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Friday, September 20, 2019

Zera Shimshom ..... Ki Tavoi ........

And these shall stand for the curse on Mount Eival: Reuven, Gad and Asher...
Cursed is he who lies with his father’s wife... 

The Gemara in Shabbos establishes Reuven’s innocence from the fact that his descendants were among those who were chosen to stand on Mount Eival and affirm the curses.

That righteous person [i.e. Reuven] was clearly saved from that sin [that the Torah seems to attribute to him; lying with his father’s wife, Bilhah], as it’s certain that this deed could not have come to his hand, for is it possible that his descendants would in the future stand on Mount Eival and declare, ‘Cursed is he who lies with his father’s wife’, if this very sin had come to his hand?
[i.e. For if Reuven had actually laid with Bilhah, Hashem would surely not have selected his descendants to be among those affirming this curse]. 

The commentaries ask on this Gemara; why the need to establish Reuven’s virtuousness from this incident which happened a short time before Moshe Rabainu’s death, when it could have been proven from a much earlier indicator.

For the Gemara in Sotah says the following;
At that moment [before Yosef succumbed to the sin], the visage of his father came and appeared to him in the window and said to him, “Yosef! Your brothers are destined to be inscribed upon the stones of the Efod, and you are destined to be among them. Do you want your name to be erased?”

In view of that, when we find Reuven’s name inscribed on the stones of the Efod, that in itself should clearly attest to his integrity, for had Reuven indeed sinned, 
his name would have been erased from the Efod; just as Yaakov had warned Yosef would happen if he would sin.

Truthfully, we can pose a much greater question on the proof that the Gemara chose to use when establishing Reuven’s innocence.

For immediately after the Torah narrates the incident which seems to indicate a wrongdoing on Reuven’s behalf, the Passuk proceeds and says,
- and the sons of Yaakov were twelve, and Rashi cites the Chazal who say,
These words come to teach us that all Yaakov’s twelve children are equal and all are righteous, for Reuven did not sin.

Accordingly, we need to understand why the Gemara would need to prove Reuven’s innocence from the incident which occurred on Mount Eival, when the Torah itself plainly and clearly vindicates him of any sin? 

This obvious difficulty would compel us to say that that those words alone, where the Torah acknowledges that all twelve sons were equally righteous, would not suffice to prove that Reuven didn’t sin, as we can easily say that Reuven did indeed sin, yet only because he repented was his sin atoned for, and thus was he once again considered righteous, equal to his brothers.

Accordingly, we can similarly say that from this fact alone, that Reuven’s name was inscribed on the stones of the Efod, we could not have proven that he had never sinned, for by the same token we can say that he had indeed sinned, and only because he repented was his name eventually inscribed on the Efod stones.

We can now understand why the Gemara needed to prove Reuven’s virtuousness from the fact that his descendants were chosen to stand on Mount Eival and affirm the curses, and not from the fact that Reuven’s inscription was on the Efod, nor from the fact that Reuven was considered equally as righteous as his brothers.
For if he had indeed sinned, then although his repentance would have sufficed for him to be considered righteous and to be reinstituted in having his name inscribed on the Efod, nevertheless, out of respect for his honor, Hashem would still not have chosen Reuven’s descendants to be among those selected to affirm the curses which the Torah places upon those who violate the Torah’s commandments. 

Christian Missionaries Dressed Like Breslover Chassidim Preying On Vulnerable Souls in Uman!

Belzer Antwerp Chassidishe Lady Begs Frum Community to Intervene With "Sadistic Family" That Runs Belz Girl School

Pop star Demi Lovato Had Enough With Satmar Craziness .... Visits the Kotel

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Watch the Best Moments From the Lewandowski Hearing

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Kerisos 11,12,13,14,15,16,& 17

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף י'א ''ראובן מול העדים       
Page 11 Mesectas Kreesois
"Reuvein vs The Witnesses" 

Eidim (witnesses) appeared at the Beit Din (court) and testified they saw Reuven commit an aveira (transgression) b’shogeg (unknowingly), for which he was chayav (liable) to sacrifice a Korban Chatat (Sin Offering). 

If Reuven admits that he committed the aveira, then he is obviously liable to offer a Korban Chatat.

