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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Rav Shmuel Binyomin Sofer Bresliver Killed In a Car Accident Near Tzfat Leaving a Wife & 11 Children

Rabbi Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, a Breslover Chassid  51 years-old, was killed; two of his children were moderately injured in a car accident that occurred on Highway 89 near Tzfat (Safed) Monday night.

The accident involved a head-on collision between two vehicles on the Akbara Bridge next to Tzfat.

Rav Sofer left a wife with 10 children.
He learned in Kollel Chatzot and finished Shas every year.

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הלם בחסידות ברסלב בצפת עם היוודע זהותו של ההרוג בתאונת הדרכים הקטלנית הלילה, הרה"ח רבי בנימין סופר ז"ל, מחשובי האברכים בקהילה, כשהוא רק בן 51 בפטירתו. שני בניו נפצעו ופונו במצב בינוני לבית החולים זיו בצפת.
רבי בנימין זצ"ל שימש במשך שנים רבות כמלמד בחיידר ברסלב בצפת, שם חינך ולימד דורות של ילדים, והוא היה אדם שרבים העריכו אותו מאד במסגרת ההשקעה שלו בחינוך הילדים.
לפני כארבע שנים עזב את תפקידו בחיידר, ועבר להיות חלק מקבוצת האברכים בכולל חצות באתרא קדישא מירון, מקום אותו אהב מאד המנוח, ושם היה נוהג לשבת וללמוד מידי לילה.
אחד מידידיו מספר בצער ל'כיכר השבת' על כך שר' בנימין ז"ל היה נוהג לסיים מידי שבת את כל ספר התהילים, וכי הוא היה מסרב בכל תוקף לשמוע דברי לשון הרע, נושא עליו הקפיד מאד
לדבריו, ר' בנימין ז"ל היה מקפיד לסיים את הש"ס מידי שנה, תוך לימוד של שעות רבות ברציפות על מנת לעמוד ביעד שהציב לעצמו.
אלימלך גרסטל, ידי המנוח, סיפרר ל'כיכר השבת' כי "ר' בנימין היה דבוק בכל נפשו בברסלב, ואף היה מתהלך עם ספר 'ליקוטי מוהר"ן' בכיס, כדי לנצל כל דקה פנויה ללימוד"
המנוח ז"ל השאיר אחריו את רעייתו ועשרה יתומים, אותם גידל במסירות רבה. הלווייתו תצא בשעה 12:30 מבית המדרש ברסלב בצפת, לבית העלמין בעיר, שם יטמן. תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים.
יואל צרפתי ויצחק מנחם מירב, חובשים באיחוד הצלה שטיפלו בנפגעים, סיפרו: "מדובר בתאונה עם מעורבות שני כלי רכב. הענקנו סיוע ראשוני בזירת התאונה לנפגעים שפונו לאחר מכן למרכז הרפואי זיו בצפת.
"למרבה הצער נקבע מותו של פצוע באורח אנוש עקב אופי הפציעות הקשות מהן סבל. צוותי כיבוי פעלו בזירה עקב אופי התאונה".
במשטרה עדכנו כי: "שוטרי משטרת ישראל הגיעו למקום עם קבלת האירוע ופתחו בחקירת נסיבות התאונה. מבירור ראשוני עולה כי אחד מכלי הרכב המעורבים סטה מנתיב הנסיעה שלו אל הנתיב הנגדי. סיבת הסטייה בבדיקה וחקירת התאונה נמשכת".

Carl Heastie the Black Assemblyman Responsible For the Bill Allowing Criminals To Walk

Under New York’s criminal-justice “reforms,” judges are freeing clearly dangerous criminal suspects practically every day — who then quickly become suspects in new crimes.
On Sunday, The Post’s Larry Celona, Ben Feuerherd and Ruth Weissmann reported on the latest poster boys for reform:
Webb’s case is especially troubling: He was picked up for allegedly delivering such a swift, unprovoked blow to a 23-year-old woman that it knocked out two of her teeth.
His rap sheet includes four other arrests, and prosecutors asked for a $10,000 bail. Yet, under the new rules, the judge let him walk — only to have him harass passersby on the street just hours later, cops say.
Woodberry’s story is likewise mind-boggling: “I can’t believe they let me out,” he reportedly gushed. “What were they thinking?” As of Monday, he was still on the loose in connection with the fifth holdup.
That’s just two of several recent suspects The Post cited as allegedly re-offending after winning get-out-of-jail-free cards, including Tiffany Harris, freed twice despite being nab­­bed three times in five days on assault charges.
Ex-NYPD boss Bill Bratton echoed Woodberry’s words in blasting lawmakers for the reforms behind the insanity: “What the hell were they thinking?” he fumed.
The Legislature didn’t ask “a single judge, a single district attorney, a single police chief” for input, he noted. “Now we are left to pick up the debris.”
Many legislators now say they want fixes, but Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie is vowing to stand in the way. If he doesn’t budge soon, New Yorkers will pay a steep price.

