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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Shas Ready to Surrender to Hamas Fumes At Ben-Gvir ...Religious Parties Would Join the Left Just so They get $$$$$$$$!


None of the Religious parties can be trusted to keep Israel safe! They would and have sat with the Left with Arabs as long as they get funding! 

A political drama played out on Monday evening, ending with the members of Shas leaving the Knesset in protest and later issuing a statement saying they have to “consider their continued path.”

The incident began with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s anger at Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu regarding his party’s lack of influence on government decisions on the ongoing war and ceasefire negotiations.

Ben-Gvir accused Netanyahu on Monday of running a “one-man government” and making important decisions himself without consulting his coalition partners. He threatened to refrain from voting with the coalition until he is granted a seat on the war cabinet

Ben-Gvir’s statement wasn’t an empty threat and he refused to vote with the coalition in the Knesset on Monday evening, forcing Shas to withdraw a bill regulating the budget for religious councils.

The Shas members were furious, and warning that Ben-Gvir’s behavior will lead to the dissolution of the government, they left the Knesset in protest.

Shas later issued a dramatic statement: “Shas views the irresponsible conduct of Minister Ben-Gvir with great severity, a systematic and blatant violation of the coalition’s commitment and a vote against laws approved by the Ministers’ Committee. Due to his behavior, Minister Ben-Gvir once again gave a reward to the opposition which jumps at every opportunity to overthrow the right-wing government.”

“In light of this, Shas MK Yinon Azoulay ordered the members of the Knesset to leave the plenary session. Shas will meet soon, consult with its Rabbanim and decide on the continuation of its path.”

Ben-Gvir then issued a statement in response, accusing Deri of idolizing the left and opposing Ben-Gvir’s appointment to the war cabinet because he “supports surrender and weakness.” In return, Shas called Ben-Gvir an inflated balloon and warned that his irresponsible behavior will bring down the government.

Earlier on Monday, a separate incident occurred with UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni, who serves as the head of the Knesset’s Finance Committee. The committee was discussing increasing the budget for protecting Israeli citizens and Yesh Atid MK Naor Shiri asked Gafni to intervene and ensure that the budget increase is approved.

Gafni responded: “I don’t have that much power.” Yesh Atid MK Naor Shiri retorted: “If you’re weak, you can disperse this building.”

Gafni: “That’s where we’re going.”

Shiri: “To where?”

Gafni: “To what you said now.”

Litvishe Gedoilim Seeking to keep Bnei-Torah in Poverty Slam Belz-Boyan-Karlin & Sanz Who Want to End This Vicious Cycle!

I have to laugh! They spend $175,000 on a plane ride to the US to schnor $100 Million (they came up 50 million short) and who are they schnorring from? From Business People!!! What utter Hypocrisy!! 

They preach that "hishtadles" is enough! But I guess they don't really believe in this concept from the Chovas Halevavois. Hishtadlus would have been to make to make a simple phone call, who wouldn't donate getting a phone call from Gedoiei Hador? Who wouldn't donate if Rav Landau or Rav Hirsch would make that personal phone call? 

But they, the Gedoilim unfortunately didn't practice what they preach! An "hishtadlus" phone call wouldn't do, they needed to spend $175,000 to travel halfway around the world; but Hashem had other plans. Not only couldn't they meet their goal but the news in Lakewood was dominated by two awful tragedies. And the Lakewood and other communities weren't in the mood to meet them properly! Even if they had met their goals, that would have been a drop in the Atlantic Ocean! The Israeli Zionists gave Mosdois HaTorah last year over $325 million dollars! They would have to be back in 3 months! 

And this whole campaign is disingenuous to begin with. The government only discontinued funding Yeshiva guys who were under 26, those over 26 in Kollilm continue getting their funds! In fact in the Kollel that I learn in, not one avreich was effected, not one!

Now they want to drag Belz and others who want to better their lives into their cesspool of poverty. Thankfully, Chasidim are much smarter and won't be influenced by this lunacy!

In recent weeks several Chasidic groups, including Belz, Boyan, Karlin and Tzanz, have decided to join the new State-Charedi educational system, which provides full funding in return for studying a core curriculum (designated for charedim) including English, Math and civic studies. Despite assurances that they would receive funding even if they maintained their own systems, the money has not been forthcoming and the chasidic groups decided of their own initiative to join the new system.

