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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Be'er Sheva stabber told a judge in 2016 that he wouldn't do it again'


The terrorist Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian, who on Tuesday murdered four Jews in Be'er Sheva, pleaded guilty in 2016 as part of a plea deal to a variety of security offenses, including the establishment of a terrorist cell on behalf of ISIS.

He was sentenced to four years of imprisonment and another 12 months probation. In sentencing, Judge Yoel Eden noted that "the punishment should be at the lower threshold," because, "the defendant took full responsibility for his actions, admitted to the indictment, expressed remorse for his actions, and said he knew he was wrong and would not do it again."

Al-Quian was an elementary school teacher. In the ruling, it said that the terrorist admitted that he "took part in secret meetings and served as a 'spiritual teacher' who conveyed content related to the ISIS organization."

"In these meetings he explained to his students about ISIS and his views, told them about the organization's path and the fighting in Syria, and showed the students videos of the organization, and as a result of the defendant's actions, the students expressed support for ISIS," it read. He took part in meetings of ISIS supporters in Israel at least once a week, for a period of about two years - until he was arrested.

According to the indictment, "As of January 2015, the defendant began delivering sermons in the mosque during Friday prayers. In some sermons, he spoke about ISIS and claimed that the organization was in accordance with Islam, with the intention that worshipers would show support for the organization."

"According to the indictment, the facts of which the defendant admitted, he conspired to join a terrorist organization, attended illegal association meetings, tried to leave Israel illegally for Syria, delivered sermons intended to induce worshipers to show support for the organization, and acted on behalf of an illegal association and as its representative," the judge noted in the sentence.

He stressed: "The defendant's actions were carried out over a long period of time, and in a consistent and continuous manner, indicating a significant threat to the State of Israel."

However, at the sentencing stage, the judge wrote: "I did not find that in the case of the defendant, the appropriate sentence should be exceeded, neither in terms of severity nor severity. The defendant is a professional, and respected in his community."

As stated, the terrorist was sentenced to four years in prison, which began from the beginning of his detention period on June 2, 2015. He was released from Israeli prison at the end of his prison term and on Tuesday carried out a brutal killing spree in Be'er Sheva.

Doris Yakhbas, 49, Laura Yitzhak, 43, and Menachem Yehezkel, 67, were three of the four people murdered in a ramming-stabbing attack in Be'er Sheva.


The name of one of the four women murdered in a stabbing attack in Be'er Sheva was released Tuesday evening.

Doris Yakhbas, 49 years old and a resident of Moshav Gilat, was the first victim to be named following the attack.

Her husband, who works with the Israel Prisons Service, arrived at the scene of the attack after receiving a phone call from a passerby, and discovered that his wife was among those murdered..

Her nephew, Yisrael Uzan, who was called to the scene as Magen David Adom (MDA) personnel, was one of those treating her.

"I was one of the first to arrive at the scene, and I approached to treat a injured woman who was unconscious," he said. "While treating her, I recognized her as my aunt, my mother's sister. She had no signs of life and we were forced to declare her death. I was horrified, but I needed to continue functioning and to treat my uncle, who was at the scene."

The Merhavim Regional Council said, "The Merhavim community is pained at the murder of Doris Yakhbas (49), of blessed memory, of Moshav Gilat. Doris is survived by her parents, brothers and sisters, husband, and three children. Staff from the Council is supporting the family and community at this difficult time. We extend our hand to the family, which has suffered a cruel and monstrous loss."

Yakhbas is survived by her husband and three children. Her funeral will be held Wednesday at the cemetery in her moshav.

In the attack, terrorist Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian rammed into Rabbi Kravitzky, who was riding his bicycle, before stabbing several female passersby.

Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky ran the synagogue in Be'er Sheva's Nahal Beka neighborhood, in addition to managing the neighborhood's Colel Chabad soup kitchen, which feeds many elderly and poor people every day.Be'er Sheva's chief Chabad-Lubavitch emissary, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Garelik, who worked with Rabbi Kravitzky, mourned, "He was very dedicated to his mission. Together with his family members, may they live long and good years, he put everything he could into the community in the Nahal Beka neighborhood. He took care of them, physically and spiritually."

