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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

OCASIO-CORTEZ Blames Bank For An Oil Spill On A Pipeline That Doesn't Exist!!!!!!


A Georgia lawmaker proposed a “testicular bill of rights” package Monday in response to the state’s advancement of a bill to outlaw abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Democratic state Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick seeks to regulate male bodies in response to what she contests is the regulation of women’s wombs.

The bill would require men to ask permission from their partners before taking Viagra or erectile dysfunction medication and wait 24 hours before purchasing a sex toy. The lawmaker wants to classify sex without a condom as “aggravated assault” and ban vasectomy procedures.

Men would also be forced to begin paying child support before a woman reaches eight weeks in pregnancy.
Kendrick announced the legislation on Twitter.

“You want our wombs? We’re coming for your testicles,” Kendrick tweeted Tuesday.
Her bill is a reaction to the Georgia House’s approval of a bill in March that seeks to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. The bill makes exceptions in cases where the mother’s life is in danger and allows for abortions in cases of rape and incest, but only if a woman files a police report.

Kendrick called the fetal heartbeat abortion bill “a case to test Roe v. Wade,” The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Pathetic Jews That Dance with Omar

Turncoats, stop playing the Jewish Card, please!

First let’s get this straight, that it is possible to be Jewish and anti-Semitic all at once, and all in the same person.  
We  include "Progressive Liberal Jews"!!

It is no use arguing the fine points of linguistics or semantics when the proof of it is what see and hear every day. That makes it scientific. Not just my opinion.

The Jewish Card gives you no license…no license to go rogue and stab your people in the back.

By which I mean the type of man or woman who publicly takes sides against the Jewish people and without breaking stride, follows up with – “and I am Jewish.”

Jewish Pride from the dark side, and as if we need to be reminded that we are saddled with wicked sons.

As are these media mavens, who support Omar, and vouch for the Democrats whose House anti-hate Resolution was a joke…except that it wasn’t funny.

The Jewish people were snubbed. We’re in danger. I shouldn’t have to spell it out.  

Song Written by Ori Ansbacher The Girl Murdered by Arab Animals!

Friends of Ori Ansbacher of the town of Tekoa on Tuesday presented a clip of the song she wrote and which was made public after her brutal murder by an Arab terrorist.

"After the first time we played the song in front of the family, the first reaction was to play the song again," recalled Ori’s friends. 

"During the shiva we found ourselves playing the song again and again to the family and to ourselves, and Ori's presence was felt every time. 

One of the things that came up from the song is that Ori understood that before we try to make peace outside, you have to make peace within us.”

Total Chaos As R' Chaim Kanievsky Arrives In Meron For The First Time In 30 Years

Monday, March 11, 2019

Rabbi Kahana Exposing Fake News & Anti-Semitism & Destroys in Debate Avi Weiss in 1988

Watch How NBC News Made Up the Trump/David Duke Fake News Story

EU Will Require US Visitors To Apply For Visa-like Travel Pass

Americans traveling to Europe will soon have to add a new item to their packing lists.
Starting in 2021, the European Union will require US visitors to get a pre-approved, visa-like travel pass issued by the European Travel Information and Authorization System.
The permit will cost about $7.90 and will have to be requested at least four days before the journey—making romantic last-minute jaunts to Paris impossible.
But permission will be good for three years and for multiple trips in and out of the Schengen Zone, which covers 26 countries.
Under current rules, Americans can travel in Europe without a visa for up to 90 days.
The new requirement will serve as a security check, EU officials said Friday.

Ocasio-Cortez Fundraising Email: Let's End The US-Israeli Relationship

Well, if you thought there would be a day where the far left wing of the House Democratic caucus would quiet down a bit, given their anti-Semitism issues, you’d be wrong. 
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sent a fundraising email last night suggesting that AIPAC was coming after her and that the U.S.-Israeli relationship should be severed. No, I’m not kidding. This is insanity. 
AOC has been one of the few defenders of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who once again was accused of anti-Semitism for suggesting those who support Israel are exhibiting dual loyalty. The latter is a common anti-Semitic smear. Omar has also peddled the talking point about Jewish money and influence with her “all about the Benjamins” tweet.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

London Dayan Yonathan Abraham Forced to Resign Because of Massive Scandal

After serving in the rabbinical courts and appointed as a member of the Great Court in London at the age of 37, the Dayan, Rabbi Avraham Avraham, announced suddenly on Saturday that he resigned from the Bais Din  and his Kehillah but did not explain the reason behind the resignation.

It was very sudden, and we have no idea why," said a senior London rabbi whose name was not published to the British Jewish Chronicle website.
Chief Justice Rabbi Menachem Galai said after the surprising resignation: "The London court supports you and your communities and your friends, so I want to reassure you that the preparations are already underway to ensure that Dayan at a high level will be found alongside the other distinguished judges."
"It is a sense of responsibility and sadness that I declare today that I am resigning from the Court of London, the Beit Din is the pillar of our community and it was a great honor and privilege to serve as Dayan for the last 17 years," said Rabbi Yonatan Avraham, 
Harav Avraham studied in Gateshead, Lakewood, New Jersey and Jerusalem. He had previously lived in Australia, where he served for three years as a judge at the Rabbinical Court in Melbourne.
Will not go into the facts ...... "Ve'hameivan Yovin" 

Actors of Shtisel Discuss their parts!

Below See the actress that plays LIBI ... being interviewed for another film she did and hear her admire the Frum way of life!

Shvartzer Pastor Is "Mechyeh Meisim" Brings a dead Guy To Life!!