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Monday, January 13, 2020

Lakewood Man Changes Flat Tire For Gentile Stranger: ‘It Made My Day’

Iran's 'Black January'

Shimrit Meir, a commentator on Arab affairs, spoke with Erel Segal and Roi Eden on the status of the Iranian regime in the wake of events that have taken place over the past few weeks. 

"The regime is experiencing one of its most dramatic moments in the last 40 years," Meir said in an interview with 103 FM.

"Trump took a bold step when he liquidated Soleimani and got away with it in the best possible way. The question is whether or not he will decide to stop here. You never know with Trump." 

Meir continued with her praise of Trump, saying that, 
"Until now, Trump's policy towards Iran has been phenomenal. He is in the midst of an election year and the Iranians hope that America will choose a Democrat as president."

Soleimani was killed on January 3 after he disembarked from a flight at Baghdad International Airport. The vehicle in which he was riding was struck by drone missiles and engulfed in flames. Nine other pro-Iranian paramilitary figures, riding with him and in an accompanying vehicle, were also killed in the strike, which had been ordered by President Trump.
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"I'm going to spend all of my money to get rid of Trump" . ... Michael Bloomberg

Is there still anyone out there that is still wondering why Goyim are beating and killing Jews?
Is there anyone out there who would if he wasn't Jewish, still like another Jew??

Here you have a Yiddish speaking Jew who could have the Zechut to support all Jewish Institutions.......

Did DIN just say ALL?

Let me repeat this ........ ALL Yiddishe Kinder in the entire world could have free tuition with just a fraction of what he has...he is said to be worth $56 billion Dollars ...

So now because of his hatred of President Trump, the best friend the Jewish people ever had in the White House ...
he will go down to the lowest rung of hell! 

Former New York City Mayor and Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg declared over the weekend that he is willing to invest his entire fortune in his bid to defeat President Donald Trump in this November’s general election.

Bloomberg, one of the top-ten richest people in the US with an estimated $56 billion net worth, told Reuters Saturday that he is prepared to part with his fortune in order to “get rid of Trump”.
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Where’s that Philadelphia Muslim teacher who taught kids to behead people?

In early 2019, in Philadelphia, little Muslim children were taught to proclaim, “We will chop off their (the Jews’) heads”. 

Everyone read about this, but considering the anti-Semitic incidents that now abound, it’s important to think back, in retrospect, and look into this as a test-case: what did the City of Philadelphia do about the bizarre event?

The answer is that the City of Philadelphia “investigated”. And what was the outcome? 

Philly leaders reported with satisfaction, that the Muslim American Society, which had some affiliation with the event, had “taken immediate actions and dismissed the person in charge of the program”. 

But crucially, the city “investigation“ neglected to ask the Muslim American Society WHO was the mysterious “person in charge”, who is said to have been dismissed. What was her or his name?

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Chareidei "Tzaddik" & 9 Chareidie Women Arrested For Running a Cult of 50 and Sexulally Abusing Their "slaves" in Jerusalem!

Police raided a compound in Jerusalem Monday morning which is suspected of having been used to house a cult in which dozens of women and children were held against their will.

