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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

NYT Worked Closely with State Government to Target Chassidim


Breitbart News obtained hundreds of pages of government emails, exposing the NY Times for working closely with New York State’s Education Dept to craft its disgraceful series of anti-Chassidic articles. 

In the groundbreaking story, Breitbart wrote:

The Times’ Eliza Shapiro…is seen in the massive volume of communications, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, discussing with the State Education Department how “we” can craft comment for the first story…targeting yeshivas, and giving the government almost a full business-week longer than the schools to comment. Emails also show she worked with the government to direct blame for the Times’ allegations, and coordinated timing on publishing with a vote to regulate the religious schools.”

The story added:

As Breitbart previously reported, the “investigation” dropped in what appeared to be unbelievable timing, the day before the Board of Regents held a unanimous vote, without debate, to allow state functionaries heavier say in the education of Orthodox children. Those children happen to be of parents vehemently opposed to the social justice curriculum that has been injected into most other New York schools.

The article observed that the two “journalists” were far more responsive to the government than to yeshivas. 

In one correspondence, Shapiro is seen working with the government to produce the state’s comment on the reporting, with almost a week longer to respond than the private religious schools being maligned.

“Hi! Hope all is well with you. We are aiming to publish the yeshiva investigation late next week and I wanted to walk you through it on a high level and we can talk about what might make sense for comment. I’m flexible today if you have some time. Thanks so much,” reporter Eliza Shapiro emailed then-Education Department Assistant Commissioner for Public Affairs, Emily DeSantis, on August 29. The subject line of that email was “Walking you through the yeshiva story.”

The story concluded with a stunning allegation, suggesting that Governor Kathy Hochul is targeting yeshivas as an act of revenge. 

The Hochul administration is using yeshiva regulations as a cudgel against the Hasidic community, which turned on Democrats in the last gubernatorial election, following the action taken against their children’s schools, according to a report in the Gothamist.

“As Zeldin made repeated stops in Hasidic neighborhoods, the Hochul administration was keeping close watch: Those who levied especially bad faith attacks on the governor, the source said, may find themselves cut out of future discussions about yeshiva oversight,” the article says in a stunning revelation, attributed to a person in the governor’s office who did not have permission to speak on the issue.

Chaim Ber Meisels Loses His Battle with Cancer at 45


Reb Chaim Ber Meisels, known for his giving heart, his perpetual joie de vivre and his passion for philanthropy, lost his battle with cancer over the weekend, passing away at the age of 45.

A longtime member of Williamsburg’s Satmar community, Meisels had a unique ability to connect with Jews from all across the religious spectrum, offering a kind word and going above and beyond to assist in situations of all kinds.

A mover and a shaker whose capacity for helping a fellow Jew was seemingly boundless, Meisels loved encouraging others to step up to the communal service plate, heralding them for their accomplishments without taking any credit for himself.

“He was always able to smell out who was in need,” Yoel Friedman of WellTab told VIN News. “He would approach people in shul, asking them how he could help and people would spill their hearts. He didn’t wait for people to come after him – he ran after the mitzvah.”

Friedman was the beneficiary of Meisels’ efforts in the early days of COVID when he created WellTab to keep hospitalized patients in touch with their families by providing them with free to tablets to facilitate communication.

Finding himself with a concept that he knew would benefit patients and their loved ones, Friedman had no way of raising the funds he needed to get WellTab up and running.

Chef Shalom Yehudi Gets his Sexual Assault Dismissed on a Technicality But Gets Rearrested On His Way To Pedophile Thailand


Girl IDF Soldiers Davening At the Kotel


Charedi Family Humiliate Female IDF Soldiers On Public Train, Goldknopf Condemns


Nice kiruv work from this sick family, I'll bet when the bombs hit, the obese chareidie lady will count on that Chayelet to put her life on the line, to save her fat tuchis! 

I say draft the entire family and the fat mother can be a cook in the IDF!

