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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Lakewood Company Owners Cheated Medicaid Enrollment Assistance

According to a lawsuit filed by the New Jersey Attorney General, 2 Lakewood company owners allegedly cheated dozens of customers out of more than $300,000 they paid out for assistance in applying for Medicaid coverage.

The owners of Advanta Medicaid Specialists are also accused of using company money for their own personal use, as well as for donations to private schools, charities and synagogues, leading to the company’s closure.
According to the complaint, some 49 customers allege they paid out between $3,000 and $9,000 each for Advanta Medicaid’s services, which was meant to be advice on how to apply for Medicaid, how to “spend down” their assets to become eligible for the program, and other services. But the customers claim they never received the services, nor did they receive their promised refund should they not qualify.
“Families and individuals seeking assistance with Medicaid enrollment are among those who can least afford to lose thousands of dollars to fraud,” said Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal.
The state is seeking restitution, attorney fees, investigative fees, unspecified penalties as well as a restriction of the defendants’ business activities in the state.

Jewish Fighter Wins Against Italian Fighter and Publicly praises Hashem

Video of Black Lady Giving Shelter of Shot Chassidishe Guy

On Wednesday afternoon, an African American resident of Jersey City by the name of Anayah Bey posted on Twitter some new footage of the Jersey City shooting that took place last week. 
In the video, Anayah is seen giving shelter to a Chassidsh man who was shot in the abdomen by the gunmen. He ran for his life and had no place to go. Anayah together with other neighbors sheltered him in their building.
Anayah wrote on the post: 
“This is from the shooting in Jersey City… I’m still not myself. But the Jewish guy I helped is doing good.”

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Jewish Mother of 3 and a Prominent architect killed by falling brick in NYC

Erica Tishman, a prominent member of the New York Jewish community, was killed by falling debris while walking through Midtown Manhattan on Tuesday.

Tishman, an architect and vice president of the project management company Zubatkin, died instantly on Tuesday after being struck by a brick that fell off the facade of a building on Seventh Avenue and 49th Street. She was 60.

Tishman, a married mother of three, was active in Jewish and philanthropic affairs. She was on the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Central Synagogue on the Upper East Side and served as chair of the Real Estate Committee for the Educational Alliance, a social service agency.

According to the New York Post, the owners of the stricken building were aware of the danger and had received a citation last year for “failure to maintain exterior building facade and appurtenances.” The city classed the damage as severe enough to require immediate correction but no action was taken.

One witness told the New York Daily News that he saw medical personnel “working to try to revive her,” describing the scene as “pretty horrific.”

“We all work right over here,” the witness said. “Could have happened to anyone. It’s very scary.”

Tishman, a graduate of Harvard and Princeton, was a founding partner of DeWitt Tishman Architects LLP.
She is survived by her husband, Steven, and their children Adam, Stuart and Julia.

Bobov 45 Chassan Ups One Up on Bobov 48 ....... Rides in a Horse and Buggy to the Chuppah! .....

Was Jersey City School Official Who Bashed Jews On Facebook Really "Anti-Semitic"

Before you read further..... think long and hard ...
Is there any truth to her claims of “waving bags of money” or of “bringing in drug dealers and prostitutes”? 
If yes – we need some real soul-searching. Is it correct of a real estate agent or any other “investor” to cause such a Chilul Hashem for the potential of making a few dollars?
Don’t get me wrong – her diatribe is unacceptable and out of hatred – but what caused such hatred? Did we cause it?
Insider NJ transcribed part of her comments:
“Where was all this faith and hope when black homeowners were being threatened, intimidated and harassed by ‘want to buy your house’ bullies of the Jewish community? They brazenly came on the property of black homeowners and waved bags of money. Resistance was met with more threats of ‘we will bring drug dealers and prostitutes to live next door to you. You will sell to us then.”
Terrell claimed that black tenants were being evicted from homes owned by Jewish to make room for additional Jewish people to occupy and that a million-dollar campaign in New York encouraged Jewish to move into Jersey City.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Call to boycott Israeli cheese backfires

Last week, Berkeley's Peace and Justice Commissioner Hatem Bazian called on locals to avoid purchasing Israeli feta cheese.

"Trader Joe's is having Israeli Feta on its shelves! One more reason to stop shopping at the store," Bazian, who lectures on Islam at UC Berkeley, wrote on his Facebook page.