But what if Reuven disputes the testimony of the eidim and insists that he did not commit any aveira? 
Should Reuven be believed, despite the witness testimony he had committed an aveira?

According to halacha, we indeed believe Reuven over the testimony of the eidim, and he is patur (exempt) from offering a Korban Chatat. 

Why is Reuven patur

If Reuven was a liar who wanted to cast off his liability to offer a Korban Chatat, he could have told the Beit Din that the eidim were correct (i.e., he had committed the aveira), but that he had done so b’mayzid (on purpose) and not b’shogeg as stated by the eidim

A person who commits an aveira b’mayzid is not obligated to bring a Korban Chatat. 

The eidim are unable to contradict such a claim, because they have no way to prove what Reuven’s intentions were in the moment of sin. Being that Reuven did not make that simple claim, we conclude that he is not a liar. As such, we believe him that he did not commit any aveira.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Five Towns Newspaper Advice To a "Overweight" Girl on a Shidduch Date

I want to preface this post with the following caveat .....
Being obese is not healthy .. period.......nothing to do with getting a shidduch ....

Having said that....Let's talk about a girl looking for a shidduch that is not obese but is by 2019 standards a bit overweigh!! 

In Yeshivois and Seminaries the Rabbaim and Morahs preach  that Jewish values is about the "pneemious"  of a person..... that it is "what is in the inside that counts." 
אל תסתכל בקנקן אלא במה שיש בו
always quoting Chazal's advice to people , that one shouldn't judge a "book by its cover" so to speak...

And that is absolutely true.... because the bottom line is after you you take your wifey home, you and only you will need to deal with her personality.....
It's not going to be her weight .....

So why do all Yeshivisha learners insist on a girl thats a -3 ?

Is it because they are concerned about her health? 

Is there only good chemistry between the learner and the girl if she is "cheenush" (slim in the gypsy hungarian language? 

My Theory? 

It's all about the neighbors! Absolutely.....
Let the neighbors eat their hearts' out, I'm going to parade my anorexic Kallah with her 8" heels and gucci dress right past their window while they are eating supper ....
Let them choke!

Now look at the advice she gets from the experts...
Only ONE advises her correctly that she should be concerned about her "overall health and emotional well being."

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

It Does Not Appear That EitherParty Has Enough Seats to Form a Coalition.

According to an informal count of 90% of the votes in Tuesday’s elections for the 22nd Knesset, Blue and White has a slight advantage over the Likud.

Blue and White has 33 seats, Likud - 31, Joint List - 12, Shas 9, Yisrael Beytenu - 9, United Torah Judaism - 8, Yamina - 7, Labor-Gesher - 6 and the Democratic Union has 5 seats.

The right-wing bloc has 55 seats and the center-left has 56. Both these numbers do not include Yisrael Beytenu’s 9.

According to the updated official results obtained from the Central Elections Committee: Likud -28%, Blue and White - 26.4%, Shas - 8.7%, UTJ - 8.3%, Yisrael Beytenu - 7.7%, Yamina - 6.6%, Labor-Gesher - 5%, Democratic Union - 4.4%, Otzma Yehudit - 2.2% and the Joint List - 1.74%.

The voter turnout in Tuesday’s election was 69.4 percent, 1.5 percent higher than the voter turnout at the end of the previous election in April of 2019.

Exit polls published on Tuesday night showed that Blue and White was the largest party in the Knesset and is followed by the Likud, but it does not appear that either party has enough seats to form a coalition.

Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party will probably be the deciding factor in determining who will head Israel’s next government – Binyamin Netanyahu or Benny Gantz.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Theory that "You are born gay" Debunked in Huge Study ...... No Gay Gene ! .... "Feigalach Turning Over"

The largest study to date on the genetic basis of sexuality has revealed  —that  DNA markers are not reliable enough to predict someone’s sexuality.
The findings, which are published on 29 August in Science and based on the genomes of nearly 500,000 people, shore up the results of earlier, smaller studies and confirm the suspicions of many scientists: while sexual preferences have a genetic component, no single gene has a large effect on sexual behaviours.
“There is no ‘gay gene’,” says lead study author Andrea Ganna, a geneticist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Talented baker makes incredible cakes that look EXACTLY like different food and drink items

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Kerisos 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ב' ''מסכת כרתות       
Page 2 Mesectas Kreesois
"Mesactas Kreesois" 

There are certain punishments the Torah did not place in the hands of the Beit Din to administer. 

