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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Israeli TV Features Chassidishe Rebbelich on Vacation in the fanciest resorts ...Who's Paying?

They couldn't find places in Eretz Yisrael !

I wonder what Moishe Rabbeinu is saying looking down and watching this....he was denied entry to Eretz Yisrael, but the rebbelich live there and escape the first chance they get...

Yeted Ne'man Advertises Apt for rent with Flishig and Milchig Bathrooms


See the first ad in Ofakim

Why Are the Chareidim Against "Meron Investigation"?

 They blamed the police, so why are they so afraid of the investigation? If it was the police, then the investigation will expose this... so what are they hiding?

Blacks Continue to Rob and Loot with Impunity

 Two crooks casually walked out of a TJ Maxx in Los Angeles with armfuls of merchandise on Monday — apparently walking by several store workers on the way to the exit.

One man filmed the brazen act at the Granada Hills store, according to Fox 11.

Chareidim Made To Wait In Heat For Public Transportation Due To Muslim Holiday ... but still protest the "light Rail"


Yesterday I was in Yerushalyim all day, guess what? There weren't any protests against the Light Rail ....I was wondering what happened, I noticed that the Light Rail was unusually crowded with Chareidim...

I also noticed that there were crowds waiting for the buses.... I found out that the Arabs driving the  buses were in shul Davening and didn't come to work. The Light Rail also has Arabs operating the train, but it only requires one operator to transport hundreds of people.

Did the Chareidim learn a lesson now, that the new Light Rail will be a bracha for them? 


Hundreds of Chareidim who are dependent on public transportation were made to wait in the sweltering heat of the city of Modi’in Illit on Tuesday, due to a lack of busses caused by the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. At bus stops across the Chareidi city, located in the western part of the Binyamin region of Samaria, hundreds of people were waiting in almost 100-degree heat for hours for a bus.

“There are people waiting here with small children,” said one angry commuter told the BeChadrei Charedim news site. “Women and children were melting in this very strong sun and high heat. Just yesterday, a Chassidic man suffered from heatstroke in the city. I think two or three times before I leave my house. When I see hundreds of people in the streets waiting for busses, who are helpless and just want to get home or get to work on these sweltering streets, it makes me angry. I don’t understand why they didn’t bring more busses and drivers.”

The bus agency who provides service for the city, Kavim issued a statement in response to the many complaints they received: “The Transportation Ministry, as well as all of the transportation providers, issued a notice well in advance of the holiday notifying people that since thousands of bus drivers will be missing work today, service would be much slower and busses would be infrequent. We also announced that all Bein Hazmanim schedules would begin only on Friday and that the public was asked to make plans accordingly. The directors of Kavim in the city reported that it was expected that the request for service would be the same as a regular day and that they were able to enlist the help of alternate drivers to fulfill the requirements by enlisting subcontractors. Kavim will continue to do everything it can to meet the demands of the public which it serves.”

Big Reprieve for Foreign Students Seeking Entry to Israel for Upcoming School Year


(By Zvi Gluck)

In recent months, the process of getting student visas for Israel travel has been an exceptionally challenging and lengthy process, with months-long waits that created tremendous financial difficulties and other significant hardships. Amudim has been working closely with the Israeli Consulate in New York and was blessed to be able to develop a system by which countless students were able to receive their visas without long wait times for appointments.

Fortunately, thanks to concerted efforts by individuals and government agencies, a new system has been implemented that will allow thousands of students to travel to Israel seamlessly and swiftly.

This new system, created through the tremendous efforts and dedication of officials at the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of the Igud and Eretz Hakodesh, allows schools to seamlessly submit visa requests for students ages 16 through 25. This process will free students of the burden of going through the rigorous application process on their own and, best of all, will allow thousands of students to receive their entry permits and focus on their studies instead of bureaucratic paperwork.  Students ages 26 and up are still able to contact Amudim for assistance by visiting our student visa page on our website www.amudim.org/visa which is updated regularly.

We at Amudim are grateful to have had the opportunity to help Israel-bound students over the last few months together with our devoted partners at the Israeli Consulate in New York and are confident that the new system will benefit thousands.  We appreciate the trust placed in us by the many parents and students whose continued patience and respect for the application and approval process allowed our team to focus on getting visas issued as efficiently as possible.