The heads of the Lithuanian charedi community, Rabbi Dov Landau and Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, have strongly condemned those who joined the state charedi system. At a recent gathering for Degel Hatorah representatives, Rabbi Landau’s opinion was stated and a letter from him was read. The letter was published Tuesday in the Yated Neeman newspaper, as well as a similar letter from Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch. Both the heads of the Slabodka yeshiva sharply opposed the moves to join the state charedi system.

המכתב המלא

Rabbi Landau wrote that “the matter of pure education was always the focal point of our teachers, the Gedolim of the generation and they stood firm not to allow foreign elements to be involved in it. I offer encouragement to the heads of institutions maintaining the pure and unadulterated education according to our tradition. They are bravely withstanding all the temptations despite growing economic difficulties. Everyone recalls the strong stand of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein in his last years against the attempts to place Talmud Torahs into the state charedi education.

“Now we have heard the sad news that some intend to accept the ministry of education’s programs. Heaven forfend that we place institutions in the state charedi network. Woe to us that this has happened. They should realize that besides the evil they are causing themselves and their children, they are causing great damage to the entire charedi community, making such a great breach in the house of Israel, that we don’t know the end of it. We therefore call upon all those who have veered towards this worrying and awful program, renege on all of your plans to change the face of the education, and Hashem will provide for you.”

Rabbi Hirsch added in his letter that the “State Charedi program being sponsored by the ministry of education has a dangerous involvement in the independence of our education, as is known from the severe results of this education until now. Therefore the Gedolim in every generation dedicated themselves to this basic concept, that there should be no influence and meddling in the education of our children.”


Sodom and Gomorrah in Israel? A week of moral distortions and sparks of hope*


by Moshe Feiglin translated from Hebrew!

We are currently living in a chronicle of madness. The last week in Israel looks like it was taken straight from a Sodom and Gomorrah newspaper. Events that were previously considered unimaginable have become a daily reality, and reflect a deep moral distortion that has taken root in the government and legal systems. 

But in the darkness, there were also sparks of hope.

I'll start with the basics:
 today's heroic generation, of which my beloved grandson Yair Hy"d was a part, had to clean up with his blood the legacy of Oslo's confusion generation. The big problem is that we entrusted this horrible cleaning job to these heroic young people, but we left the leadership in the hands of the confused and corrupt leadership, of Oslo, which holds on to power with all its might, without vision and without direction.

In the meantime, the war is being waged as an equation of pressures -- on the one hand, the goal is to defeat Hamas, and on the other, to free the hostages. Two goals that do not go hand in hand. This leadership does not have the courage to tell the truth to the public. Everything turns into populism, and everything deepens the strategic defeat of the State of Israel.

When a full-on right wing coalition is leading  this whole mess -- devoid of any message, the reality is even more bleak. The Israeli Right, despite its absolute electoral majority, fails to translate its victory in the elections into real control. The reason? It has nothing to offer. The power to change comes not only from a majority in the Knesset, but from a real message. When there is no vision, there is no willingness to pay a personal price. And so the Right will always be the first to blink.

The legal reform was only an attempt to create a toolbox for correction, but did not present an alternative vision. Did the Right immediately say on October 7 "Conquest, Deportation, and Settlement because the entire Land of Israel is ours"? No. Even when talking about settlement in Gaza, the Prime Minister says it is "unrealistic".

The failure is that the leadership does not take the vision of the people of Israel, the Jewish vision, the vision that springs from our Jewish identity, and place it as a clear alternative ideology to Oslo and say, "The entire Land of Israel is mine from the river to the sea," and insist on ascribing equal importance.

But the Jewish vision and the weapon of justice are in the hands of the people who wake up and take responsibility for their destiny. Amidst the moral and legal fog that surrounds Israel these days, some sparks of hope were lit this week. These are apparently small victories, but they mark the beginning of a new trend -- the awakening of the people versus the establishment that has lost its way.

The most impressive victory this week was undoubtedly that of the Yudkin family, who won by the power of faith. Their struggle to add the inscription 'Hy"d' (May HASHEM avenge his blood) on their son's tombstone was more than just a struggle over letters. It was a battle over identity, over values, over the Jewish essence of the State of Israel.

