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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Videos released demolishes claim that Jan 6 was an Insurection


Newly revealed surveillance footage from Jan. 6, 2021, shows two Capitol police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, the be-horned so-called “QAnon Shaman” who has come to symbolize the riot, through the halls of the Capitol and to the very door of the US Senate.

The footage aired on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show Monday night shows the officers closely following Chansley as he wanders the corridors of the Capitol, bare-chested and wearing face paint and a luxuriant fur hat with Viking horns.

“Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape,” says Carlson, who was granted exclusive access by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from that day inside and around the Capitol, which has never been seen before by the public.

“The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”

Then they escort him to various entrances of the chamber which appear to be locked. Eventually they help him open a door, and he enters the chamber.

Chansley, a 33-year-old naval veteran from Arizona, has been jailed for almost four years for “obstructing an official proceeding.”

In a jailhouse interview played by Carlson he says: “The one very serious regret that I have [is] believing that when we were waved in by police officers that it was acceptable.”

In a statement the Capitol police suggest that one of the officers with Chansley was trying to “de-escalate” the situation because he was outnumbered.

But that does not explain why Chansley, who was unarmed, was able to walk past seven more officers without being apprehended.

“Not one of them even tried to slow him down,” says Carlson.

He “understood that the Capitol police were his allies. . . . If he was in the act of committing such a grave crime, why didn’t the officers standing right next to him place him under arrest?”

And yet in the narrative formed that day by the Democrats and much of the media, “Jacob Chansley became the face of January 6, a dangerous conspiracy theorist dressed in an outlandish costume who led the violent insurrection to overthrow America’s democracy,” says Carlson.

McCarthy has been criticized for releasing the footage to Carlson who plans to air five stories based on the footage over two nights which he says “demolishes” the Democratic narrative of January 6.

As well as Chansley’s story, Carlson will air footage which he says debunks the claim that Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by rioters.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Shloach Manos Disaster


Biden’s Nominee To Lead FAA Can’t Answer A Single Question About Aviation


How US Taxpayer Funds Are Bankrolling Anti-Netanyahu Protests to Create Chaos and Take down the Government


The U.S. government has been funneling taxpayer money to the left-wing group bankrolling protests against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Israeli funding documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The documents indicate that, since 2020, Foggy Bottom has sent over $38,000 to the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), the Israeli nonprofit stoking nationwide anti-Netanyahu protests that have seen protesters clash with police and target Netanyahu’s family members. MQG is seeking to takedown Netanyahu’s government over his support for major reforms to the Israeli supreme court that would significantly limit its power. The organization petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court earlier this year to oust Netanyahu, claiming he is unfit for office due to ongoing investigations into allegations of political corruption and bribery.

Chasidishe Pilot Will Fly Netanyahu to Italy


Zeev Tepper is a Charedi resident of the city of Elad, not far from Bnei Brak. He is also a qualified pilot, so when El Al announced on Sunday that due to "a shortage of qualified pilots" a flight crew could not be found to pilot the Prime Minister to Italy at the end of this week, he offered his services.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife are due to fly to Italy on Thursday, to meet with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Israel's version of Air Force One has yet to take to the skies due to numerous setbacks; meanwhile, the prime minister must use commercial airlines for travel, and El Al is required to issue a tender each time its services are required. This time, the deadline for applications expired on Sunday afternoon with no bids by either pilots or flight crew.

"We are working to man this flight ... in accordance with company procedures, as we have done countless times before," El Al said in a statement. "Since its establishment, El Al has flown heads of state for important national missions and will continue to do so in the future, whenever required ... The issue of manning the prime minister's flight is yet to be resolved due to a shortage of qualified pilots in our Boeing 777 squadron, among other reasons."

In conversation with Israel National News, Tepper related that he is a lawyer by profession but has been flying for the past ten years and is now willing to fly the prime minister on a purely voluntary basis. He added that he considers it a national embarrassment that a prime minister who was democratically elected faces a refusal of El Al pilots to fly him when they should realize that it was a privilege to do so.

Later on Sunday evening, El Al announced that it had finally found a crew.