Israel police raided the “Be’er Miriam seminary” – a sefardi Chareidi girls’ seminary – in the Bucharim neighborhood of Jerusalem on Monday morning and arrested a man and eight women on suspicion of holding victims in slave-like conditions, child abuse, and other forms of abuse, Israeli news outlets reported on Monday.
Police say that the main suspect, Aharon Ramati, about 60, is suspected a running a closed community “cult” of dozens of women and children and abusing them physically, emotionally and financially. Ramati, his wife and seven other women were all arrested on criminal charges of exploitation and holding victims in slave-like conditions.
The case began with reports to the Jerusalem District’s Fraud & Economic Crime Unit about the existence of a closed community operating as a “girls’ school,” at which women live together with their children in cramped and squalid living conditions in a housing complex under the control of a man suspected of abusing the women and children physically, financially and emotionally.
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Iran Protestors Refused to Trample US & Israeli Flags

Hundreds of protesters in Iran refused to trample US and Israeli flags and denounced others who did as rallies continued against the regime for the downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet that killed all 176 people on board.
Videos and reports emerged Sunday showing the crowds deliberately walking around the edges of the massive flags painted on the pavement of a university in Tehran.
Those who did walk across the Stars and Stripes and the Star of David were immediately pointed at and booed, with the crowd chanting “shame on you.”
Many of the protesters shouted, “Our enemy is Iran, not America.”
Hillel Neuer, the executive director of the human rights group UN Watch, tweeted out a video of the crowds taking pains from treading on the flags on Sunday.
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Avi Besser 12 Year-old Killed by Bus in Modi'in Illit

A 12-year-old boy was R”L struck and killd by a bus in Modi’in Illit on Chofetz Chaim Street on Sunday night. EMS  teams that arrived attempted to save the boy’s life but at the end of their efforts were forced to pronounce the boy’s death.
According to a report that was given to the police, the boy was hit by a bus while crossing the street. Police traffic investigators were called to the scene to open an investigation.
The child was identified as Avi Besser Z”L. He was a student at the Talmid Torah Nesivos Hatorah. He is a son of HaRav Yosef Besser, a Rebbe in Talmid Torah Pri Hatorah in Brachfeld.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Moshe Miller who was one of the first responders at the scene relayed: “When I arrived at the scene I found a 10-year-old boy who was hit by a bus. He was in traumatic arrest and unfortunately was Niftar at the scene due to the severity of injuries that he suffered.
Due to the nature of the incident, United Hatzalah’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit was dispatched to the scene to treat the witnesses and some of those involved.”
Zaka teams were dispatched to the scene to deal with Kavod Hames.
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Sunday, January 12, 2020

YouTube purges videos of Rabbi Meir Kahane

Internet video giant YouTube has purged thousands of videos of former Israeli Knesset Member and Jewish Defense League founder Rabbi Meir Kahane, barring an account which uploaded the videos with no explanation given for the move.

According to a report by The Jewish Press, some 2,600 videos containing footage of Rabbi Kahane or his students were removed from YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, several weeks ago in late December.

The account, which was operated by Michael Miller, a 29-year-old American-born immigrant and right-wing activist who co-manages the social media pages for Boomerang – Fighting For Israel, a pro-Israel advocacy group, was also deleted in the purge.

Miller said no explanation for the removal of the account or the videos was given.

In an interview with The Jewish Press, Miller said he had tried to appeal the decision “three times on three separate occasions.”

Each time YouTube responded with the message “Thank you for your account suspension appeal. We have decided to keep your account suspended based on our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.”

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Satmar Slams Simcha Felder Because He Called for "Satmar's Lover Boy" De Blasio's Resignation

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Orthodox allies mounted a blistering defense after a top Jewish lawmaker demanded Hizzoner’s resignation over City Hall’s sluggish response to a surge in anti-Semitic attacks.
“We love our Orthodox elected officials who work tirelessly for the betterment of their constituents and our communities but we disagree when they berate openly other elected officials like the @NYCMayor or others etc, our #Torah teaches us a higher standard that we need to adhere,” the Satmar Headquarters tweeted Friday.
The Satmars are an ultra-orthodox Jewish sect with a large population in Brooklyn. They are closely aligned with de Blasio, who faced harsh criticism for failing to crack down on Orthodox yeshivas that don’t provide a basic secular education.
The account said the message was approved “by our leadership and the personal intervention of the Satmar Grand Rebbe Aron.”
The Satmars leader, Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, is vacationing in Palm Springs, Calif. and could not immediately be reached for comment.
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30 Ukrainian Thugs Attack Jews in Uman ....4 Hospitalized

