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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Beit Shemesh Resident Stabs His Daughter to Death then Kills Himself

Liana Savenok

Alexander Savenok, suspected of murder his daughter and then killing himself, in an undated photo

A 43-year-old man is suspected of stabbing his 21-year-old daughter to death before killing himself in a Beit Shemesh apartment on Saturday in an apparent murder-suicide.

The woman was later named as Liana Savenok and her father was Alexander Savenok.

The Magen David Adom emergency service said the two were found with stab wounds and medics were unable to revive them. Police said they have opened an investigation.

According to Hebrew-language media reports, it was suspected that Alexander stabbed Liana to death before killing himself.

The Ynet news site said he had been issued with a restraining order and was not supposed to be in close proximity to either his daughter or her 17-year-old brother. Channel 12 said he had a history of mental health problems.

Liana Savenok was killed at her mother’s home — the mother was on vacation in the north of the country and asked her son to go and check on his sister because she wasn’t answering her phone after their father had said he was going to the apartment.

The son went to the apartment, where he found the bodies of his sister and father.

Activists have long complained that not enough is done to prevent violence against women in Israel, particularly in cases known to the authorities.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Israeli couple arrested after man dies in pool sinkhole


sraeli police said Friday they placed a couple under house arrest, a day after a man attending a party at their villa died after being sucked into a sinkhole that formed at the bottom of their swimming pool.

The man and woman, both in their sixties, are suspected of causing death by negligence, police said. They were arrested on Thursday night and a court decided to release them Friday under “restrictive conditions of house arrest” for five days.

The incident happened during a private party the couple hosted at their house in the town of Karmi Yosef, 25 miles southeast of the city of Tel Aviv.

Mobile phone video from the scene shows floaties and water being sucked to the bottom, at the center of the pool, as people sitting by the poolside shout in Hebrew. A man is seen approaching the sinkhole, slips and is almost pulled in before he backs away.\The police said the deceased 30-year-old was found following a search mission in which Israeli police, emergency crews and the army took part.

Israeli media cited witnesses as saying the party was attended by nearly 50 people, of whom six were in the pool, and also reported that the homeowner had built the pool without proper licensing.

Rep. Zeldin attacker Released Because of Crazy Liberal NY Laws re-arrested by FBI

 The Army veteran who attacked gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin during a campaign stop near Rochester was slapped with a federal assault charge Saturday, authorities revealed.  

David Jakubonis “wilfully” assaulted the congressman “with a dangerous weapon” in Perinton on Thursday evening, an FBI agent alleged in a criminal complaint filed in United States District Court. 

The 43-year-old suspect is set to make a court appearance in front of US Magistrate Judge Marian W. Payson later Saturday, according to the complaint. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Zera Shimshom Parshas Mattos/Masai


Did Jews Buy Land in Transjordan as EARLY as the 1870s?


{Reposted from the EoZ site}

Jamil Youssef Al-Shaboul, writing in Sawaleif, tells a story about a brief episode of Jewish settlement in Transjordan.
Palestine was not alone as a destination for the Jews and the Zionist movement. With the intention of establishing the slandered national homeland, the eastern part of the river was also targeted.
When the Zionist Montefiore built the first neighborhood for the Jews outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem in 1862, after he purchased a plot of land specifically for that, the first two agricultural settlements for the Jews were built in both Jerash / on the Zarqa River and Salt, and through bribes received by some Ottoman officials to facilitate their entry into the country and their ownership for the land.
The Jordanian clans sensed the seriousness of the matter early on, especially after the Jews tried to buy other lands adjacent to the Zarqa River in order to bring in another group of immigrants. The northern and Bani Hassan clans came together and held a meeting in the guesthouse of Sheikh Mustafa al-Ayasra headed by Sheikh Mufleh al-Obaidat, the father of the martyr Kayed al-Obaidat, and they unanimously agreed to expel these Jews. With all the simple light weapons they had, they burned the settlement of Rachel in Jerash and expelled the Jews from it. They headed towards Al-Balqa and burned the settlement of Kfar Ehud near Salt. The presence of these bastards from East Jordan ended.
The Jordanian clans were able to save Jordan from the clutches of the Zionist movement, which was announced at the Basel Conference in Switzerland in 1891, and this confirms that the choice of force in the time of lies and hypocrisy is the one who restores things to their rightful place and that the thief will not escape punishment.

