Monday, September 12, 2022



שומו שמים- והיתם קדושים- צניעות וכשרות— 

Reb Ahron Kotler, Z" L said-The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly & unequivocally, Even if the public doesn't like the sound of it

.במקום שיש חילול השם, אין חולקין כבוד לרב

The Chofetz Chaim & the Rambam,

 בדיני שמים מכלימין אותו ברבים

Rav Breuer, Z”l said regarding Kashrus w/Chumras and hidurim, you have no kashrus & no chumras & no hidurim.

It is brought to you by Yudel Shain of the Kosher Consumers Union, a non-profit 501 © 3 Organization.

Because of the recent Kashrus catastrophes and the ימים נוראים, The kosher consumer is the only one who can correct the situation; therefore, you are not a שוגג anymore.

KCL standards- All of their Sushi places are run strictly by Asian גויים, and they bring their non-kosher fish, clam & other treif sauces with wine. So Frum people can quickly learn the Art of Sushi. Unfortunately, only one store now has a mashgiach. 

All of their Nori wraps are infested & are "impossible to check."

As soon as I gave up the hashgocha on the Manalapan Chinese restaurant 15 years ago for kashrus reasons, the KCL said for the past 15 years, "it's a recommended restaurant" עפרא לפומיה. So, of course, now they will lie about it.

All of the רבנים וראשי ישיבה who back the KCL are שותפים to the Treifos that the אדירי התורה  ותשב"ר are eating.

SOME KCL INCIDENTS - Treif cheeses, Bishul Akum, בשר שנתעלם, non-kosher meat & poultry, חלב עכו"ם big timeחילול שבת by their affairs, milchig Danishes w/ cholent, drunk Mashgichim, smoking on Shabbos & no Mashgiach at all, גוים have keys to the places & the Kashrus sealing  tape are in the גויים car, Non-מבושל wine at their affairs handled by גויים, there are many, many more episodes.

The KCL Mafia only wants the protection money, and they terrorize establishments that don't want them. If I publicize a serious KCL kashrus issue in a publication, the KCL terrorizes those publications . The food establishments are aware that KCL is a scam and deceiving the consumers. They treat our אדירי התורה ותשב"ר as "secular Chareidim" R" L

ר' שלמה זלמן אורבך said people who follow my guidelines in kashrus would not have to worry about "Off The Derech" children.

The Solution-

OU takes over all of the Food Service in Lakewood, with Bnei-Torah standards. Currently, there is a sizeable tri-State caterer only under the OU, and every moisid and others are comfortable eating there.

All food service establishments should STOP immediately paying the "protection money" to the KCL.

Obviously, the KCL would not allow a בעל שמחה to bring in their qualified Mashgiach. Every בעל שמחה must have its qualified Mashgiach from the beginning of the preparation and cooking. The KCL is afraid that the host's Mashgiach will realize that the KCL is a scam, fraud, and façade. So, they have to protect their piggy bank. 

Till after יום כיפור Eat at home and come to the שמחת חתן וכלה

The KCL is beyond repair; it must be shut down immediately, and there is no hashgocha on those establishments until the OU gets its people in place. 

Those that relied on KCL, Star-K, & Tartikuv can still rely comfortably on the OK.

Donations are welcome- kosher consumers union, Inc 1140 Forest Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701- 732-363-7979. We take credit cards, PayPal, checks, and Zell only if you don't need tax exemption-

כתיבה וחתימה טובה                    


Anonymous said...

For those of us not in the U.S., what is KCL?

40+ years in Lakewood said...

KCL - Kashrus Council of Lakewood

Anonymous said...

The choshuv local hashgocha in Lakewood run by prominent Rabbanim which everyone trusts except Yudel Shain who does not trust anyone.

Anonymous said...

The point is hit pieces. Doesn't matter exactly who the person is. Just fill in the blanks or the names you don't know

Anonymous said...

Thought this would be the solution to our kashrut issues. Instead it appears to be a appeal for more funds for Mr. Shain to continue this .........

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Reb Yudel has the facts, you are confusing theories with the cold facts of not being a reliable kashrus.