A group of about 30 Ukrainian thugs went on a rampage close to midnight on Friday night in Uman and mercilessly beat Jews outside the tzion of Rav Nachman.
Witnesses say that the Ukrainians were running wildly through the street looking for Jews with knives and clubs in their hands.
One Jew who spent Shabbos in Uman told Kikar Shabbos: 
“I returned from the kloiz and I see that they’re beating every Jew who ‘dared’ to look at them or say a word to them. It started with an insignificant dispute between one of the local Ukrainians and a Jew. The Ukrainian involved in the dispute called his anti-Semitic friends to come and beat up Jews.”
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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Confirmed: Iran Blew UP Ukranian Passenger Plane

Ukrainian plane flew too close to sensitive military site

An Iranian commander has taken responsibility for downing a Ukrainian International Airlines civilian plane earlier this week, leading to the deaths of 176 people.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh on Saturday said the plane was downed due to "human error" and that his unit accepts "full responsibility" for the mistake.

In a statement, Hajizadeh said the plane few close to a sensitive military site which belonged to elite Revolutionary Guard units, and that it therefore led led to "heightened sensitivity" by the air defense units.

"Our air defense systems sent a signal to the plane and after ten seconds in which no response was received, it was decided to shoot it down." 

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Agudah of UK Tells British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis Not Show up At The London Siyum Hashas event

British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis was disinvited from a major event marking the completion of the Daf Yomi cycle, the 7.5-year project of studying a page of the Talmud every day.

The event, held Tuesday at Wembley Arena in London, was sponsored by the Charedi group Agudath Yisroel of the United Kingdom.

Mirvis was originally invited to sit on the dais with other prominent rabbis, but the invitation was withdrawn on Monday, the UK Jewish News reported.

Mirvis angered some segments of the Orthodox Jewish community in 2018 when he released a guide for Jewish day schools on how to support their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. The guide, produced in partnership with the Jewish LGBT group KeshetUK, urged tolerance for students struggling with sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Friday, January 10, 2020

Zera Shimshon .... Parshas Va'Yechi

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Black Monsey Monster Suspect Charged With Additional Hate Crimes

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Thursday that five additional federal hate-crime charges have been filed against the suspect behind the machete attack on Dec. 28 at a home and prayer hall known as Rabbi Rottenberg’s Shul in Monsey, N.Y., injuring five of the around 100 celebrants at a Hanukkah candle-lighting party.

The new charges against Grafton Thomas, 37, include willfully causing bodily injury to five victims because of the victims’ religion and five counts of obstructing the free exercise of religion in an attempt to kill.
“Since before our founding as a nation and ever since, this country has provided refuge for people from other parts of the world who suffered violence and other forms of persecution because of their right to believe and worship as they see fit,” said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division.
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Turx from Ami Magazine Makes "Choizik" of President Trump after He Killed "Salami" of Iran

Turx whose real name is Abraham Jacob Terkeltaub, writes for Ami Magazine and according to Wikipedia," is an American journalist and humorist" ..

Anybody ever picking up an Ami and reading his column will quickly realize that he is neither.

Turx while a nice guy is really very childish .... loves pranks..thinking he is still in Bobover Yeshivah. 
He is way over his head being the "Chief Correspondent of Ami to the White House."
Any serious publication would have gotten rid of him a long time ago and replaced him with a serious journalist....

Well yesterday he "liked" and retweeted a nasty comment on twitter.....

Only a backward kid from Boro-Park would bite the hand that feeds him and enjoy a nasty disgusting tweet about the best friend the Jewish people ever had in the White House ....

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Court: Malka Leifer is able to stand trial, was feigning mental issues

A team of mental experts on behalf of the Jerusalem District Court ruled today that alleged Australian pedophile Malke Leifer is mentally fit to stand trial in her native Australia and was feigning mental illness in an attempt to thwart her extradition, Maariv reported.

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Yankele "Hakoines"

3300 women joining together for the first time to celebrate the completion of Shas in the Daf Yomi

 DIN: Just as a point of interest ...I waited a week to see how it was reported in the Chareidie media and there was absolutely no negative press from the Chareidie News ...they just reported that it happened ...

My opinion .... Kol Ha'kovod! 
Now maybe their husbands can go to work and support their families .....

A historic Siyum Hashas for women took place in Jerusalem Sunday, with over 3300 women joining together for the first time to celebrate the completion of Shas in the Daf Yomi cycle. 

The event was initiated and organized by the Hadran organization which uses podcasts and online materials to make the daf accessible to women worldwide.
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