadisha Mafia"


The "Screamers"

The "Sleepers"

The buses 

Satmar Chassidim teamed up with the Hisachdas Ha'Ganavim to protest a new development site in Gush Etzion. The event was in front of the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan. 

What a great activity for the bored chassidim during "Bain Hazmanim" they don't have smart phones (officially) they don't have internet, they are prohibited from riding bikes and swimming, sports are "avoida zara". What a way to keep them out of trouble.The organiser of this event is brilliant and should get an award.

The developer in the Gush wan't paying off the "Asra Kadisha" so the extremists decided to claim that the site has Jewish bones there from 2,000 years ago. 
Gedoiei Yisrael including Rav Moshe Shternbuch have already paskened that the bones are not Jewish. 

A couple of weeks ago, the "Asra Kadisha" shlepped the old feeble 95 year-old R' Tuvia Weiss to the Gush to the protest.
The developer wasn't having any of this and so he called in the police. The police began yelling at the old Rav, and according to the lying "asra kadisha" the police threw smoke bombs at the vehicle. This turned out to be a big lie, but that didn't stop them from making a huge rally in Kikar Ha'shabbos against the police who dissed the old rav. This protest, as I reported previously, was also a protest against R' Shternbuch one of their own leaders. 
At that protest the spokesman for the Eida Hachareidis, Dayan Fisher got up and and asked "how do you expect the police to have respect for Gedoilim when we ourselves don't have any respect for ours ." He then stormed off the stage with another 50 rabbanim following from the dais..

In Monroe, Satmar continues to annex land and build disregarding the fact that there may be bones there from American Indians.... actually that may be a bigger problem since there was at least one  achron  that held that the American Indians were from the lost 10 tribes. 
Who knew? American Indians lived in Kiryas Yoel. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Bnei Brak Gedoilim Sign Letter Against Those Who Testify Against the Sexual Predator BERLAND!

A letter handwritten by Bnei-Brak Gedoilim mimics a letter that Gedoilei Hador wrote in support of Shabsai Tzvi when he was incarcerated in Turkey...

The letter in support of Berland is handwritten and signed by the Gaaved of the Bais Din Tzedek of Bnei-Brak, Harav Sereil Rosenberg (pictured) and Dayan Rav Yeedil Fisher the official representative of Eida Hacreidis and  Rav Shimon Badni, a member of the Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah..

"יש להצטער על מעצרו של הרב ברלנד" 
"אם יש
טענות ותלונות נגד הנהגה מסוימת, יש לבדוק את הדברים במסגרות הקיימות
בציבור שלנו, ולא להזדקק לגורמים אחרים, שלא זו הדרך, וה' יתברך ישפות
שלום עלינו ועל כל ישראל",
 על החתום הרב שריאל רוזנברג שליט"א  גאב"ד בית
דין צדק בני ברק, הדיין ר' יידל פישר נציג העדה החרדית.

"We are very pained by the arrest of Harav Berland.
If anyone has any complaints about a specific thing that he did , then it should be investigated within the confines of our own community and not to turn to outside sources (secular authorities) ..
This is not our way
And Hashem should bring peace to all of us and all Klall Yisroel
Harav Seriel Rosenberg Shlitah... Gaaved Bais Din Tzedik Bnei Brak,
Dayan R' Yeedil Fisher, Eida Hacreidis Representative 

Rav Badnei from the Moetzes also signed and added the following in his own handwriting 

זקן מועצת חכמי התורה מרן הרב שמעון בעדני שליט"א שחתם גם הוא על המכתב,
הוסיף בכתב ידו וכתב "תמיד אמרתי שצריך להסתדר היכן שיהודים חרדים רגילים
לברר והמשנים   יתנו את הדין.

"I always said ...how we should always investigate facts like  Chareidim always used to do and those who do different will give judgement (after 120)"

Now let's see what Gedoilie Yisroel wrote to the Jewish Communities when Shabsai Tzvi was incarcerated..

יש להצטער על מעצרו של ר' שבתי צבי, אם יש טענות ותלונות נגד הנהגה מסויימת, יש לבדוק הדברים במסגרות הקיימות בציבור שלנו, ולא להזדקק לגורמים אחרים, ולא זו הדרך, וה' יתברך ישפות שלו' עלינו ועל כל ישראל.

"One should be pained by the arrest of R' Shabsai Tzvi, If anyone has any specific complaints against a specific thing that he did, it should be investigated within the confines of our community and not to turn to outside sources...this is not our way...And Hashem should bring peace to all of us and all of Klall Yisrael "

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Rabbis Put Out a Proclamation (Kol Koreh) That Weingarten the Convicted Pedophile is Innocent!!

See Proclamation ("Kol Koreh") declaring Weingarten who had relations with his own daughter innocent!
This is signed by the following Rabbis

Rabbi Moshe Green, Monsey, New York
 Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger Rabbi of Cong Shaarei Tefilah, Monsey, NY
 Rabbi Moshe Halberstam of Bobov Antwerp
Rabbi Menachem Fisher Rabbi of Vien in Monsey, NY
 Rabbi Shalom Pollack of New Square
Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Horowitz of SatmerManchester: 
Rabbi Refoel Shorr Rosh Yeshivah Visnitz 
Rabbi Yitzchok Weiss of Jerusalem
Rabbi Menachem Weissmandel of Nitra
 Rabbi Yosef Eizenberger of New Square
Rabbi Bezalel Wetenstein of Belz 

Added signatures are
Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, of Satmer in Monsey
Rabbi Eliyakim Schlesinger of London
Rabbi Eliezer Blum of Kasho in New York
Rabbi Chaim Shneibalg Monsey

