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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Biden Like Germany in 1938 Abandons the Jews!


Revealed: IDF lookout Noa Marciano was murdered by a doctor at Al-Shifa


The parents of IDF lookout Noa Marciano, who was taken hostage to Gaza and whose body was recovered by the IDF, disclosed that a doctor who worked at Al-Shifa Hospital was the one who murdered their daughter.

Marciano was injured by the IDF's bombing on Gaza and was transferred by her captors to Al-Shifa hospital for medical treatment.

Her parents told Channel 12 News: "They preferred to murder her. It was a doctor who did it, in a hospital. She was injured by air force bombings and was taken to Al-Shifa."

After her body was recovered, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said that, "According to the medical findings, Noa was kidnapped to a hiding place near Al-Shifa, and during IDF attacks on the area, the Hamas terrorist who was holding her was killed. Noa was injured, but not a life-threatening injury."

He added that the new information that has been revealed, " Disputes the false videos published by Hamas, which try to claim that Noa was killed by the IDF."

Hagari concluded his statement by saying that, "The hospital, a place that is supposed to sanctify the value of life, was used by Hamas for murder. Our hearts are with Noa's family, we send our condolences, we did not reach Noa in time. This only makes the IDF more determined to do our best in order to return the hostages home."

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Drone footage captures students at Emory University in Atlanta practicing riot tactics

 In a surprising turn of events, drone footage has captured students at Emory University in Atlanta practicing riot tactics, raising eyebrows and sparking a heated debate on social media. 

The footage, shared by various users, has led to accusations of domestic terrorism, with some questioning the university’s role in allowing such activities. 

The incident has also highlighted the political divide. 

As the controversy unfolds, one thing is clear: Emory’s campus has become a battleground for differing opinions, with the only certainty being that antisemitism is becoming legitimate on College Campuses !

Florida Rep Brian Mast Tells Off Pro-Hamas Alteh Jewish Katchke

Who is that Old Jewish Kockerteh Yenteh that hangs out in the halls of Congress and constantly harasses Congressmen. 

Anyone have her name?

 Florida Congressman Brian Mast to pro-Hamas sympathizers when asked what Israel should do with the remaining terrorists in the Gaza Strip:

_”I think Israel should go in there and kick the sh*t out of them, just absolutely destroy  them, their infrastructure, level anything that they touch. Clear enough?”_

Dog Sings Zmirois ... While Monkey Paskens How To Eat an Orange on Shabbos Avoiding "Boirer"


Pealing a orange on Shabbos is not "boirer" for many reasons, but the monkey doesn't agree! He shows how to avoid the entire shaaleh, lchoil ha'deiois"

 Money takes care of his pet rabbit! Doesn't believe in "yichud" 

In the Shadow of War, Unfazed Israelis Were "Oleh Regel" on Pesach


In London Chareidim Team Up With Hamas To Burn the Jewish Flag


The reason I'm writing "Chareidim" because the Mosdois Hatorah are not throwing out their mamzerim from the yeshivos. They are not being ostracized in their shuls! 
Not one Chareidie Gadol in England has condemned them, Not one! 

Biden must now back up his sweeping promises and destroy Hamas


In one of the most important speeches of his presidency, Joe Biden hit a home run.

His forceful and sweeping remarks at an event marking Holocaust Remembrance Day captured the horrors of Nazi Germany, the Hamas terror attack and the echoes of both that are ringing loudly on American college campuses. 

“This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust — it didn’t end with the Holocaust, either, or even after our victory in World War II,” Biden said at the Capitol.

“This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness.” 

In one of several references to the slaughter on Oct. 7, he said, “Here we are — not 75 years later, but just seven and a half months later — and people are already forgetting. They’re already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror.” 

He denounced the “ferocious surge” of antisemitism in the US, saying too many people are “denying, downplaying, rationalizing and ignoring the horrors of the Holocaust and Oct. 7 — including Hamas’ appalling use of sexual violence to torture and terrorize. It’s absolutely despicable — and it must stop.” 