Notice that they admit that the land was purchased by Jews but the author still considers the land “stolen.”

Mossad Interrogates a Second IRGC Official in Iran


Another official of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been interrogated in Iran by Israel’s international Mossad intelligence organization, Iran International reported Thursday.

During the hours-long interrogation, Yadullah Khedmati – who serves as deputy chief of the IRGC Logistics Division — provided information about the transfer of weapons to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, the Saudi-backed news outlet reported.

In a video recorded during the interrogation, Khedmati confirmed his role in the IRGC and spoke about Brigadier General Ali Asghar Nowrozi, the commander of the department, Iran International said in the group’s Farsi-language website.

Khedmati allegedly said In the video, which was published in Iranian media, “My name is Yadollah Khedmati and I work for the logistics department of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps under the command of Norowzi.

“Norowzi is the man behind all the transfers of missiles, weapons and drones from the logistics department of the IRGC to neighboring countries and Hezbollah, and I work in Norowzi’s office and very much regret what I’m doing.

“I shouldn’t have done that, and I recommend all my coworkers to stop as well,” he concluded.

One of the operations under Nowrozi’s command involved the 2019 transfer of arms from Iran to Hezbollah via Syrian airports including the “T4, Shayrat, Hamat and Damascus International Airports.”

Khedmati was subsequently “released safely” and returned to his home by those who captured him, Iran International reported.

This past May, Mansour Rasouli, a member of the IRGC’s Quds Force Unit 840 was also captured and interrogated by Mossad agents in Iran.

Rasouli, who was tasked with killing an Israeli diplomat in Turkey, an American general in Germany, and a French journalist, confessed to his assigned mission and the payment he was promised, in a recording of the interrogation. He reportedly was released following the interrogation and currently resides in Europe, Ynet reported.

The information provided by the interrogations led to the seizure by Argentine authorities of a plane owned by Emtrasor Company, a subsidiary of Konoyasa State Transportation Company in Venezuela, which is sanctioned by the US Treasury Department.

The plane was piloted by an IRGC officer, arrested by Argentine authorities along with his crew. The officer turned out to be Gholamreza Ghasemi, one of the managers of Qeshm Fars Air. Qeshm Fars Air is one of the airlines used by Nowrozi to send arms to Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies.

“The pilot’s mobile phone contains photos of combat equipment such as missiles and warplanes and the tools to carry out such operations,” said Gerardo Milman, a member of Argentina’s parliament and a former deputy minister of the country’s internal security ministry.

The Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires subsequently announced in a statement that one of the Iranians aboard the Venezuelan plane seized in Argentina was a member of the IRGC Quds Force. In its statement, the Israeli embassy expressed concern over the continued cooperation of the Mahan Air and Qeshm Fars Air with the IRGC’s Quds Force in arms transfer operations.

New York Senator Blames Jews after polio case discovered in Monsey


A New York Senator caused an uproar on Thursday after he singled out Jews for criticism in the wake of a case of polio that was diagnosed in in an Orthodox Jewish man in Rockland County, just north of New York City, reports the New York Jewish Week.

The case is the first case of polio in the United States in a decade.

Local health officials announced the case Thursday and said they would begin a drive to increase vaccination against the potentially deadly virus. They said the victim was experiencing paralysis, a hallmark of the disease, and that he had not been vaccinated against it.

Sources told the New York Jewish Week that the man is part of Rockland County’s substantial Jewish community.