Demonrats are dreading a full Jan. 6 reveal which will prove again that they are a bunch of dangerous liars

 Demonrats have been running around like decapitated chickens ever since news broke that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Tucker Carlson unfettered access to surveillance footage from inside the Capitol during the Jan. 6. 2021 riot by Trump supporters.

The Fox News host will air five stories culled from the footage Monday and Tuesday nights, countering the overblown “insurrection” narrative the Democrats and their media toadies have been pushing since Day One.

The characterization of conservative Republicans as an “ultra-MAGA semi-fascist” menace to democracy was pushed by the partisan J6 committee and was the Democrats’ main sales pitch at the midterms last year. 

Dems don’t have much else to run within 2024, so Carlson’s fact-finding mission is an existential threat to their electoral prospects.

That’s why they are hyperbolically accusing McCarthy of endangering the security of the House and handing the tools for “the next insurrection” to Carlson who, it won’t surprise you to learn, they fantasize is a Russian sleeper agent.

Porush Receives Authority Over Meron .. Forget about safety


It's all over folks, after this massive tragedy in Meron, you would think that the government would hand over all safety issues at Meron to someone responsible! The government that runs all of the safety issues at the Kotel, Kever Rachel, Mearas Ha'machpeilah does a fantastic job. Meron until the tragedy was tun by the different Chareidie factions and everyone warned them that this was a tragedy waiting to happen, and unfortunately they were all on the money. 

Now with this political hack running the show ($$$$$$$$$$$$) I advise people to stay home on Lag Be'omer or instead go up to the Har Habayis or at least to the Kotel! That's if you value your life!

Jerusalem and Heritage Minister Meir Porush on Sunday withdrew his resignation from his position as the minister responsible for the Meron event, less than a week after he announced he is resigning after it became clear that his authority over the event was being challenged by officials from the Religious Services Ministry and the Center for Holy Places.

The move came after the government’s weekly Cabinet meeting, at which Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s proposal to transfer all powers for the production of the Meron event to Porush was approved.

Following the meeting, a joint statement from Porush and Netanyahu stated: “Minister Porush informed Prime Minister Netanyahu that the letter of resignation from the responsibility of the Meron event 2023 that he submitted to the prime minister last week is revoked, and in light of receiving the necessary powers, he will continue to bear responsibility for the event in the coming year.”

Porush said: “I thank the prime minister for his quick intervention and significant activities in recent days in order to bring about an immediate solution to the crisis and work toward the success of the Lag B’Omer event at Meron.

“I revoke my resignation notice, and intend to continue what I already started with the project manager Yossi Deitch – to do the maximum to improve the event for the sake of preserving the tradition for hundreds of years, subject to the safety instructions.”

Netanyahu stated: “I want to commend Minister Porush for taking on the responsibility of carrying out a safe and happy Lag B’Omer event and the implementation of the recommendations of the state commission of inquiry into the Meron disaster.

“Porush’s success is a shared mission of the entire government and I am instructing the relevant parties to cooperate and assist him.”

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Defense Minister Yoav Galant extends detentions of two Jews of being involved in an incident in Huwara, despite the court ordering their release.


Adi Keidar

We spoke with Atty. Adi Keidar from the Honenu legal advocacy group, who is representing the detainees, tells Israel National News that the incident is passing under the radar since "the media is completely enlisted to the (anti-judicial reform) protests."

Last week, after a Palestinian Arab murdered two young Jewish brothers in the Huwara, Jews descended on the town to protest the murder. During the ensuing confrontation, several vehicles and structures were set alight, and participants on both sides were injured.