The speech was well written and well delivered as Biden largely avoided his usual stumbles and mumbles. 

It’s also remarkable that he has such strong feelings about the rancid antisemitism unfolding in America, given how quiet he has been despite a clamor for him to denounce it. 

Yet a speech, even an excellent one, is just a speech unless it is backed up with actions and policy.

And therein lies the disconnect between what Biden says and what he’s actually doing, and not doing. 

Many of his actions over the last six months actually undercut the sentiments he expressed Tuesday.

And the conflicting pattern continues as he foolishly appears determined to stop Israel from eliminating the remnants of Hamas with its assault on Rafah. 

This is a crucial time in Israel’s history.

Iran, by activating Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, is generating the most serious threat to Israel’s existence in decades. 

Yet instead of the world rallying to help crush the threat, the wolves in Europe and America smell blood and see a chance to neuter if not destroy the Jewish state. 

While Biden’s heart may be with Israel, he has too often sought a balance of interests, as if good and evil are equally deserving. 

And so with one hand, he offers Israel military support, and with the other he condemns its methods in Gaza and denounces its democratically elected government, the only one in the region. 

He promises Palestinians a state, over Israeli objections and without any plan for security, guaranteeing the current war will not be the last. 

Similarly, the antisemitism he decries has been roiling college campuses for months, yet he waited until the Holocaust event to wholeheartedly denounce it.

And his Department of Justice, which has been a bulldog at his beck and call when it comes to prosecuting his political opponents, is AWOL in the face of a clear conspiracy to harass Jews and foment hatred across the country. 

In defiance of a necessary strategy, he stubbornly refuses to tighten the screws on Iran, giving the mullahs more money and more freedom to torment Israel and our other regional allies. 

Biden’s Trying to Bring Gazan refugees to USA is a Hard Hell No!

 As President Biden considers bringing Gaza war refugees into the United States, he would do well to recall what happened when other good-hearted people took a similar chance – and paid with their blood.

Before the October 7 Hamas attack, Israeli citizens sponsored work permits for thousands of security-vetted Palestinians to earn money working on some of their farms in towns not far from the Gaza Strip.

Some of those Gazan day laborers are believed to have used their access to provide tactical information that helped Hamas terrorists kill hundreds of Israelis on October 7.

The bad apples lesson of that still developing story – and another where security-vetted Palestinian UN workers directly assisted the October 7 attackers – is central to the problem with an American plan to import Gazan war refugees. It’s an unacceptable national security risk.

We Will Never Forgive you! We Are Not Christians We Don't Turn the Other Cheek!


Hamas ‘ceasefire’ is a trap, Would be a ‘fatal mistake’


A former Hamas operative called for Israel to proceed with its military operation to destroy the terror group, warning that Hamas’ statement it had accepted a ceasefire was a ploy aimed at preventing the IDF from obtaining a decisive victory over Hamas.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, a former member of Hamas who served as a Shin Bet informant, wrote on social media platform X that Israel must ignore Hamas’ claim that it was willing to agree to a truce.

Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas. He has become an outspoken advocate against the group’s radical Islamic ideology and converted to Christianity from Islam in 1997.

“Israel should not fall into Hamas’s new trap unless the terror group commits to the release of ALL HOSTAGES and stepping down from power,” Yousef wrote on X.

“This is a trick orchestrated by Hamas hosts, agents, and donors to prevent Israel from finishing 36 years of human tragedy at the expense of children and their future,” he continued.

“I have to admit that Hamas’s move was very clever, however, Israel must outsmart them by demanding the release of all hostages in exchange for the Rafah invasion.”

Yousef urged Israel to take a hard line with Hamas, and not give them critical time in which to regroup and rearm.

“Anything less than” a demand for the return of the entirety of the hostages “could be a fatal mistake,” he added.

Airlines Now throwing Jews off their flights....