State Sen. James Skoufis, a Democrat whose district includes part of Rockland County, released a statement in a since deleted tweet in which he called to “bring the full force of the law down on those who have skirted these requirements.”

Skoufis singled out Ramapo Yeshivas as having “a history of non-compliance with the state’s vaccine laws.” Ramapo is one of the Five Towns of Rockland County, in which the source said there are over 120 Yeshivas.

“Additional enforcement is required in light of today’s news,” Skoufis said in his statement.

Skoufis’ statement drew criticism from within the Jewish community. Yossi Gestetner, a Rockland County resident whose Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council worked to combat negative publicity stemming from the measles outbreak in 2019, tweeted that Skoufis’ statement was “hateful and inflammatory.”

“I missed your tweet calling out LGBTQ+ by name and as a community for Monkeypox,” Gestetner wrote, referring to the outbreak of a different virus that is underway. “So why treat visibly Jewish people this way? Every elected Dem should condemn you.”

Gestetner told the New York Jewish Week that he recognized that there is vaccine hesitancy within the Orthodox community, but rejected the notion that vaccine hesitancy “is just an Orthodox community issue.”

Skoufis later walked back his initial statement and said on Twitter that he met with members of the Rockland County Jewish community to discuss the situation.

“Earlier tonight, I reached out to leaders in the Rockland Jewish community to discuss their thoughts on the situation as well as some of the concerns with proposed ways forward,” he wrote.

“I truly appreciate the sensitivity on the ground and the need to make sure the language used like that in my statement from today better reflects that sensitivity.”

“No community should be singled out on an issue we are all concerned with and I committed to continuing the dialogue to ensure next steps are appropriate, relevant, and in the best interests of all,” stressed Skoufis.

WATCH: New York Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin Attacked With Knife

 It's at the 57:54 Mark 

U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for New York governor, was attacked by man with knife at an upstate event Thursday but was uninjured, his campaign said.

Zeldin was giving a speech when a man climbed onstage and appeared to begin wrestling with the congressman, said Katie Vincentz, a spokesperson for Zeldin’s campaign.

A video of the event in Perinton posted on Twitter showed the man appearing to grab Zeldin’s arm and the two fell to the ground as other people tried to intervene.

“Thanks to the swift action of several brave eventgoers, the perpetrator was subdued,” New York GOP Chair Nick Langworthy said in a statement.

Zeldin, an Army Reserve lieutenant colonel who has represented eastern Long Island in Congress since 2015, is a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump and was among the Republicans in Congress who voted against certifying the 2020 election results.

He is challenging incumbent Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul this November.

(Attack occurs at minute 57:50)

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Beis Din Confiscated Cell Phone Of Get Refuser – And He Immediately Agreed To Give A Get


The sharp eyes of the Av Beis Din in the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court noted that a get refuser who appeared in his court was engrossed all the time in his cell phone. In a brilliant move, the Av Beis Din succeeded in persuading the man to grant a get on the same day – by confiscating his phone.

The complex divorce procedure was dragging out due to the husband’s steadfast refusal to grant his wife a get. The hearings were taking place behind closed doors to protect the identity of the couple, but the Av Beis Din, Rabbi Meir Freeman, noticed that the husband was recording the hearing. Rabbi Freeman told him that it is forbidden to record any hearings but the Beis Din saw that he was apparently violating the regulation and continuing to record the hearings. A quick check of the man’s phone revealed that he had indeed been recording the hearing.

Rabbi Freeman as well as the other dayanim Rabbi David Berdugo and Rabbi Yitzchak Rabinowitz told the man that he could receive a fine and also decided to confiscate his phone for seven days to see what else had been recorded.

In consultation with the legal department, the Beis Din concluded that based on clause 3 of the Religious Courts Law, the court could demand any document enabling the clarification of the legal issue and a cell phone could be considered an electronic document which can clarify issues and could therefore be confiscated.

