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Thursday, September 29, 2022

FBI Using Gestapo Tactics to Arrest Pro-Life Activist with 15 FBI Trucks & Cars


The wife of the Catholic pro-life activist who was arrested in front of their children by dozens of heavily armed federal agents told Fox News on Wednesday that the “devastating” raid has left their family traumatized and in need of counseling.

Mark Houck, an outspoken pro-life activist and author from Pennsylvania, was arrested early last Friday in front of his wife and seven children at his rural Kintnersville home in Bucks County after dozens of FBI agents showed up on his lawn and began pounding on their front door. In an exclusive interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday, Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, recounted the moment she looked out her front window to find roughly 25 uniformed agents with guns and shields surrounding her front door.

“My entire front yard, you could barely see it, it was covered with at least 15 big trucks and cars,” the mother of seven said. “There were 20, 25, 30, men, women, completely in jackets with shields and helmets and guns. They were behind cars. It was something I would never expect to see on my front lawn.”

WATCH: Members Of Lev Tahor Escape Mexican Shelter



 About 20 members of an extreme ultra-orthodox Jewish sect overpowered guards and escaped a government shelter in southern Mexico where they had been held since one of their leaders was arrested last Friday on organized crime and human trafficking allegations.

Mostly made up of children wearing long, flowing robes, members of the Lev Tahor sect pushed their way out of the complex Wednesday night, climbing over one guard from a private security company who had fallen to the ground. The federal government’s shelter for children and families in Huixtla usually receives migrants detained by immigration officials.

They climbed aboard a waiting truck outside and headed toward Mexico’s border with Guatemala. Local police, National Guard and Mexico’s immigration agency said they did not pursue them.

On Friday, authorities arrested Menachem Endel Alter of Jerusalem, a leader of the Lev Tahor sect on allegations of organized crime and human trafficking in Tapachula near the Guatemalan border. Members of the sect said a second leader was also arrested, but authorities did not confirm it.

Lev Tahor has had legal problems elsewhere.

Last November, two leaders of the group were convicted of kidnapping and child sexual exploitation crimes in New York. They allegedly kidnapped two children from their mother to return a 14-year-old girl to an illegal sexual relationship with an adult male.

The sect is known to have members in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala and Israel.

She Never has anything to say


Watch Palestinian Terrorist Hide in Kindergarten Full with Children


‘Where’s Jackie?’: Biden asks dead Indiana rep to identify herself in crowd


President Biden asked for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski to identify herself at a Washington event Wednesday, forgetting that the Indiana Republican died in a car crash last month.

Biden made the embarrassing error while thanking bipartisan members of Congress at a nutrition event near the White House.

“I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like Representative [Jim] McGovern, Senator [Mike] Braun, Senator [Cory] Booker, 

Representative Jackie — are you here? Where’s Jackie? — I think she was going to be here,” the president said.

NGO Says that Avram Fried is a Racist and Chants anti-Islam Slogans


 Ramy Abdu is chairman of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and has been a regular speaker at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

He is also an antisemitic bigot.

Abdu tweeted this video, showing popular Israeli Orthodox singer Avraham Fried, wishing a sweet and happy New Year to the entire nation of Israel, with the soldiers of the Netzach Battalion then singing their own song repeating their name.

But Abdu, who was born in Gaza, chose to describe the events of the video quite differently from the reality, claiming that the "rabbi" and the soldiers were singing racist chants and insults against Muslims and Arabs. 

Over half of U.S. students support boycotting Israel


More than half of U.S students exposed BDS movement's calls to boycott Israel - support the group, a Foreign Ministry survey conducted on campuses, released on Wednesday showed.

The Foreign Ministry conducted its survey among American students after BDS was found to have reached more than half of the student body on U.S. campuses.

Support for a boycott of Israel was heard from students who have an interest in politics, and relatively high support was found among private school students and people aged 30 or older.
The findings alarmed Israeli officials and indicated that the BDS movement has considerable influence on campuses.
The survey also showed that 48% of the students in the United States support Israel and believe it is an asset.
The survey which was commissioned by the Foreign Ministry and conducted earlier this month, was part of an efforts to increase support for Israel in the United States, among different age groups.
50% of students reported they viewed Israel positively compared to 36% who said they did not have a positive view of the country. The data indicated there is more support among American Republicans polled than among those who identify as Democrats or people who claim to have little interest in politics.
Older Americans are found to be more likely to see Israel in a positive light and men more so than women, according to the survey.
Among university students in general, support for Israel is lower than in the general, over 18 population.
The Foreign Ministry officials said the data is not all bad because students tend to be more extreme in their pThey said the students were more critical of Israel based on moral arguments and liberal views, rather than on the country's economic and technical successes.
The older people polled named Israel's technological superiority and the fact that it was the only democracy in the Middle East as reasons for their support.
olitical views.

