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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Bibi Responds To Biden’s Warning: “82% Of The American Public Supports Israel”


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday evening responded to President Joe Biden’s warning on Monday night during an interview on NBC that the current right-wing government in Israel is causing it to lose international support.

Netanyahu said: “Since the start of the war, I have been leading a diplomatic campaign to curb pressure to end the war prematurely as well as to secure strong support for Israel.”

“We have had considerable success in this area because a Harvard-Harris poll was published today which shows that 82% of the American public supports Israel. That means that four out of five US citizens support Israel and not Hamas.”

“This gives us further strength to continue the military campaign until complete victory,” Netanyahu asserted.

See the poll here.

Biden said on Monday: “Israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations. If it keeps this up with this incredibly conservative government they have, and [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben-Gvir and others… they’re going to lose support from around the world, and that is not in Israel’s interest.”

Survivor Blanche Fixler Addresses Bais Yaakov Girls About Holocaust


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Piers Morgan claims Israel's response to the Hamas invasion had been disproportionate. Naftali Bennett sharply Sets Him Straight


Gerer Chassidim Stealing the Beit Shemesh Elections ...... 6 arrested

Watch how the police pull out Gur Chassidim  who forged documents and entered the polling stations illegally

 Dramatic documentation was sent in which you can see how the Israeli police pull out a Gerer Chasid  who was posing as an observer and arrested him.

According to information in our possession, a number of Chassidim forged documents  that they are observers on behalf of the 'Derech' list, these appear at the various polling stations throughout the city, they approached the observers posted on behalf of the 'Derech' list and demanded that they go home.

Activists of 'Derech' received information about these matters and entered the various polling stations while being accompanied by police officers and pulled all the imposters out of there.

Nahmi, a Ramat Dalet resident who staffed the neighborhood polling stations as an observer on behalf of Derech List, said:

"While I was doing my job as an observer, a man came up to me presenting documents and telling me that he had been sent to replace me. I didn't realize that and so I had insisted on staying until the evening as agreed with the headquarters, but he really demanded of me to leave and spoke with confidence, which made me believe him and not suspect anything.

After a while I started to worry and contacted the people responsible and everything unfolded from there. Right now I'm here again and I won't let anyone come and steal the democratic choice that we deserve by law."

Inbar Toizer on Channel 12, said that the bribery case in the elections in Beit Shemesh - has 6 arrested from Chasidot Gur on suspicion of offering a payment of 100 to 500 shekels to those who will give them an identity card or pledge to vote for the Adat Israel list and for the candidate Moshe Abutbul for mayor.

"How do you raise $8,500.00" ...... Yiddish Song


Hamas Supporters Heckle Jerry Seinfeld on New York City Street


Video shows a calm and collected Seinfeld smiling and waving as he left the event at the 92nd street Y where former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss delivered the Y’s annual State of the World Jewry address.

BREAKING !! Dr. Ruth Gottesman Donates $1 billion to Albert Einstein College of Medicine so that Students will never have to pay Tuition!

 Ruth Gottesman, the chairwoman of Einstein’s Board of Trustees, has donated $1 billion to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx.

The Albert Einstein College of Medicine was formerly owned by Yeshiva University (YU) and trained thousands of Jewish doctors.

The gift is considered the largest in history made to a medical school in  the United States.

Students will no longer have to pay tuition following the donation from the longtime professor.

The school will become permanently tuition free starting next year. Any students in their final year of medical school who already paid for the current semester will be fully reimbursed.

Monday, February 26, 2024

"The Ones "shmading" Yiddishkeit in Israel are Actually the Chassidim and the Litvakis" Father speaks from his heart!


So what's going on??

There are elections in Beit Shemesh for Mayor, and for City Councilmen. It's been vicious! 

Thank G-d it over tomorrow!

The three candidates for Mayor, is the present Mayor, Dr. Aliza Bloch, Moshe Abutbul the previous Mayor who lost against Aliza in the last election, and Shmuel Greenberg.

Greenberg dragged the aging Rav Landau to give him the endorsement. Rav Landau has since rescinded those endorsements after he found out that Greenberg lied to him and promised that he would not support "mamlachti" Yeshivos which teach "lemudei Chol, English, Math etc. But at same time, Greenberg promised the other Councilmen running, that he would leave the status quo! 