However the moment the husband was ordered to give up his phone for seven days, he immediately agreed to give a get to his wife and receive his phone back. In this case the sanction of confiscating a phone proved more effective than other sanctions against get refusers.

JStreet the Jew Hating Organization that backed Anti-Semite Donna Edwards for Congress Loses


Donna Edwards

After the nation’s largest pro-Israel lobbying group spent an unprecedented amount to boost her opponent, progressive politician Donna Edwards lost her Maryland Democratic primary effort to return to the U.S. House on Tuesday.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its super PAC, United Democracy Project, spent nearly $6 million in its efforts to keep Edwards out of Congress — a new record in political spending for the group, which only created a political action committee to financially support candidates earlier this year. Another pro-Israel group, Democratic Majority for Israel, spent an additional $426,000.

The candidate backed by those groups, former state attorney Glenn Ivey, beat Edwards to win the primary for Maryland’s 4th Congressional district, which covers the heavily African-American Washington, D.C. suburb of Prince George’s County and is strongly favored to go Democratic in November. Ivey handily beat Edwards by 16 percentage points, with around 68% of precincts reporting, according to the Associated Press.

It was the largest yet demonstration of the powerful role pro-Israel lobbying money is playing in national political campaigns, particularly Democratic primaries. AIPAC’s PAC has spent a total of $21 million this campaign cycle, solely on Democratic primary candidates. The attack ads funded by that money do not focus on Israel issues, Haaretz reported.

Edwards’s voting record on Israel during her previous Congressional terms from 2008-2017 was worrisome enough for AIPAC to justify its record spending levels (though a spokesperson for the group told Haaretz the amount of money mostly reflected the cost of purchasing ads in the expensive D.C. market). Edwards repeatedly voted “present” on legislation and congressional resolutions involving Israel that passed easily, including one that backed Israel’s right to defend itself from Gaza rocket attacks in 2009, and a law that increased security cooperation between the United States and Israel in 2012.

She has also participated in trips to Israel and the West Bank led by J Street, 

Edwards was backed by J Street and was also defended by leading Democrats such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Adam Schiff. J Street spent around $720,000 in Ivey attack ads, mostly going after him for accepting AIPAC’s money. Edwards also criticized Ivey on the campaign trail for courting support from “his dark-money super PAC.”

AIPAC congratulated Ivey on his victory in a statement Wednesday. “Pro-Israel activists mobilized in this race because there was a clear and unambiguous choice between a candidate who will strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance and one who would weaken it,” the group said. AIPAC also obliquely referenced its spending in the race, saying, “Our involvement in the democratic process will continue throughout this election cycle.”

It was a repeat of previous “proxy wars” that Israel lobbying groups have fought in the same district. Ivey previously explored running against Edwards in 2009. Even then, when Edwards had little in the way of an Israel voting record, AIPAC was eyeing a way to back a more staunchly pro-Israel challenger.

Boro Park Pilot Shmuel Judkovitz Who keeps Crashing his planes Survives Latest Crash

 Boro Park pilot Shmuel Judkovitz was on the runway in Linden, NJ when his plane caught fire, and before escaping he said a prayer. He miraculously escaped before his plane burned to a crisp.

He survived a plane crash in Illinois last July in which an experimental plane was totaled. 

Cryi'n Schumer Fighting to Pass Same Gender Marriages


Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said today that he is working to build support for a House-passed bill recognizing same-gender marriage on the federal level so that it can be approved by the Senate, The Hill reports. The legislation would need 10 GOP votes to overcome a filibuster assuming all of the Senate’s 50 Democrats back it, but hopes for passage have been lifted after 47 Republicans in the House backed the bill.

“The legislation is so important,” said Schumer, who has spoken with Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), a sponsor of the Senate companion bill, to see if it has enough GOP support to pass the Senate. “She is talking to Republicans to see where the support is. I want to bring this bill to the floor, and we’re working to get the necessary Senate Republican support to ensure it would pass,” Schumer said.