"All of the residents remember his wide smile and great giving. We are in shock and very pained at this bitter news."

Rabbi Shalom Duchman, Director of Colel Chabad, responded to the murder by saying, "Rav Moshe Kravitzki was the gentlest of souls whose entire life was about caring for others."

"Each and every day he would manage Colel Chabad's local food distribution service for the needy in Be'er Sheva, distributing thousands of meals over the years, going above and beyond to serve the hardest-hit in his community during COVID

"This horrific loss of life has robbed the people of Israel of one of its kindest and most compassionate souls and our prayer is that the memory of the tremendous work that Rav Moshe did in his life will offer some comfort to his family and the entire community."

Be'er Sheva terrorist's family knew of planned attack


Israeli security forces investigating Tuesday’s deadly terrorist attack in Be’er Sheva questioned the assailant's relatives, amid suspicions that at least some of the family members had foreknowledge of the planned attack.

Police and the Shin Bet internal security agency probing the attack questioned Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian’s relatives, with police interrogating two of al-Quian’s brothers Wednesday morning.

The two brothers are suspected of know about Mohammad Jalab’s plans to carry out a terrorist attack, and may have witnessed him leaving the house with the knife he used in the attack.

Once the interrogation has been completed, authorities will determine whether the two brothers should be brought before a judge for an extension of their arrest.

On Wednesday, police returned the personal firearms of two civilians who shot and killed the terrorist, ending the eight-minute rampage Tuesday.

Police forensics teams examined the two guns at a ballistics analysis facility overnight. The police department came under criticism Tuesday, after footage was released showing officers threatening one of the two civilians who requested his gun back following questioning.

Officials at Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva announced Wednesday morning that two of the victims wounded in Tuesday’s attack are in moderate and stable condition.

Four people were murdered in the attack Tuesday afternoon, with the terrorist running down a cyclist with his car before exiting the vehicle to stab additional victims.

The attack occurred at a gas station on Derech Hevron in Be’er Sheva, adjacent to a ‘BIG’ shopping center.

The terrorist, an Arab Israeli from the Bedouin sector, was a resident of Hura in the Negev, who had previously expressed support for the ISIS terrorist group.

According to Maariv, the terrorist had attempted to join ISIS in Syria and was recently released from a five-year prison term.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Before you donate to "Bleich" the "Ukraine Chief Rabbi" Read this


First: who is Bleich, and how did he get to Ukraine? 
Bleich comes from a "centrist" yeshivish family in the NY area. After an incident that damaged his reputation in the Telz high school in Chicago, Bleich began learning in a Stolin (chassidish) yeshiva in Israel.

According to this @nytimes article, Bleich came to Ukraine in 1989, at age 25, with the backing of Stolin. He managed to get the pulpit of the historic Great Choral Synagogue and established day schools, camps and other religious programs.


In 1992, Bleich was "appointed" chief rabbi of Ukraine. He was never officially elected. But that didn't seem to matter. Within a few years, he had connections to the most powerful people in Ukraine, including the famously corrupt President Leonid Kuchma (Wikipedia him).

Bleich also gained prominence in the larger Jewish world. Until 2018, he was the official representative of the Stoliner Rebbe of Jerusalem. Later, he became VP of World Jewish Congress and member of the executive committee of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER).

One of the things Bleich did as chief rabbi was establish an outreach-oriented high school for Ukrainian Jewish girls and boys. Many of these children had little Jewish affiliation, and some lived in a dorm near Bleich's home--both of which put them in a vulnerable position.
Over the course of several years, Bleich is alleged to have sexually abused girls from this school, others who attended his summer camp, employees of his programs, and Orthodox female volunteers from North America who came to work in the summer camp.

Open Letter to Zelensky "the Ukrainian"

Zelensky Davening for his country in a Church

From a Facebook Post!

Dear Vlodomor Zelenskyy,

So let's clear a few things up...

You're the underdog here and Israel usually aligns itself with the underdog because the truth is that in every war we've fought, we were the underdog because we were out-numbered, isolated, and countries like yours chose to align themselves with our enemies. In your case, more than 35 times in recent years.

Let's be clear, Israel doesn't owe Ukraine ANYTHING. It is our choice to send what aid we feel is appropriate, and we have. Vast amounts of humanitarian aid, medical assistance, bullet proof ambulances and more. You're welcome.

