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Monday, June 20, 2022

Kaddish De'Rabanan For the collapse of the leftist government


Knesset dissolves: Lapid to become PM


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid have decided to dissolve the current government and hold new elections. The decision was made after the two exhausted efforts to preserve the current coalition, which has seen numerous crisis in recent months.

The two will submit a bill to this effect for approval by the Knesset next week.

Yair Lapid will become prime minister during the transition period as per the coalition agreement and will greet US President Joe Biden as Israel's premier during his visit to the Jewish State on July 13. Elections for the 25th Knesset will be held in September.

With the dissolution of the government, Naftali Bennett will become the shortest-serving prime minister in Israel's history, a record which would be broken by Lapid if he does not remain prime minister following the elections.

Prime Minister Bennett is now talking to party leaders.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid will give an announcement to the public at 8 PM.

1 dead, 2 hospitalized from tree falling on Palisades Parkway

The accident happened in the northbound lanes in Stony Point.

 A pickup truck passenger was killed Sunday when a tree fell on the vehicle on a parkway in New York’s northern suburbs, a report said.

The freak accident occurred in the northbound lanes of the Palisades Parkway near Exit 16 in Rockland County at about 4 p.m., News 12 Westchester reported, citing police.

Three people were inside the red truck when it was struck by the falling tree.

The front seat passenger was killed and the driver and rear passenger were hospitalized, the report said.

Photos from the scene show the mangled remains of the vehicle that veered off the road during the accident.

Police closed off the northbound lanes of the parkway for several hours as they investigated and cleared the crash.

Rabbanute Pats themselves on the back after getting a guy to give his wife a get after 33 years



In China it's "Shabbas Shira"


World swimming bans men athletes that dress up like women from women’s events


 World swimming’s governing body has effectively banned transgender women from competing in women’s events, starting Monday.

FINA members widely adopted a new “gender inclusion policy” on Sunday that only permits swimmers who transitioned before age 12 to compete in women’s events. The organization also proposed an “open competition category.”

“This is not saying that people are encouraged to transition by the age of 12. It’s what the scientists are saying, that if you transition after the start of puberty, you have an advantage, which is unfair,” James Pearce, who is the spokesperson for FINA president Husain Al-Musallam, told The Associated Press.

“They’re not saying everyone should transition by age 11, that’s ridiculous. You can’t transition by that age in most countries and hopefully you wouldn’t be encouraged to. Basically, what they’re saying is that it is not feasible for people who have transitioned to compete without having an advantage.”

Pearce confirmed there are currently no transgender women competing in elite levels of swimming.

Palestinians Message to Queers "Gay in Dreard" "go to hell


Askanim busy with "asifa"for ladies where they will ban smartphones ...Now the husbands won't have to worry about their wives snooping on them


Germany will finally limit use of gas but too late for the 6 million Jews they already gassed

 Germany’s economy minister said Sunday that the country will limit the use of natural gas for electricity production amid concerns about possible shortages caused by a cut in supplies from Russia.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that Germany will try to compensate for the move by increasing the burning of coal, a more polluting fossil fuel.

“That’s bitter, but it’s simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage,” said Habeck, a member of the environmentalist Green party.

Russian gas company Gazprom announced last week that it was sharply reducing supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for technical reasons, but which Habeck said appeared to be politically motivated.

Germany, which has long relied heavily on energy imports from Russia, began significantly scaling back its imports because of the war in Ukraine.

The government has nevertheless insisted that Russian gas will be needed for a while until alternative sources of energy, such as LNG brought in by ship, are available. Over the past months the German government has taken measures to fill gas storage facilities to 90% capacity by November to ensure enough gas is available as a heating fuel through the winter.

Habeck said storage facilities — currently at 56.7% capacity — were still able to make up the shortfall from Russia with purchases from elsewhere, but nevertheless described the situation as “serious" and said further measures may be necessary.

The German government recently called on citizens to cut back their energy use in light of the tense supply situation.

“It's obvious that (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's strategy is to unsettle us by driving up the price and dividing us," Habeck said. “We won't let that happen.”

Is the Pope is about to RESIGN ?


Pope Francis has fuelled speculation that he could resign after postponing a trip to Africa and announcing an unusual meeting of cardinals. 

Hobbled by pain in his knee and forced to use a wheelchair in recent weeks, the 85-year-old pontiff postponed a July trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan last week.

He also announced an unusual decision to hold a consistory to name new cardinals during a Vatican vacation month and arranged meetings to ensure his reforms stay intact.