Monroe Satmar Rebbe Allowed Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska to give her Speech To U.S. Congress

 Remember when the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe told his naive sheep to write letters to congress to halt Netanyahu's addressing both houses of Congress to warn them about Iran? 

The rebbe is not messing with the ladies and allowed her to speak! 

A DIN correspondent reached out to the Rebbe's Hebrew speaking  Rebetizen to inquire how this came about that the holy rebbe allowed this bezoyin. The rebbetizen asked "Is she a Zionist?" our reporter answered "no, of course not, she married a Jew in a church and have goyim for children" "that explains it" she answered curtly adding that according to the rebbe's SHIT'eh  anyone can address the Congress as long as they are not Zionists.  No word yet from the rebbe's press secretary when and if they will meet.

Completing The Encyclopedia Talmudis in the next two years ..Finally


PROJECT MOVING ALONG: Launched in 1942, the Encyclopedia Talmudis has reached the letter mem in 48 volumes, but is still 30 volumes short.

A 2016 agreement with Toronto philanthropist Dr. Dov Friedberg and his wife Nancy was aimed at ensuring the completion of the encyclopedia within 10 years. Sources say that the project is on schedule to be completed by 2024.

Bnei Brak Molesters Are Out in Full Force Warns Shomrim


בתקופה האחרונה ובפרט בימים האחרונים, עם התקרבות ימי בין הזמנים חלה עלייה מדאיגה במקרי התקיפה נגד ילדים וילדות - בעיר בני ברק.

על פי נתוני ארגון 'השומרים', מדובר בעלייה מדאיגה של עשרות אחוזים באירועי תקיפה חמורים שמתבצעים כנגד ילדים בכל הגילאים – לעומת התקופה אשתקד. בארגון 'השומרים' מציינים כי המקומות המסוכנים ביותר הם גינות, חנויות ובחצרות הבתים. על כן, ההמלצה הדחופה היא - להימנע לשלוח את הילדים למקומות אלו ללא השגחה

Little Sadigura Rebbe of Bnei Brak Gets Temporary Injunction Against his Brothers They Cannot Use the name Sadigura


I believe that this is proof that the "little rabbi" is actually caving in, after realizing that fight against his brothers was a losing battle. In his original complaint at Bais Din, he wanted everything, the buildings in Yerushalayim, which his older brother built with his own sweat and tears, and he wanted the buildings in London. His advisors must have told him that he should "let the big dogs lay" and so he caved and is now fighting for the name only!

About two years of the passing of the Rebbe from Sadigura, and after many months of controversy, legal discussions and dealing with matters of the will, a special letter was sent earlier this week to the Rebbes of Sadigura, Yerusjalayim and London, on behalf of the Court of Justice in Bnei Brak, headed by the Gabad Rabbi Sariel Rosenberg, in which the dayanim who signed the letter announce the issuance of a temporary injunction prohibiting the sons of the Rebbe zt"l, Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef Friedman and Rabbi Aharon Dov Ber of London use the name Sadigura.
Letter was signed  by the following rabbis; 
Rabbi Yehuda Silman, Rabbi Sariel Rosenberg, Rabbi Yaakov Farbstein, Rabbi Meir Heisler, and even Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shafran wrote that "the Committee of the Hasidim of Sadigura and its affiliated associations requested that since the will of the Rebbe zt"l is approved by the Court, and it is stated in section 5 that he appoints his son, Rabbi Yitzchak Yehoshua Ha'asil Friedman, as his successor as the successor of the Rebbes and at the head of the people of Shlomino, the Hasidim of Ruzhin Sadigura, This is in addition to section 7 of the will, where it is written that he is the one who will head all the institutions in each and every site that bear the name Sadigura or Ruzhin Sadigura."
"Therefore," the dayanim instruct, "a temporary injunction is hereby issued, in the framework of which, apart from the Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yehoshua Ha'asil Friedman and his congregation, under his sole supervision and watch, any person, or body, or institution may use the name of Sadigura or Ruzhin Sadigura, etc., or raise funds on behalf of institutions under one of the aforementioned names, and it is also forbidden to use the symbols used by the institutions under the leadership of the Rebbe zt"l."
In conclusion, the rabbis write that "the injunction will remain in effect until a hearing and decision is reached in an agreed-upon court in all the reports that exist among the family members of the Rebbe zt"l."