Your comparison of the Holocaust to today's fight is abhorrent and historically inaccurate. The Jews didn't have an army, anti-aircraft missiles, 100,000 rifles to distribute to our people and no military training.

No one sent aid and rescue missions and let's not even begin to describe how the majority of the Ukrainians treated our people.

You feel that we owe you because you are Jewish...your parents are Jewish.
I guess we won't mention that your children are not only not-Jewish, but have, with your permission, been baptized.

So let's do this. You stop complaining that Israel isn't doing enough, start saying thank you and next time a vote comes up in the UN, remember how many Arab countries stood by, while Israel acted.

And if you want Israel to CONTINUE to support Ukraine, don't you dare compare your situation, where tragically over 900 have died, to the massacre of more than six million Jews in World War II, to the victims who lie in mass graves, like Babi Yar.

We'll help...not because you are a Jew, but because WE are Jews.


Zelensky Addresses the Knesset Wearing The Same Cross That Hitler ym"s Wore


How Israeli TV Reported the Bio of R'Chaim Kanievski z"L

Moshiach Will Come on Motzei Shevuois Says Daughter of R' Chaim Z'L


AIPAC’s pro-democracy ‘super PAC’ does not mention Israel in its mission statement


AIPAC’s new regular political action committee is self-evident about what it’s all about: It’s called AIPAC PAC, after all, and is committed to supporting pro-Israel candidates.

The “super PAC” that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee launched in December, however, is more opaque: It’s called the United Democracy Project. Its brief mission statement does not mention Israel nor the powerhouse pro-Israel lobby behind its founding. Instead, it emphasizes the promotion of democracy.

“United Democracy Project is an organization comprised of American citizens, Democrats and Republicans, united in the belief that we are stronger as a nation when we come together in support of our democracy and other democracies around the world,” says the mission statement on its website. “United Democracy Project works to elect candidates that share our vision of Americans coming together to support our mutual interests and belief in democracy.”

Asked why the super PAC does not state that it supports Israel, AIPAC spokesman Marshall Wittmann did not directly answer.

“As we indicated at the time of the announcement of the PAC and Super-PAC, the creation of the PACs is an opportunity to significantly deepen and strengthen the involvement of the pro-Israel community in politics,” Wittmann said Monday in response to an email query.

Chasan seriously injured during his wedding regains consciousness


A groom who was seriously injured at his wedding last month in Modi’in regained consciousness Monday.

In mid-February, 34-year-old Itai Haim Hamani slipped and fell off of a table, after friends and relatives lifted him up onto the table, then lifted the table into the air while dancing at his wedding.

Hamani landed on his head and suffered a serious head injury in the fall, leaving him unconscious. He was rushed to Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan for treatment.

Now, more than a month after his injury, Hamani has regained consciousness, waking up for the first time since the wedding disaster.

Despite regaining consciousness, Hamani is still in serious condition, Kikar Hashabbat reported.

“It is an absolute miracle,” one relative said. “His medical condition is improving in a way that defies nature, he is smiling and moving his hands. We showed him photos of his bride and he was happy, the doctors and the family are still in shock from the miracle.”

“His condition is still serious and he has a long, complicated road to recovery. I call on everyone to continue to pray for his recovery.”

Historian Discovers Hitherto Unknown Fate Of 400 Amsterdam Jews Caught In February 1941 Raid


A new exhibition by Dutch historian Wally De Lang has revealed the fate of 400 Jews who disappeared 80 years ago from Amsterdam – a fate which was not known until now.

In February 1941, nine months after the Nazis invaded and occupied the Netherlands, the first pogroms began on Dutch soil. Local Nazi party members posted bills in shop and cafe windows that read “Jews Not Wanted.” Then they went on a rampage in the Jewish Quarter, breaking windows and shouting jeers.

Young Jewish men and boys banded together to protect their neighborhood. When Dutch Nazis returned a few days later, the Jews fought back. Street fights went on for days resulting in many casualties, including the death of one Dutch Nazi, Hendrik Koot.