As we have seen over the last several months, Israel often makes travel changes without any notice and we remain committed to updating our travel page www.amudim.org/travel as quickly and efficiently as possible.  We look forward to the days when traveling to Israel can return to what it once was. Until that time, we thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Hillel Schenker Says Ben & Jerry’s did the right thing


"Ugly" Schenker

Hillel Schenker,  co-Edits a little known magazine called The Palestine-Israel Journal and lives in Tel-Aviv the city that his buddies the Palestinians, consider "Occupied and a Settlement." There isn't a Palestinian alive today that in his heart thinks that Tel Aviv is not "occupied."

This week the hypocrite wrote a  column in The Times of Israel where he barked that Ben & Jerry did the right thing boycotting Yehudah and Shomron, which Shenker, the self-hating leftist moron, thinks is "not part of Israel." To support this idiotic statement, he adds in a comment that his neighbours agree with him.

Schenker writes that he boycotted Haagen-Dazs ice cream when he "learned that the owners were supporters of the right-wing racist ethno--extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane."

Rabbi Meir Kahana never launched 4,000 rockets at Arab children and never blew up a pizza store, whereas his buddies, danced in the streets and handed out sweets when they learned that the Folger family were murdered in cold blood on a Friday night. 

Shenker, the old ugly geezer, writes:

"Boycotting the settlements and settlement products is not boycotting Israel, it is reaffirming the need to end the occupation based on a negotiated two-state solution."

When the EU began to boycott Soda Stream that had their factory in one of the settlements, Maalei Adumim, the company was forced to move to the south, and 500 Arab families lost their parnassa as a direct result of the boycott. So much for caring for Palestinians.

What the moron doesn't write is that the Palestinians themselves do not want a "two-state solution" they want one state called Palestine, and they want to make the entire Yehuda and Shomron, including Tel Aviv .."Yudinrein"..

A pox on him, his neighbours and his Palestinian friends .

'Fight the international Ben & Jerry's - not the Israeli franchise'


Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked visited the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream factory in central Israel Wednesday morning, in a public show of support for the Israeli franchisee of the popular ice cream brand.

Noting the refusal of the holder of the Israeli franchise – Avi Zinger – to implement the boycott of Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria called for by the international Ben & Jerry’s company – owned by Unilever – Shaked called on fans of the frozen confection to continue to support Ben & Jerry’s Israel branch.

“Don’t boycott the Israeli Ben & Jerry’s franchise,” Shaked said during the tour. “We need to buy Ben & Jerry’s in Israel. Avi Zinger, the CEO of Ben & Jerry’s Israel, has been fighting for years against BDS groups.”

“He has refused to accept the terms set by Ben & Jerry’s International, to boycott parts of Israel, and we will do everything possible to get this decision overturned.”

“We need to fight the American Ben & Jerry’s company,” Shaked continued. “We’re working with Jewish and Evangelical groups who support Israel in the US, [encouraging] them to boycott Ben & Jerry’s ice cream until they change this outrageous policy of theirs.”

“The management of the international Ben & Jerry’s company chose to kiss up to terrorism and anti-Semitic groups, instead of standing by their Israeli franchisee, who for years has been a model for Israeli producers.”

Shaked vowed that the “Israeli government will do all that it can in terms of law, consumers, and diplomacy against the American producers to get them to change this decision.”

In an Historic First A Chabad Soldier takes command of Negev Company


First Lieutenant Shmuel Kirsch today officially took up his position as a company commander in the Negev Company, Kirsch is the first company commander to emerge within the company.

Kirsch's promotion is historic because he is a haredi Jew and a member of the Chabad hasidic movement. He comes from a prominent rabbinic family in the community.

The Negev Company is an operational company that deals with the preservation of the strategic assets of the State of Israel, including the F-35 aircraft.

During their service, soldiers who grew up in the haredi education system are even allowed to complete their matriculation and studies.