The letter further states: "And after they say that you are raising funds in the name of Sadigura, or Rozhin Sadigura, and using the symbols that were used by the institutions in the life of the Rebbe zt"l, which they claim is contrary to the will, and it even misleads and diverts funds that are supposed to reach the aforementioned institutions for other purposes that are not under the supervision and leadership and custody of the successor according to the will, causing financial damages to the associations, and sometimes even contrary to the understanding and purpose of the donors."

Truck Burns Down but photo of Lubavitcher Rebbe Miraculously Survives Intact


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

'Ben Shapiro, you've spun your last dreidel,' says armed far-right activist in video


"Alright, Ben Shapiro, you've spun your last dreidel," said an extreme far-right activist in a video, before he fired three shots from a revolver at a gun range in a video posted by The Informant's Nick Martin on Monday.

Aidan Duncan, who also goes by the pseudonym Smiley the Fren, joked about shooting American Conservative Jewish political commentator Shapiro in a now-deleted Instagram video of Duncan at a gun range in Nevada, Martin reported.

Monsey Women Under Attack by Goyim shooting them with BB-Guns & Eggs

Bill de Blasio Ends his Campaign for Representative .. Bobov upset


Yitzchok Fleisher of Bobov was pushing this commie anti-Semite, G-d only knows why, and now he is upset. Rumor has it that he is looking for another German to endorse. 

 Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday that he is ending his campaign for a U.S. House seat in New York, dropping out after two months by saying it’s clear “people are looking for another option.”

The Democrat was running in a crowded primary for a deep-blue congressional district that includes his Brooklyn home and parts of southern Manhattan.

“I’ve listened really carefully to people and it’s clear to me that when it comes to this congressional district, people are looking for another option. And I respect that,” de Blasio said in a video posted online Tuesday.

His campaign was launched months after his tenure as mayor ended and was the latest attempt by de Blasio to further his national political ambitions.

He considered running for governor of New York but opted not to challenge incumbent Democrat Kathy Hochul. He also had a short-lived run for president in 2019, which lasted two months longer than this year’s congressional campaign.

De Blasio became the city’s first Democratic mayor in two decades when he won election in 2013. His early achievements included expanding public prekindergarten to every 4-year-old in the city and later including more 3-year-olds. He also curtailed the police stop-and-frisk tactic and helped push through a $15 an hour minimum wage.

But by the time his second term ended on Dec. 31, 2021, his tenure was also marked by a series of gaffes, high-profile conflicts and strained relationships with progressives and the city’s police.

The former mayor seemed to acknowledge that in his video announcing he was ending his campaign, saying, “I’ve made mistakes. I want to do better in the future.”

De Blasio also said he wants to keep serving the public: “I’m going to find a different way to serve,” he said.

Recent polling had placed de Blasio near the bottom of the field of 13 Democrats seeking to represent New York’s 10th Congressional District. Other candidates in running in the Aug. 23 primary include U.S. Rep. Mondaire Jones, who currently represents a Hudson Valley seat but decided to make a 2022 campaign further south in the metropolis, along with New York City Councilwoman Carlina Rivera, former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, who last served in Congress in 1981, and Daniel Goldman, the former federal prosecutor who served as counsel to House Democrats in the first impeachment inquiry against former president Donald Trump.

Rep. Jerry Nadler represents New York’s 10th district now but will no longer live in it after redistricting.