Two Yeshiva Bochurim, Reuvi Scheinerman, 17, and Yehudah Roffman, 21, were removed from an American Airlines flight this Sunday, May 5th, without explanation, and their families are now accusing American Airlines of having engaged in overt antisemitic discrimination.

 Reuvi was flying from Cleveland to Hartford, Connecticut, to return to his yeshiva in Naugatuck after Pesach break. Yehudah, meanwhile, was heading to his yeshiva in Far Rockaway. Both were dressed in visible yeshiva attire, including a white dress shirt, suit jacket, and black hat.

Prior to the flight, Yehuda noticed a dent in the plane’s tail and, concerned, mentioned it to the flight attendants and pilot. His concerns were brushed off. Minutes later, the gate agent ordered him off the plane. Reuvi, who had no interaction with the crew or Yehudah, was also removed, without explanation.

The plane departed and the Bochurim were informed that they were thrown off the flight. When they asked why, they were told, “You know what you did.” Both Bochurim were baffled – they had done nothing!

When Reuvi asked if it was anti-Semitism, the gate agent said the pilot had requested his removal and he has to comply. The gate agent threatened to blacklist them permanently from American Airlines, but later retracted his statement.

The Bochurim, uninterested in getting on a another flight, were then driven by one of their father’s through the night to their Yeshivos, bringing the incident to a conclusion.

The families of the affected Bochurim have not yet indicated whether they intend to file a lawsuit against the airline.

American Airlines has not commented on the matter.

Guess who is on a "Hunger Strike?"


I'm really glad that she is on a hunger strike, it will do wonders for her health and give her hunk of flesh, a break!

Whiney students at Princeton University are currently on a hunger strike and say they will not eat anything (they are drinking) until the university meets their demands, specifically a “full academic and cultural boycott of Israel” and a guarantee that they won’t themselves be subject to criminal or disciplinary charges.

Princeton has all but ignored the students, who are now getting worried that they might, you know, die if they actually keep their word and continue refusing food. Their desperation was apparent on Tuesday, with the students crying victim and throwing a fit that nobody is bothering to check if they are in good health.

The students – who are doing this willingly and can stop at any time they choose to – moaned that Princeton University administrators are “not monitoring our health. They are not keeping track of our vitals. They are not at all taking care of us.”

“We will continue to starve until they meet our demands,” the insisted.

Those poor babies. We hope they follow through on their “threat” to keep not eating. Besides, a few of them look like they can use a break from food for a while.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

No One Came to Save Us No One! So Now We Have a State and a Jewish Army To Defend Us


The US's hypocrisy is infuriating


Quite frankly, the hypocrisy and holier-than-thou attitude of the United States toward Israel is truly infuriating.

The Pentagon recently announced that last year, on May 3, 2023, they mistakenly killed a civilian. It was not just a misguided, errant bullet that killed him. The United States had tracked a 53-year-old shepherd in northern Syria with a highly sophisticated Predator Drone. And then they launched a Hellfire Missile that blew him to smithereens. The Hellfire, a guided smart bomb, is not very big, it’s about five feet long, but the cost is ginormous – about $150,000 per missile. The Predator Drone, however, is huge. It is 28 feet long and has a wingspan of between 48 and 66 feet. 

Turns out, the United States tracked a simple shepherd named Lufti Hassan Masto thinking he was an al-Qaeda leader. They were wrong. A year later, after “a thorough investigation,” the Pentagon admitted its mistake. 


It was a very expensive mistake. Not just in monetary loss, but also perhaps more importantly, in credibility. It makes clear that the United States, too, makes mistakes. The United States, too, kills civilians in war. Of course, they do. The death of civilians is, unfortunately, a part of the cost of war. Good nations don’t target innocent civilians. Good nations, like Israel and the United States, try their best to minimize civilian casualties. 

Exposed: Biden Conspired with Hamas to Trick Israel into a Suicidal Ceasefire!