Rather, the Torah determined certain cases were punishable by karet (a penalty of Divine punishment, cutting off of the soul). 

Masechet Keritot opens with a listing of the offenses for which the penalty is karet, as well as the halachot related to the implementation of the karet punishment — (from the word keritah, “cutting off”).

Rambam posits that there are three types of karet:
“Karet Kal” (mild ‘cutting off’): 
where the offender dies before their time, but retains their place in Olam Haba (World to Come) and still merits techiyat ha’meitim (resurrection of the dead).

“Karet Chamur” (more serious ‘cutting off’): 
where the offender lives a full life, but does not merit Olam Haba.

“Karet HaChamur Be’Yoter” (the most severe ‘cutting off’): 
where the offender’s life is cut short and their soul is excluded from Olam HaBa.

However, the penalties are different for a Chozer B’Teshuvah (person who has repented). 

According to Rambam in Hilchot Teshuvah, even an individual who was banned from Olam Haba, can regain that privilege if they were to do teshuva. The importance of teshuva supersedes all considerations.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Natanyahu & His Wife Sara Diss the "Vayoel Moshe" and Go To the Kotel to Daven Before Elections

Monday, September 16, 2019

Tens of Thousands Attend "Voting Kinus" With Ger, Belz, R' Chaim Kanievski Defying R' Sternbuch, R' Tuvia Weiss & Satmar

 Tens of thousands of Chareidim came from all over Eretz Yisroel to stick the thumbs into the eyes of the Satmar, R' Sternbuch and R' Tuvia Weiss's SHIT'ah who claim "that voting is prohibited min ha'Torah"

All those attended were handed a 64 page booklet called 
קנאות של אמת
which basically broke down the entire anti-voting SHIT'ah and then concludes that not voting is actually against the Torah and it is a "SHIT'ah Shel Sheker" 

The booklet had quotes from the previous Belzer Rebbe, R' Aaron Rokeach, the previous Sadigera Rebbe, Rav Zalman Sorotzkin, Rav Aron Kotler, Chazon Ish, the Imrei Emes, the Tchabiner Rav, R' Yechezkel Sarna, etc... 
all writing that there is a "Chiyuv" to vote in Israeli Elections....
and that was in the very first Israeli Elections...

Satmar Students In England Learn About 'Women Suffrage" in the 1800's ...... Next Will Be LGBT Studies

Friday, September 13, 2019

Zera Shimshom ..... Ki Teitzei ........

Harav Malach Mocks the Sfardi "Babbas"

The video is in Yiddish, and I don't have the time to translate, but the bottom line he is making "choizik" of those who run to Sfardi Mekubalim

Says; " not everyone can become a "dayan" a Rabbinical Judge but anyone can become a "Babba" all you have to do is dream and tell someone "that you had a dream" " and poof ...you are a babba

I''ts all right to run to Chassidihe  Rebbes and then claim that the Rebbe  performed a miracle but it's not alright for Sfardim to run to their "Babbas" for chizuk and miracles ...
The whole video is dedicated 
to  mock Sfardic customs  .....

I sincerely hope that he doesn't dream that one of those "babbahs" that he mocked bites him in his fat behind

The Winner of the DemocRAT Debate Was ........ TRUMP!

And the winner is . . . Donald Trump.
The Democrats’ third presidential debate was a long-winded, platitude-filled disaster where no single candidate could claim a clear victory. Instead, the seven men and three women took turns displaying why they are all probably unelectable.
On issue after issue, the candidates engaged in unclear, confusing, halting policy discussions — 
It got so bad that Julian Castro, one of the seven people on the stage who have as much of a chance of becoming president as I do, thought he’d caught out Joe Biden in a candidacy-ending mistake. 
Hadn’t Biden just said everyone would be forced into Medicare two minutes after saying they could keep their private insurance?
Could Biden not remember what he had said two minutes before?
Castro was playing the senility card against the 76-year-old Biden. 
But the person who was senile in that moment was the 44 year-old Castro, because Biden had not contradicted himself. Castro had misunderstood Biden.
Elizabeth Warren, whose words, sentence by sentence, were perfectly clear but whose meaning was not. In a lengthy attack on Trump’s tariffs, she defended Trump’s tariffs. In another assault on Trump’s Afghanistan policy she basically said everything that Trump has said about Afghanistan. 