The extraordinary consistory will be held on August 27, a slow summer month at the Catholic headquarters, to create 21 new cardinals - 16 of whom will be under the age of 80, thereby eligible to elect his successor in a future conclave.

Israel Should tell the EU "No Gas Until You Cut out your anti-Israel Actions"

 People dining this week on the charming terrace at Jerusalem's King David Hotel were surprised to find at the next table Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission.

Given the EU's long-standing hostility towards Israel, it was a bit like spotting Amber Heard knocking back the tequila with Johnny Depp in a Los Angeles bar.

That may be unfair to von der Leyen herself, who was described later that day by Israel's prime minister, Naftali Bennett, as "a great friend of the Jewish people and a great friend of Israel."

She had certainly come to Israel on a charm offensive. In a speech at Ben-Gurion University, where she was awarded an honorary degree, she said: "I have put the fight against anti-Semitism and fostering Jewish life in Europe at the core of the European Commission's agenda. Our democracy flourishes if Jewish life in Europe flourishes, too. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish people have been 'a light unto the nations.' And they shall be a light unto Europe for many centuries ahead."

So she pressed all the right buttons about the Jewish people. The real reason for her trip, however, was panic.

Saudi Calls for Palestinian State in Jordan


Jordan’s King Abdullah II (L) in Ramallah with his host, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, 

Ali al-Shihabi, an author and commentator on Middle Eastern politics and economics with a particular focus on Saudi Arabia, last week threw a bombshell into regional Arab politics with an op-ed in the pro-Saudi TV channel and website Al Arabiya, headlined: “The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine.”

Al-Shihabi is a graduate of Princeton University and the Harvard Business School, and his articles are considered mainstream in the Sunni Arab world, which is why his op-ed caused such a stir and outrage on social media and news sites in Jordan. Former Jordanian Information Minister Muhammad al-Momani responded in an article headlined, “The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine – unrealistic, illogical, and not patriotic.” Some in Jordan have suggested that al-Shihabi’s article was part of a Saudi-Israeli plot designed to “bring the Palestinian issue to an end at the expense of the Palestinian people and the expense of Jordan.”

Sunday, June 19, 2022

There is a permanent shortage of everything throughout the entire world and it's the fault of the Leftists' Elite


First it was baby formula, now there’s a tampon shortage. Tampon prices are up 10% due to the rising price of oil affecting the cost of plastic and higher cotton prices due to mask manufacturing and the war in Ukraine. A whole lot of fertilizer comes out of Ukraine and Russia. So does neon, which is used to make semiconductor chips. The chip shortage is shutting down car plants.

This is the thoroughly interconnected world celebrated in prose by journalists like Thomas Friedman, who marveled at how Big Data and globalization brought everything together.

“No two countries that both have a McDonald’s have ever fought a war against each other,” Friedman once claimed. In his greatest paean to globalization, “The World Is Flat,” he argued that, “No two countries that are both part of a major global supply chain, like Dell’s, will ever fight a war against each other as long as they are both part of the same global supply chain.”

McDonald’s in Russia has closed and the ones in Ukraine might be blown up any time. Russia restricted its neon exports while Ukraine’s neon exports have fallen sharply. Dell CEO Michael Dell has warned that the global chip shortage could last for years.

So much for the Golden Arches and Dell theory of globalist conflict prevention.

Rav Yoel Roth who was the last to see the missing Moshe Kleinerman Speaks up


Rabbi Yoel Roth, one of the most famous rabbis in the Breslav hasidic movement and probably one of the last people to see missing child Moshe Kleinerman, spoke over the weekend about the time he met the boy.

Rabbi Roth is the head of the Tiferet HaTorah yeshiva in Williamsburg, which serves hasidic youth who have dropped out of the usual yeshiva framework.

Many rumors have circulated about Moshe Kleinerman since his disappearance, including rumors that he has been spotted in a hasidic community outside of Israel.

Kleinerman was last seen on March 25 in the Meron area in the north of the country. Despite the passage of time, police still have no clue as to the boy's location and have continually appealed to the general public to report any sighting of the boy, who is described as slim with dark hair and sidelocks with glasses. Kleinerman also has a prominent scar over his left eye.

Last Friday, blogger Daniel Amram, who lives in the United States, decided to go to Rabbi Roth's yeshiva and talk to him about his last meeting with the missing boy more than 80 days ago in Meron. 

"I do not know him," Rabbi Roth said in a conversation with Amram.

