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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Song of Chaggigah


Trump Keeps Being Proven Right:As Texas County Finds 10K Uncounted Ballots From Primary Day


About 10,000 mail ballots were tabulated but not counted in Texas’ most populous county on the day of last week’s election, officials said, adding to the delay in determining some winners in the nation’s first primary of the 2022 midterms.

Election officials in Harris County, home to Houston, said late Saturday that an “oversight” led to 10,000 ballots not being counted. Those votes — 6,000 Democratic and 4,000 Republican — will be added to the final tallies Tuesday.

“While the votes were scanned into our tabulation computer, they were not transferred and counted as a part of the unofficial final results as they should have been,” the Harris County Elections Office said in a statement.

The AP will tabulate the additional votes from Harris County and update its vote count.

The March 1 primary was the first statewide election that took place in Texas under new, tighter voting laws. Thousands of mail ballots were rejected statewide for not having the new, required identification.

Harsh accusations against Zivia Rotenberg, a revered educator in Bais Yaakov


Rebbetzin Tzivia Rotenberg 

This was translated from Hebrew by one of the victims

Rebbitzen Rotenberg comes a very esteemed respected family from the Lithuanian-ultra-Orthodox elite, the niece of the late Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and has been considered an authoritative and revered educator for decades. 

She is currently a high school principal at the Beit Yaakov Maalot girls' seminary in Jerusalem  Despite the complaints, Rotenberg continues to conduct seminars and make connections with R.'s students. "It drains my soul. She must not have any more contact with girls "

Rotenberg responds:" These are allegations of ignorance, baseless and baseless "

At the age of 13 and a half, preoccupied with questions about life and religious belief, as is the custom of many teenagers, M. (full name withheld) came to the home of her teacher at the time, Zivia Rotenberg.

What happened to her there with someone she considered a revered educator - M.,who is  now 39, will never forget.

"I showed up almost once a week, for a few months, at Zvia's house in the Ezrat Torah neighborhood of Jerusalem. The official purpose of the meetings, which lasted about an hour to two hours and was always initiated, was to strengthen my view, because I had questions about faith. at school.

Monday, March 7, 2022

In Leu of the latest Archaeological dig in Beit Shemesh R' Moshe Bransdorfer Paskens: Bet Shemesh Ramat "Dalet" Neighborhood Must Celebrate 15th Adar As Well


Two things before you continue reading:
#1 G-d forbid that R' Brandsdorfer should give credit to the archaeologists, in fact he is saying that "he is not relying on the archaeologists."  With all due respect, that wall was uncovered at least 3 years ago, and R' Brandsdorfer had no psak then , though he was asked countless times to rule on this, it was only when the archaeologists said that it was Yarmut, the city that Yehoshua conquered and had a wall, that he issued this psak. He says that he would have paskened like this anyway, even if this city wasn't 100% Yarmut, but if that is in fact true why did he only pasken after the official Archaeologists statement?

#2 Since R' Brandsdorfer gave his psak practically all the rabbanim of Beit Shemesh came on board ...
except of course .... Chabad!  They did give a reason, I haven't reviewed it yet. The psak is below 

A new psak by Rabbi Moshe Bransdorfer states that members of the new Ramah Daled neighborhood in the city must celebrate Purim for 2 days.

A number of rabbis in the neighborhood asked Rabbi Bransdorfer, who heads the rabbinical court of Heichal Horaah to rule on the issue, which has become relevant because the new neighborhood is adjacent to an ancient wall believed by archaeologists to be Tel Yarmut. The city of Yarmut is one of the cities mentioned in Yehoshua as having been in the Bet Shemesh region. All such cities, and those adjacent to them celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar if they had a wall in Yehoshua’s time.

Rabbi Bransdorfer said that he is not relying on the archaeologists that this is indeed Yarmut but the halacha as determined by the Levush and the Beis Yosef is that wherever an ancient city is discovered with a wall it is possible that it is from Yehoshua’s time and therefore Purim should be celebrated on both days, especially in an area where it is known that there were many towns in the time of Yehoshua.

Rabbi Bransdorfer said that he had measured the distance from the last house in the neighborhood to the ancient wall and it is less than 90 amos, meaning that it is considered adjacent.

Even if the city is now abandoned, the Chazon Ish and the Gra rule in accordance with Ritva that any city adjacent to it must still celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar. Those who rule in accordance with the Mishna Berura and Birkei Yosef could say that the rule of adjacent cities only applies when it is occupied by Jews but the Chazon Ish proved that the Birkei Yosef would also have accepted the Ritva’s ruling.

