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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Every single American should be outraged!


Ger "photoshops" Photo of "oifruff"


Look at the back of the top photo, which is the actual photo

now look at the bottom photo ..the fake one 

Majority of Democrats Wants Hillary Investigated


A full 66% of Democrats want to see Hillary Clinton investigated for any role she might have had in trying to manufacture former President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia in an attempt to smear him, according to a new poll by TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP). 

The figure marks a 20-point increase from last October, when TIPP asked the same question about Clinton. The most recent court documents reveal that special counsel John Durham’s investigation is ready to prove that the Clinton campaign and another individual identified as “Tech Executive 1” tried to infiltrate computer servers at Trump Tower and a Trump-owned apartment building in New York. 

The team also tried to get into servers at the White House once Trump took office to try to get data that would create the impression that Trump had nefarious ties to Russia in an effort to deflect attention from Hillary Clinton’s missing email scandal during the 2016 campaign. Here are how the poll results, as detailed by the New York Post:

91% of Republicans called for Clinton to be investigated.

65% of independents said they want Clinton investigated.

71% of Republicans and an equal number of Democrats, said it is important that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, be kept away from any business involving the administration.

46% of Americans say the media has done a fair to poor job covering Joe Biden and allegations of influence-peddling by members of his family.

The poll, conducted in January, surveyed 1,308 Americans. No margin of error was given.

Read more at Newsmax

The “Holocaust by Bullets” in Ukraine .... Let the Russians Invade


Based on present-day borders, one in every four Jewish victims of the Holocaust was murdered in Ukraine. 

In the history of the Holocaust, the summer and fall of 1941 are especially significant because they represent a period of critical escalation. In a matter of months mobile Nazi killing units, which had begun shooting all adult male Jews during the invasion of the Soviet Union, expanded to include a genocide targeting women, children, and entire Jewish communities.

On January 20, 1942, top Nazi officials and representatives of the Reich authorities met in Wannsee, a suburb outside of Berlin. At this meeting, chaired by Reinhard Heydrich, the Reich Security Main Office formed the extermination plans for the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” The Wannsee Conference, as it is now called, led to the creation of a network of extermination camps designed to systematically murder the entire European Jewish population.

Before the killing centers opened at Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, and Majdanek, more than 1.5 million Jews had already been murdered by the Germans, their Axis allies, and local collaborators in Ukraine, Belarus, and other USSR republics. These were the first victims of the Holocaust. 

They were not transported by trains to the famous killing sites in Poland, with their gas chambers and crematoria that typically characterize the Holocaust in the minds of most people. Instead, these Holocaust victims were taken from their homes, usually by foot, to the outskirts of the cities, towns, and villages where they lived and were brutally shot—face to face or in the back—often in the presence of local residents and non-Jewish neighbors.

The mass shooting of Jewish victims in the summer and fall of 1941 represents the first phase of the Holocaust, often referred to by historians as “the Holocaust by bullets.” It was during this initial phase that special German killing squads (Einsatzkommandos) coordinated the mass murder of Jews by bullets with the help of the SS, Wehrmacht troops, the Romanian military, special “operational squadrons,” order police units, and local collaborators.

Nazi Extermination Policy on the Eve of Barbarossa

Before World War II, the 1.5 million Jews living in the Soviet republic of Ukraine constituted the largest Jewish population within the Soviet Union, and one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe. Between 1939 and 1941, when Stalin occupied Galicia, western Volhynia, northern Bukovina, and southern Bessarabia (see map below), the number of Jews in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic (UkrSSR) rose to 2.45 million people, increasing the percentage of Jews from five to six percent.


Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook – A True Gadol


by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

As we approach the fortieth anniversary of the passing of Moreinu ve’Rabbeinu Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook zt”l (14 Adar 5742 [1982] - this year the 15th of February) ), it is incumbent upon us to remember the illuminating figure of the Torah leader who was privileged to continue the path of his illustrious father and expound, clarify, and strengthen the base of the doctrine of ha’Torah ha’go’elet (the Redeeming Torah). As a result, the value of Torah study among the National-Religious public was elevated to the point where tens and hundreds of yeshivas, mechinot, midrashot, ulpanot, for men and women, arose due to his direct influence and that of his disciples.

Rav Tzvi Yehuda zt"l turned the National-Religious public into an influential and central factor in Israeli society, and even altered the map of Eretz Yisrael in the expansion of settlement to Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights.

Moreinu ve’Rabbeinu Rav Tzvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook was born on Seder night 5651 (1891) to his father Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, who served at that time as rabbi in Zoimel. When he was thirteen, his family immigrated to Eretz Yisrael, and his father was appointed Rabbi of Jaffa and the Moshavot. Afterwards, Rav Tzvi Yehuda ascended to Jerusalem, and studied at the Torat Chaim Yeshiva.