In shocking footage from a public train in Israel, a Chareidi family can be seen humiliating and insulting female IDF soldiers riding with them on the train.

One of the family members asks another who allowed anyone to bring trash on the train. The chareidi children screamed: “We will die rather than enlisting”, “To jail and not to the army”. One of the children asked whether it is permitted to bring dogs on the train, how did they get on the train, in reference to the soldiers.

Another family member can be heard saying that “The cleaning company brought the trash bin on board the train. They put all the trash here, don’t you understand?”.

At this point one of the family said that “She’s crying, you can let up.” One of the party says “You don’t need to look, shiksa” and another one runs out saying “Hashem is pure”.

Housing Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf sharply condemned the participants in the incident, stating that “One who makes his friend pale with embarrassment has no place in the World to Come- whoever the Jew is, and IDF soldiers are also included. I condemn this behavior which doesn’t represent the rest of the Torah-true community.”

MK Yulia Malinowski (Yesh Atid) wrote that “Our society must wake up fast before we find ourselves in Iran.”

Chaya Gansburg 76 Waited 38 Years For Her Get .. Finally Gets Her Freedom by Dying As An Aguna


Mrs Chaya Gansburg

Get Refuser 

Below is a report from a frum News Blog announcing the death of Mrs Chaya Gansburg who died an Aguna! Notice not one word mentioned in the report that she died waiting for her get. 

The Get Refuser used the tactic of many Get Refusers that state that they did give a get. Which of course is an outrageous disgusting lie to manipulate the masses. When the Aguna goes to the Bais Din to pick up her Get, she is met with outrageous demands all in the name of Torah and Halacha!

We will post more of those Get Refusers that claim they gave a get, but the reality is that either they attach crazed conditions that cannot be met or straight out lie that they gave the get.

One of those Get Refusers actually made a UTube video in which he hilariously talks about giving tips to women on how they can receive their get!!! It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic!
They are all supported by a bunch of pathetic losers some of whom claim they are rabbis.! 
Sick indeed! 

Mrs. Chaya Gansburg, a mother and grandmother from Crown Heights who was a longtime beloved kindergarten teacher, passed away on Thursday, 16 Av, 5783.

She was 76.

Chaya (nee Winter), was known to many as “Morah Chaya,” as a longtime beloved Kindergarten Teacher in Oholei Torah in Crown Heights.

 This Content Was Published at https://collive.com/mrs-chaya-gansburg-76-obm/

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Killer who Murdered Jennifer Levin Out and Trying to Mess With Monsey Women


With word circulating on social media that a twice-jailed man who was convicted of murder has been chatting up women in two Monsey area kosher supermarkets, Rockland County Executive Ed Day is warning people to contact the authorities to report any contact with the individual in question.

Robert Chambers, referred to in the media as the “Preppy Killer” and the “Central Park Strangler,” was reportedly spotted in Bingo and Evergreen Uptown, attempting to strike up conversations with female shoppers in both stores.

The 56 year old served 15 years on charges of manslaughter and burglary for the 1986 killing of 18 year old Jennifer Levin, whom he had been dating.

After being released on parole in 2003, he was convicted in 2008 on drug and assault charges, spending another 15 years behind bars before being paroled on July 25th.

The state placed Chambers at a halfway house located near New Square on Eckerson Road, which is approximately two miles from Bingo and five miles from Evergreen Uptown.

Pictures of a paroled Chambers began popping up on Facebook last week, alongside text that identified him as a “violent felony offender.”

County Executive Ed Day said that Chambers’ arrival in Rockland came as a complete surprise to local officials.

“The normal routine for someone being released from prison is to go back to his home roots not come into a new community,” Day told VIN News. “The fact that we were not even talked to is just really aggravating, to say the least.”

Day said that he had already spoken with the Ramapo Police Department about the reports he has received from those concerned about Chambers and that local officials consider the issue to be a high priority.