Abutbul dragged out his dead rabbis, who according to many commentaries don't know what is presently going on in this world. He like Greenberg, lied to his Sfardie Rabbis that he would not back "mamlachti" schools but then turned around, stabbed them in the back (the live ones, of course) and teamed up with the Local Likkud Party that is all for Mamlachti Schools. 

Dr. Aliza Bloch who also received many rabbinical endorsements, but her endorsements were exclusively from local rabbanim, says openly that she is backing Schools for all children living Beit Shemesh, be they chassidim, Litvaks, Sfardim and even Chilonim. 

Just that you know, no party can win in Beit Shemesh if they are officially against "mamlachti" schools! 

So what's the issue????

A new party called "Derech" popped up founded by a Chassidishe guy named Moti Leitner. 

Leitner is the 3rd from the left

This party targets the English speakers and the olim. They are promising residents of Ramat Beit Shemesh that they will ensure that all be treated equally in terms of resource allocation, investments, and development, and most important they believe like Dr. Aliza Bloch that each child get an education to their unique needs, in other words they will support "mamlachti schools." 

A couple of weeks ago, a campaign by the local rabbanim who are against "mamlachti" schools (Only G-d knows why) began in full swing, winking to the extremists that they should destroy this party. 

So the extremists who have nothing to do all day, they don't learn, have no internet, no sports, no nothing, went in like "Nachshan Ben Amindav", started a campaign of intimidation and harassment by screaming at Moti Leitner's wife and children and came to his dira in Dalet where he lives, and kept this up every week threatening and humiliating them. They are also harassing his father.

The Rabbanim????? אין קול ואין עונה ...... crickets!

Meanwhile at the ranch, the local Rabbanim, some of whom speak fluent English and who studied in Yeshivos that provided secular studies, which they are now against, started talking to the Chareidie press saying that Leitner is "shmading" yiddishishe kinderlich! 

But a father is a father and as the pietan says: כרחם אב על בנים Leitner's father sent out a rant that went viral and has close to 300,00 views in which he says that it is actually the Chassidishe and Litvishe Yeshivos (he meant the rabbanim) that are "shmading' our precious kinderlach. He asks why shouldn't every single child get an education suited for him? 

You don't have to understand Hebrew to understand and feel this father's pain. 

He is saying that the radical Hebrew Newspaper "Hamevser" came out with an announcement after they found out that Abutbul lied to them and that he teamed up with Likkud ...that Shas is destroying yiddishe neshamois. The kanaim the extremist are screaming and cursing the Agudists, the Peleg are screaming at the Litvaks,. He says that all the other newspapers are each blaming the other "Daas Torah" parties stating that they are destroying yiddishkeit.. the different parties stating "Daas Torah" state you get "Gan Eden" if you vote for them and like the Christians they say that you go to Hell if you vote against them. He then tells them who are the real people "shmading" am yisrael.... 
Chassidim and the Litvaks they are destroying yiddishkeit as we know it! 
He should be working for DIN 

Hamas Soldiers Finally Open Up In Disturbing Interviews!


Michael Savage Slams ‘Biggest Lie of Our Time’ on Palestine, Shows Continuous Jewish Presence in Israel Since 1900 BC


The Jewish people have populated Israel for nearly 4,000 years, noted conservative radio legend Michael Savage, who slammed “the biggest lie of our time” that Jews have no connection to, or right to reside in, their ancient homeland.

Appearing on Newsmax TV’s Rob Schmitt Tonight, the New York Times best-selling author debunked claims from “far-left terrorist sympathizers” that the Jews are “operating on stolen land.”

Calling it a “great opportunity to set the record straight,” Savage slammed the notion that Jews arrived in Israel after 1948 and that they are essentially Europeans that “don’t belong there,” calling such claims “the biggest lie of our time.”

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” he asserted.

Venezuelan migrants killing all of us and the US Cannot Deport Them ..All While Biden Naps!

Jose Antonio Ibarra

 Nursing Student Laken Riley

 A wave of violent crimes being carried out across America has been linked to Venezuelan migrants and the U.S. government cannot deport any of them, as the South American country will not take any of its citizens back.

An illegal immigrant originally from Venezuela has been charged in connection with the violent murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley on the University of Georgia campus on Thursday. Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, the suspect, was released into the U.S. via parole, three ICE & DHS sources told Fox News.