The heads of the Netzach Yehuda Association participated today (Wednesday) in the exchange ceremony and accompanied Kirsch in his entry into the new position as Commander of the Negev Company.

Rabbi Yitzchak Bar-Haim, founder of Netzach Yehuda said, "This is an exciting and historic day for the Negev Company and the entire haredi service in the IDF. On such a day, my hope is that in the coming years we will see more and more haredi who have grown up in the various units, advancing in the ranks and fulfilling senior command positions."

Husband Must Perform by all by Himself on "Americas Got Talent" When His Wife Misses Flight

Schumer Trying To Bring Jewish Baby to USA To Save Her Life


You’ve probably seen the ads. You may have even helped in the past. But Alta’s life is not yet saved, as the British government is still trying to take her off life support and end her life.

On Friday, the Fixsler family tried to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to save their baby’s life. Senator Chuck Schumer, the highest ranking Jew in the United States, is getting involved. “My heart breaks for the Fixsler family,” Schumer told The NY Post, in the exposé The Post wrote about the overall situation.

Alta’s life is hanging by a thread. The British government is madly trying everything they can to take her off life support, instead of giving the Fixsler family the ability to take Alta to anywhere else in the world. Many other countries would be fine with taking care of Alta long term, but in the United Kingdom, they want to pull the plug.

While Alta and her family are pouring everything they can into saving her life, the legal fees continue to mount. They are fighting a legal battle against a legal system that has infinite funds at its disposal, which means that the battle for Alta’s life can be won or lost based on their ability to continue paying their legal team. DONATE NOW!

A life in the balance for something as simple as money! We need you! We need you to give of your heart, your mind, your wallet, to help make sure that this disastrous outcome never comes to be! We need more funds to continue waging a legal battle against the British government, and every Jew must get involved to save this Jewish girl’s life!

Please donate generously to help with the legal fees. In the merit of your help, may Hashem give your family health, happiness and all that comes with it.


The "Jewish Prison" in the Catskills


Satmar Civil War in Bnei Brak Heats Up ... with Satmar Rav Going to Zionist Court against Ahronim


As we have reported the "Ahroinim" led by R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe in Monroe, want to oust his own nephew as Rav of Satmar Bnei-Brak. 

So the Bnei Brak Satmar Rav did what has been an old  tradition in Satmar; he turned to the secular courts.

But in Israel, the secular courts are the Zionists! 

Lawyer for scooter ‘thief’ victim-shames Chassidishe 7-year-old kid in court


The “lowlife” thief charged with stealing a then-6-year-old Brooklyn boy’s scooter was ordered held on $50,000 bail Tuesday — while his lawyer took a cheap shot at the young victim.

“I don’t know why a 7-year-old is on an electric scooter,” Brooklyn Public Defenders attorney Sarah Burleson, who represents accused scooter thief Daniel Ufares, griped at his arraignment.

Ufares, 59, was charged with second-degree attempted robbery, third-degree robbery, fourth-degree grand larceny, petty larceny, and menacing in the callous July 7 crime.

He kept his head bowed and said little as he faced Brooklyn Criminal Court Judge Quynda Santacroce, who also issued an order of protection ordering the accused thief to stay away from the young victim. 

“Yes, ma’am,” was all Ufares said when the judge explained the order.

He is charged with the cold-hearted theft of the boy’s scooter in Borough Park, grabbing the handlebars and snatching the toy away from the youngster — with the callous crime caught on surveillance video.

Ufares was busted Monday and initially charged with possession of stolen property, admitting to cops that he swiped the scooter for drug money, according to police.

The boy’s dad said the incident left his son traumatized and that the scooter actually belonged to another son with special needs who needed it to get around.

The NYPD stepped up to help the family, buying them a new e-scooter for the boy, who has since turned 7. 

Ufares’ ex-wife said she was surprised that even he would pull off such a heartless crime — despite his lengthy criminal history.

“I would never have thought he’d do that to kids,” she told The Post. “He’s a lowlife.”

Brooklyn prosecutor Wilfred Cotto wanted Ufares held on $100,000 bail at his arraignment Tuesday, saying he “is a repeat offender, two violent felonies, two parole revocations.” 

Cotto said that includes a 1991 manslaughter case.