“What we are telling people to do is very simple,” said Day. “If he comes up to you, you are to call 911, or if you wish, the Ramapo PD directly. They are monitoring the situation and depending upon what actions he takes, there may be an ability for police to take a course of action. But we need the police to be notified when things happen so they can build a case.”

Rockland has already made official requests to transfer Chambers back to his home town of New York City. As a former police commander, Day noted that he is personally frustrated by having a parolee with no county connections in the area and turned to local residents for their help in getting Chambers reassigned to a new halfway house.

“He does not belong here and whatever we can do to get him out of here we are going to do, but we need the cooperation of the people,” said Day. “Anything he does that you feel is untoward towards you or anybody else, call the police and report it so we can document it.”

Sunday, August 6, 2023

$8 million a day on migrants sleeping in the streets and this [clown] wants to cancel ice cream trucks?”

 He’s no Mr. Softee!

Far-left Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler is pushing new legislation that would require Mr. Softee and other Big Apple ice cream trucks to stop powering their soft-serve machines and freezers with generators that use fuel.

The bill would require the vendors to switch over to environmentally friendly alternatives like electric or solar power — likely at a cost of $5,000 or more.

The ice-cold measure, introduced Thursday, is already under attack from Restler’s riled-up colleagues who fear it could put some vendors out of business and have kids screaming about ice cream of the lack thereof.

“In the dog days of August, it’s hard to imagine more of a killjoy than putting one’s climate bullseye on our iconic ice cream man, but behold, I give you Councilman Lincoln Restler,” quipped Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island).

“That’s not the ice caps melting, kids, it’s your summertime tears.”

Added Borelli: “Sometimes I try to convince myself that hipster Brooklyn is part of the real world, with real-world problems, and then Lincoln Restler goes and reminds us of priority number one: banning the ice cream man.”

A Mr. Softee vendor parked in front of Pier 34 on the Lower East Side said there was no need for a meltdown.

“I’m not worried about it – it’s not gonna happen. It’s too expensive,” said the vendor, who has owned two trucks for 20 years. “They would have to make all of the construction sites and food vendor trucks do the same thing and that’s just not gonna happen.”

Restler, a notorious hater of cars, didn’t speak about the bill at Thursday’s Council meeting but confirmed to The Post that it’s in response to complaints he’s received about diesel-spewing ice cream trucks stinking up Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO and other neighborhoods.

The bill would give trucks three years to switch over to electric or solar energy.

“I promise you there is not a member of the City Council who loves ice cream more than me and we are committed to supporting every small business owner and Mr. Softee seller in the city of New York,” Restler told The Post. “If there’s a need for including a loan program or grants into this legislation, I’m happy to consider it.”

Some critics on X got straight to the pint of the loony legislation.

“I’m sure the small business owners that will require this conversion will be getting a fat check from the city, right?” snarked PoliticallyAnnoyed@MillieOfferman.

“Great use of your time, thanks for this brilliant piece of legislation,” posted Alec Raggio@Skridaggio, adding, “Way to stick it to the working class again. Go get ’em!”

Restler had at least one ally. Lower East Side resident Leon Frierson, 63, who has been working his Mr. Softee truck since 1968, “didn’t think it was a bad idea” to make the environmental switch, before adding, “I’m ready to retire.”

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Shai Cohen 39 extradited to the US over visa fraud scheme

 Shai Cohen, 39, was indicted on Friday for leading a visa fraud scheme with the aim of facilitating the illegal entry and employment of noncitizens in the United States, the US Department of Justice said on Saturday (DoJ).

Cohen is alleged to have organized, led, and cooperated with others to recruit and facilitate the illegal entry of Israeli citizens into the United States under false pretenses.

The DoJ charged that Cohen and his co-conspirators assisted noncitizens in fraudulently obtaining the B-1/B-2 tourist/visitor visas by misrepresenting the true nature of their travel into the United States.