In New York City, the NYPD is trying to crack down on a violent Venezuelan gang known as Tren de Aragua that it says is responsible for terrorizing residents with dozens of robberies in the Big Apple, where the group has now been blamed for scooter and moped robberies as well as retail theft.

At least two of its members were arrested in connection with the shocking mob assault of two New York City police officers last month.

Arab Wiseguy Messes with the wrong Chayelet


Mesiras Nefesh of Ori Megidish who was Kidnapped by Hamas and Rescued Will Return to the Army



 Cpl. Ori Megidish, who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 and later rescued by special forces from captivity in the Gaza Strip, will return to her army service today.

Megidish, who was an observation soldier at the Nahal Oz post, will  now serve in the IDF's Military Intelligence Directorate.

The decision to return Megidish to service " stemmed from her personal desire and sense of mission to serve the country."

Civilians in northern Gaza want Hamas to continue the war and not give up.


_”Despite the fact that we are now eating animal and livestock food, we have a clear message to Hamas… 

Don’t give up! 
All Palestinian prisoners must be released. If there is no  animal food, we will eat sand. Don’t give up on anything.!_

And we have a message to the Jews… 
We have already committed  October 7th and there will be October 8th and October 9th and October 10th and so on…”_

Thousands of Jewish teens gather at Ohel amid spike in antisemitic incidents

 Thousands of Jewish teens from across the globe gathered at a pro-Israel rally in Times Square and at the grave of a beloved rabbi as part of the annual CTeen International Summit.

A massive crowd prayed at the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson in Queens Sunday, a day after the Times Square rally, spreading handwritten, shredded prayers over his final resting place.

The Rebbe’s resting place is known for its spiritual significance, attracting over 400,000 visitors annually.

CTeen volunteer Mendel Zaklikovsky said the gathering at the grave site was significant because Schneerson was passionate about young people.

“The Rebbe was very into education. He would always talk about the potential that young adults have,” Zaklikovsky told The Post. “They are the future leaders of the Jewish world. So it’s very important that we instill in them a strong sense of Jewish pride.

“Just coming together is a very massive thing for these teenagers,” Zaklikovsky said. “There’s a lot of antisemitism, and when there are 3,000 teens coming together, it’s a big deal.”

The CTeen International Summit, hosted by CTeen, brings together teens from around the world for a weekend of prayer and workshops on topics such as antisemitism, mental health, and leadership.

This year’s theme is “Count on Me”.

Half Million March For Israel in Brazil Demanding LULU be impeached!


An estimated 500,000 people, including opposition leader and former President Bolsonaro marched in São Paulo, Brazil today demanding the impeachment of President Lula for his recent comments comparing Israeli Operations in Gaza to the Nazis in the Holocaust and for his judicial persecution and censorship.

Adi Zohar a pregnant Lady Shot in Mallei Adummim Describes her Miracle

Adi Zohar, who was severely injured in last week’s terror attack near Maaleh Adumim, spoke with the media Sunday about the amazing miracle she experienced.

“Thank Hashem, I am slowly recovering,” Mrs. Zohar, who is pregnant, said from her hospital bed. “I had a great miracle, and I want to focus on that. I got my life back.”

Mrs. Zohar described her harrowing experience during last week’s terror attack on Route 1, in vivid detail.

“I travel there every morning. I was waiting in the traffic jam.”

She described how she “was talking on the phone, and I noticed that the car in front of me suddenly rammed into the car ahead. I thought it was a strange accident, but within seconds the terrorist got out of the car as if he was possessed.”

“I saw his gun immediately, I started screaming to my aunt on the phone that they were going to shoot me because I had no way to avoid it. “He looked at me, I tried to slide down in my seat and I thought about my fetus and I said, ‘Shema Yisrael,’ and he fired at me, I saw blood on my shirt.”

“I didn’t feel the bullet hit me. I got out and tried to run away, and I later saw in the videos that the terrorist was close to me,” she added.

She recounted the horrific moments after she was shot. “I crawled on the ground and tried to reach other cars so they would know something happened to me, that I was hurt.”

“Because I was on all fours, most drivers didn’t open the door for me, they were scared. A nice woman let me into her car and, in the midst of the chaos, I managed to gather myself and told her, ‘I’m pregnant, they shot me, call an ambulance,'” she said.