From his early childhood, Rav Tzvi Yehuda grew up in the light of his illustrious father. Even when he studied and heard from other rabbis, his father was still his rabo ha’muvhak (primary teacher) in the full sense of the word. A Heavenly plan brought Rabbi Kook and his son Rav Tzvi Yehuda to Europe at the outbreak of World War I. They could not return to Israel, and consequently, remained in Switzerland for almost two years. During this period, Rav Tzvi Yehuda merited studying in a chevruta with his father. He later said that at that time, they managed to study “the entire Torah, twice.

This week I heard from Jerusalem Rabbi Isser Klonsky shlita, in a talk he gave at our yeshiva, a beautiful definition: Maran HaRav Kook illuminated Orot (spiritual lights, and the title of his seminal works), and Rav Tzvi Yehuda paved paths to Orot. In other words, Maran HaRav devoted himself to writing Torah works, and Rav Tzvi Yehuda devoted himself to educating people.

Divorcee Permitted By Tel Aviv Beis Din To Marry Cohen After Former Husband Declares He Is LGBTQ


A woman who divorced and met a new acquaintance but was prevented from marrying him because he was a kohein. However in an unusual step, Rabbi Zevadia Cohen, a senior dayan in the Tel Aviv Rabbinical Court, ruled that the woman’s previous marriage was null and void because her former husband had hidden from her that he was a homosexual. The “Noam Danieli” organization representing the woman declared that “the rabbinate is sensitive to the needs of couples- within the bounds of halacha.”

The Tel Aviv Rabbinical Court accepted the woman’s claim that if she had known of her husband’s homosexual inclination, she would never have married him – and ruled that her agreement to marriage was meaningless and the marriage was a “Mekach Taus”, a mistaken transaction. Dayan Cohen said in his ruling that he would not have accepted such a claim in order to permit a married woman to marry someone else but since the woman had already received her divorce, the concept of Mekach Taus can be used to enable her to marry a Kohen.

The founder of the Noam Danieli organization, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Rani, said that “many couples who were about to obtain a civil marriage came to us and received a friendly solution which enabled them to willingly choose to marry in the rabbinate.” He warned that “attempts to force the rabbinate to issue leniencies by force of law “would lead to the opposite conclusion.”

The Noam Danieli organization’s goal is to help couples who wish to marry according to Jewish law to deal with the relevant religious authorities. The organization is funded by Motti Danieli in memory of his daughter (who died seven years ago today in a road accident.)

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Judge Doesn't care how the Jury will vote Says He’ll Dismiss Sarah Palin’s Libel Lawsuit Against The New York Times


 A judge said Monday he’ll dismiss a libel lawsuit that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin filed against The New York Times, claiming the newspaper damaged her reputation with an editorial falsely linking her campaign rhetoric to a mass shooting.

U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff made the ruling with a jury still deliberating at a New York City trial where the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate testified last week.

The judge said Palin had failed to show that The Times had acted out of malice, something required in libel lawsuits involving public figures.

U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff says he’ll let jury deliberations continue in case his decision winds up being reversed on appeal.

Lawyers for both Palin and The Times declined to immediately comment on the judge’s decision.

Palin sued The Times in 2017, claiming the newspaper had damaged her career as a political commentator and consultant with the editorial about gun control published after U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, a Louisiana Republican, was wounded when a man with a history of anti-GOP activity opened fire on a Congressional baseball team practice in Washington.

In the editorial, The Times wrote that before the 2011 mass shooting in Arizona that severely wounded former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords and killed six others, Palin’s political action committee had contributed to an atmosphere of violence by circulating a map of electoral districts that put Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized crosshairs.

The Times acknowledged that the editorial wrongly described both the map, and any link to the shooting, but said the mistake wasn’t intentional.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Refuses to Meet with Shin-Bet: ‘99% of Violence Done by Arabs’


Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzfas, has refused a request to meet with the Shin-Bet.

As Ramadan approaches, the Israeli national security service’s Jewish Department asked for Rabbi Eliyahu’s cooperation, to help calm tensions which have been flaring in mixed Jewish-Arab cities.

While he says that he respects the agency, he refuses to meet with the department on this particular matter, because he feels that the Arabs are almost exclusively to blame, while Jews get scapegoated.

As quoted in Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon, Rabbi Eliyahu said, “I have the greatest of respect for the [Shin-Bet], and I used to meet with them. But this political department of theirs wants to portray Jews as being responsible for the problems we have here, when 99 percent of violent incidents are caused by Arabs. Is Jewish graffiti really going to ignite the Middle East?”