The Yudkin family insisted on their principles, and was ready to pay a huge personal price -- even to exhume their son. They won not because of political power or connections, but because of their strong faith. Their victory shows that when a person or family stands by their principles with determination, even an entire system surrenders to them.

The impact of this victory goes beyond the specific case. The directive that came out as a result of the struggle will allow any family that wishes to add the inscription 'Hy"d' on the gravestones of their loved ones. This is a fundamental change in the landscape of military cemeteries, symbolizing a return to Jewish and national values.

The second victory in which justice won over bureaucracy was in the court in Tel Aviv, when the civilian fighters who defended civilians on October 7 were released. This case was one of the clear examples of the moral distortion in the legal system.

We are speaking about heroes who left home to fight terrorists, and saved lives when the army was not there. They traveled south on the morning of that dark Sabbath to fight for the country and save lives. What kind of moral perversion is it to arrest them because of a Nukhba terrorist who raped, murdered and massacred people? The magistrate and district court judges realized the depth of the delusion, released the fighters and threw the gag order in the trash. Their ruling was undoubtedly influenced by the presence of protesters in the court's corridors. It was the public pressure, the shock on social media and the demonstration in court that ultimately made the judges realize that the tide is coming close to them and the waves of the values ​​of the Israeli public are already washing their toes. This is a clear example of the power of the people to influence the judicial system.

The third victory was in the Supreme Court, when the petition to admit Gazans to medical treatment in Israel was rejected. The very fact that such a petition reached the Supreme Court during a war shows how far the legal system has become disconnected from reality. But this time, the public was not silent. People came to the courtroom and shouted the word "shame" in front of the judges.

As Knesset member Almog Cohen described, you could see the shame and comprehension in the eyes of the judges. This is another example of the power of the public to influence and change.

The fourth victory was the brave act of the mayor of Ariel. After pleading with the commanding general to block a road leading to a hostile Arab village that was endangering the city's residents, and he did not respond, the mayor decided to take matters into his own hands. He brought a bulldozer and blocked the road himself.
This act demonstrates the gap between the agenda-driven military leadership, and a local leadership that is willing to take responsibility and act for its citizens. This is an example of true leadership, one that is willing to pay a personal price for its principles.

These victories, however small, show that there is hope. They demonstrate the power of the people when they unite around common values ​​and stand by their principles. The thread connecting all the examples is the attempt to reassemble the moral coordinates discovered on October 7th. And it will gradually get worse and worse until it starts to moderate.

But the real change will not come from the elected leadership, but from the people themselves. And this, perhaps, is the most important point.

The change comes from the people, from the families, from the mayors who take responsibility after realizing that the expected change will not come from above, from the elected leadership. This is a wake-up call for every citizen -- to stand up, unite, and work for a better, more moral, and more Jewish future for the State of Israel.

And in the next step, replacing the leadership with a leader with a clear Jewish vision, who is willing to pay a personal price for its principles. Only in this way can we truly change reality and bring redemption to the people of Israel.

Rabbi Menachem Yaveh of Yerushalyim allegedly sexually abused boys while making them believe he was the messiah behind closed doors


Reader discretion is advised 

Rabbi Menachem Yaveh, 51, was arrested this week on suspicion of leading a cult in Jerusalem and sexually abusing boys who were part of the cult. Yaveh is a student of Rabbi Eliezer Berland and father of 17 children. At least four of Yaveh's former students filed police complaints against him.

One of the witnesses said, "Yaveh was allowed to do anything, including the most despicable acts written in the Torah. It could have gone on for nights and I wouldn't eat or drink." The student pointed to the old apartments where the acts took place in Jerusalem, and said, "The cover story was to open a yeshiva, but he wanted workers to serve him."

Mordechai (alias) claimed that Rabbi Yaveh sexually assaulted him. "He kept warning me, 'You know you mustn't tell this to anyone in your life because something could happen to you. This is something I did purely with you and for you, something that I don't do with anyone.'"