In retaliation, the Green Police — German Nazi officers in long green coats and high boots — randomly grabbed about 400 Jewish men off the streets during a two-day sweep, ultimately forcing them into trucks and driving away. Most of these men were never heard from again and nobody knew what had happened to them or even precisely how many people had disappeared.

De Lang, a researcher of Dutch Jewish history for several decades, refused to accept that normative people from Amsterdam had just disappeared without a trace and set out to discover their stories.

“It was impossible for me to comprehend that 400 people of this town just disappeared, without anyone knowing who they were,”  De Lang told the New York Times.

Mordy Gelfand Found in New Orleans Body Flown to Lakewood for Burial

 After many weeks of painstaking searching by Achiezer and other organizations, Jackson resident Mordy Gelfand has sadly been found deceased, having perished in a tragic accident in New Orleans. Mordy had gone missing while on a business trip to the city and was later confirmed to have been involved in a terrible mishap that cost him his life.

The meis is being tended to by Chevra Kadisha and is currently being flown to New York for kevurah.

Mordy, 33, was a loving husband and father who took tremendous pride in his family and was beloved by the Jackson community and all who were fortunate enough to know him. Mordy z”l took a special pride in being deeply involved in his shul and his children’s schools, often going out of his way to promote and advance the interests and needs of the tzibbur.

In his unassuming and quiet way, Mordy z”l was a tremendous baal chesed, and an individual who was described as selfless, deeply empathetic, and willing to go the extra mile for another’s sake.

He is survived by his wife Devorah, his children, his parents – Yaakov and Shira Gelfand – and his siblings – Adina Erez, Sarah Tova Stern, Avi Gelfand, and Aryeh Gelfand.

The family said that the entire family are extremely grateful for Klal Yisroel’s tefillos on behalf of Mordy, and for their interest and concern for his wellbeing.

“It gave us and continues to give us tremendous chizuk knowing that so many yidden cared for Mordy and were davening for his safe return home,” a family member told YWN.

“We are also profoundly grateful to the volunteers from Hatzolah, Chaveirim, Shomrim, Achiezer, and other organizations, as well as the local police chaplains, for everything they did to find Mordy and bring him back to us.”

The family extended their thanks to Yehuda Eckstein, Elliott Zaks, Yossi Greenwald, Yaakov Gade, Chaim Meisels, Mendy Schecter of New Orleans Chabad and many others  Most notably, is the tireless work that Boruch Ber Bender of Achiezer did, as he worked 24 hours a day for weeks on behalf of the family.”

The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 10:30 am Tuesday morning at the Lakewood Chapel. Kevurah will take place in Long Island.

Boruch Dayan HaEmes…

Monday, March 21, 2022

Israel Gave Zelensky a Forum and Like a Ukrainian He Stabs Her in the Back!


Instead, Knesset members gave in and agreed to host the Ukrainian leader.

After a few brief polite preliminaries, Zelensky once again appropriated the Holocaust, falsely comparing the German Nazi and Ukranian mass murder of Jews to Putin’s invasion.

In a familiar appropriation, Zelensky declared, “Our people are now scattered around the world. They are looking for security. They are looking for a way to stay in peace. As you once searched.”

From there it got worse.

Zelensky repeated the lie that, “You saw Russian missiles hit Kyiv, Babyn Yar. You know what kind of land it is. More than 100,000 Holocaust victims are buried there. There are ancient Kyiv cemeteries. There is a Jewish cemetery. Russian missiles hit there.”

Russian missiles were aimed at an installation obscenely built over the cemetery.

At that point, the speech turned into a smear campaign.

“What is it? Indifference? Premeditation? Or mediation without choosing a party? I will leave you a choice of answer to this question. And I will note only one thing – indifference kills. Premeditation is often erroneous. And mediation can be between states, not between good and evil.”

That was rich coming from the leader of a state that voted in lockstep with Russia against Israel at the UN, and has deep economic links to Iran.

“One can keep asking why we can’t get weapons from you. Or why Israel has not imposed strong sanctions against Russia. Why it doesn’t put pressure on Russian business,” Zelensky demanded.

One can ask why Ukraine keeps funding Iran.

Zelensky’s speech, which the Knesset was bullied into hosting, was a combination of Holocaust revisionism, emotional blackmail, and a smear campaign.