An important detail to note is earlier today after Hamas came out accepting the made-up fantasy deal, the world press initially thought that Egypt and Qatar cooked it up, but they were wrong. 

It is now very clear that the US was the one behind all of this, and was exposed because of their amateurish conduct. 

However, this entire conspiracy backfired on Biden, and this is how we know.

 Gantz has basically done a 180-degree shift from his position on Saturday and now firmly believes that a military operation in Rafah is the only way to get the hostages back. Biden has now officially lost any ally who supports his crooked agenda in Israel. Israel's war cabinet is now more unified than ever on what needs to be done. Thank you, Biden!


JetBlue Cancels Jewish customer’s booking after he complained about flight attendant’s ‘free Palestine’ pin


A Jewish JetBlue passenger accused the airline of “blatant antisemitism” after it canceled his flight because he objected to a flight attendant wearing a “Free Palestine” pin during his trip to Las Vegas.

Paul Faust, a 54-year-old telecom entrepreneur from Parkland, Fla., had flown on April 28 from South Florida to Sin City, where he was met by a JetBlue official after getting off the plane, he said in a video about the incident, first reported by DailyMail.com.

Faust, a father of two, said the JetBlue official accused him of “causing a disturbance” during the flight and called the Las Vegas police department. 

JetBlue said it has launched an investigation into the incident.

“We are taking this matter very seriously and conducting a full investigation into our crew members’ actions,” a representative for the airline told The Post on Monday.

“We will take appropriate action once our investigation is complete as a result of non-compliance with any JetBlue policies.”

Faust said that he initially kept quiet after seeing the flight attendant wear several pins — including a one bearing the Palestine flag and the words Free Palestine,  as well as a Black Lives Matter badge — but spoke up during the trans-continental flight after she began serving drinks.

He claimed the flight attendant had shifted the pro-Palestinian pin to the front of her apron — a move that he interpreted as provocative and deliberate.

Faust said he brought his complaint to another flight attendant, saying: “I just wanna tell you I’m a frequent flyer, and it was upsetting that she wore that, and that she only changed that pin to the front of the apron, not the others.”

The flight attendant reportedly told Faust: “Okay, I’ll speak with her.”

“I don’t want there to be an issue,” Faust is said to have replied.

“Maybe speak with her after we leave the plane. Just talk about how it was maybe a little insensitive, it made me feel a little uncomfortable.”

After passengers disembarked, Faust said one of the flight attendants pointed him out to another JetBlue official who was wearing a yellow vest.

“Sir, I need to speak with you,” the official is said to have told Faust.

Faust said that he was told he had caused a disturbance and that he needed to produce ID.

“I didn’t cause any disturbance. I’m not giving you my ID,” Faust said he told them.

The JetBlue official is then said to have called the police, telling authorities: “I’m standing here with a passenger that caused a disturbance on our flight.”

Faust said he walked away because “I was not going to sit there while he made up lies.”

The next day, Faust, who was scheduled to fly back to Florida, but said his return flight was canceled.

JetBlue didn’t bother to notify Faust of the cancellation, he said.

When Faust called customer service to follow up on the matter, he said the airline booted him because he had “caused a disturbance on the flight, did not listen to flight crew instructions, and didn’t listen to the supervisor at the gate.”

Faust denied the accusations.

The JetBlue spokesperson said the airline has expedited a change to its pin policy, which had dated back many years and allowed crew members to wear one inoffensive personal pin of their choice, “to reflect the current environment.” 

The airline has reached out to Faust offer to “our apologies for the breakdown in our policies during his flight,” the rep said.

“We hope with these actions we can welcome him back onto a JetBlue flight in the future.”

Several social media users called for a boycott of JetBlue after Faust posted his video.

Israeli offensive in Rafah targets Egypt border crossing after Hamas tried to change terms of cease-fire

Israel launched an offensive into the final Hamas stronghold of Rafah on Monday — and a major target appeared to be the key border crossing with Egypt — the only way in or out of the Gaza Strip that Israel does not control.