Keidar states: "We received administrative orders for two young friends, one a minor, who allegedly where involved in the Huwara incidents, and there isn't a bit of evidence that can bring them to a criminal trial, the Defense Minister, based on info which we claim is false and biased, decided to administratively detain them for four months. Punishment and detention without trial and without any ability to defend themselves. That's what's happening with this unfortunate situation.s:

Regarding the claim that the information on which the arrest was based was false, Keidar says, "We know that our clients, even if there's proof that they were at the scene, there were hundreds of people there, and they were not connected to the severe events that they are being accused of. The one that needs to answer is the Shin-Bet, which admits that it doesn't have real concrete and criminal evidence but that the things are based on things said by those who collaborate with the Shin-Bet. These can be Huwara residents or others, but it's clear that the credibility of the info is close to nonexistent. If the info was public, they could look into it and see that it's false, or they would put them on criminal trial, and we could defend them. The current situation is both unbearable and not just under the circumstances. To give the Americans a treat at the expense of the detainees."

According to Keidar, at best, the detainees could have been sent to house arrest as a mitigated punishment, but the decision to send them to detention at a detention center, despite the court's decision to release them. "Their conditions are bad, they're cut off, and so on, its a complex and unnecessary situation," says Keidar, who adds that the district court, where a discussion was held on Sunday regarding the detainees, is authorized to approve the order and is set to make a decision on it on Monday.

"We questioned the Shin-Bet's expert to get information out of him, we expressed our opinion, and we hope the court will listen and rule that the order is unjust and cancel it or shorten it," concludes Keidar.

Former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg a Frum Jew Says that the murdered Yaniv Brothers are "nor My Brothers" His Sympathies Lie with Huwara!


Former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg said that he has more sympathy for the residents of the Arab village of Huwara than for the Jewish community of Har Bracha following the murder of two Har Bracha residents in Huwara a week ago and the subsequent riot in Huwara by a group of Jews.

"It is not wise to sympathize with the people on Har Bracha - it is wise to sympathize with the victims in Huwara," Burg told 103FM Radio. He added that "Har Bracha should be evacuated. It cannot be allowed to remain."

Burg was filmed confronting police on Friday when he attempted to enter Huwara to demonstrate his solidarity with the residents of the Arab village. He has not visited the family of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv, the Jewish brothers who were murdered in Huwara last Sunday.

While he said that he feels bad for the Yaniv family, which lost two sons and brothers, he asked: "Do I have to go therein person and express my grief? The answer is no."

"They are not my brothers, I don't have genetic brothers, I have brothers in terms of ideology," he claimed.

In a video posted on social media on Friday, Burg is seen attempting to advance toward Huwara, but he is blocked by the Border Police officers who push him to the ground.

The editor of the haredi newspaper Mishpacha, Yossi Elitov, said in response to Burg's actions: "As the sage Rashi says, when our people fall, try fall as low as possible."

The Border Police stated: "The forces acted properly and with the sensitivity required to carry out their complex mission, we expect cooperation and listening to the security forces [from the public and public officials] in every mission - especially during these days."

Burg served as Speaker of the Knesset for the Labor Party from 1999-2003. In 2011, he declared himself to be 'post-Zionist, and has compared the State of Israel to Nazi Germany, most notably is his book 'Defeating Hitler.'

YaYa Fink A Frum Jew Raises Half Million Dollars for Terrorists


The mother of two young brothers killed in a terror attack this week has criticized a crowdfunding campaign seeking donations for Huwara, the village where the shooting occurred, after rampaging settlers set fire to numerous cars and buildings in response.

Labor party member Yaya Fink launched the online crowdfunding campaign the morning after Sunday night’s riot in which a 37-year-old Palestinian man was killed, some 300 were wounded — four of them seriously — and dozens of buildings and vehicles were torched.

The riot came hours after the brothers, Hallel Yaniv, 21, and Yagel Yaniv, 19, were killed in a terror shooting in Huwara. Their killer has not yet been caught.

“I get up every morning looking out at the village of murderers Huwara, where the murderer of my sons is walking around,” Esti Yaniv said in a video posted online Thursday. “The village of murderers, where treats were handed out [to celebrate the murder].”

She said she was “horrified” by the crowdfunding effort, “a backward campaign for the people who handed out baklavas after the murder of my children.”

“Faced with this campaign of darkness, we’ve come with a campaign to bring light,” she added.

Fink said he was driven to act after seeing the “horrifying” footage from the rampage, which showed yarmulke-wearing Jewish perpetrators gathering for an evening prayer quorum in front of Huwara buildings engulfed in flames.