Shai Cohen, 39, was indicted on Friday for leading a visa fraud scheme with the aim of facilitating the illegal entry and employment of noncitizens in the United States, the US Department of Justice said on Saturday (DoJ).

Cohen is alleged to have organized, led, and cooperated with others to recruit and facilitate the illegal entry of Israeli citizens into the United States under false pretenses.

The DoJ charged that Cohen and his co-conspirators assisted noncitizens in fraudulently obtaining the B-1/B-2 tourist/visitor visas by misrepresenting the true nature of their travel into the United States.

Cohen is also accused of providing housing and transportation for noncitizens to and from work.

Cohen was arrested in Israel due to an extradition request by the United States and was extradited in August to the Eastern District of Virginia.

Cohen has been charged with conspiracy to defraud and commit offenses against the United States; bringing illegal entrants to the United States for financial gain; encouraging and inducing them to unlawfully come to, enter, and reside in the United States for financial gain; harboring illegal immigrants; and money laundering conspiracy.

If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

Chabad Accused of a "takeover" of Budapest's Historic Orthodox Congregation


David Kelsey, a publicist from New York, was disturbed to hear about an alleged takeover of Budapest’s historic Orthodox congregation, in part because of his Hungarian Jewish roots. So when he happened to be visiting the city last month, he decided to investigate the situation for himself.

His timing was eerily impeccable.

The photographs he took on the scene show an elderly man praying while seated on an overturned trash bin on the street, and the hood of a car serving as the best available surface to set down prayer books and ritual garments.

“That the dignified old man had to use the garbage can as a chair just really showed me how degraded and disgusting the whole thing was,” Kelsey said. “It was all very strange and awful. They were in such pain. And so sad. … I was so angry.”

Tensions between local community, Chabad

Kelsey had witnessed an escalation in a saga that has been unfolding for more than two years. Members of the Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community of Hungary, which operates the Kazinczy Street Synagogue and several other institutions, are accusing the Hasidic Chabad movement of usurping control of their group — and its funding and real estate — with the aid of the Hungarian government. Three religious courts have ruled that the leadership changes should be reversed or put on hold, but a secular court has sided with Chabad.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Did You Fall For the "Amuka Segulah" Prank?




The  Amukah Segulah was invented in the last 50 years. 

There is no source in any ספר or a קבלה from any reliable source.

This Segulah was invented by a Frum tour guide as a joke.

He also claimed there are two קברים for שמואל הנביא one for 'שמואל א and the other for 'שמואל ב.

The Amukah Prank caught on like wildfire because desperate people will believe in anything.

The prankster combined two Rashis next to each other as if it read

כל פסולין שאין מוצאין אשה פונין והולכין שם והיא עמוקה

"All Pesulin who can't find a woman turn & go there.

(Where?) That is Amukah" (Prankster's Pshat)

The גמרא (Yevamos 17a) says, why is it (a certain hill) called הרפניא? Because of all the פסולין (Mamzeirim etc.)  turn towards (go to) this hill הר- פניא to find a spouse. (& having illegitimate children)

רבא said "This hill is (not a hill but a pit deeper (עמוקה) than שאול (Gihenom) From Gihenom one can be redeemed whereas a Mamzer remains that way forever. 

עמוקה is not referring to the town Amukah but the word "deeper".



Instead of Amukah festivals, perhaps we should practice the 2 most Authentic Segulos

1) Daven at home or in the local Shul (no need for Amukah- 40 Rabbonim - 40 days etc.)

2)  a) Talk - Redt Shidduchim.

     b) Talk & explain to all your friends etc. why if we don't do anything about narrowing the age gap we will end up ח"ו  with 20% of our sisters & daughters  as AGUNOS FOR LIFE

Black Dude With Israeli Flag Mocks Neturei Karta in Williamsburg Who are Screaming "Down With Israel"


Three Weeks are over... Belzer Talmidim in a "Pogrom" Totally Destroy Litvishe Shul in Bnei Brak Because it was Right Next to Them!


