DIN: A Note to my Readers.
I received thousands of emails in response to this story. Most, of course, came to the defense of the suspected kidnapper, and that was way before the facts were even in.
It is interesting to note that the excuses they came up with are more damaging than the initial story.
Many claimed that they "knew the suspect very well and that he is mentally challenged," and so I should give "him some slack."
Others, postulated that the "kid was "a pest" and so he grabbed him and threw him out." Many of those who emailed me came up with the most preposterous reasons on why he did it, all without knowing anything. Some even claimed that they were relatives of him, and they know for a fact that he wasn't there during the incident. From all those who came up with their different scenarios, not one expressed any sympathy for the child, not one. This tells us a lot about our community! Instead of writing me and telling me "let's wait another day" they blindly followed their flawed instincts to
support who we then thought was an abuser!
When I posted the story, it was already on social media with links to the New York Post article, and just so you know, the post got the story from the police blotter.
I posted the story after checking with the police department and they told me basically what was reported in the post.
To the many comments telling me that I lost "my olim haba" because the "suspect" is a "tzaddik, I say, that if in the future a similar story comes up, I will, of course, do my diligence in to verifying what exactly occurred, but I would do exactly what I did.
Not because I am an "arrogant baal-gaaveh" as many called me, anyone that personally knows me, knows that this is the furthest thing from the truth, but because the safety of our children comes before the reputation of an adult.
The majority of the psychological issues we have with today's teenagers that come from Torah homes, directly stem from the sexual abuse that they suffered from rebbes and people that they trusted.
I will continue to advocate for these children and others that suffered and continue to suffer from abuse from people in authority.
This blog was originally called "NEW HEMPSTEAD NEWS" and I created it because of woman that were suffering from a "rabbi" who abused them. This Rabbi subsequently sued me in four different states, and his lawsuit was dismissed after I presented my evidence to the judge. In one particular case in California, not only did the rabbi lose, but I was awarded legal and court costs.
I then changed the name to "Dus Iz Nies" because I was spoofing the "Vos is Nies" News blog.
The purpose of this blog is not to report the news, that you can get from the News media, the purpose is to give the readers what is really behind the stories. Most of the stories of the secular media are one sided and that goes also for the Heimishe Newspapers as well, such as Der Yid, Der Blatt, Der Zeitung, Yated, etc that have a circulation that together amount to over a million readers, a week!
What I am trying to do is to give the heimishe and yeshivishe oilom the news behind the news. I don't expect people to agree with me all the time, but it does make people question what they read, and if I accomplished that, I am content.
This blog gets approximately, 50 - 75 thousand hits a week, according to google analytics, the people that read my blog, stay on it for over 6 minutes that is impressive as most News Media Blogs have readers only stay for about 3 minutes, as people just scan the headlines. I also add some funny posts just to keep your interests.
Having said that, I hope and pray that the "suspect" gets completely exonerated, and if and when this happens, I will apologize to him in person.
Read from his lawyer