The assault on the southern city — where more than 1 million Palestinians have taken refuge from war elsewhere in the territory — came after Hamas made a last-ditch ploy for a cease-fire.

However, Hamas changed the language in the deal — allowing the terror group to count the bodies of dead hostages among the 33 Israelis they had agreed to turn over in exchange for a temporary stop to the fighting, according to Israel’s public broadcaster KAN TV.

Hamas made major headlines when it said it approved a cease-fire deal Monday afternoon. But the Hamas deal had major differences from previous iterations put forward by Israel.

In addition, Hamas continued to demand an end to the war, which has been a non-starter for Israel as it has vowed to eradicate the terror group.

Israel’s ground offensive launched shortly after the Jewish state called out and rejected the Hamas cease-fire proposal as nothing more than deception.

A Palestinian security official and Egyptian official both said Israeli tanks had entered the southern Gaza city and were as close as 250 yards from the crossing.

The IDF wants to control the Palestinian side of the crossing to review any aid flowing into Gaza, a source with direct knowledge told Axios’ Barak Ravid.

Israeli leaders believe that by taking over the crucial Rafah crossing, it will greatly damage Hamas’ claim that it is still ruling Gaza, the source added.

The world’s eyes are now trained on Rafah. President Biden told the Israelis the US would not support a military operation there.

“The president was consistent again this morning that we don’t support ground operations in Rafah,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby told reporters prior to the advancement.

As the IDF entered Rafah, Hamas said it fired rockets at the Israeli city of Sderot, Nir Am and other areas near the Gazan border.

The IDF confirmed that the missiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system, with one home damaged by falling shrapnel from the attack. 

The announcement came shortly after Israel’s war cabinet unanimously voted to proceed with the attack on Hamas’ final stronghold in an effort to apply military pressure on the terror group, “with the goal of making progress on freeing the hostages and the other war aims,” Netanyahu’s office said.

The prime minister also slammed Hamas’ latest truce officer as “far from Israel’s obligatory demands.”

Following Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh’s announcement that the terror group had accepted a cease-fire deal, Israeli officials told multiple outlets that the deal presented to the terror group was a “softened” version of what was really on the table and is not being taken seriously by Jerusalem.

One official told Reuters that the announcement was a clear ruse by the terror group to create a backlash against Israel for refusing a deal, and officials told public broadcaster KAN TV that the announcement of a cease-fire agreement was a “Hamas deception.”

Hamas’ announcement triggered celebrations across Gaza, where Palestinians cheered and chanted  “Allahu Akbar” in the streets — though the celebration was short-lived.

Despite criticizing Hamas’ move, Netanyahu’s office said Israel is still sending a negotiation team to Cairo “to exhaust the possibility of achieving an agreement on terms that are acceptable to Israel.”

But as the Rafah offensive began, families and far-leftist supporters of the hostages in Gaza began demonstrating outside Netanyahu’s home accusing the prime minister of putting the war above the hostages’ lives. 

“Bibi is abandoning the hostages!” the leftist demonstrators shouted, according to The Times of Israel.  

Israel has repeatedly rejected any cease-fire deal that calls for an end to the war, with Netanyahu saying that the conflict will only end once Hamas has been eradicated and Gaza proves to no longer be a threat to the Jewish State.

Thousands of Palestinians are fleeing parts of Rafah after Israel issued warnings it was planning to start military action.

Admiral Daniel Hagari said the more than 100,000 Palestinians who were told to flee eastern Rafah on Monday were instructed to stay in humanitarian zones for the rest of the night, while others were told to run to Al-Mawasi or Khan Younis.

“There they will receive a full humanitarian response, where water, food, medical equipment and shelter will be provided,” Hagari said in a statement.

Netanyahu has agreed to keep the Kerem Shalom crossing open to allow humanitarian aid to go through after closing the passage over the weekend following Hamas’ attack.