 "When were were in Israel, he ran after me, and I don't know why. We couldn't get rid of him. We went around to the kivrei Tzaddikim (graves of the righteous), and I do not know why he jumped in the bus, we told him there was no place [for him] so he jumped in the trunk."

Amram spoke about the meeting with Rabbi Roth in a video on his YouTube channel.

 "When we arrived (at rabbi Roth's Yeshivah) he was in the middle of a class,".

 "Rabbi Roth  told us he had no problem with us waiting until he finished his class. At the end of the class I turned to him to asked  him if I could take a selfie with him  but then I showed him Moishe's picture and asked him if he knew where he was."

 "At first he ignored my question and just picked up the phone and started showing everyone, asking them if they knew where he was. After that he answered me about what happened then in Meron with him."

Beit Shemesh Boy dies after concrete pillar falls on him

 A 13-year-old boy from Beit Shemesh died on Saturday, half a year after he was critically injured when a concrete beam fell on him in his family's yard.

Moshe Yehuda Abels died at the Herzog Rehabilitation Hospital, where he had recently been hospitalized, after being transferred from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where the doctors fought for his life.

The funeral was held at 1:30 AM Sunday, during which he was buried in the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Jerusalem.

During the Hanukkah holiday in December, Moshe and his brothers were playing in a hammock which was in the yard of their house. During the game, a concrete pillar to which the hammock was attached, detached from the ground and fell on the children.

All three children were injured, with Moshe suffering the most serious injuries.

The family celebrated Moshe's bar mitzva over the Passover holiday, but Moshe himself was not able to attend the celebration due to the seriousness of his condition.

Trump Right again as WHO head Dr. Tedros says that SARS-CoV-2 resulted from a lab leak


Despite public statements denying any level of certainty regarding the origins of SARS-CoV-2, WHO head Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus privately believes that the novel coronavirus was the result of a leak from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Dr. Tedros confided his thoughts to a European politician described as a "senior government source," who divulged the information to the Mail on Sunday.

The Institute of Virology in Wuhan is one of the largest such institutions in the world and the only institution in China that researches "gain of function" in viruses, manipulating them in order to make them more virulent or change their characteristics in some other form. Such research has been conducted in Wuhan for decades, and has been partially funded by the U.S. government.

The National Institutes of Health recently admitted that it had hidden information related to COVID-19's origins, in accordance with a Chinese request.

Watch Democratic Candidates Long History of Claiming Elections Were Stolen


Joe Biden Offers Condolences By Saying The Deceased "Dropped Dead"



The principal of a tony Chicago private school allegedly ignored a bullied 15-year-old, who then committed suicide — 

 The mother of the dead boy wants to warn parents in New York, where the administrator is set to start a new job next month. 

Randall Dunn, 57, head of the Board of Trustees of the National Association of Independent Schools, has run the Latin School of Chicago since 2011 but will take over the top job at the posh Rye Country Day School in Westchester, the school announced.

 Rosellene Bronstein, the teenager’s mother, believes Rye Country Day students, who pay $50,000 a year in tuition, would be at risk. “Dunn does not care about students. He cares about himself and his career. He’s a fraud. He is dishonest,” an emotional Rosellene Bronstein, 48, told The Post.

 Rosellene’s son, Nate, killed himself in January. In April, Bronstein and her husband Robert filed a $100 million lawsuit against Dunn and a blizzard of other school officials and parents in Illinois, alleging their son committed suicide after months of relentless bullying.

Naftuuuuuleh Moster:"After ten years, I am leaving Yaffed"


Ten years ago, I embarked on a journey that I never thought would bring me to where I am today. Struggling to secure a decent job and succeed in college due to the near complete lack of secular education in my Hasidic Yeshiva growing up, I decided to do something that so many before me chose not to do. I began advocating for Yeshivas to follow the law and for education agencies to enforce it.

It started as a passion project: a letter to the New York State Regents Chancellor; a handful of meetings with yeshiva administrators and local rabbis; a fax to a civil rights attorney; a meeting with a school superintendent. I had no advocacy skills or community organizing experience going into this work. I had no government relations experience, no media, budgeting, legal or education policy experience. I was just a young adult who was seriously handicapped by my lack of education.

With the help of our many supporters and generous donors I was able to grow Yaffed from a volunteer-based startup into a non-profit with a near 1 million dollar budget employing multiple full-time staff and additional contractors. In that time I went from being a nameless yeshiva bochur to a public figure.

It has been an incredible journey and a great adventure.