“I experienced a miracle,” she said. “First of all, I’m still here. We’re now four days after the incident. The bullet hit in a very dangerous place, but both I and my unborn child are alive, and that’s what matters.”

Mrs. Zohar emphasized, “I had a miracle here. The shrapnel was in a dangerous place, and I and my fetus are alive. Everyone speaks about the moments before death, and that’s how I felt, and I thought about my two-year-old son who will have to grow up without me. Hashem was with me. The fact that I did not lose consciousness protected my fetus.”


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Must Watch: Why I Left Christianity And Became a Jew


Ayelet Elnecave grew up as a devout Christian in Iowa and graduated with honors from Vanderbilt University majoring in Jewish Studies.

She taught English in Mexico for three years before making Aliyah in 2010. Ayelet converted to Judaism 3 times. She lives in Jerusalem and teaches at Neve Yerushalayim. This is her story.

Unbelievable! Sneaky Demonrats slap surprise ‘Hamas amendment’ on Holocaust education bill


All this in the great State of Washington

A bipartisan bill on Holocaust and genocide education in Washington state has had a “Hamas amendment” slapped on it by State House Democrats that would guarantee that antisemitic and pro-Hamas talking points are taught to public school children.

House Bill 2037 mandates that public schools teach the Holocaust and other genocides and augment current material on the Holocaust with a curriculum augmented by the Holocaust Center for Humanity and other agencies. Additionally, in April, International Genocide Prevention and Awareness Month, Washington public schools must also promote age-appropriate educational activities regarding the Holocaust and other genocides.

The bill was a companion to a Senate bill, introduced by Republican State Senator John Braun, following the Hamas massacre of Oct 7, to address GOP concerns that one in five Americans aged 18 to 29 don't think the Holocaust occurred.

However, once the bills were introduced, local antisemites and Hamas supporters spammed legislators demanding that the Holocaust education be watered down and focus more on other genocides.

Blink'crap under fire for reversing policy on 'settlements': "A shameful decision"


US Secretary of State Antony Blinkcrapinberg came under fire following his announcement on Friday that Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is “inconsistent with international law”, reversing the policy of the Trump administration on the issue.

Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote on X, “Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers. There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their biblical homeland. Indeed, Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow, also the Dean of the Yale Law School (who negotiated UNSCR 242), stated that Israel has the best legal claim to Judea and Samaria.”

“For Blinken to announce this in the middle of a war and when the Jewish Sabbath already has begun in Israel is unconscionable,” added Friedman.

House Speaker Mike Johnson shared Friedman’s post and wrote, “Ambassador David Friedman is absolutely correct. This is a shameful decision.”

“The Jewish people have a historic and legal right to live in the land of Israel including in Judea and Samaria - the biblical heartland. It is an absolute disgrace the Biden administration would issue this decision, especially as Israel fights terrorists on multiple fronts that seek Israel’s destruction and as more than 130 hostages remain in Gaza,” added Johnson.

“The Biden Administration must stop undermining Israel and facilitating efforts to delegitimize Israel. It is misguided and unconscionable,” he concluded.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote, “The Pompeo doctrine simply recognized reality: Judea and Samaria are the homeland of the Jewish people.”

“It’s shameful that the Biden Administration reversed this and rewarded terrorists—all to help Biden’s poll numbers in Michigan,” he added.

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) also shared Ambassador Friedman’s post and wrote, “Ambassador Friedman is correct. The Biden Admin’s disgraceful reversal undermines a close friend while rewarding the genocidal terrorists they are fighting. It is not a legal assessment. It is a political calculation meant to appease the pro-Hamas radical left. Shameful.”

Blinken, speaking at a news conference during a trip to Buenos Aires, said the United States was disappointed by Israel's announcement on Thursday of plans to approve new housing units in Judea and Samaria in response to the shooting attack near Maaleh Adumim.

Blinken said the new construction is counterproductive to reaching an enduring peace and then added, "They're also inconsistent with international law. Our administration maintains a firm opposition to settlement expansion, and in our judgment this only weakens, doesn't strengthen Israel's security.”

Blinken thus effectively revoked the so-called “Pompeo Doctrine”, which deemed Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria “not per se inconsistent with international law.”

In 2019, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo implemented the policy, overturning a 1978 memo by State Department legal adviser Herbert Hansell, which characterized “settlements” as “illegal”