“As a religious Jew myself… I felt that I could not be silent under such circumstances,” Fink said. “They’re creating a warped new Judaism and bearing the name of the true one in vain.”

Asked how he planned to transfer the money to Huwara residents, Fink said he was getting in touch with community leaders in Huwara using former Israeli security officials as conduits and speculated that it would take roughly three weeks to identify the exact families whose homes and businesses were vandalized. Background checks will also be conducted to ensure that none of the money reaches Palestinians with a history of security offenses.

Hundreds of Israelis sent him threatening messages for launching the initiative, but Fink said the thousands who decided to donate offered “a bit of optimism amid a difficult period when the news is filled with extremists, the terrorists and the arsonists.”

The Left in Israel Calling "For Blood & Violence"


The publicist Yehonatan Geffen, who has been a columnist in Yediot Achranot for many years, shamelessly called for murderous violence against supporters of the current government, calling on opposition leader Yair Lapid to “take off his gloves.”

Geffen dedicated his last column, published on Thursday, to Lapid: “We’ve been close friends for over 40 years. In our strong and long-standing friendship, we have an unwritten contract not to talk about politics.”

Referring to the protests against the judicial reform, he wrote: “Yair Lapid, as a professional boxer, I’m asking you, in these terrible days – please take off your gloves and hit them mercilessly, even below the belt. A back right, a blow to the chin, and a deadly knockout.”

“No more Mr. Nice Guy. Don’t be prime minister but be tough, even violent. Don’t be afraid, my friend Yair. I have no doubt that we will restore justice and democracy and defeat the forces of pervasive evil. Hate will be replaced by love.”

Israel Nobel Prize Winner: ‘I’m Deathly Scared Of Charedim, They’re Against Education And Work’


 During an interview at a cultural event on Shabbat in Beersheva, Professor Dan Shachtman, An Israeli nobel laureate in chemistry, blasted the chareidi public in Israel, using harsh language to describe them.

“They are sitting on the udders and milking the State of Israel,” Prof. Shachtman said. “I am deathly scared of the chareidim. Israel due to its demography is going in a negative direction.”

Speaking to journalist Lior Kenan, Shachtman said that he is not worried about Iran as he believes the Ayatollahs’ reign will end and the country will become a thriving democracy. However Israel has “one faction which is growing swiftly, “blessed with children thank G-d” [the professor stressed this scornfully] and continuously increasing. These are people who are against education, against enlightenment, against work.”

When asked by the interviewer whether he wasn’t making a sweeping generalization, Shachtman insisted that he was not generalizing.

He added that “we as a democracy will continue to deteriorate. In future it will be impossible to establish a coalition without the chareidim. Now it is still possible to rectify, I hope that the politicians sitting in Jerusalem will be able to overcome this problem.”

Responses to Shachtman stressed his “autoantisemitism”  as well as his distortion of the facts: Chareidi woman are almost all employed and over 50% of chareidi men work. Journalist Yishai Cohen simply brought a picture from Shachtman’s abortive attempt to stand for Israeli president (he received just one vote) when he visited chareidi rabbis to canvass support. Cohen wrote that “then he didn’t seem so scared of chareidim.”

Saturday, March 4, 2023

US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides Threatens Smotrich with death stating that He Would “throw him out of the plane” to Washington

US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides slammed Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Friday in a fiery statement calling him “stupid” and threatened he would “throw him out of the plane” to Washington, according to a report Friday in the Hebrew-language edition of Israel Hayom, quoting a report by Israel’s Channel 12 News.

The condemnation came in response to words by the Finance Minister earlier this week in which he liked a tweet in which Davidi Ben Zion, deputy head of the Samaria regional council, said the terrorist hotbed town of Huwara “a village that should be wiped out.”

“To avoid all doubt: in my words I did not mean to wipe out the village of Huwara, but only to act in a targeted manner against the terrorists and supporters of terrorism within the town and to exact a heavy price from them in order to restore security to the residents of the area,” he wrote in a tweet.

