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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Tens of Thousands Attend pro-Palestinian rally in DC where demonstrators called for destruction of Israel


Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters massed in Washington, DC, Saturday afternoon before descending upon the White House to chant, “Allahu akbar” and “F–k Joe Biden” as they accused the president of genocide and demanded a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” the crowd dotted with Palestinian flags and signs cried at the start of the event, which drew attendees from across the country.

The chant – which is growing increasingly popular in the wake of Hamas’ deadly incursion into southern Israel last month and Israel’s subsequent retaliatory attacks on Gaza – is widely considered antisemitic because it implies the elimination of the State of Israel and its people.

Others chanted, “Long live the Intifada,” an Arabic word used to refer to Palestinian uprising, specifically to conflicts that ran from 1987 and 1993 and from 2000 to about 2005 that left thousands dead.

Unofficial reports estimate more than 100,000 showed up to the protest, but DC Police could not confirm, telling The Post it does not estimate crowd size. 

One man was arrested for destruction of property around 5:30 p.m., according to DC cops. It is unclear what he was destroying. 

As the protesters began marching down the roadways of DC, many stopped outside the White House to yell for Biden to call for a ceasefire. Biden was at his Rehoboth Beach, Del., vacation home. 

Around 6:30 p.m., protesters were smearing red paint on the gates of the White House and chanting: “Allahu akbar,” “F–k Joe Biden,” a Post reporter observed

Jon Voight responds to Angelina Jolie who criticized Israel over the war: "You fool"


Actor Jon Voight, who has been a strong supporter of Israel in the past, published a video in which he responded to his daughter, Angelina Jolie, after she attacked Israel, posting disinformation over the war in Gaza.

“I'm very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God's honor, God's truths. This is about destroying the history of God's land, the Holy Land, the land of the Jews. This is justice for God's children of the Holy Land – Israel,” said Voight.

“The Israeli army must protect thy soil, thy people. This is war. It's not going to be what the left thinks. It can't be ‘civil’ now. Israel was attacked by inhuman terror on innocent babies, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and you fools calling Israel the problem - you should look at yourselves and ask: Who am I? What am I? And ask God: Am I learning the truths or am I being lied to and following everyone else?”

“My friends, the ones who understand truth see the lie. They see Israel has been attacked and these animals want to wipe out Jews, Christians. They see that,” concluded Voight.

Jolie several days ago wrote in a post on Instagram, “This is the deliberate bombing of a trapped population who have nowhere to flee. Gaza has been an open-air prison for nearly two decades and is fast becoming a mass grave. 40% of those killed are innocent children. Whole families are being murdered. 

She added, “While the world watches and with the active support of many governments, millions of Palestinian civilians - children, women, families - are being collectively punished and dehumanized, all while being deprived food, medicine and humanitarian aid against international law.”

“By refusing to demand a humanitarian ceasefire and blocking the UN Security Council from imposing one on both parties, world leaders are complicit in these crimes,” wrote Jolie.

Israeli Rescuers Release Aftermath Video of Hamas Attack Adding Chilling Details


 An Israeli security officer could be seen drawing a pistol, his hand shaking violently. Hours earlier that day, Oct. 7, these desolate fields in southern Israel had teemed with thousands of young people dancing to electronic music under the night sky and camping out in tents or mobile homes. Now, it was silent.

The officer peered quickly into one of the trailers. “Who’s inside?” he called out in Hebrew, his voice pained. It was empty. He moved onto the rest of the festival grounds, searching for signs of life following the Hamas rampage through the outdoor concert. “It’s the police!” he yelled again and again, his voice rising in panic. “Are there any wounded?”

Silence. The officer moved to the outdoor bar. Hovering over the Coca‐Cola coolers and beer-tap levers, he shouted louder, “Wounded?” His camera tilted down.

Saudi prince on Nasrallah's speech: Axis of Resistance is a big lie


The Saudi Prince Abdulrahman bin Mosaad, launched a sharp attack on the Secretary General of Hezbollah on Saturday, Hassan Nasrallah, after the speech he gave regarding the war in Gaza.

