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Friday, January 19, 2024

A name and gemstone for every victim of 10/7: memorialised on a Torah scroll cover.


This is who those savages murdered!


Biden and the Israel Left Join On a Major Campaign to Topple Netanyahu

 Is Israel on the cusp of political upheaval? 

In recent days, evidence has grown that two key actors—the Biden administration and Israel’s security establishment—are both pushing the country in that direction to advance their longstanding common goal of ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the religious-right bloc from power.

The Biden administration showed its hand on Tuesday when U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gave Israel an ultimatum to support Palestinian statehood or risk demonization by the administration.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken restated the administration’s demand that Netanyahu present a plan for the day after the war against Hamas in Gaza and the administration’s goal of using the war to establish a Palestinian state. Blinken insisted that the only side that refuses to accept the administration’s goal is the Israeli public—and its leader, Netanyahu.

Insisting that “Arab leaders, Palestinian leaders” have prepared their people for Palestinian Arab statehood, Blinken said: “I think the challenge now, the question now, is is Israeli society prepared to engage on these questions? Is it prepared to have that mindset?”

Israelis, of course, have engaged in the question of Palestinian Arab statehood. After the atrocities that the Palestinian Arabs carried out against their people and state on Oct. 7—and as the full mobilization of Palestinian Arab society in Gaza and Judea and Samaria on behalf of Hamas’s war of genocide against Israel has been revealed—Israeli support for Palestinian Arab statehood dried up. As Direct Polls revealed last month, 81% of Israelis, including Arab Israelis, say there is no prospect for peace with the Palestinian Arabs, including 70% of left-wing voters. Some 88% of Israelis do not trust the Palestinian Arab leadership.

Blinken, however, doesn’t seem to care what Israelis think. He wants them to obey, and he views Netanyahu as the obstacle to Israeli obeisance to the administration’s program. As a result, he wants the prime minister ousted from power, as NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell reported on Wednesday.

She wrote that during his visit to Israel last week, Blinken offered Netanyahu a deal. In exchange for Israeli support for Palestinian Arab statehood, Saudi Arabia would normalize its ties with Israel.

Netanyahu said no.

Netanyahu’s position, the administration believes, means he has to go.

Eylon Levy Shreds Another Vicious News Anchor – ‘We didn’t want this war!’



No! No! No! No! Bibi tells US "No to a Palestinian State Bordering Israel in Any Form!"

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected U.S. calls to scale back Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip or take steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state after the war, drawing an immediate scolding from the White House.

The tense back and forth reflected what has become a wide rift between the two allies over the scope of Israel’s war and its plans for the future of the beleaguered territory.

“We obviously see it differently,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said.

Netanyahu spoke just a day after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israel would never have “genuine security” without a pathway toward Palestinian independence. Earlier this week, the White House also announced that it was the “right time” for Israel to lower the intensity of its devastating military offensive in Gaza.

In a nationally televised news conference, Netanyahu struck a defiant tone, repeatedly saying that Israel would not halt its offensive until it realizes its goals of destroying Gaza’s Hamas militant group and bringing home all remaining hostages held by Hamas.(backslash)

He rejected claims by a growing chorus of Israeli critics that those goals are not achievable, vowing to press ahead for many months. “We will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Then they came for William Penn…


The National Park Service recently announced a plan to rehab the dilapidated Welcome Park in Philadelphia, which marks the spot of William Penn’s home. The proposed project would have included the removal of the park’s central statue of Penn. Despite his status as the state’s founder, he was set to disappear – ironically enough, in the name of inclusivity, the latest historical figure to be tarred as an oppressor.

However, it seems the forces of cultural progressivism had finally gone too far. Swift, bipartisan outrage greeted the new plan. Four days later, the NPS reversed it, saying it was released prematurely. Pennsylvania’s Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro went further, stating definitively that Welcome Park would remain the statue’s home.

It’s a welcome retreat. What the NPS proposed is not an improvement. It would have been a modern act of vandalism that aimed to rewrite the very history this monument commemorates.

Can Chabad Dig out of the Tunnels? Zev Brenner Tries to find out!