Thus the Birkei Yosef is based on an error and the Mishna Berura only quotes him in Biur Halacha which is not a clearcut ruling. Therefore we should be stringent in accordance with the Chazon Ish’s ruling.

In conclusion, Rabbi Bransdorfer states that the residents of Ramah Daled should celebrate on both days and make the bracha on the first day but have a seudah and say al hanisim on both days. They must read on the 14th with a minyan (as it may not be the correct time) but ten women are also considered a minyan for this purpose.

Chabad Psak Below against 2 day Purim in Beit Shemesh!

The Prophecy of I will "gather all you from all the four corners of the World" Being Fulfilled in Real Time


Biden Sold the Jews Living in Israel Down the River and will immediately Implement the Iran/Satmar Deal!


For decades, senior Israeli defense officials beat a path to the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council with briefcases full of documents providing conclusive proof that Iran's nuclear program is a military program and that its purpose is to transform the Islamic Republic of Iran into a nuclear-armed state. 

The officers arrived in Washington convinced that the smoking gun they were providing the Americans would compel Washington to abandon its long-held delusion that there is a "grand bargain" to be had with the fanatical Islamist theocracy whose leaders believe that Iran's rise will herald an era of unmitigated Shiite global domination.

All of the Israeli officers made their best cases to their American counterparts. Most believed the Americans were open to the information they provided, and left Washington convinced that the Americans finally recognized the danger and would act to block Iran from achieving its nefarious goal. On at least one occasion, their efforts were rewarded.

Women Protesting One of the Largest Bais Yaakov in Israel ...They are Protesting the Molestation That Goes On There


Hundreds of looted ancient relics found in Chareidie Jerusalem apartment


Rare and decorated bone and ivory items from the biblical period and ancient bowls dating back some 1,500 years, bearing spells and incantations in Hebrew, were uncovered in the home of a resident of the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Jerusalem, suspected of illegal trade in antiquities.

Hundreds of antique coins, glassware and weapons were also discovered during a cooperative search by the Antiquities Authority's Robbery Prevention Unit and Lev HaBira police.

The incantation bowls, known as the “swearing bowls” were used as a kind of amulet in ancient times, and date back to the 8th-4th centuries CE. It was common practice to bury them under the house floor for protection. Inside the bowls, magical inscriptions were written in the Babylonian-Aramaic language. The inscription in the bowl is meant to fight curses, demons, diseases, and pests.

According to Amir Ganor, head of the Antiquities Authority's Robbery Prevention Unit, said: “bowls of this type came from ancient sites in the area of Mesopotamia, now present-day Iraq. The text was written by artists for a specific client, according to their personal needs.”

Sunday, March 6, 2022

DIN Gets Caught In the Yerushalyim "Chup" Protest

So today I was stuck in traffic for hours in Yerushalyim traffic. What happened was that the police caught a Satmar Young Avreich , a Teitelbaum of course, who refused to register with the draft and so they threw him into jail. 

The "Auerbach "leidegeiers " blocked traffic to protest his arrest! 

I had nowhere to go as I was blocked in on all sides, so I decided to step out of my now stopped car and take a little stroll over to see who were the protestors? מי ומי ההולכים

I couldn't help but notice that at least 85% of the protestors were shaven boys with big "Chups" "fancy hair styles! These "Chup" wearing guys stopped their Torah learning to protest the arrest of a Satmar Draft dodger!  Looking at their fancy "chups" I couldn't help but think that they must be looking in the mirror for hours combing their fancy locks! Who are they trying to attract? They are supposedly in Bais Medrish all day shteiging away, so why do they need these "chups?" Why is a Torah "Scholar" styling his hair? I know that the Ribono Shel Oilom has a senses of humor, and I can't wait to see them going bald!

Could it be girls? Naaaaa! So what's with the "chups?"

Background Story!

The law is that all Israeli boys must register for the draft, despite the fact that they get exemptions and do not serve. There isn't a bocher in Israel who registered for the draft and received an exemption sitting in jail for not serving in the IDF! Not One!

How did they catch him? 

This Satmar Shvantz left his young wife and child  in the middle of the night  last Thursday, not to do "tikkun chatzos" chas ve'sholom, but to commit a criminal act!

He and 20 of his friends או לרשע ואו לשכינו came to a brand new neighborhood in Beit Shemesh, called Beit Shemesh Daled, to spray grafiti on the walls of  brand new buildings! They sprayed "Tziyoinim YM"S" and other Torah Statements, doing tremendous financial damage and of course making the buildings and the neighborhoods ugly!

