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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Eichler’s Pull Chaim Walder Books From Shelves After Allegations Surface


In a tweet published Tuesday afternoon, Eichler’s owner Mordy Getz announced that the popular Judaica chain will no longer be selling books by Chaim Walder.

The announcement comes after allegations surfaced against the author of the wildly popular Kids Speak series, which were widely reported on in the Israeli media.

“The decision was not made lightly,” Getz wrote, adding that the decision was made in spite of the fact that this will undoubtedly cause a heavy financial lost for Eichler’s.

“Given that the access to alleged victims was largely by way of the author’s books and work, we believe that this decision is an essential step in protecting our children and building a safer, healthier community,” the announcement continues.

What The Nazi Just Wrote To His Jewish Classmate From 1934?


Elyakim Haetzni, a 95-year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, received a letter on Monday from Friedrich, who was his classmate in 1934 in Kiel, Germany.

Friedrich now lives in the United States but his heart and mind is apparently still in Nazi Germany, as evident from his letter.

Elyakim’s son, Boaz Haetzni, wrote about the incident on Facebook: “It’s always nice to get regards from a classmate, especially from 1934. My father, Elyakim Haetzni – whose name in German is Georg – received a letter today. The following is a translation of the letter:

“‘Georg, I’m very pleased that you’re still alive after 95 years. Wonderful. Sieg Heil (a victory salute used originally by Nazis at political rallies) from [the city of] Kiel.'”

“And written on the other side: ‘Hebron is Palestine. Juden Reuss (Jews out). Signed Friedrich.‘”

“According to the stamps on the letter, the elderly Nazi Friedrich lives in the United States and it’s still important enough for him to spread his perverse Nazi hatred and combine it with today’s Nazi hatred, the most modern and effective anti-Semitic tool – the Palestinian bluff,” Haetzni concluded.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid ..For Real


Kraft Heinz is recalling batches of some Kool-Aid mix “due to the potential presence of foreign material, specifically very small pieces of metal or glass,” according to an alert issued by retailer Costco.

Costco issued the alert to customers who appear to have bought packages of 82.5oz Kool-Aid Tropical Punch Mix with “Best When Used By” dates of Aug. 31 and Sept. 1.

The metal and glass shards may have been accidentally mixed into the product during the manufacturing process, according to another notice issued by Stater Bros, a grocery store chain in Southern California.

“The company discovered the issue during an internal review at the manufacturing facility,” Stater Bros said.

“There have been no consumer complaints and no reports of illness or injury related to this issue to date.”

Kraft Heinz did not immediately return The Post’s request for comment.

American Jewish reporter Danny Fenster lands in Qatar after his release from prison in Myanmar,


Nissim Black Bentches Klall Yisrael


HILARIOUS: A man accuses Ben Shapiro of lying about his height at a lecture, only to get proven wrong on the spot


R' Shayele Krastierer's Watchman Tattoos His Image on His Arm


In Time for Chanukah Fortress from Hasmonean wars discovered in Lachish Forest

Weapons, burnt wooden beams, dozens of coins and a Hellenistic fortifed structure—tangible evidence of a battle between the Hasmoneans and the Seleucids some 2,100 years ago—are currently being unearthed in Israel Antiquities Authority excavations in Lachish Forest. 

Ami Magazine allowed their publication to be utilized for the ayatollah's propaganda and failed to disclose the true anti-Semitic nature of Iran's regime owe their readers and Iranian Jews worldwide an apology


Rejecting Rabbi Gerami’s ‘hechsher’ of Iran’s ayatollah regime!

Just this Sunday I called out the stupid foolish editor of Ami Magazine, Yitzchok "the naar" Frankfurter, about his cover story of the Iranian stooge Rabbi Gerami.
Read the following to get a better picture and the damage of this "bor bershus harabaim" perpertrated on the worls!

by Karmel Melamed

In March 1970, roughly 40 prominent Soviet Jews held a major press conference at Moscow’s “House of Friendship” for foreign media to proclaim their loyalty to the Soviet Union and assert their hatred for Israel and Zionism. Likewise, each Soviet Jew at that press conference not only rejected the claims that the nearly 1 million Soviet Jews endured difficult lives but asserted that they even lived better lives than American Jews. At that time, American Jewish activists involved with the cause of suffering Soviet Jewry knew very well that the press conference was nothing more than a propaganda stunt by the Soviet politburo to improve their stained image in the world’s media by parading out Soviet Jews to sing their praises.

Sadly, for the last four decades, the radical Islamic ayatollah regime in Iran has continued this shameful tradition of using Jews to bolster their anti-Semitic and totalitarian regime in the American and European media. The regime’s latest Jewish propaganda voice has been Iran’s 35-year-old, U.S.-educated Chief Rabbi Yehuda Gerami, who during the last several weeks has been traveling across America visiting several Iranian and Ashkenazi synagogues. Gerami has been preaching religious sermons at each synagogue and avoiding political topics in the Middle East.

Yet in a recently published story by the Orthodox-Jewish Ami Magazine in New York, Gerami couldn’t help but repeat his typical propaganda talking points of “how well the Iranian regime treats Iran’s Jews.” Gerami cannot be faulted for wanting to please his ayatollah overlords in Tehran with positive news coverage for them and in turn wanting to protect Iran’s Jews from possible attacks. The real fault lays with the editors of the magazine for shamefully publishing his words verbatim without also doing their own research and disclosing the facts of the countless attacks Iran’s Jews have faced in recent years at the hands of the regime’s thugs, the vehemently anti-Semitic laws of the regime, and the regime’s sickening repeated denials of the Holocaust.