Anonymous said...

The solution is to kvetch, that what this article implies.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Yudel Shain has an excellent track record despite what some corrupt establishment trolls would like you to believe.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Shain is entirely correct. Certification of restaurants rests chiefly on ‘who has the keys’ and on ‘who has the tape’. Nowhere near enough. At the very least an electronic alarm/camera monitoring system is needed, plus weekly monitoring of supplies ordered, with a focus on meat.

Zako said...

To Anonymous 5:22 pm and to Anonymous 7:12 pm

You guys are Kashrus professionals, right ?

concerned said...

"Excellent track record"?!? ... Sure he has an excellent record of getting publicity and raising money for HIS POCKET?? (or as he calls himself The "Kosher Consumers Union Inc." 1140 Forest Ave... Which is HIS HOUSE).
Whenever there is a scandal or problem in kashrus (always EXPOSED BY OTHER PEOPLE, not Shain) the oilam is paying attention. Somehow Shain then manages to get the public to read one of his DAILY, INCOHERENT rants, as if he has solutions...

Anonymous said...

Shain is the one that caught the TREIF by Finkel, Falls poultry, Netzach butcher, Roma in Boca Raton, midwest abatoir, Agri, etc. among numerous others.

La Kosher Nostra said...

R' Yudel caught Moish Finkel, which the hashgochos deny as they don't want him to get credit for anything.

Ever wonder why that is? Because when he catches the CORRUPT hashgochos on other stuff, and boy does he ever, they don't want him to have any seeming credibility.

He caught OK with the chometz scandal of the Chinese cocoa when Rav Gruber quietly bailed out of there without telling anyone. He has caught many scandals of OU, OK, Queens Vaad, Lakewood Vaad, Monsey hashgochos, etc

Anonymous said...

There is no way to avoid kashrut sandals.
You must pray, pray and pray that scandals should not occur.

Just like in CA or Monsey and elsewhere the most halachicly trusted people can disappoint you.

And to put thinks in perspective, if you go via your non halachic precautions (vs. halachic rules), no one is immune from being suspect not even Reb Yudel Shlit'a. It has happened in the past and it can happen in the future.

Pray, pray and pray is only only guarantee.

Don't fall for those self invented shtusim. Follow the accepted Halacha.

Mrs Finkel said...

La Kosher Nostra
Yudel had absolutely nothing to do with the Finkel scandal.
I live in Monsey and I know the story only too well. He was caught by the KJ Driver.
Hatzlacha Grocery is where Finkel worked and he stopped ordering from Satmar meats and started buying Hebew National and packaging with the KJ packaging, when Finkel saw that he was getting away with it, he upped the ante and started buying outright nevila, again packaging with the KJ packaging.
One day the driver was attending a wedding sitting next to the owner of Hatzlacha, and the driver innocently asked him why he hasn't been buying meat from them and asked the owner if he was buying from Meal Mart, when the owner said that the meat was definitely from KJ, they both abruptly left the wedding and drove down to the store to check on the meats and they caught the goy unloading treif meat and packaging it in KJ packaging.
That's how they caught him, this had absolutely nothing to do with Shain. Nothing!

Anonymous said...

Shain cought his tzitzis in his zipper, and shain cought Covid, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Shain is a shoteh and am haooretz

Anonymous said...

So he claims he knew about Monsey way before anyone else. If that's true, he's a terrible machshil es harabbim.

Anonymous said...

When shain caught Finkel with the treifus "8 years earlier", he resposibly notified the Rav Hamachshil, his mashgiach, New York State kosher enforcement, other Rabbonim, etc.

This Rabbbi Rottenberg (Kosseh Rebbeh)Wessley Hills,with others is a pro, they dead ended it. Rabbi Rottenberg made sure Rabbi Bresslauer kept on giving hashgochas. Rabbi Rottenberg did not allow the KYO restaurant scandall, to go out into the public. Rabbi Rottenberg, dd not allow the Kreitman Shatnez scandall to be stopped.
He did not allow the Steinmetz fake kashrus to become public, "Give credit where credit is due".