This was going on for several weeks, and I guess the brand new residents were sick of these parasites so they  set up a buddy system to catch the culprits. Bingo! Last Thursday, they caught the vandalizers, and while many got away, this Teitelbaum character who was quick with a paint aerosol can, but apparently not too swift on his feet and never ran in the "Jerusalem Marathon" got caught and the neighbors held him for police. When the police saw his ID they noticed that he never registered for the draft and they threw him in jail. His "Friday Night Mitzva Night " is going to wait until he sees a military judge!

Originally they were going to protest in Beit Shemesh, but the rabbanim in Beit Shemesh told them that they won't cooperate because he was a "mazik" a criminal!

But the "Auerbach Chups" who are always looking for a quick exit from learning Torah, called for a massive protest and that's how I got caught up in this mess! 

זו תורה וזו שכרה

Chareidie Women Are Being Recruited by Police To go Undercover To Catch Chareidie Perverts (report in Hebrew)


More Walder Victims Speak Up


מתלוננת נוספת נגד חיים ולדר שוברת שתיקה

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The former ‘First Lady of ISIS’ now loves Jews, plans to visit Jerusalem


Less than six years ago, the British-born Muslim Tania Joya was living in Syria with her husband, an American-born convert to Islam who was becoming an increasingly influential figure in the circles of Islamic State. Next week, she will be giving a talk about “countering the forces of violent extremism” at Temple Shalom, a  synagogue in Dallas, Texas.

As far as Joya knows, her ex, the former Greek Orthodox Christian John Georgelas who for 17 years has gone under the name of Yahya al-Bahrumi, is still active in Syria with Islamic State, where he is said to head the jihadi terror group’s English-language propaganda operation and to be its most senior American recruit. For her part, Joya has renounced Islam, is becoming increasingly attracted to Jewish customs and rituals, took her sons to help decorate the sukka at Temple Shalom a few months ago, and says she intends to come to Jerusalem.

Jews, Ukraine and the BBC


I have just watched a remarkable clip from BBC Channel 4 News as President Zelensky was told that the Russians had bombed the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial. Babyn Yar (still best known to many as Babi Yar) is a ravine in Kyiv where nearly 34,000 Jews were killed by Ukrainian troops at the end of September 1941. It was one of the worst single massacres during the Holocaust. 

DIN: (The report that the Russians bombed the site is now proven to be untrue)

In other massacres at that site victims included Soviet prisoners of war, communists, Ukrainian nationalists and Roma. News reached Victor Klemperer in Dresden. He noted in his diary in April 1942 the “ghastly mass murders of Jews in Kiev. The heads of small children smashed against walls, thousands of men, women, adolescents shot down in a great heap, a hillock blown up and the mass of bodies buried under the exploding earth.” Half of the victims were never named.

Babyn Yar was the subject of poems by Lev Ozerov, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Ilya Ehrenburg among others. In the first movement of Shostakovich’s 13th Symphony, Shostakovich and Yevtushenko transform the massacre of Jews at Babi Yar into a denunciation of antisemitism in all its forms. In DM Thomas’s novel, The White Hotel (1981), there is a famous scene when the central character, Elisabeth (Lisa) Erdman, and her young son are sent to Babyn Yar.

Babi Yar wasn’t bombed - but Zelensky finds a useful tool to rally Jews to his cause


Zelensky at Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s direct and emotional appeal to the world’s Jews on Wednesday marked something of a departure for him.

Before and during Russia’s war on his country, Zelensky had spoken plainly to civilians on both sides of the conflict, but he hadn’t directly addressed those outside the country. And for his entire career, he has not been outspoken about his Jewish identity.

So when he and his aides repeatedly drew attention to what they said was happening to sites of Jewish significance this week, some saw a strategic decision at a perilous time for Ukraine.

“He’s using the Jewish angle – and it’s absolutely kosher,” Roman Bronfman, a Ukraine-born former Israeli lawmaker and the author of a book on the immigration of Russian-speaking Jews to Israel, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Zelensky has never hidden his Jewish identity, but he has never called attention to it, either. At a ceremony last year in Babyn Yar, the site near Kyiv of a massacre of Jews during the Holocaust, Zelensky did not mention the fact that some of his relatives were murdered there, delivering a speech that could have come from any of his non-Jewish predecessors.

During his presidential campaign, Zelensky, a comedian turned politician, dismissed the subject of his Jewish identity with typical self-deprecating humor.

In a 2019 interview with Bernard-Henri Levy, a French-Jewish philosopher, Zelensky declined to explore his Jewish identity at any length, responding to a question about it by saying: “The fact that I am Jewish barely makes 20 in my long list of faults.”

Bennett meets Putin at the Kremlin


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with  Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Saturday night  to discuss Ukraine crisis, a Kremlin spokesperson said.