Girl Who Executed Nazis After Seducing Them Dies Aged 92

A World War II heroine who used her harmless appearance to gain the trust of Nazis before executing them has died in The Netherlands, aged 92.
Freddie Oversteegen was born in Haarlem, near Amsterdam on September 6, 1925 and raised by her communist mother.
She was just 14 when she joined the Dutch resistance, the Daily Mail reports.
Together with her older sister Truus and their friend Hannie Schaft, she blew up bridges and railway tracks with dynamite, smuggled Jewish children out of concentration camps and executed as many Nazis as she could, using a firearm hidden in the basket of her bike.

Two Israelis among dead as Ethiopian Airlines plane crashes, killing 157 aboard

 An Ethiopian Airlines flight with 157 people thought to be on board crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday morning from Ethiopia’s capital while headed to Nairobi, the airline said.
The airline later confirmed that two Israeli passengers were on board the aircraft that went down.
There were no immediate details on what caused the crash of the Boeing 737-8 MAX plane, which was new and had been delivered to the airline in November.
Ethiopia’s state broadcaster EBC said all passengers were dead, adding that they included 33 nationalities.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry had said earlier it was checking whether Israeli passengers were aboard and monitoring the situation.
The Addis Ababa-Nairobi route is often used by Israelis, as there are no direct flights between Israel and Kenya. Channel 13 reported that the plane that crashed had been in Israel as recently as last Wednesday.
The state-owned Ethiopian Airlines, widely considered the best-managed airline in Africa, calls itself Africa’s largest carrier and has ambitions of becoming the gateway to the continent.

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 96,97, 98,99,100,101, & 102

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף צ''ו "ניקור גיד הנשה         
Page 96 Mesectas Chullin  
''Excising the Gid Hanasheh (Sciatic Nerve)"

On this daf the Talmud relates a story, that shows us the great fear the rabbis had anyone violating Torah prohibitions.

It happened that Bar Piyouli was standing before Shmuel and was excising the gid hanasheh ( One is prohibited to consume the gid hanasheh) from a piece of thigh meat.
He was cutting it flush off the surface, in accordance with the opinion of Reb Yehuda.

Shmuel said to him 
" Dig deeper into the meat,..... had I not witnessed this myself, you would have fed me something forbidden."

When Bar Piyouli heard that Shmuel was accusing him of feeding him that which was prohibited, he got frightened and the knife fell from his hand!

Shmuel to comfort him, said:
 " Do not fear, I am not accusing you of being ignorant or negligent, I understand that the one who taught you how to excise the gid hanasheh, taught you in accordance with the opinion of R Yehuda, that one can remove the part of the gid hanasheh that is Biblically prohibited, but the meat surrounding it, does not have to be removed."

However my opinion is in accordance with R' Meir that one has to remove the meat that is attached to the gid hanasheh as well, I therefore suggested that you "dig deeper."

DIN: I am paraphrasing the words of Shmuel!

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

‘Shtisel’ The Popular Israeli Drama on Netflix!

The Netflix show “Shtisel” is addictive to many viewers, as the phenomenally popular Israeli drama about a Charedi family living in the Geulah neighborhood of Jerusalem immediately draws you into the characters’ lives. 
They include the 60-something Reb Shulem Shtisel, the widowed classroom rabbi; his daughter, Giti, whose nefarious husband has run off to Argentina, abandoning her and their five children; and Shulem’s youngest child, handsome 27-year-old Rabbi Akiva, or “Kive,” hiding the sketchbook filled with his outstanding illustrations, knowing that pursuing a career as an artist would be scandalous.
Developed by Abot Hameiri Productions for the Israeli satellite service yes, the show originally was broadcast in Israel in 2013. Over its two seasons, it racked up more than a dozen Israeli TV awards. 
The success of the show that trains its camera on a little-known world is due, in part, to the show’s creators having lived this life. Yehonatan Indursky grew up in a Charedi family and attended the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, while Ori Elon attended a yeshiva in Efrat.  

30 "Peleg" Gangsters Arrested While Blocking Jerusalem Light Rail!!.

Notice that these "leidegeiers"  are not only teenagers that are blocking and disrupting traffic, but some of them are "big zhlubs" who never worked a day in their entire lives being supported by their disheveled tired wives .. who are busy cooking, baking and taking care of their crying dirty little toddlers!! 
Does this  Alter Kocker look like he ever worked????

How about this Szhlub? His dumb Wife Thinks He is in Kollel!!

Some 500 protesters physically blocked the light rail tracks and several roads in the capital, while shouting insults at police officers and calling them Nazis.

 “The draft is religious persecution,” “we’ll die and won’t join the army,” “to prison but never to the army,” called the protesters.

Police forces were using crowd dispersal methods in an attempt to reopen main roads in the capital.
The protesters belong to the extreme Jerusalem Faction that refuses to acknowledge the state’s authority, and refuse to show up at the IDF draft facility even for the purpose of getting their exemption.

The faction’s leaders called on their followers to take to the streets after a draft dodger was arrested. 

However, in light of the upcoming elections, another motive could be distinguishing the Jerusalem Faction from the mainstream Haredi public, represented in the Knesset by the Shas and the United Torah Judaism parties, who the extremists believe to be collaborators with draft laws.

In reality, Yeshiva students do not get arrested for their refusal to join the IDF— since the draft law allows them to continue their studies and avoid the draft. However, since the faction’s followers refuse to show up for exemption hearings, the IDF considers them to be draft dodgers and eventually some get arrested.

Open Letter to Eretz Yisrael Seminary Mechaneches

Letter to the editor of the FJJ Newspaper!