Prince bin Mosaad said "There is no doubt that the Axis of Resistance is a big lie. The 100,000 missiles and massive weapons that Hezbollah has, have nothing to do with supporting the Palestinian cause.

"The so-called Axis of Resistance has been dealing with the Palestinian issue for years and is only a means of implementing Iran's agenda in the region," he continued.

"Hassan Nasrallah's speech in which he said that Operation Al-Aqsa flood is a Palestinian operation only and that the resistance axis was surprised by this, and everything that was said in the speech dropped all the masks."

He then said: "All illusions based on loud slogans and resonant speeches should fall with him. Nasrallah did not believe his own speech until he said that all efforts must be made to stop the war in Gaza. Why do you say what you do not do? It's so disgusting that you say what you don't do.

Chayal begs for your Prayers


Why is DIN still in Israel??


How to Paste The "Hostage" Posters So no One Could Take Them Off!


Gazan Arab lady Whose Son was killed Yells " “It’s all because of the dogs of Hamas,” and Watch Her being Shut Down


Saturday, November 4, 2023

The great betrayal tearing the Democrats to shreds: ALAN DERSHOWITZ says vile Leftist anti-Israeli hate will turn millions of American Jews from Blue to Red



The Democratic Party now faces a choice.

The Hamas atrocities of October 7th have forever fractured any political alliance between centrist and liberal Jews and woke, anti-Israel progressives.

It's either them or us. 

The coalition is at civil war.

Following the terrorist massacre of Israeli civilians and even before the military response, young woke progressives turned stridently against the Jewish State.

It was a knee-jerk reaction stimulated not by what Israel did – because it had done nothing to justify Hamas' brutality – but what Israel is: the nation state of the Jewish people.

In New York City, speakers at a rally endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America (a group to which several members of Congress belong) celebrated the attacks.

Progressive students at many American universities issued statements, held banners, and participated in marches not in favor of a two-state solution which would establish a Palestinian state alongside Israel, but against the existence of Israel itself.

The dominant slogan at these events was 'Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.'

This wish is not ambiguous. It calls for the ethnic cleansing of all Jewish Israelis from the land, including areas that have been part of the nation state since its founding.

It means a Judenrein (free of Jews) Palestine – not a two-state solution, but a final solution for the Jews of Israel.

'Kill everything that is outside!': Dramatic moment Israeli commander calls for help as IDF armoured vehicle is hit by rockets and machine gun fire in deadly Hamas ambush

This is the dramatic moment an Israeli commander calls for help as his armored vehicle is hit by rockets and machine gun fire in a deadly Hamas ambush.

A squad of Israeli armored personnel carriers were ambushed by Hamas terrorists who emerged from their tunnels and fired rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) at the vehicles and tried to attach explosives.

But the Israelis called in air strikes and artillery, as well as reinforcements against the attackers and although they sustained injuries, survived.

One video from inside one of the 63-tonne APCs shows the sweat glistening on one of the crewmen's face as the gunfire outside can clearly be heard.

Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Ella Emhoff Pushes $8 Million Gaza Fund

Fourteen hundred massacred Jews, and our Vice President’s stepdaughter is raising money for Gaza.

I’m not sure which is more unjust… Raising money for Gaza in the immediate aftermath of the worst atrocities committed against Jews since the Holocaust or the fact that leftists are so privileged through meritless affirmative action that this is now a fashion model.

Democrats sure got it good.

Ella Emhoff is the stepdaughter of Kamala Harris through her father, Doug Emhoff, who married Harris in 2014. Doug Emhoff is also Jewish, but here’s his daughter out raising money for Gaza, the very people who allowed Hamas to govern them, the same Hamas that butchered, raped, beheaded, kidnapped, and desecrated 1,400 Jews on October 7.

Imagine the stepdaughter Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president raising money for Germans during WWII. This is no different, and people like Ella Emhoff should be blacklisted forever from polite society. All of these post-October 7 actions might be hidden behind virtue, but this is nothing more than a thinly disguised way of saying The Dirty Jews Had It Coming.