The conductors of the survey assumed that paradoxically students believe that by boycotting Israel, it would be more likely to change policies on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Those who said they supported Israel, also hoped for a different position towards Palestinians.
The ministry said their findings showed more and more pro-Israeli Jewish students said they were afraid to speak out on campuses.
They experienced discrimination by those who oppose Israel and take over public space, sometimes using coercion, the ministry said.
There is a lot of fake news, especially in times of conflict in Israel, and that's what feeds the BDS and provides a reason to support the boycott and the movement, the officials said.

Climate change activist tells everyone not to travel to places like Fiji by plane and then is asked where she flew last… she flew to Fiji.


Biden Intervening in Israeli Elections and has Senior US official warn against appointing Ben-Gvir a minister


Are the Americans meddling in Israeli elections? According to a report in the Thursday edition of Israel Hayom, officials from within the Biden administration as well as Jewish organizations in the United States have expressed their concern at the possibility that the head of the right-wing Otzma Yehudit party, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, will be appointed a minister in the next Israel government, if opposition leader MK Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in forming a coalition following elections to be held in early November.

Recent polls have suggested the distinct possibility that the largest Israeli political party, the Likud, will manage to cobble together a coalition with at least the requisite 61 Knesset members. "The administration is monitoring developments with concern," one senior American official is quoted as saying, "and is very anxious regarding the possibility that the head of Otzma Yehudit will be appointed a minister in a future Israeli government."

He added that, "Of course we are following what's happening over there, but at the present stage it's too early to comment. However, if we reach the point where such things are under discussion, there's no doubt that the administration will clarify its position, and for us, that would be an immense problem."

The unnamed official further noted that opposition leader Netanyahu is well aware of the "problematic" aspects of appointing Ben-Gvir as a minister. "Anyone who has any sense realizes how problematic this is. Just look at this man's past history, the things he's done, the statements he's made. This isn't someone we want to see in government. Netanyahu is a wise and seasoned politician and he understands the ramifications of such a development. This has yet to be discussed with him since, as I said, it's still early days. But there's no doubt that he's aware of this."

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Gmar Tov


FBI Literally Robs $86 Million From Safe Boxes at a Bank from Innocent Americans


Mahmoud Abbas Praises Sucide Bombers in the UN and no one even blinks


Sen "dummy" Klobuchar Says That Voting for the DemonRats will "Stop Hurricanes"


The Little “King” abdullah of Jordan, elected by no one


King Abdullah of Jordan stood up last week at the United Nations and had the audacity to blast Israel.

In his rant, this little dictator, elected by no one, had the nerve to pretend that Christianity is under attack in Israel and that somehow, as head of the Hashemite Kingdom, he has the responsibility to be the custodian of Muslim and Christian Holy sites in Jerusalem. He says that he is committed to protecting the historical sites and the defender of rights and the city’s heritage.

Giorgia Meloni to be Italy's next PM .. Left already smearing her


Giorgia Meloni, the leader of Italy's Brothers of Italy party, is poised to become the country's prime minister after her party received 26 percent of the vote in the Italian parliamentary elections on Sunday.

Right wing and center-right parties won a majority in the elections, giving Meloni the task of forming a governing coalition.

The Brothers of Italy party is considered a far-right party and has drawn accusations of facism and semi-facism. 

Meloni has attempted to position herself as a more pro-Israel candidate in the recent elections. Last week, she told the Israel Hayom newspaper that “Israel represents the only fully-fledged democracy in the broader Middle East, and we defend without any reservations its right to exist and live in security. I believe that the existence of the State of Israel is vital, and Fratelli d’Italia will make every effort to invest in greater cooperation between our countries.”

While the Israeli government has yet to comment on Meloni's victory, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked congratulated her on her election.

"Congratulations to Giorgia Meloni on her victory. The right won in Italy and will win in Israel as well. Yes, women can do anything, even lead a country," Shaked wrote on Twitter.

Meretz chaiwoman Zehava Galon criticized Shaked for congratulating Meloni, responding that "women can also do facism."