However, the call for boycott backfired after Joe Zevuloni, an Israeli living in Florida who heads the "Israeli Army of Publicity," met the call for boycott with a call of his own: "Urgent call-up to publicity soldiers: I need you to lend me a hand here."

"This Israel-hating anti-Semitic professor from UC Berkeley tagged Linda Sarsour in his post and called on everyone to boycott Trader Joe's supermarket chain because it sells Israeli feta cheese.

"Go to his page and don't forget to tell him thank-you for the fact that in his merit, we'll all buy specifically from a brand that sells Israeli products. 

Tag the Population and Immigration Authority in your comments and help me show him Israel just in Google. Then "like" this post and share, if you're with me. Am Israel hai (literally: the nation of Israel lives on)!"

Zevuloni's call worked:
 Within hours, pro-Israel customers had emptied several Trader Joe's branches of their Israeli feta cheese, and moved on to purchasing other Israeli products instead.

In Honor of "Yud Tes Kislav" The Alter Rebbe's Niggun Played on a Cello

Schiff Speech Shut Down In Town Hall Meeting

A California town hall meeting featuring House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., descended into chaos after jeers led to clashes among attendees.
Schiff was discussing how recognition of the Armenian genocide was a significant bipartisan issue at the event hosted by the Armenian National Committee of America on Saturday when members of the crowd began shouting at him.
"Liar!" at least one attendee at the Glendale event yelled.
The commotion escalated from there, with a number of people present bearing signs or shirts supporting President Trump and opposing the impeachment process. Schiff is one of the leaders of the impeachment inquiry, which is expected to lead to a vote by the full House later this week.
"You will be going to jail for treason!" one man could be heard shouting in videos from the event that were posted online. The man acknowledged the outburst was unrelated to the purpose of the event, stating, "No disrespect to you all, I'm glad you guys are getting recognized for your genocide, but this man is a f-----g liar!"
Videos captured physical scuffles that broke out soon after, while Schiff stepped away from the podium as organizers and authorities struggled to regain control of the event. No one was injured, police told the Los Angeles Times.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Crazed Chassidim Protest Chabad "Yud Tes Kislev" Gathering in Monsey Calling them "Apikorsim"

Dov Weinraub of Passaic arrested accused of sexually assaulting a child in Monsey.

A resident of Passaic, NJ has been charged with allegedly sexually assaulting a child in Ramapo.

Dov Weinraub, 24, a Passaic resident was arrested by Ramapo police on December 4. He is accused of allegedly assaulting a child under 13 years of age at least twice, over a period of 3 months.
He has been charged with felony counts of predatory sexual assault of a child, first-degree criminal sex act, and second-degree course of sexual conduct against a child, as well as a misdemeanor count of endangering the welfare of a child.
Weinraub was arraigned in Ramapo Town Court on Dec. 4 and is due back in court on Feb. 27.
It should be noted that merely being arrested is not necessarily an indication of guilt.

"Pasheteh" Jews Send their Love to Jersey City Satmar Community

Sunday, December 15, 2019

31-year-old Meir Weiss fromBnei Brak dies - while mourning the death of his infant son.


Meir Weiss z"l at the bris of his son who died in crib death

A family from the predominantly haredi city of Bnei Brak in central Israel was hit by a double tragedy this week, when a young father died suddenly just days after the death of his infant son.

Thirty-one-year-old Meir Weiss, a resident of Bnei Brak who had studied in the Mir Yeshiva’s Brachfeld campus in Modi’in Illit, was mourning the death of his half-year-old son on Sunday when he collapsed – and died.

Weiss’ son died last Thursday in his crib, in an apparent case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The child was rushed to Mayanei Hayeshua hospital in Bnei Brak, but doctors were forced to declare the child dead.

While mourning the child’s death at the Weiss family home in Bnei Brak, Meir Weiss suddenly collapsed, for reasons which remain unclear.