Rabbi Eliyahu added, “Once, they came to see me about a fire in a mosque in Tuba Zangriya, and in the end, it turned out that it was the result of a dispute among Arabs. It’s a joke. What Jewish crime are they talking about? There are lies being spread here, and I won’t be party to their attempts to draw parallels.”

According to the report, the Shin Bet learned tough lessons during Operation Guardian of the Walls, when security forces struggled to contain violent riots. As a result, they have asked Rabbi Eliyahu to help ease tensions in the Jewish community, and prevent violence.

Last year, tensions during Ramadan led to a great deal of violence and ultimately a military operation.

Rabbi Eliyahu pointed to many other crimes that are of higher priority. “There are hundreds of vehicle thefts, shootings, rock-throwing incidents, and trees being uprooted. They should start by dealing with all of that – all of that, and then Arab crime that ends with murder,” he said. “What are they doing about all the other problems?”

Blacks Continue Killing Chinese


A woman was stabbed to death inside her lower Manhattan apartment by a man who followed her from the street into her building, authorities said.

 Christina Yuna Lee, 35, was found fatally wounded in her bathtub at about 4:30 a.m. Sunday, police said. The suspected killer was arrested after he at first tried to flee down a fire escape and then barricaded himself inside the apartment, a police spokesperson said. Charges against him were pending Monday.

Officials including New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams denounced Lee’s killing as the latest in a string of unprovoked attacks on people of Asian descent.

“I join New Yorkers standing together in support of our AAPI friends & neighbors,” Hochul said on Twitter.

Lee worked as a senior creative producer at Splice, an online platform for digital music. She was a graduate of Rutgers University and had previously worked for companies including Marriott and the shoe retailer Toms, according to her LinkedIn page.

Surveillance video obtained by the New York Post shows a man following Lee into her six-floor walkup building on Chrystie Street in Chinatown.

The building’s landlord told the Post that cameras posted on every floor showed the man followed Lee all the way to her sixth floor apartment. A neighbor heard screaming and called 911, police said.

The killing happened weeks after another woman of Asian descent, Michelle Alyssa Go, was killed by a man who pushed her in front of an oncoming subway train at the Times Square station.

Police have not classified Lee’s death as a hate crime, but Adams said the police are investigating and added, “we stand with our Asian community today.”

Chistar Rebbe's Sexual Molestation Charges Officially Released


In an almost surreal twist, the Rabbi arrested last month on child molestation charges is the father-in-law of Malka Leifer, who is currently awaiting trial in Australia on dozens of charges, stemming from her work as a principal in Melbourne.

Baruch Leifer, Rabbi in the Chust Chassidus, has been accused of multiple indecent acts against a 12 year old female relative, in addition to inappropriate acts against other children. According to media reports, many of the alleged acts happened too long ago to be prosecuted, due to the statute of limitations.

Although Baruch Leifer was arrested last month, a gag order prevented his name from being released, until a request was made by Kan News to make it public. That request was granted on Monday.

Leifer’s daughter-in-law Malka is slated to stand trial on 70 charges of extreme immorality against children at an Australian Charedi school, taking place between 2004 and 2008.

Leifer had fled to Israel after the allegations surfaced in 2008. She was extradited to Australia in January 2021.

Last month, MK Yaakov Litzman pled guilty to breach of public trust in the Leifer matter. He is suspected of stalling her extradition to Australia by pressuring a top psychiatric official to falsely declare her mentally unfit to stand trial.

IKVESA D’MASHICHA: HaRav Yosef Calls On All Jews, To Fulfill The Words Of Ovadiah


Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Yosef Yitzchak wrote a letter to Jews in Ukraine, and all Jews living in the Diaspora, to pay heed to the threat of war as a call to move to Eretz Yisrael.

The letter, entitled: Kol Koreh to all Acheinu Beis Yisrael in Ukraine,” the letter states: “To Acheinu Beis Yisrael in foreign lands, especially Ukraine: During these times, when the sounds of trumpets of war are heard, it’s appropriate for every Jew with yiras Shamayim to hasten his way to Eretz  HaKodesh, as promised by HaNavi Ovadia (Perek Aleph, Passuk 17): “וּבְהַר צִיּוֹן תִּהְיֶה פְלֵיטָה וְהָיָה קֹדֶש”.