New York Post:

The fundraiser, which has netted more than $7.8 million so far, is being operated by the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, a nonprofit based in Kent, Ohio, which raked in more than $21 million in 2021, according to ProPublica. It’s unclear how much, if anything, Ella Emhoff has personally donated to the cause.

“It’s of tremendous concern and I find it abhorrent,” said Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ). “To be honest with you, I am kind of stunned by it. It’s disturbing to the maximum degree.”

“Ella Emhoff has pointedly insisted to reporters that she does not consider herself Jewish,” adds the Post.

“Ella is not Jewish,” a spokeswoman for the homely model explained in 2021.“It’s not something she grew up with. Ella truly has no qualms with the faith, but she does not want to speak on behalf of Judaism, as she does not celebrate herself.”

And yet, here she is, more than willing to run to the aid of Gaza.

The worst part of this is that the people of Gaza will never see any of this money, and people like Emhoff must know this. If that $7.8 million ever makes its way to the Middle East, Hamas will almost certainly receive every penny and use every single one of those pennies to kill more Jews.

This is one more example of getting what you vote for. In this case, it’s Jewish Democrats getting what they voted for. Honestly, what do Jewish Democrats feel when they look around at the explosion of hate in all of these Democrat-run cities and Democrat-run universities? The whole thing reeks of nazi Germany circa 1937.

And what do Jewish Democrats think of the tolerance for these displays from supposedly mainstream Democrats like Joe Biden?

How was the Holocaust allowed to happen?

Sadly, we now know.

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) is available today. You can read an exclusive excerpt here and a review of the novel here.  


Unbelievable! Satmar Newspapers Reporting on the War Take Their Stories Directly From Hamas News reports!!


I don't know whether I should laugh or cry! 
Instead of reporting the news from an Israeli or better yet a Jewish angle, the Romanians in Williamsburg take their News from either Al Jazirah or BBC . 

Truthfully speaking, this is very dangerous since Der Goy and Der Blatt'ah have a combined circulation of over 500,000. 
Even during a time where Jewish blood is pouring on the streets of the Holy Land, and at least 600 bodies are still not identified because they were burned to a crisp and have yet to be buried, these gypsies continue their hate against the one and only Jewish State and the home of over 7 million Jews. 

I decided not to translate this vile crap, suffice it to say that they are bemoaning the "civilian deaths of men, women and children in Gaza"
stating that as a fact and admit that "this is what the Hamas spokesman reported" 

Message to Satmar: Take you "chesed" and stick it with the sun will never shine. 
Look at the chesed in Eretz Yisrael, the chesed of the medina, chesed being done 24/7 without any Satmar help. 


Watch IDF Eliminate Hamas Terrorists


Facinating! Dovid Hamelech Went Thru The same Gaza Story...Nothing Changed!


Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah's Opening Remarks Sounds Just Like Any Typical Satmar Chusid


Hezbollah chief Nasrallah is currently delivering his address from an undisclosed location:
 'if we want to search for a battle with complete legitimacy, there is no battle like the fight with the Zionists'

Nasrallah also said the "al-Aqsa flood battle" (the name given by Hamas for the October 7 attacks) has already extended to more than one front.

Gaza infiltrators found hiding out in Jerusalem hospital


Police in Jerusalem arrested 11 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip on suspicion of illegally residing in the Jewish state, the Israel Police said on Thursday.

One of the detained Palestinians is the sister of a Hamas terrorist operative, the statement added.

The arrests were carried out during a raid of the Al-Makassed Hospital on the Mount of Olives, the largest of six Arab hospitals in Israel’s capital.

According to the police, the suspects had been staying in the hospital for weeks without being admitted as patients. The deputy director of the hospital has been summoned for questioning.

Israel Warns Citizens, Jews Worldwide: Hide Jewish Identity, Don’t Travel Unless Essential


For the first time in living memory, the State of Israel has issued a stark warning to Israelis — and by extension to Jews around the world: hide your Jewish identity and don’t travel unless it’s absolutely necessary.