He said that Yaveh brought him into the room while sitting, closed all the doors and told him that his grandfather was "in very, very low places in heaven because you sin." The student said that he was frightened and felt that he was "going to die" from shame. After that, Yaveh told him that he would make sure that nothing happened to him. Yaveh then started hugging him and kissing him on the lips. "It was such intimate affection, he gave me the feeling that I don't need anything in the world, that I only needed him. And that's where my life's worst journey began."
Mordechai said that the sexual offenses were committed "in the name of our holy Torah", and Yaveh used verses from the Torah to justify his actions. According to Mordechai, "He constantly gave me the feeling that I need someone to support me and depend on someone. He simply took my innocence and exploited it for about four years."
Mordechai said that 80% of the acts were done to him in the same room which was "small, dark, and frightening to be in." He added, "I didn't understand anything about sex and all these things, he just took me and said to me, 'Tell me what other things you like, what other things you want.' I told him, 'We've already done everything,' and he asked, 'What else do you want me to do?'"
Mordechai added: "Menachem, let it be known that you hurt my soul and ruined my life and my family's life. The evil you did to me destroyed my life and trampled on it. You ruined my life on the day I realized that you were not righteous and used me purely for your personal interest. I know more people who went through it."
Another witness, Tzachi Zeitlin, gave up his anonymity and said he studied at a Hasidic yeshiva in Mea She'arim. According to him, Yaveh used to hang around the Hasidic Breslav synagogue and crown himself as the "true student" of Rabbi Berland. He claimed to have been brainwashed by Yaveh with "long hours of endless talking that creates dependency". Zeitlin said, "Yaveh used to start with the most serious sexual assaults, in every form and way." He described. "My family figured out there was a problem in this relationship and they broke us apart with great effort."
Moshe, who also chose to forego his anonymity, said "once I entered the room with him and he asked, 'Do you feel that I love you?' Then he started kissing me on the cheek, and it turned into kisses on the lips. He talked to me about intimate issues which I had no idea about. I was not supposed to be exposed to this as a 14-year-old Ultra-Orthodox boy."
According to Moshe, "He told me several times that if I get him innocent guys who don't ask questions, he will pay me NIS 2,000 for each guy. At some point I ask myself, 'Is this the rabbi who is supposed to guide you?'"

Nathan (alias) said that the rabbi used to look for 13-year-old guys because "at that age, they don't have any opinions. He used to say it directly that he was looking for guys like that, without any sense." In another testimony, it was claimed that "he cut the boys off completely from their parents and their surroundings, slowly marrying them off and building an entire community around him."
Another witness, Hodaya (alias), described that Yaveh would give his students huge pictures of himself as a gift after they got married. "The goal was to look at him and think about him all the time, so that the children would come out righteous like him. That he would be constantly in your thoughts," she said.
The police stated: "This is an ongoing investigation. We will continue to investigate the suspicions with the required professionalism." During the investigation, Yaveh continued to lead the yeshiva. The rabbi refused to comment on the investigation, but his wife claimed "he is a righteous man who is being slandered."

France’s New Far-Left Leader Promises to Recognize ‘Palestine’ Immediately*


Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the France Insoumise extreme left-wing party, following his surprise French election victory: “We will recognize the state of Palestine as it is one of the available means for us to exert pressure.”

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party, which won the first round of elections, was defeated in a crushing blow in the second round of the French parliamentary election.

According to the exit poll, Le Pen’s right-wing National Rally Party will win 132-152 seats, while Mélenchon‘s extreme left-wing alliance Popular Front will get 172-192 seats.

This likely means a coalition government between  President Macron (LEFT) and the left wing Popular Front.

In 1948 Agudas Yisroel called on all men ages 17-25 to serve in the Israel’s War for Independence.


Special Place in Hell for Ilana Glazer @ilazer

Warning: Foul Language!

Watch "innocent" Children in the West Bank Stab Jewish Soldiers and Get Shipped to the Virgins


Now watch the "innocent " Gazans celebrate the murder of a Jew on October 7 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Hostages' families warn: Proposed prisoner swap deal will leave most hostages in Gaza


Relatives of some of the hostages held in Gaza, members of the Tikva Forum, on Monday afternoon held a press conference, calling for Israel not to agree to the proposed prisoner swap deal and warning that the proposal would only harm their loved ones.

Zvika Mor, father of hostage Eitan Mor, warned: "Such a deal buries my son there, and will leave him behind, along with dozens of other hostages. Such a deal will endanger the State of Israel's security and bring the next massacre."