The harsh words followed the execution-style murders of two Israeli brothers by a terrorist who shot them at point-blank range as their vehicle stood in traffic in the center of Huwara.

Dozens of local Jewish residents flooded into Huwara after the murders, and torched homes and local businesses.

It is not the first time Jews have been attacked in Huwara, which they are forced to drive through when traveling to and from Samaria, because there is no bypass road that allows them to avoid the town.

Smotrich called on Jewish residents in the region to to “let the government do its job” and not to take the law into their own hands.

Watch the lying Media insist COVID originating in Wuhan lab was ‘conspiracy theory’ >>> Trump Right Again!


Darius inscription shard isn’t authentic ..."Venehepach Hu"


The Israel Antiquities Authority said Friday that an ancient shard bearing the name of the Persian king Darius the Great that was announced this week to much fanfare was “not authentic.”

In the Wednesday announcement, the authority said the fragment found by a hiker in Israel’s Judean lowlands region was the first discovery of an inscription bearing the name of Darius I anywhere in Israel.

Darius was the father of King Ahaseurus, widely considered the biblical Achashverosh from the story of Purim, which Jews will celebrate next week. Archeological groups in Israel have a habit of announcing finds connected to Jewish festivals close to the dates of the celebrations.

The Israel Antiquities Authority said Friday that an ancient shard bearing the name of the Persian king Darius the Great that was announced this week to much fanfare was “not authentic.”

In the Wednesday announcement, the authority said the fragment found by a hiker in Israel’s Judean lowlands region was the first discovery of an inscription bearing the name of Darius I anywhere in Israel.

Darius was the father of King Ahaseurus, widely considered the biblical Achashverosh from the story of Purim, which Jews will celebrate next week. Archeological groups in Israel have a habit of announcing finds connected to Jewish festivals close to the dates of the celebrations.

The ostracon, a potsherd that was used as a writing surface, bears an Aramaic inscription that reads “Year 24 of Darius,” which would have dated it to 498 BCE.

However, on Friday, the IAA said that following the publication of the find they were approached by an expert who participated in an excavation expedition last August, who informed the authority that she had created the inscription “while demonstrating to a group of students the manner in which sherds were inscribed in ancient times.”

“She then left the sherd on the site, which led to the erroneous identification. She was questioned and said this was done unintentionally and without malice,” the statement said.

“The IAA takes full responsibility for the unfortunate event,” said Prof. Gideon Avni, the antiquities authority’s chief scientist, who noted the piece had been examined by two leading researchers.

“As an institution that strives for the scientific truth, we are committed to correcting the mistake that was made and making it known to the public,” he said.

“In terms of ethical and scientific practices, we see this as a very severe occurrence. Leaving the newly inscribed sherd on the site was careless, and led to the mistake done by the researchers and distorted the scientific truth,” Avni said.

“This once again proves that only finds discovered in controlled archaeological excavations should be considered 100% authentic. All other finds should raise questions regarding their authenticity,” he said.

Avni said the incident highlighted the problem of identifying new inscriptions on ancient finds and said the incident “will refresh proper procedures and policies with all foreign expeditions working in the country.”

Darius I reigned from 522–486 BCE, during which time the Persian Achaemenid Empire grew rapidly to encompass a large swath of the ancient world. But no written evidence of Darius’ reign has ever been found in Israel.

The hiker who found the shard, Eylon Levy, international media adviser to President Isaac Herzog, was strolling in Tel Lachish in central Israel last December when he picked up a stone that seemed to have strange markings on it. When he looked closer, he saw that it was a piece of pottery with scratches that could be writing.

Levy found the ostracon in the remains of the Persian royal administration building at Tel Lachish, which was first excavated in 1930 and has hosted hundreds of archaeologists through the decades.

“Funnily enough, [the potsherd] was right there, directly next to the wooden pergola that had been built for the visitors,” Levy told The Times of Israel last week after being informed by the IAA that it was authentic. “It was right there, right under everyone’s noses this whole time.”

Tel Lachish hosts tens of thousands of visitors each year, and a new visitor’s center is expected to open in the coming months.