There’s a pretty clear lesson here.

Zelensky is entitled to tell any lie he likes in the hopes of saving his country, but only idiots would provide a forum for him to attack their country.

Two Israel-Haters Turn on Each Other


NY college refuses to withdraw a Convicted Murderer and Israel-hating terrorist’s speaking invitation


Despite intense public backlash, school won’t rescind speaking invitation for convicted murderer who spent nearly 50 years behind bars for killing two NYPD officers.

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Despite intense public backlash, the State University of New York at Brockport has refused to withdraw a speaking invitation to Anthony Bottom, a convicted domestic terrorist who spent nearly half a century behind bars and co-founded an antisemitic organization.

Bottom, who is also known by the name Jalil Muntaqim, was a member of the violent Black Liberation Army terror group in the 1970s and 1980s, which carried out multiple deadly bombings, arsons, and robberies.

Bottom shot and killed two New York city police officers in a 1971 ambush and was linked to an additional three murders. After being incarcerated for 49 years, he was paroled in October 2020.

A description of the upcoming April talk, titled “History of Black Resistance” on SUNY-Brockport’s events calendar, invites students to an “intellectual conversation” about his experience as a “political prisoner.”

Diane Pigaentini, the widow of an NYPD officer killed by Bottom, blasted the college for hosting Bottom.

“While my husband lay on the ground pleading with them not to kill him, pleading he had a wife and children, Bottom took his service revolver and emptied it into his body,” Piagentini wrote in a letter to the school obtained by PIX 11.

“There were 22 bullet holes in his body,” she said.

But despite public pressure to withdraw the speaking invitation, the school has framed Muntaqim’s presence as a free speech issue.

AIPAC endorses 27 Democrats who fought for the Iran nuclear deal


Despite intense efforts to prevent the deal in 2015, AIPAC is now embracing Democratic lawmakers who voted for the Obama-era agreement, JTA reports.

By World Israel News Staff

Pro-Israeli lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) announced its support for 27 Democratic lawmakers who had voted for the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal in 2015, despite intense efforts by the group to prevent the deal when it was originally proposed.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported that AIPAC is embracing a major policy shift on the matter and now will formally endorse politicians who voted in favor of the deal, after pulling out all the stops in 2015 to stop them from supporting it.

The JTA said that AIPAC had sent its representatives to try to persuade Jewish representatives to vote as one united bloc against the bill, with tensions rising so high that negotiations eventually escalated into “tearful angry exchanges in congressional offices.”

But despite pledging to “excommunicate” lawmakers who voted in favor of the bill, AIPAC is now openly endorsing those same politicians.

Just some Purim "Fun"


Rav Amnon Yitzchok Didn't Forget to Bring His Smartphone to the Levayeh of R' Chaim z"l


Why Pini Lipshutz Editor of US Yated Wears an "Up-Brim" Hat


The "chuchim fun Dee Ma'Nishtana" sent this to the New York Times! Nu?

Two Yeshiva Boys Held Up at Gunpoint on Friday Night in Flatbush


Two young boys were held up by a gunman on Friday night on E. 34th Street between Avenues K and L.

The boys, who were conversing in front of their homes at approximately 1:38AM, were approached by the gun-wielding bandit, who demanded their money. They explained that since it was shabbos, they weren’t carrying anything on them – money or otherwise.

Unconvinced, the suspect grabbed one of the victims by his tie and went through his pockets, which were indeed empty. He then asked the boys who was in the house they were standing in front of, and they intelligently replied that it was full of people, which kept the suspect from trying to enter.

The victims then contacted Flatbush Shomrim, which in turn contacted the NYPD 63rd Precinct, who arrived quickly at the scene. NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor also walked over from his home to assist.

Video footage of the incident has been obtained by Flatbush Shomrim and they are working collaboratively with the NYPD to identify and track down the suspect. Shockingly, a marked Flatbush Shomrim vehicle being driven by an armed off-duty NYPD Officer is seen on security camera footage  driving down the same street exactly 4 minutes before the incident.

Through the intervention of Ohel, Dr. Norman Blumenthal spoke to both boys on motzei shabbos to assist them with any trauma effects they may be going through due to the terrifying incident.

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