Gedalia Was Murdered Because He "Refused to listen to Loshon Hara"


Tzom Gedaliah is a fast day that commemorates a tragic time in our people’s history, one that the Gemorah (RH 18b) equates with the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash itself – a jarring thought. 

After the destruction of the first Bais HaMikdosh, the Babylonians left a group of Jews in Eretz Yisrael. 

Gedaliah, the governor of that group and the leader of Klal Yisroel at the time, refused to "mekabeil" loshon hara against Yeshmael ben Nesanya who wanted to murder him. and refused to take protective measures against Yishmael, even when he was warned by Yochanan Ben Korayach of Yishmael Ben Nesanya’s malevolent intent (Yirmiyahu 40:16).

 The consequences were quite grave indeed. Gedaliah and all his men were brutally murdered (Yirmiyahu 41:2).Gedaliah was actually murdered on Rosh HaShana, but it was set aside to the day after Rosh haShana because of the Yom Tov.

If he had listened to the loshon hara, the Bais Ha'mikdash would never have been destroyed.

Russia Launched Iranian Attack Drones At Uman On Rosh Hashanah

A Ukrainian news report said that Russian forces intentionally launched Iranian Shahad-136 kamikaze drones at Uman in an attempt to harm Jews gathered there for Rosh Hashanah.

According to the report, the Ukrainian armed forces shot down over ten drones in southern Ukraine, some of which were directed at Uman.

A member of the Ukrainian security services told a Ukrainian media outlet that “planned terrorist operations against Israeli citizens are one of the conditions for Iranʼs transfer of drones to Russia. As you know, this is not the first example of cooperation between the two terrorist states.”

The site that published the report is considered a reliable Ukrainian site and the information in the report is attributed to “sources in the Ukrainian security services.” The site specifically states that Ukraine has information according to which the Iranians set two conditions for Russia when selling the drones – one of them being attacking Uman. The second condition was not specified.

Mexican Police Raid Lev Tahor Compound, Arrest 26 Members


Mexican police raided a local immigration facility near the border with Guatemala on Friday and arrested 26 Lev Tahor members, Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated on Motzei Shabbos.

The raid, which took place in the city of Tapachula, was carried out by dozens of police officers and welfare officials. Two of the cult members, a Canadian citizen and an Israeli citizen, were arrested for alleged human trafficking and sexual offenses punishable by about 20 years in prison.

Yisrael Amir, who escaped the cult several years ago, and several of his relatives, participated in the raid in order to identify his four-year-old son. His son was found and transferred to his custody and the two flew to Israel together.

According to a Channel 12 News report, Amir has been working on a plan to bring his son to Israel since he escaped the cult three years ago. He reportedly worked with former Mossad agents to formulate a plan to save his son amid reports of the children in the cult being abused and neglected.

Amir told Channel 12 that his one dream from the moment he escaped the cult was to save his son from what he himself experienced there, what Amir called “a nightmare.”

“I couldn’t leave him there,” he said.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

The first Jew to escape Auschwitz helped save 200,000 lives — but few know his name


Rudolf Vrba with daughters Zuza (left) and Helena (center)

They didn’t know it, but it was the eve of the Passover seder. At 2:00 p.m. on April 7, 1944, 19-year-old Rudolf Vrba and 25-year-old Fred Wetzler began their epic and daring bid to bring the news of the horrors of Auschwitz to their fellow Jews and the wider world.

That bid began in a dark, cramped hole under a woodpile in the death camp. It ended with a report describing the Nazi machinery of slaughter which landed on desks in Allied capitals and, through a series of diplomatic maneuvers, helped to save the lives of up to 200,000 Jews in Budapest.

But, for more than seven decades, the story of Vrba and Wetzler’s astonishing escape — the first successful effort by Jewish prisoners to break out of Auschwitz — and their mission to sound the alarm and strip away the layers of deception under which the Final Solution was perpetrated has itself remained somewhat hidden. The recognition they rightly deserve has consequently been denied.

In his newly published book “The Escape Artist,” British writer and journalist Jonathan Freedland seeks to correct this historical injustice, painstakingly but grippingly reconstructing Vrba’s incredible life.

Freedland, a columnist for The Guardian newspaper and host of a popular BBC radio history program, tells The Times of Israel that his aim is to ensure that Vrba has, at last, “a place in the pantheon of heroes of the Holocaust.”

And, says Freedland, this is not simply a story about the past. Vrba’s belief about the potential power of shining a light onto Auschwitz’s dark secrets holds salutary lessons for our “post-truth age.”