Emergency medical teams from MDA and United Hatzalah were dispatched to the scene and attempted to resuscitate Weiss before evacuating him to Sheba Tel Hashomer in Ramat Gan. Doctors at the hospital were later forced to declare Weiss’ death.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Meet the Dutch girls who seduced Nazis — and lured them to their deaths

When she came across a Nazi killing an infant by repeatedly swinging its tiny body against a brick wall, Truus Oversteegen didn’t flinch.
The freckle-faced teenager, who was just three months shy of her 17th birthday when Germany invaded the Netherlands in May 1940, was a newly minted member of the Dutch resistance. She had been mostly assigned to hide Jewish children, political dissidents and homosexuals in various safe houses throughout Haarlem, her hometown, which was about 12 miles west of Amsterdam.
But what she saw now forced her to act with a sudden, brutal energy.
“He grabbed the baby and hit it against the wall,” Truus recalled years later of the horrifying scene. “The father and sister had to watch. They were obviously hysterical. The child was dead.”
Truus quietly pointed her gun in the direction of the Nazi and shot him dead.
“That wasn’t an assignment,” she said. “But I don’t regret it . . . We were dealing with cancerous tumors in our society that you had to cut out like a surgeon.”

How the Jersey City Community Got Together to help For Shabbos

What's an Armitron?

Friday, December 13, 2019

Zera Shimshon ..... Va'Yishlach

Boris Wins in the UK In Massive Landslide ...Jew Hater Corbyn Will Quit Labour Party

TRIUMPHANT Boris Johnson this morning thanked Brexit Brits for trusting him with their vote in his landslide win - as he vowed to work every day to honour them.
The ecstatic Tory boss stressed that work to finally get Britain out of the EU would start later today, with the Tories on course for a majority of 74 over Labour and to take 46 per cent of the vote.
He said that his "stonking" win has given him a "powerful mandate to get Brexit done" as humiliated Jeremy Corbyn vowed to quit.
The results mean Britain's political chaos could finally be over, leaving Boris with the numbers to finally push his Brexit deal through Parliament in just weeks.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Trump’s Support Among Orthodox Jews Has Risen from 54% to 89%

Nine in ten Orthodox Jews say that they support President Donald Trump, according to a poll released Wednesday by Ami Magazine. Moreover, that support appears to have risen dramatically since Election Day in 2016.
Though the numbers from different polls are not strictly comparable, Jake Turx, the White House correspondent for Ami, notes that they confirm anecdotal evidence that Trump not only won a majority of Orthodox Jews in 2016, but has worked hard to expand his support within the community by fulfilling his campaign promises.
The Jewish community as a whole tends to vote Democratic. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, more than 75% of Jewish voters supported Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections, up from roughly 70% who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 (versus 25% for Trump).
However, Trump’s support among Orthodox Jews suggests that among those most committed to the Jewish community and Jewish issues, Trump is building support.
Turx writes:
According to a survey conducted by the American Jewish Committee, 54% of Orthodox Jews said that they voted for Trump in 2016. One year into his presidency, 71% of Orthodox Jews supported him, and that was before he commuted the sentence of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Then in 2018, in a Tri-State-area poll commissioned by Ami Magazine, 82% of respondents said that they would vote for Trump in 2020. And as this year’s Ami poll reveals, support for the president has now hit a whopping 89%. What this upward trajectory makes abundantly clear is that more and more Orthodox Jews are fans of the 45th president of the United States.
Turx concludes: “It is support that he has rightfully earned because of three years of hard work and genuine results.”

Trump Helps Jews Under Assult on College Campuses And Gets Called An "Anti-Semite" by Jews

Upon being told that the mayor of Dublin, Bobby Briscoe, was Jewish, Yogi Berra famously said, “Only in America.” 
You know what else could happen only in America? 
A president changes policy for the purpose of helping American Jews who find themselves under assault on college campuses — and gets called an anti-Semite as a result.
This could only happen in America, because President Trump could only have happened in America. And it could only happen in America, because, save for rare and sometimes horrific exceptions, American Jews have so little personal experience with actual anti-Semitism that they imagine their ideological differences with Trump, and their honest distress at his divisive rhetoric, are enough to mark him as an anti-Semite.
The latest example comes with a new executive order from Team Trump that extends to Jews some language from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 denying federal funding to any institution that discriminates on the basis of race, color or national origin.
The original reporting on the executive order suggested it would do this by placing Jews in the “national origin” category — which, it was said, would define Jews as a separate “nation.”
This inaccurate account of the executive order caused what can only be called a freakout all over social media. Liberal Jews likened the idea to Nazi ideology, said Trump was denying us our Americanness and that this would be the beginning of a separate status for American Jews.
The reaction was psychotic — in two ways.