 DIN: What I found fascinating is, that right at the beginning of this interview "The Meshichist" Eitan Kalmowitz , makes a profound statement, that "every single Chabad guy believes that the Rebbe is the "mashiach" and that there are no disagreements amongst the parties about that," and he went unchallenged on that remark! This statement is absolutely false!

PS I would like to add something very important: Most Chassidim and Litvishe believe their rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva is G-D, Chabad only thinks he is Moshiach.

Herzog: ‘No Israelis in their right mind’ are thinking about peace process right now


Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next to a photo of one-year-old Israeli hostage Kfir Bibas, President Isaac Herzog said on Thursday that Israelis are not able to think about a peace process with the Palestinians right now.

“If you ask an average Israeli now about his or her mental state, nobody in his right mind is willing now to think about what will be the solution of the peace agreements,” he said in an interview on the WEF main stage, “because everybody wants to know: Can we be promised real safety in the future?”

After the unprecedented slaughter in southern Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7, “every Israeli wants to know that he will not be attacked in the same way from north or south or east,” Herzog said.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next to a photo of one-year-old Israeli hostage Kfir Bibas, President Isaac Herzog said on Thursday that Israelis are not able to think about a peace process with the Palestinians right now.

‘Surge in Illegal Arab Building Along Green Line a Security Threat’

  An alarming increase in illegal Arab construction along the Judea and Samaria security barrier has come to light thanks to research by Israeli NGO Regavim. 

 Analyzing photography obtained through aerial reconnaissance, Regavim discovered tens of thousands of illegal structures built along the barrier, which runs roughly along the Green Line, the 1949 armistice line that followed Israel’s War of Independence. 

 Much of the Arab construction is new, created within the last 10 months, reports the think tank, which focuses on land and sovereignty issues.

Chusid Warns Hashem "If you don't give me parnassa I'm going to the Ribnitzer"


Pentagon insider warns 'we are on the brink' of World War 3 after latest Iran attack

 A source inside the Pentagon has warned Daily Express US that "we are on the brink of World War 3" amid surging conflict in the  sparked largely by .

The warning comes as Iranian-backed proxies destabilise the Middle East by attacking Israel and US targets, as well as international shipping in the region.

Iran itself has also carried out strikes in neighbouring  and  as well as  sending tensions soaring.

Defence expert Nicholas Drummond echoed concerns that the conflict in the Middle East could potentially escalate but warned that if Tehran directly attacked Israel, the ensuing war would be “the end of Iran”.

Speaking to Daily Express US, he said: “Iran's agenda in the region, and globally, has been exposed. And Iran is on the back foot.

"The West is saying to Iran 'behave yourself, or we will attack you directly'.

"I think it's highly possible that if Iran continues to act through proxies, or to act directly, that threatens Western interests, we could see military action taken against Iran, and that would be a major conflict in the Middle East."

It’s unclear whether Iran is prepared to engage in such a conflict which, according to Mr Drummond, would spell disaster for the regime in Tehran.

He added: "I think Iran has to be very, very careful. It has been playing a dangerous game. And it's about to get punished if it doesn't step back.

"You saw that [Iran] fired a missile into Syria and… it was ostensibly taking out rebel targets but it was [also] demonstrating, it has a missile capable of reaching Israel from Iran that could have with a nuclear warhead - it could target Tel Aviv.

"That's . And, of course, if Iran did that, it would be the end of Iran, frankly."

Mr Drummond branded Iran as "the biggest threat to world peace" at the moment.

The stark assessment of the situation in the Middle East comes as Iranian proxies target the US and Israel in and from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and elsewhere.

In addition, Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen have wrought havoc on international shipping by attacking civilian vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

In the past days,  as well as in Syria sending fears of a direct confrontation soaring.

The US has responded previously by striking Iranian-backed militants in Syria and Iraq after Washington’s military assets in those countries came under fire.

Iran Started up with the wrong country now.. Pakistan bombs Pakistani terrorists IN Iran

Pakistan conducted a series of military strikes Thursday morning against insurgents operating in Iran in response to a deadly bombing in the southwestern Pakistani province of Baluchistan on Tuesday. 