As for Bernie Sanders, the only question I have to ask is this: 
Will the $30 trillion cost of his health care plan cover some throat lozenges? 
He spent the entire night needing to clear his throat. It was maddening, though perhaps not as maddening as him screaming at us as though we had just cut him off in traffic.

The nomination voting begins in February, which gives the party nearly five months to get its act together. If Thursday was any indication, five years wouldn’t be enough time.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Are Chareidim Frauds and Fakes ?.... Eida Hachreidis Says It's An "Aveirah" To Vote ... Rav Kanievski, Ger, Agudah Says "It's a Mitzvah"

I don't get it? 
Didn't we all stand at Har Sinai when Hashem gave us the Torah?
What Happened??

According to Rav Tuvia Weiss and Rav Moshe Sternbuch it's an "Issur Do'oriiseh" to vote in the upcoming Zionist elections.....and whoever does vote is condemned to hell..

According to Rav Chaim Kanieveski, Ger, Viznitz, Biala, Mozhzitz, Alexander, and the Agudah ... it's a "Mitzvas Aseh".....to vote and whoever doesn't vote is condemned to hell ...

Now this is amongst the Chareidim themselves....

Is it any wonder that no one person takes whatever they say seriously? 

Is it any wonder that thousands are leaving the fold?

Is it any wonder that we who want the truth are totally confused??

I would understand that the Gedoilim would say that ... voting or not voting is only their opinion....

But one side says that voting  is equivalent to Avodeh Zarah, Meenis and outright Apikorsas, while the other side says that it is a Mitzvah???

Which is it??

These are not "bal batim" voicing this ... these are our Gedoilei Yisrael ...

They say "don't vote" ...then they are upset that there is Chillul Shabbos! 

Then you have a group of Chassidishe leaders in the US .... Chareidim, mind you... that say that it is prohibited to live in Israel and they actually bring support from Gemmarrah and Rishonim ....unbelievable!!

 There is a Rabbi who is the leading spokesman for the Anti Zionists, a guy who has been accused of sexually molesting women who publishes a book called "The Empty Wagon" that  spews hate against his brothers and sisters who support Zionists, with such hatred,  that would put  Adolf Eichmann to shame  ...and his book is a best seller!! 
He brings support to his bizarre theories from previous Gedoilim....
these theories all proved to be nothing but theories ...they are now totally irrelevant and actually laughable!
And the facts on the holy ground of Israel is obvious, a country that has the majority of the Jews living there, more Torah learning in Israel than anywhere in the entire world ....and people continue to read this trash 
The book is sold openly in Eichlers, Judaica Plus and other "holy" book stores! 

You have Gedoilim who live and take and enjoy  benefits of Israeli Society ....who then turn around and stab their own governments in the back .... No hakoras ha'toiv... 

We stood at Sinai together???? 
I'm beginning to doubt that!

Is it any wonder that we are still in Galus?

ה' יעזור

Monday, September 9, 2019

2,600 year-old seal with biblical name "Adenyahu" discovered

Bulla bearing name of Adenyahu Asher Al Habayit, a senior minister to the king of Judah, found beneath Robinson's Arch at the Western Wall.

A Bulla (seal) bearing a Hebrew name from 2,600 years ago was uncovered from dirt excavated in 2013 beneath Robinson's Arch at the foundations of the Western Wall. 

The seal is inscribed with the name of an individual with the most prominent role in the king's court in the kingdom of Judea. 

The Bulla (seal), which was used to sign documents, bears the Hebrew name and title: "Adenyahu Asher Al Habayit" which literally translates as “Adenyahu by Appointment of the House”- a term used throughout the Bible to describe the most senior minister serving under a kings of Judea or Israel.