 The Israeli Prime Minister left Israel in the Mossad's private jet early on Saturday morning, when Jewish law usually forbids travel, in light of a conversation held between himself and Putin on Wednesday.

Participating in the meeting is Construction and Housing Minister Ze'ev Elkin, who accompanied former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his meetings with Putin and who serves as translator. Also participating in the meeting are National Security Council chief Dr. Eyal Hulata, diplomatic adviser Shimrit Meir, and the Prime Minister's spokesman, Matan Sidi.

According to Kan 11, both the Ukraine and the US were updated prior to the Bennett-Putin meeting, and the American government gave Bennett their blessing prior to his meeting with Putin.

On Sunday, Bennett spoke with Putin about the war with Ukraine, and said that Israel is ready to assist as much as is needed and at any time in resolving the crisis and bringing the parties closer.

According to the Kremlin, in the conversation between the leaders, Bennett suggested mediating talks between Russia and Ukraine, but Putin refused the offer.

While Ukraine is Burning Biden ready to making worst deal ever with Iran


As the civilian death toll mounts in Ukraine and the world prepares for unspeakable crimes against humanity yet to come, the Biden administration said Friday it’s close to announcing a Russian-brokered deal with Iran that will flood the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism with billions of dollars and leave Tehran on the nuclear weapons threshold.

While the 2015 Iran nuclear deal was bad enough, the coming deal is even worse.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Pekudei


Nathan Sharansky's Interesting take on the Russian-Ukraine Conflict

 Natan Sharansky spoke at a Sheva Brachot gathering in honor of the wedding of Benaya and Neta Dickstein. Benaya's parents, Yossi and Chanah, were murdered in a terrorist attack when he was seven years old. It's too bad that only those in attendance heard Sharansky, the famous prisoner of Zion, speak as follows:

"When I was growing up in Ukraine, in Donetsk, there were many nations and nationalities. There were those with identity papers that read 'Russian,' 'Ukrainian,' 'Georgian,' or 'Kozak.' This was not so important since there was not much difference between them. The single designation that stood out was 'Jew.'  If that was written as your identity, it was as if you had a disease.

"We knew nothing about Judaism. There was nothing signficant about our Jewish identity other than the anti-Semitism, hatred, and discriminatory treatment we experienced because of it. When it came to a university application, for example, no one tried to change his designation from 'Russian' to 'Ukrainian' because it did not matter. However, if you could change your designation of 'Jew,' it substantially improved your chances of university admission.

"This week, I was reminded of those days when I saw thousands of people standing at the borders of Ukraine trying to escape. They are standing there day and night and there is only one word that can help them get out: 'Jew.' If you are a Jew, there are Jews outside who care about and are waiting for you. There is someone on the other side of the border who is searching for you. Your chances of leaving are excellent.

"The world has changed. When I was a child, 'Jew' was an unfortunate designation. No one envied us. But today on the Ukrainian border, identifying as a Jew is a most fortunate circumstance. It describes those who have a place to go, where their family, an entire nation, is waiting for them on the other side."

10K Seminary Women Block 100s WOW, Reform & Conservative at Rosh Chodesh Adar-B War on the Kotel

 Hundreds of members of the Reform and Conservative movements from Israel and the United States arrived on Friday morning at the Kotel plaza for the Rosh Chodesh Adar B prayer. They were met with enormous resistance from mostly Haredi Jews, including an estimated ten thousand seminary women who followed the instructions of two leaders of the Haredi Lithuanian public, Rabbis Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, to protest the Reform and Conservative presence. Large police forces separated the two parties of obviously God-loving Jews.

The Reform prayer was held in the presence of the President of the Reform Movement in the United States, Rick Jacobs, who is on a visit to Israel.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with the leaders of the Reform movement in Israel and the Diaspora and stressed the need to allow the Reform members to enjoy equality in their prayer at the Kotel plaza, “the remains of our Temple.”

Just a reminder: the remains of our Temple are several yards up from the Kotel plaza, and Jews up there still have to struggle every day for their right to equality in prayer, but that’s not anything that seemed to bother Bennett or his Reform guests.

US Ambassador Throws Israel Under the Russian Bus


US Ambassador to Jerusalem Tom Nides was trying his best to get Israel deeper in trouble with its neighbor to the north, Vladimir Putin, by tweeting glowing praise giving it credit for its wonderful work against the nasty Russians: “Enormous thanks to Israel for helping rally more members to stand with Ukraine in today’s historic UN vote. Over 141 votes to hold Russia accountable. Diplomacy matters.


 Gee, thanks, Tom.