Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Gedalia Was Murdered Because He "Refused to listen to Loshon Hara"


Tzom Gedaliah is a fast day that commemorates a tragic time in our people’s history, one that the Gemorah (RH 18b) equates with the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash itself – a jarring thought. 

After the destruction of the first Bais HaMikdosh, the Babylonians left a group of Jews in Eretz Yisrael. 

Gedaliah, the governor of that group and the leader of Klal Yisroel at the time, refused to "mekabeil" loshon hara against Yeshmael ben Nesanya who wanted to murder him. and refused to take protective measures against Yishmael, even when he was warned by Yochanan Ben Korayach of Yishmael Ben Nesanya’s malevolent intent (Yirmiyahu 40:16).

 The consequences were quite grave indeed. Gedaliah and all his men were brutally murdered (Yirmiyahu 41:2).Gedaliah was actually murdered on Rosh HaShana, but it was set aside to the day after Rosh haShana because of the Yom Tov.

If he had listened to the loshon hara, the Bais Ha'mikdash would never have been destroyed.


Anonymous said...

If he had listened the Bais Hamikdash would never have been destroyed? But i thought it happened AFTER the destruction?

Anonymous said...

So based on your satirical conclusion they proper way to bring back the Bais Hamikdosh would be thru speaking and listening to loshon Hora.
That was tried with all hidurim it didn't work for 2000 years.

Dusiznies said...

Mesachtas Rosh Hashana 18b
צום השביעי זה ג' בתשרי שבו נהרג גדליה בן אחיקם ומי הרגו ישמעאל בן נתניה הרגו
ללמדך ששקולה מיתתן של צדיקים כשריפת בית אלוקינו

yes the proper way is what the Chafetz Chayim himself wrote in a lot of cases of Lashon Hara
מצוה לפרסם