“And although it’s not clear if there will be a war and only Hashem has the solutions and we must daven for peace throughout the entire world, in any event, ascending to Eretz Hakodesh is always a very great and important mitzvah, and at all times, we must strive to reach Eretz Hakodesh and especially Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. And now that there are sounds and fears of war, the issues are unfolding in a way as to see it as a type of call from Shamayim, to ascend to Eretz Hakodesh from all the foreign lands in the entire Diaspora, and especially Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh, because these are the places where the Schechina rests, and they have more protection.”

HaRav Yosef all wrote words of chizzuk: “And the main thing is to be mechazeik b’emunah and tefillah, and to know that there is nothing that can stop Hashem from providing a yeshuah from every situation in any manner. Just like we witnessed miracles and wonders during Yetzias Mitzrayim that were above all the laws of teva, and there was also a great amount of hashgacha during Kriyas Yam Suf to save each and every Jew from the dangerous sea, in the same way, a Jew that is moser nefesh for Hashem b’emunas Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad twice a day – Hashem will protect him and save him.”

“And yet there is a sacred obligation on each and every Jew with yiras Shamayim in all the lands of the Diaspora to do his hishtadlus to hurry and hasten his footsteps to Eretz Hakodesh and make aliyah quickly to our kodesh land, and not to delay this at all, and to hurry to arrange a plane ticket. And Hashem Yisbarach who feeds and sustains everyone will b’siyata dishmaya provide everyone with a good place to live and food and parnassah.”

Monday, February 14, 2022

Watch how a goy Cuts off a School Bus in Boro-Park and Vandalizes it with the Children on the Bus


Someone Had better put an end to this crap


New evidence of Bais Hamikdash treasures in the Vatican


There are several people alive that can personally attest to being eyewitnesses of the Vatican possessing Temple vessels, including the Menorah candelabra.

Pretend for a moment that the Vatican has in its possession some sacred and precious relics that were originally in the Herodian Jewish Temple located in Jerusalem 1,950 years ago.

If you were the pope living in the 14th century and could verify this fact, would you not ask yourself how indeed such Jewish artifacts had come to your residence in the first place?

After some digging around (no pun intended), you would have found that your new Vatican residence was actually built over sections of Caesar’s Palace – the Vatican, including St. Peter’s Basilica, was constructed over Emperor Vespasian’s Roman palace approximately 200 years after the sacking of Rome in 455 AD. Indeed, there are excavations going on there right now, even as you read this magazine.

What this means is that the vandals and the Visigoths passed over, or simply didn’t find, the select treasures secreted away in that palace, and instead took with them the many items on public display in the Temple, located not far away.

NO KIDDING**FOR REAL** "This is Biden's new Department of Energy hire Sam Brinton who's in charge of nuclear waste. Pray for our nation."


102 Holocaust Survivor never knew that his brother survived ... meets his nephew for the very first time


Back to the "flat" Shrteimal As Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe Switches Because of Cost


The "hoicheh" tall Shtreimel fad may be over. The Toldos Avraham Yitzchok rebbe announced this week that he is switching to the flat shtreimels because of the inflated costs of the Huge Shtreimrlich. The cost of Tall Shreimlich can easily run up to $8,000.00. The Flat ones go for about $1250.00.
According to sources close to the rebbe, the" fatwa" is that a shtreimal will not be permitted if it is over 5 inches tall!
And you think that you had problems!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Watch the "Ugly Witch" from 60 minutes Leslie Stahl With Egg all over her face


Uman Rabbi's Message to Israelis in Uman "Leave Now"


In a letter, Rabbi in Uman, Ukraine urges all Israelis to leave the country following due to the ongoing tension with Russia:

"All tourists must leave by Wednesday. Anyone who can go on vacation with his family should do so."

Boycotting Rav Melamed is nothing new..after all they Bocotted the Rambam, Ramchal,,And Belz called Sara Shneirer's Bais Yaakov.. Bais Eisav!

The following is a loose translation of an article (below is the original in Hebrewby Menachem Rehat that was published in the Hebrew weekly, Matzav Ha'Ruach, this past week 

The call to boycott the enlightening sefarim of the respected posek Rabbi Eliezer Melamed 'Pearls of Halacha', which adorn the bookcase in every national religious home, continues to destroy the Zionist-religious camp. 

This divisive virus continues to wreak havoc on the public, as if a self-destructive mechanism had been implanted, all this on the basis of extremists  and "fine'shemekers"

This time the arrows were pointed at Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, the rabbi of Har Bracha and Rosh Yeshiva, a Talmud Chacham and a "Yirei Shmayim" who authored a series of enlightening sefarim titled  'Pearls of Halacha', a person who is an "Ish Tamim" a Tzaddik and straightforward man, who is "tocho ke'baro"

 Why the boycott?