The warning was delivered just before the start of the Sabbath late Friday afternoon by Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy.

“Globally I want to address this moment of peril for the Jewish People worldwide as we witness a disturbing spike in antisemitic hate speech and even instances of violence against Jews and Israelis following the October 7 massacre,” Levy said.

“Today, the National Security Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put out an unusual global travel warning.

“We are calling on all citizens of Israel to exercise heightened caution when traveling ANYWHERE abroad.

“We know that Jewish communities and their institutions, Israel diplomatic missions and airports handling flights to and from Israel are key targets for antisemites and violent antisemites,” Levy said.

“The National Security Council is urging all Israelis to consider whether ANY foreign travel, ANYWHERE in the world, is necessary at this dangerous moment.

“Citizens planning to travel to countries with specific travel warnings are asked to postpone their visits, and we emphasize Arab and Middle Eastern states, the Northern Caucasus, and countries bordering Iran.

“We are also asking citizens — and truly I cannot believe that we are doing this — we are asking all citizens to avoid displaying any outward signs of their Israeli or Jewish identity when traveling anywhere in the world. If you must travel, please make sure that you have the numbers of emergency services and the local Israeli embassies on speed dial.

“Keep away from the anti-Israel pro-jihad protests and remain alert and vigilant about your surroundings at all times.”

Hamas terrorists attack IDF troops who operated to open the Salah Al-Din humanitarian route for the evacuation of residents southwards


The IDF Arabic spokesperson on Saturday announced that between 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m., the Salah Al-Din route in Gaza will be available as a humanitarian route for residents of northern Gaza who had not yet moved southwards to evacuate for their own safety.

The Hamas terrorist organization exploited the humanitarian window that the IDF provided to residents of Gaza to allow them to move southwards: During the humanitarian window, the terrorists fired mortars and anti-tank missiles at IDF troops who arrived and operated to open the route.

No IDF injuries were reported.

"This incident further proves that Hamas exploits the Gazan population and prevents them from acting in the interest of their own safety," the IDF said in a statement.

DF strikes Hamas terrorists who operated from an ambulance


The IDF on Friday neutralized Hamas terrorists who were operating from an ambulance in Gaza.

“A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.

“We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety,” it added.

Earlier, the Gaza “health ministry”, which is run by Hamas, claimed that dozens of Palestinian Arabs were killed in what was described as an “Israeli attack” on a convoy of ambulances carrying wounded people in Gaza.

The IDF has provided evidence that Hamas terrorists use hospital as their operational centers.

Last week, the IDF revealed a great deal of information proving that the headquarters of Hamas’ activity in the Gaza Strip is Shifa Hospital, the central and largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, located in the heart of Gaza City.

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) later released footage from the interrogation of two terrorists who confirmed the hospital is being used for Hamas activity.

IDF Released Remarkable Footage of Unit 669’s Heroic Gaza Strip Rescues Of Injured Soldiers


In a remarkable display of courage and dedication, the IDF have unveiled video footage capturing the heroic efforts of the Air Force’s elite Unit 669. The footage showcases the unit’s valiant rescue operations in the heart of the Gaza Strip during the ongoing ground offensive.

Unit 669, comprised of highly trained rescue specialists, combat medics, and skilled helicopter pilots, has been at the forefront of life-saving missions since the outbreak of the conflict on October 7. Over the course of this intense period, the unit has executed an impressive total of 150 separate rescue operations, many of which were carried out under hostile fire conditions.

These daring missions have yielded tremendous results, as approximately 260 injured individuals have been successfully evacuated to hospitals, thanks to the unwavering commitment and exceptional skills of Unit 669’s members.

The released video footage offers a glimpse into the challenging circumstances faced by Unit 669, highlighting their exceptional bravery and unwavering determination to bring injured soldiers to safety. The IDF’s commitment to protecting its personnel and ensuring their well-being remains resolute as the conflict continues.