According to police and court records, Ufares was still on parole and supervised release for a 2010 Queens robbery conviction when he was busted in the scooter heist.

In court, Burleson, his lawyer, said her client suffers from addiction and needs help.

“He is not doing harm to anyone but himself, your honor,” she told the judge. “Mr. Ufares has addiction issues which need to be addressed. He needs greater assistance.”

American Yeshiva Bochur In Israel In Critical Condition Due To Heatstroke


The rescue operation at Nachal Guvta.

An American yeshivah bochur, a 22-year-old Gerrer chassid, is in serious condition, sedated and ventilated, after suffering heatstroke while on a hike on Monday evening.

The bochur was hiking with friends at Nachal Guvta on the slopes of Har Chermon and apparently suffered heatstroke due to the heavy heatwave Israel has been experiencing in recent days and lost consciousness. His friends called for help but it took a considerable amount of time until rescue services from the Golan rescue unit could reach him due to the difficulties of the hiking trail. Rescue services received the initial call at 7:50 p.m. and the rescue was completed at 11 p.m.

The paramedics carried out the rescue in difficult conditions as they carried the unconscious bochur in the dark, guided by flashlights, from the hiking trail to an MDA ambulance, which in turn evacuated him to an MDA helicopter. The helicopter evacuated the bochur in critical condition to Ziv Hospital in Tzfat.

The family has requested that the public daven for the refuah of Pinchas Menachem ben Dalia b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bennett Caves Under US Pressure and Halts approval process for new building projects


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has apparently stopped the approval process for construction projects in Judea and Samaria because of American pressure, Israel Hayom has learned.

According to Israel Hayom's reporting, Bennett has refused to let the Civil Administration Zoning Committee schedule a routine meeting for the approval of construction plans.

This has gone on for over a month, the sources said. The sources, which are affiliated with the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, alleged that this amounts to a de facto construction moratorium because no new plans can go forward without the committee's go-ahead. "This is tantamount to complete capitulation to US dictates," the sources claimed.

The committee, which is under the auspices of the Defense Ministry and is tasked with overseeing construction beyond the Green Line, normally reviews new construction plans every three months, including various infrastructure projects.

These plans are essential for the overall development of the communities, as they pertain to access roads and big projects as well.

The previous government, under then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was supposed to set a date for a meeting of the committee, but Defense Minister Benny Gantz prevented it from doing so, insisting only the new government should do so.

Though Bennett has been in power for over a month, no date has been set, this time due to American pressure.



Black Lady Smashes Window of Brooklyn Yeshivah then puts Hammer Back into her pocketbook


If Your Name is "Ben" or "Jerry" You Can No Longer Enter Israel


Rav Menashe Tzvi Winkler Who Saw The Choeftz Chaim, Learned in Baranovitch, Kaminetz, And The Mir Passes on

We regret to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Menashe Tzvi Winkler ZT”L. He was around 103 years old. He was Niftar on Tuesday where he lived in Lakewood, NJ.

The Niftar was one of the last people alive to have seen the Chofetz Chaim, learned in the Mir in Poland, in Baranovitch under Reb Elchonon Wasserman HY”D, and in Kaminetz under Reb Boruch Ber Leibeowitz ZT”L.

Rav Menashe Tzvi Z”L was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, and after the sudden passing of his father, he went to learn in Radin under the Chofetz Chaim. He arrived there three weeks before his Petira. He was Zoche to shake the Chofetz Chaim’s hand and receive a Bracha from him to succeed in shteiging in yeshivah with simchah, serve Hashem in good health, and merit arichus yamim.

He vividly would recall the Levaya of the Chofetz Chaim, which took place on the morning of the first day of Selichos.

He then went to learn in Baranovitch under Reb Elchonon Wasserman HY”D, followed by Kaminetz where he heard Shiurim from Reb Boruch Ber Liebowitz ZT”L and then went to the Mir in Poland, where he was friends with the late Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Berenbaum ZT”L, Hagaon HaRav Leib Bakst ZT”L (Rosh Yeshiva of Detroit) and other Yeshiva Bochrim who would later become Gedolei Olam.