 The Pakistan Armed Forces completed a "series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes" against Pakistani terrorists in Iran's Siestan-o-Baluchistan province as part of an intelligence-based operation named "Marg Bar Sarmachar,"

 Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. The strikes were described as successful by the MoFA and left a "number of terrorists" dead. "Over the last several years, in our engagements with Iran, Pakistan has consistently shared its serious concerns about the safe havens and sanctuaries enjoyed by Pakistani-origin terrorists calling themselves *Sarmachars* on the ungoverned spaces inside Iran," the MoFA said, adding that it has shared "multiple dossiers with concrete evidence of the presence and activities of these terrorists."

Pakistan said the "lack of action" on its "serious concerns" caused the "Sarmachars" to kill innocent Pakistanis without consequence, which ultimately prompted the strikes on Thursday after credible intelligence reports revealed impending large-scale terrorist activities. 

While the country said it "fully respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Iran, it cannot compromise the security or national interest of Pakistan.

"This action is a manifestation of Pakistan’s unflinching resolve to protect and defend its national security against all threats," the announcement read. "The successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the Pakistan Armed Forces. Pakistan will continue to take all necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people which is sacrosanct, inviolable and sacred."

IDF Eliminated Head of Terrorist Cell in Shechem ..Nablus On their way to a Large-Scale Terrorist Attack


CNN Has Footage of Hamas Sawing Heads off his Victims ...


Gallant Never Sent Help to Ofakim on Oct 7 Even after the Mayor Called him twice!!


 A video clip making the rounds in Hebrew media features Ofakim Mayor Yitzhak Danino revealing disturbing details of a conversation he had with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as the Oct. 7 attack unfolded, in which he pleaded for army helicopters to save the small southern city, which Gallant promised but were never sent.

Located 18 miles east of the Gaza Strip, Ofakim suffered more than 50 dead during the Hamas attack. The death toll would have been still worse but for the heroic actions of local residents, most armed only with handguns.

Danino describes in the undated speech how he realized what was happening by 7 a.m. and called Gallant, saying, “There are bands of terrorists going from house to house and murdering my residents and if a helicopter doesn’t arrive within a half hour they’ll slaughter the entire city.”

The mayor said there was silence on the other end for 20 to 30 seconds, which “seemed like an eternity,” before Gallant spoke. He said, “I’ll take care of it.”

“In those moments, I felt like I’d done something meaningful to save my residents,” Danino said, describing how even in that difficult situation he felt “elated” knowing help was on its way.

“I wait half an hour. I call him again. And I say to him, “Mr. Minister, I don’t hear helicopters. I don’t hear rescue forces. And he says to me, ‘I’ll take care of it,’” Danino related.

“The first soldier to arrive at Ofakim was at 2 in the afternoon,” he said.

Danino had spoken about the conversation before, relating the story to Radio Darom on Oct. 26.

Danino told the Israeli station that he first called then-Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who promised to reach out to the National Security Council, but Danino realized that wasn’t the answer, and then it hit him he should call Gallant.

The only help for Ofakim came from its residents, who rushed out of their homes to defend the city “spontaneously” and on their own initiative against the terrorists. They “saved hundreds of residents” that day, the mayor said.

‘Hamas Tried To Sell My Son’s Head For $10,000’


Adir Tahar HyD

In a macabre description of the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on October 7th, a bereaved father recounted on Israel’s channel 14 how terrorists had killed and then decapitated his 19-year-old son Adir, a soldier in the Golani brigade. The terrorists left the headless body in the base and returned to the Gaza strip with his head, which they then tried to sell for $10000.

“It is barbaric beyond comprehension,” the father, David Tahar, said in the interview. I received a body without a head.” Adir was partially buried a few days after his death.

“For two and a half months, I tried every avenue to found out where his head was. I insisted on seeing his body. I had lost trust in the army,” David said.

Towards the end of December, soldiers from a special forces unit received information from the Shin Bet, which had interviewed two captured terrorists, one of whom had tried to sell Adir’s head.