תלמידי בעלזא ביצעו פוגרום בגנבים ליטאים בבני ברק

Agudath Israel of America tells US lawmakers not to meddle in Israeli policy


Agudath Israel of America, an American organization that represents haredi Jews, is calling on the American administration not to interfere in Israel's domestic policies, including the government's judicial reform plan.

"Agudath Israel of America takes no position on the Israeli government’s proposed judicial reforms. But, whatever the merits or shortcomings of that plan, American lawmakers and other government officials, while they are entitled to their opinions, should not be seeking to use their positions of power to meddle in the internal affairs of another sovereign democratic state," the organization wrote in a statement published Wednesday.

"What form, if any, judicial reform in Israel should take is a matter for Israelis to determine through Israel’s vibrant democratic process," it added.

The statement concluded: "The United States would rightly resent another nation’s attempts to influence our own internal political affairs. Members of Congress and other American officials should ponder that and leave Israeli issues to Israelis."

Many factors in the US government, including President Biden himself, have been applying pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials to halt the judicial reform legislation process.

Teenager discovers an ancient 'magical mirror' in an archaeological excavation in northern Israel


Five hundred high-school pupils on a “Survival Course” run by the Shelah and Land of Israel Studies branch of the Ministry of Education participated in archaeological excavations around the country together with the Israel Antiquities Authority, encountering their historical and cultural heritage.

A few days ago, seventeen-year-old Aviv Weizman from Kiryat Motzkin, near Haifa, took part in an Israel Antiquities Authority archaeological excavation at the ancient site of Usha, as part of the Young Leaders’ Survival Course, and uncovered an exceptional find from the Byzantine period—a 1,500-year-old “magical mirror.”

During the Ministry of Education Shelah Young Leaders’ Survival Course, the young leaders take part in a 90-km survival trek from Mount Meron to Mount Hermon. In the course of the trek, the youth participate in Israel Antiquities Authority archaeological excavations at sites located around the country that will be opened to the general public in the future.

Child of a completely secular family in Israel cries that he wants to do Teshuvah!

This Chassidishe Guy Will Have None of the PRONUN Mishagaas!


New cancer hope as a pill ‘annihilates all solid tumors’ — thanks to this little girl


Cancer has a powerful new enemy — and it is fueled by a 9-year-old girl with an unforgettable smile.

Researchers have developed a drug containing a molecule called AOH1996 that “appears to annihilate all solid tumors” in preclinical research — while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

The drug AOH1996 is named after Anna Olivia Healey, a cancer patient from Indiana who was born in 1996.

“I knew I wanted to do something special for that little girl,” Linda Malkas of City of Hope in Duarte, California, a leading cancer research center, said in a statement received by The Post.

“She died when she was only 9 years old from neuroblastoma, a children’s cancer that affects only 600 kids in America each year.”

Cancer has a powerful new enemy — and it is fueled by a 9-year-old girl with an unforgettable smile.

R' Yerucham Praga From Modiin Illit, Father Of 11 Dies After Dehydrating In Jordan Valley Stream


In a tragic accident which occurred in the Yitav (Uja) Stream in the southern Jordan Valley, Rabbi Binyamin Praga (44), an Avreich from Modiin Illit, died of dehydration during a family trip.

Rabbi Praga had accompanied his father, Rav Yerucham Praga, and some of his children on the trip. During the course of the trip his father did not feel well and Rabbi Binyamin hurried with his children to try and summon assistance, as he did not have cellphone reception in the stream.

Unfortunately, Rabbi Binyamin himself collapsed from dehydration and exhaustion and his children hurried on to try and get help. Some of the children got lost on the trail and others who managed to get out called rescue workers. About 100 volunteers rushed to the scene, assisted by a military helicopter, a police chopper and members of the Megilot rescue unit.