Here see a letter in Yiddish asking people to send their hard earned money for "Pidyan Shevuyim" 
The letter also states that a number of Rabbis including Rabbi Green went to visit him to give him Chizuk
Scroll down to see the English translation:

English Translation
Zoom in with your tool bar ... see view
Here see a picture of Rabbis visiting the pervert in jail!
One can clearly see Rabbi Green in the Wheelchair
Now see the news reports about Weingarten

read more

Now read the blog 
Failed Messiah

Evidence that Haredi Rabbis Knew In As Far Back As 1997 That Now Convicted Pedophile Israel Weingarten Was Molesting His Daughter But Did Not Call Police

Read Translation:

Kleuter, Lagere, Middelbare School en Satmar
Lamorinierestraat 26-28
2019 Antwerpen
Tel 281-3000 – Fax 218 91-23
Friday, Parshas Pinchas, 5763, [July 18, 2003] Antwerp, May Zion be Restored

Respectfully to the renowned great scholar, presiding on justice, righteous leader to his congregation, his glory on the Jewish people, the honorable renowned, Rabbi, Gaon Benzion Yaakov Halevi Wosner, may he be granted long days, and along with him to the rabbis and sages, members of the Beit Din Tzedek (religious court) of the Holy Congregation of Monsey.

After inquiring about your well-being, I am answering your request to write what I know about the painful affair of the Weingarten family.  They lived here in our city Antwerp for many years. Their young girls were educated here in Bais Rachel of Satmar. There was a feeling during all those years that an oppressive atmosphere was controlling the girls and their mother. Though we tried to do everything for the good, it did not help much. In the summer of 5756 [1996] Reb Yisroel Moshe came and pestered us to move his oldest daughter, Frumah Leah, to a higher class; something we don’t do for others. After deliberation we decided to agree. We knew the bitterness of the daughter came from the goings-on at the house. Therefore [we thought] it is worth giving in on a trivial matter; perhaps through this the student will be more satisfied.  But actually we saw, to the contrary, that she came to school with swollen eyes, and at times, with other marks. We did not want to touch this because we knew they were odd people and we wouldn’t accomplish anything.

Reb Wolf Gross, who lives several houses away from them, was a true friend of Yisroel Moshe, and he helped them a lot so there would be something to eat in their house. He told me that Frumah Leah wants to commit suicide, G-d save us, and throw herself out the window. They actually saved her at the last moment. [He told me that] in my role as principal I am obligated to interrogate her in order not [to be guilty of] “standing by on the blood of a fellow Jew” [Leviticus 19:16].

I initiated discussions with her several times until she revealed to me that she endured murderous beatings from him [her father] for reasons she could not reveal to me under any circumstances. Only after much urging and assurances, she wrote on paper that for a long time her father was doing with her [sexually] perverted things, have mercy on us. I do not remember all she wrote. But this I remember exactly as I received it from her. “He takes and he ejaculates (motzi zerah l’vatallah) …(ellipses in original) very close to actual biblically prohibited incestuous intercourse, (ad karov ligiluy arayos mamash), have mercy on us.    She added afterwards, verbally, that she was disgusted with a life like this for a quite a while and that he hit her with frightening sadism. Because of this she wanted to put an end to her life, G-d save us.

It is self understood what a shock this was for us.  Because the one of whom we speak was a girl of 15, we passed the matter over to the rabbonim and the leader of Satmar [in Antwerp], Rabbi Chaim Yosef Dovid Weiss, may he live long, head of our congregation. [Rabbi Weiss] took the testimony and he [the father] did not deny it. As a consequence he [Rabbi Weiss] forbade him [Yisroel Weingarten] to seclude himself with his daughter (asar lo l’hityached im bito). He arranged for her to immediately go to Manchester, [England, to a girls school where she would board].

This happened during Chanukah, 5757 [December 1997]. At the end of the winter she returned from Manchester and the whole family traveled to Israel for Passover. After Passover he [Yisroel Weingarten] returned alone with his aforementioned daughter and he was secluded with her all summer. All we did was write a letter that we have no responsibility (achrayis) for the aforementioned student [Frumah Leah] from here on in. Also, that none of his children have permission to set foot in our institutions. Till the month of Ellul, his disgrace was not [publicly] revealed. On the contrary; he [Yisroel Weingarten] made himself out to be a respectable man and we kept quiet. In the middle of Ellul his true disgrace was revealed through others with more ugly things. The whole city was astonished. Suddenly it came out through a tape that the daughter was involved in sin with a neighbor, Meyerowitz. This was something that the dayan of Satmar did not hear from him [Yisroel Weingarten] all through the course of the previous winter while he judged him.

We surmised that all of his doings were astounding and full of contradictions. My wife, may she live long, told me many times at the end of long discussion that she senses from him an air of impurity (ruach tummah). I still gave him the benefit of the doubt until I heard from his daughter the aforementioned deeds [about which she wrote]. Through this were explained many contradictions.

His wife endured a lot from him. Many times she burst out in gushing tears. He was terribly, unfathomably, sadistic towards her. After some weeks she returned and said that all of her words were nonsense and lies, and so on. It was seen that he manipulates her [manipaleert ) in a terrible way.

The devastation (hachurban) [evoked] in putting forth my words pains me greatly. [Do] what it is in your power to save them from this hypocrite, crook and swindler without equal who does the acts of Zimri and demands the reward of Pinchas [BT Sotah 22b referring to Numbers 25:6-14].  I would also add, that the Admor Rabbi Leibish of  Phshevorsk, may he live long, said that they investigated the family in 5757 [1997-1998], meaning the woman and daughter, in Jerusalem the holy city, and they [the investigators] uncovered things.

Signed and sealed in sorrow and wishing you success,

Mordechai Stauber
Weingaten's Brother Says he was Molested by this pervert!