“A special unit was sent in with tanks to central Gaza,” David related. The head was eventually located in Palestine Square in Jabalya, in the refrigerator of an ice cream store.

“They managed to bring me what was left and we buried it with the help of the Army Rabbinate,” David concluded.

The family is now conducting a campaign to perpetuate Adir’s memory by establishing a center for at-risk youth. The campaign can be reached at: https://charidy.com/ezra23/bbq?utm_source=c_whatsapp

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Sicko Blinken: "Jewish lives don’t matter more than Palestinian ones"


DIN: The dumb Blinken, he should have diverted that question knowing it was coming from an avowed antisemite, he should have replied. "We have International Laws, that state when one comes to kill you, you defend yourself , period."

Palestinian lives are as important as Jewish ones, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, when quizzed on the matter by veteran journalist Thomas Friedman.

“Do Jewish lives matter more than Palestinian and Muslim and Christian lives, given the incredible asymmetry in [civilian] casualties” in the Gaza war, Friedman said.

Blinken quickly replied: “No.”

He then expanded on the answer, stressing that “for me and for so many of us, what we are seeing every single day in Gaza is gut-wrenching. The suffering we are seeing among innocent men and children breaks my heart. The question is, what is to be done.”

Israeli Left Pushing PA Control of Gaza and Future ‘Palestinian’ State


While for most Israelis, Oct. 7 was a wake-up call to the dangers of a “Palestinian” state (a Jan. 10 poll found 74% opposed to the idea), within weeks of the massacre a New Israel Fund (NIF)-supported think tank started working to shape Israeli policy for the “day after.”

In their vision, the “day after” means a two-state solution in which the Palestinian Authority would become the government of the new country

Mitvim (its full title is The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies) partnered in October with the Berl Katznelson Foundation, another NIF-funded organization, to form a working group composed of “Israel-Palestinian experts from various disciplines, research institutes, academia and civil society organizations.”

Jordan to Join South Africa in ‘Genocide’ Lawsuit Against Israel at The Hague

 The ludicrous lawsuit by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice at The Hague on the charge of genocide is rapidly shaping up to provide a clear snapshot of who in the world hopes to eliminate the State of Israel once and for all, and who stands by the right of the Jewish State to exist.

Among those apparently hoping to see Israel’s demise, oddly, is the Kingdom of Jordan, Israel’s neighbor to the east with whom the Jewish State has “enjoyed” icy but quiet relations under a peace treaty signed by both on October 26, 1994.

Despite that peace treaty, Mohannad Al-Mubaideen, a spokesperson for the Jordanian government, has told Arabi 21 that “Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh’s speech before the House of Representatives was clear, which is that Jordan will submit the necessary legal investigations and pleadings as soon as the International Court of Justice decides to consider the genocide case.”

Jordan, Turkey, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Djibouti, the Muslim member states of the Organization of Islamic Countries, and the Arab League, all expressed their support for South Africa in its effort to rescue Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization from contending with the consequences of its October 7, 2023 invasion of Israel and its massacre that day of more than 1,200 people in some 22 Israeli villages and several other military bases along the Israel-Gaza border.

Germany has announced its decision to intervene in the Court on Israel’s behalf, which will require Berlin to file a “declaration of intervention” with the Court in order to present its legal arguments. The European nation is adding its voice to those of the United States, Guatemala, Canada and the United Kingdom, all of whom have also publicly declared their support for the Jewish State.

“Hamas terrorists brutally attacked, tortured, killed and kidnapped innocent people in Israel,” German government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit said in a statement. “Since then, Israel has been defending itself against the inhumane attack by Hamas.”

From the outset, both the United States and Canada slammed South Africa for its attempt to paint the victim as the aggressor: both have said its case against Israel is “baseless.”

The Court ended its first two days of hearings on Friday, with ICJ President Joan E. Donoghue announcing the Court will rule on South Africa’s request for urgent measures — the demand for Israel to immediately halt the military operations against Hamas aimed at eliminating the existential threat to Israelis posed by the terrorists — “as soon as possible.”

Listen to these UCLA College Students ..... Stupid and Ignorant ...These Are Our Future Leaders