Eliya Abutbul, Eitan's brother-in-law, added: "After nine months, it is time to change tactics. It's time to think in another fashion about how to bring the hostages home. If this way is not working, then it obviously needs a change."

Talik Go'ili, mother of Yassam officer Ran, stressed: "We oppose this deal, because if it takes place, they will construct a building on top of my son's body in one of the streets in Gaza."

Boaz Miran, whose brother Omri is held captive by Hamas in Gaza, said, "We oppose [this] deal because it will leave most of the hostages inside [Gaza], including my brother. The best deal is defeating Hamas and increasing the pressure which will bring about the release of all of the hostages."

Riki Baruch, sister-in-law of Uriel Baruch, who was murdered on October 7 and whose body is held by Hamas, said, "If such a deal is implemented, in another few months the Baruch family will request permission to enter Gaza in order to recite Kaddish and Psalms near Uriel's body."

Avigdor Liberman to French Jews "GET OUT NOW!"


Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman has urged French Jews to move to Israel following the left-wing rise in yesterday’s elections.

Although no party won a majority in the second round of France’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, in which all 577 seats of the National Assembly were in play. According to Le Monde, the left-wing New Popular Front alliance won 182 seats while the centrist Ensemble, backed by President Emmanuel Macron, won 168.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the French far-left leader, has promised “to recognize the State of Palestine.” Liberman’s address to French Jews pointed out Mélenchon’s history of statements against Jews and Israel, calling it ‘pure antisemitism.’

Liberman has avoided the question of whether elections or unity with the current coalition, are on the horizon in Israel. Growing tensions regarding a hostage exchange agreement between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir have led many to speculate that Netanyahu will seek new partners to avoid elections if the government disbands.

Liberman also dismissed the claims about an Israeli murdering a captured Hamas terrorist, saying the case was a “theater of the absurd” and calling on the State Attorney’s Office to offer “an apology and release all the detainees.”

Virulently Anti-Israel French Far-Left Win Most Seats In Legislative Elections, Throwing Country Into Turmoil


A coalition of the French left that quickly banded together to beat a surging far right in legislative elections won the most seats in parliament but not a majority, according to polling projections Sunday, a stunning outcome that threatens to plunge the country into political and economic turmoil.

The projections put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second, no longer in control of parliament, and the bruised far right in third.

With no bloc securing a clear majority, France faces uncertainty that could rattle markets and its economy, the European Union’s second-largest, and cast a shadow of political instability over the Paris Olympics opening in less than three weeks.

Final results are not expected until late Sunday or early Monday in the highly volatile snap election that redrew the political map of France even before votes were cast, galvanizing parties on the left to put differences aside and join together when Macron announced just four weeks ago that he was dissolving parliament and calling the election, in a huge gamble that the president hoped would shore up his centrist alliance.

Six minutes of 100 Reporters Sayin Biden ' is sharp as a tack.'"


Yitzhak Yifat Central Figure in 1967 Photo Dies at 81

Yitzhak Yifat (center) and other Israeli paratroopers reach the Western Wall in Jerusalem, June 7, 1967

 The central figure in an iconic 1967 photograph of three paratroopers at the liberated Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem died on Saturday. Yitzhak Yifat was 81.

Yifat, 24 at the time the photo was taken, can be seen in the center of the photograph holding his helmet. The powerful image was taken just after the Old City was freed from Jordanian occupation during the Six-Day War.

They appear visibly moved as they gaze upwards at the Western Wall, which is the outer supporting wall of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.

The photo was nicknamed in Hebrew “The Crying Paratroopers” or “Paratroopers at the Western Wall.”

The period of Jordanian rule of the eastern part of Jerusalem has been referred to as “among the most repugnantly intolerant of all.” 

Jordan destroyed all but one of the 35 synagogues in the eastern part of Jerusalem. They also desecrated the cemetery on the Mount of Olives and used tombstones for roads and latrines.

Tourists wanting to visit had to present baptismal certificates or other proof they weren’t Jews.

“Everyone talked about the Western Wall all the time, but we were new and we had never been there. That day was the first time any of us had ever been there,” Oshri told Channel 2 in 2017.

“I hardly remember the moment Rubinger took a picture of us. I remember that during the photoshoot Rubinger dropped to the floor and clicked his camera. Rubinger was a good man, a lover of the Israeli people and Israel and an excellent professional photographer,” Yifat said a few years ago of Rubinger, according to The Jerusalem Post.