Eliyana Adler Jewish Historian Tells Polish Govt to shove their $19,000 Award Where the Sun Doesn't Shine

Jewish American historian Eliyana Adler refused to accept an award worth $19,000 from the Polish government’s Pilecki Institute, arguing that it suppresses work by “historians who strive to show the complex and indeed tragic aspects of Poland’s wartime past.”

Adler, an associate professor at Penn State University, was given a newly inaugurated award for scholarship on 20th-century Poland, the Pilecki Institute’s specialty, for her 2020 book “Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union.” The honor was to be co-awarded by the Auschwitz memorial museum.

“The Pilecki Institute, while very generous in supporting some historical scholarship on the Second World War, has also been involved in suppressing the work of historians who strive to show the complex and indeed tragic aspects of Poland’s wartime past,” Adler wrote in a letter dated Nov. 4 to the institute. It was published online on Friday.

Polish governmental institutions have been accused by historians of whitewashing the country’s treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. The country passed a widely criticized law in 2019 that makes it illegal to blame the Polish nation for Nazi crimes.

A recent high-profile court case pitted historians Jan Grabowski and Barbara Engelking against Poland’s government, which ruled that the pair had to apologize for their book unearthing alleged atrocities by a Polish mayor. An appeals court overturned the ruling in August.

“War and occupation push humans and societies to their limits. The situation during World War II was horrific for all Poles, albeit not in equal measure. Some non-Jewish Poles, as profiled on the institute’s website, lost their lives protecting their Jewish compatriots. Others, as we know from the scholarship of Professors Jan T. Gross, Jan Grabowski, and Barbara Engelking among others, profited in a variety of ways from the murder of their neighbors,” Adler wrote in her letter.

According to the book’s press description, Adler’s work focuses on Between 1940 and 1946, “about 200,000 Jewish refugees from Poland” who from 1940 to 1946 “lived and toiled in the harsh Soviet interior.”

“They endured hard labor, bitter cold, and extreme deprivation. But out of reach of the Nazis, they escaped the fate of millions of their coreligionists in the Holocaust,” the description reads.

The Pilecki Institute is named after Witold Pilecki, a general who helped found the Secret Polish Army, a major resistance movement against the Nazis during World War II. Pilecki faked his identity to enter Auschwitz, where he helped organize an uprising and gathered reporting on Nazi atrocities.

Monday, November 15, 2021

PA Ministers Arrested For Marketing Zionist Dates from Settlements as Palestinian


In a development that might just surprise no-one, two former PA ministers have been arrested on corruption charges.

Well, I err. The fact some PA ministers acted corruptly will surprise no-one, but the fact they were arrested probably surprises everyone

And what exactly did they do? Tried to pass of Zionist Dates of DeathTM as their own:

Palestinian sources confirmed to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed today, Wednesday, that the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Court had arrested two former Palestinian ministers pending an investigation into the case of “marketing dates from Israeli settlements” and changing the origin of those products to Palestinian.

According to the same sources, the two arrested ministers are pending investigation into the case, one of whom is a current member of the board of directors in the Palestine Investment Fund of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and was arrested yesterday, Tuesday, while the other minister owns palm farms in Jericho, east of the West Bank, and held the position of minister Agriculture in previous governments, and this is not the first time that he has been charged with corruption, as he was previously accused of corruption cases in 2011.

In a letter to Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, the “Aman” coalition confirmed, through the information available to it, that the Palestinian companies suspected of wrapping dates produced in the lands seized by the occupation, violate the decision of Law No. 4 of 2010 regarding banning and combating settlement products, It did this through public officials who were given financial and moral benefits that represent suspicions of bribery in accordance with the applicable Palestinian anti-corruption law, which requires the prosecution of these companies and their officials, as partners in corruption crimes and not only as perpetrators of economic crimes, which will contribute to the intensification of the prosecution and criminalization of the real owners, those in charge of these companies, for practicing these crimes, whose impact is not limited to the economic aspect only, but also to the political, national and administrative aspect.

Aman indicated in his letter that the delay in prosecuting these serious crimes will create a feeling among Palestinian citizens in general, farmers and the national private sector in particular, that the implementation of the decision by Law No. 4 of 2010 regarding banning and combating settlement products is not being imposed, and that the perpetrators of these crimes are evading punishment.

I wonder if these were dates were among those being promoted by BDS groups. How sweet that would be

The Camela Tells the World Why Everything Became soooooooo Expensive


. @JRubinBlogger the "Dumb Jew" calls for "rules" that would PROHIBIT media outlets from treating Republicans as "normal"


What a great idea to keep a gun in a chumash


It didn't take long for the roaches to come out to protect the Alleged "Kids Speak"Rapist


Israel Has New "invisible" Defense System

Israel has a new weapon in its defense arsenal — and enemies of the Jewish state will never see it coming.

The weapon, which reportedly can halt electronic capabilities of an enemy, is part of a new suite of electromagnetic warfare called Scorpius. 

The Scorpius “missiles” send narrowly targeted beams of energy that disrupt enemy electronic sensors, navigation, radar or other electronic activity, according to Gideon Fustick, the marketing VP of Israel Aerospace Industries, Israel’s state-run defense contractor.

Fustick told Forbes the electronic weapons fall under a category Israel calls “soft protection.”

Listen to this Freak Assistant Professor Explain Away Pedophilia ...Sick


The DemonRats are abandoning Biden and His Camel by the Millions


IDF Soldier Converts to Judaism ... Very Moving

I think I already posted this last year when it actually happened, but I find it inspiring 

Neturei Karta like the Arabs Oppose Me'aaras Ha'Machpeilah Ramp for the Handicapped