Melanie Lidman contributed to this report

Friday, March 3, 2023

Before the internet and before Leiby Kletzky there was a MURDER in 1986. The largest cover-up perpetrated by frum jews in the 20th century. The murderer is still free. WHY?


I have been in touch with Chaim's classmates in the last 24 hours, and if we keep up this momentum, we will be able to finally resolve this atrocity! (See side bar on the case)

The classmates have formed a chat and are anxious to get to the bottom of this. 

We need anyone who knows anything even if you think it is "nothing" to come forward, it might actually be part of a puzzle. 

We are also looking for Chaim's fellow summer campers, some believe that his last camp experience may very well be crucial to the case.

We are looking for people who can pressure Rabbi Avraham Cooper, who lives in Lakewood, to talk about his last private conversation with Chaim z"l, even though Cooper is elderly, he must talk and talk now. Asking people from Lakewood to give us info where Creepy Cooper davens. 

To my women readers: 

You are all, hopefully, mothers, and I'm asking you to find it in your hearts to help your sister, also a mother, who had her son brutally murdered. As mothers you can break this wall of silence. If your husband learned in Long Beach and is in his 50s, he may know something. If he went to camp with Chaim, Chaim may have confided with him some of his fears. 

This week will be Parshas Zachor! 

We must also remember that a Jewish child whose name means "life" was never given the chance to be a father. Was never given the opportunity to be a star amongst his Jewish brothers and sisters, but instead his neshama was mercilessly snuffed out by a murderer who is still enjoying his life!

For those familiar with the case, just know, the polish janitor has been ruled out of the equation. Also ruled out is the theory that it was an antisemitic incident! Also ruled out was robbery. 

All now agree that it was an inside job, perpetrated by a fellow classmate or a staff member. 

Meaning that this was done by a "Shomer Torah Umitzvois!. 

He must face justice, no matter his age, how big his beard is, or how big of a family he has or how long ago this happened! 

Please email dusiznies@aol.com 

Zera Shimshon Parshas Tezaveh


Councilman Ari Kagan who ditched Democrats punished by NYC Council speaker


The Democratic leader of the City Council is punishing Brooklyn Councilman Ari Kagan for switching to the Republican Party — stripping him of his committee chairmanship and relegating him to a smaller office, The Post has learned.

Kagan said Council Speaker Adrienne Adams was behind the decision to remove him as chair of the panel on resiliency and waterfront after he announced in December he’d ditched the Democrats over their far left, soft-on-crime policies despised by many of his pro-law and order constituents in southern Brooklyn.

“It shows pettiness! Nothing is happening in the New York City Council without permission from the Speaker. It’s the Speaker’s decision of course,” Kagan told The Post.

Kagan said he was also removed from the committees on land use, finance, housing and buildings — and that a resiliency and waterfront panel he headed was disbanded and merged with the environmental protection committee.

He was reassigned to other committees: fire prevention & management, technology and veterans affairs. 

Frum Father, 2 Young Sons Killed in Phoenix Home Fire


A frum father and two of his sons were tragically taken from us in a late-night residential home fire near 35th and Northern avenues in Phoenix on Wednesday night.

The victims were identified as Shimon Boyer z”l, 7-year-old Dov Ber z”l, and 8-year-old Nachman z”l.

Firefighters arrived at the scene to find the townhome filled with smoke and flames emanating from the windows. After extinguishing the fire, they discovered Shimon and four children during their search of the condo.

Shimon z”l was declared deceased at the scene, and three boys and one girl found by firefighters were rushed to a nearby children’s hospital in critical condition. Sadly, Dov Ber and Nachman passed away at the hospital, while the other two remain in critical condition, aged between 5 and 12.

Firefighters found no indication that the fire was intentionally set, and the Phoenix Police Department has taken over the investigation.

Please daven for Tamar Tzadika bas Yael Miriam and Shevach Tzion Yisroel ben Yael Miriam b’soch she’ar cholei Yisroel.

Listen to the Eulogy by parents of the murdered Elan Ganeles