After the war, Yifat became an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Just before the war, he was a grade-school teacher. Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Danny Ayalon tweeted on July 2:

“In 1967, I was 11 years old. My school teacher was a man by the name of Yitzhak Yifat. One day, he didn’t show up to class. He remained absent the day after & I didn’t know what happened. The 6 Day War broke out & I finally found my teacher—on the front page of the newspaper.”


Mohammed Asaduzzaman, the recently elected Mayor of Brighton in the UK

 The British seaside town of Brighton and Hove has elected its first ever South Asian Muslim mayor.

Councillors unanimously voted for Mohammed Asaduzzaman, who was elected to Brighton & Hove City Council last May.

Council leader Bella Sankey said Mr Asaduzzaman was “warm, kind, funny and ambitious for our city”.

“Brighton and Hove can look forward to a mayor whose compassion has already left a mark on the city’s social, cultural, economic and political landscape,” she said.

Mr Asaduzzaman, who has lived in the city for 30 years, previously worked with the state minister for irrigation and water development in Bangladesh, and has a degree in political science.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, he provided 500 free meals to essential service providers.

He also pushed for vaccinations for those with uncertain immigration status, acted as an interpreter for those in legal need and gave support to victims of crime.

Ms Sankey added: “With three decades of residency in Brighton, he has woven himself into the very fabric of the community.

“His journey from Bangladesh to Brighton exemplifies a life dedicated to public service and community betterment.”

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Biden’s State Department Used Data from Anti-Israel Org To Compile ‘Report Card’ on Jewish State


The Biden administration produced an internal “report card” on Israeli activities in the West Bank based on data from a United Nations organization closely linked to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, according to government emails obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The report, based on data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), was produced in January 2023, several months after an Israeli election virtually guaranteed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would return to power. At the time, the Biden administration was preparing for diplomatic clashes with the Netanyahu government. Those divisions are now on full display as the United States pressures Israel to preemptively ink a ceasefire deal with Hamas and stop defending itself from Hezbollah militants along its northern border.

An internal State Department email chain reviewed by the Free Beacon shows the creation and dissemination of the report on so-called Israeli settlement growth. U.S. officials described the report as an update from previous data compiled by the Biden administration on Israeli activities in the West Bank.

Prior to Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror strike on Israel, the construction of Jewish homes in contested areas of the West Bank was a central source of tension between the Biden administration and the Israeli government, particularly under Netanyahu. When Netanyahu’s conservative governing coalition retook power in 2023, the Biden administration appeared ready to clash with Israel over the issue.

Bette Midler Wants Biden to Arrest Republicans and Allow FBI to Use Deadly Force to Regain Democrat House Majority


Singer-actress Bette Midler, star of Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2, suggested that President Joe Biden arrest Republican members of Congress and allow the FBI to use deadly force in order regain Democrat House majority.

“Now that Joe has total immunity, many are urging him to be GOP ruthless. Here’s a suggestion for implementing his new powers,” Midler wrote in a Friday X post, sharing a screenshot from an opinion piece published by The New Republic.

Meet Keir Starmer’s Jewish wife, bringing Shabbat to No. 10 Downing Street


Lady Victoria Starmer, a Jewish woman with a rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted traditions, is the new British prime minister’s wife.

Intertwined with her Jewish upbringing, her life story plays a significant role in shaping the values and practices of her family.

From regularly observing Shabbat to maintaining strong connections with the Jewish community, Victoria’s influence extends beyond the domestic sphere into her husband’s, Labour Party leader Keir Starmer's, political career.

Lady Starmer’s steadfast commitment to her faith and cultural traditions, as well as her involvement in combating antisemitism, emphasizes the unique role she will play.

Originally Victoria Alexander, Starmer was born in 1963 in North London

Her father was of Polish-Jewish descent, and her mother, a community doctor, converted to Judaism upon marriage.

Growing up, Starmer was immersed in Jewish traditions and cultural practices, which played a significant role in shaping her values and outlook on life.

In the Starmer household, Jewish traditions are actively observed and cherished. Despite Keir being an atheist, the family regularly observes Shabbat, marking the weekly day of rest with family gatherings and traditional rituals.