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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Torah Vodaath's History of Taking in the Survivors of the Holocaust

Carl Laemmle Saved 300 hundred Jewish Families From the Flames of the Holocaust and Put Dracula On the Screen

After losing control of the movie studio that introduced audiences to Dracula and Frankenstein, Carl Laemmle had a vital final mission. Formerly the head of what is today Universal Pictures, Laemmle worked to save fellow Jews from Hitler in the 1930s, despite opposition from the US State Department.
By the time of his death in 1939, he had rescued over 300 Jewish families.

Laemmle’s life is the subject of a new documentary, “Carl Laemmle,”directed by James Freedman. It will be screened February 10 at both the San Diego International Jewish Film Festival and the Denver Jewish Film Festival before moving to Atlanta.
With its easily recognizable globe logo, the studio Laemmle founded has lived up to its name. (Its website lists it as the world’s fourth-oldest surviving studio.) But Laemmle is not as well remembered.
Calling Laemmle a “true American hero,” Freedman said, “I knew I just had to tell this great story and let the world know.”

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 68, 69, 70,71,72,73, & 74

Ladies ... here is an opportunity to test your husbands and see if he really goes to the daf....

And its a great opportunity for the entire family, to share thoughts on the daf ... so that the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... however this particular tractate is abit difficult ... so I'm trying my best...
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף ס''ח "קרבנות שיצאו מחוץ למקום        
Page 68  Mesectas Chullin  
"Sacrifices That Were Removed From Its Designated Place " 
Any Sacrifice that was removed from its designated area, can no longer be eaten, even if it is returned to the permitted area. 

For example:
Meat from a Korban Chattas that left the walls of the Temple, is forever prohibited from consumption even if one then returns the meat to the Temple.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

2 Women killed, 51 Hurt in road accident near Jerusalem

2 women were killed and 51 people were injured in a severe road accident this morning between a bus and a private vehicle on Route 443 east of the Maccabim checkpoint, according to preliminary reports by rescue workers.

MDA confirmed the deaths of 2 and evacuations of the injured to hospitals are underway. Two of those injured are in serious condition, 5 are in moderate condition and 34 are in light condition.

According to reports, the bus overturned following the accident. Many MDA and police forces were called to the scene, as were firefighters who helped rescue a number of people trapped.

Route 443 has been closed by police east of the Maccabim checkpoint.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Ori's Murdererer an Arab Arrested in a Ramallah Mosque!

The Shin Bet released new details regarding the gruesome murder of 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher in the Jerusalem forest last week.

According to the Shin Bet, 29 year-old Hevron native Arafat Afariah set out with a knife. When he saw Ansbacher in the Jerusalem Forest, he stabbed her multiple times in the chest and killed her.

The investigation is at its height and the majority of the details are under a gag order.
Ansbacher, a volunteer at a youth center in Jerusalem, had walked to the Jerusalem forest to be alone after an argument when she was murdered. Afariah was arrested on Saturday by Israeli special forces in a mosque in Al Bireh, a village near Ramallah.
Prime Minister Netanyahu said following Afariah's arrest that "I congratulate the Shin Bet security services and the Israel Police that within a few hours captured the abominable murderer who murdered Ori Ansbacher. Israel's long arm reaches anyone who harms us and we will settle accounts with them."
"In my name and on behalf of the people of Israel, I wish to express my condolences to the Ansbacher family and to strengthen them with their great grief."

Friday, February 8, 2019

How He Killed Sarah Stern! VIDEO!!

Video footage released Thursday shows a struggling New Jersey artist accused of murdering his childhood friend recounting the gory details of how he strangled her.
“It took me a half-hour to kill her,” Liam McAtasney can be heard saying in the video played in New Jersey Superior Court Thursday, and published online by the Asbury Park Press.
“I thought I would be able to choke her out and have her out in like a couple of minutes.
“I choked her out and then she was just lying there having a seizure or something…so then I had a shirt and I just shoved it down her throat so she wouldn’t throw up or anything and had my finger over her nose.”
The clip was covertly recorded by Brooklynite Anthony Curry, a friend of 21-year-old McAtasney, at the behest of cops.

Bees know how to do basic math

Bees apparently have a grasp of basic math, including addition and subtraction, a new study has discovered.
The study, published in Science Advances, reveals that bees have incredibly powerful brains for their size and suggests that more animals than we thought can do math.
Scientists trained individual honeybees to recognize colors as plus or minus symbols — and armed with this knowledge, they went on to solve basic mathematical problems set by the scientists.
The bees completed the tasks with a success rate of up to 75 percent.
So what’s the point of this new discovery? Understanding how a tiny bee brain can do arithmetic could lead to better artificial intelligence (AI) systems, according to the Australian and French team.

Ori Ansbacher Frum 19 Year Old Girl Found Brutally Murdered in Yerushalyim

The lifeless body of Ori Ansbacher, a 19-year-old woman was found Thursday evening in a forest in Ein Yael, near the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem.

Ansbacher, whose family lives in Tekoa, had been residing in Jerusalem in an apartment she rented with several friends. She was serving in a civilian national service program in place of military service.
Police released a statement saying that a search had been launched for a missing girl for several hours. She had been declared missing at 11:00 a.m. that morning

During their search, they located her lifeless body. 
 Her remains were found stripped naked, with signs of extreme violence, with multiple wounds in the neck and chest area.
She was pronounced dead at the scene.

 All avenues of investigation are currently being considered. A gag-order has been placed on the investigation, indicating that the motive for this brutal murder was nationalistic (terrorism).
It was also reported that 4 Arabs were taken into custody on Thursday night, although police have yet to confirm that.
Magen David Adom paramedic Safi Mizrachi said: “When we arrived, they led us to an open area where we saw a young woman of about 19 years, unconscious, without a pulse and not breathing. We performed medical tests. She was without signs of life, and unfortunately we can only determine her death.”

Despite the initial arrest of several Palestinian Arab suspects, authorities now say the investigation is exploring all possibilities, and have not ruled out either terrorism or criminal motives.

The victim’s parents mourned the death of their daughter, calling her a “sensitive soul” with an enormous capacity for giving.

“She was a holy soul who sought meaning, a sensitive soul towards every person and creature, and with an endless desire to help make the world a better place.”

A teacher who taught the victim in high school also eulogized her, Yediot Ahronot reported.
“She was a smart girl, honest, with an original, creative, and open-minded way of looking at things. She was very much loved by those around her, and she was very sensitive to others.”

Ansbacher will be laid to rest at 1:30 p.m. Friday afternoon at the Tekoa cemetery.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Two Elderly Jewish Sisters Found Dead in Bensonhurst

The NYPD is investigating the deaths of two elderly women, Wednesday night.
The scene is on 83rd Street in the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn.
Sources tell YWN that the deceased are two Jewish sisters, both over 90-years-old.
Misaskim volunteers are on the scene working with the NYPD and the NYC Medical Examiner to ensure Kavod Hames.

Stop Asking For Pictures Of My Daughter

Letter from a mother whose daughter is in shidduchim!
My daughter recently entered shidduchim, and I find myself increasingly livid that girls are expected to send pictures of themselves to the boy’s family or – worse – the boy himself.
When I was dating, no one needed a picture. When a friend or relative told the boy (or his mother) that the girl was cute or good-looking, it was sufficient. Do we demand proof – say, a report card – that a boy is a good learner or that a girl works hard? No, we trust the person setting them up. The boy and girl can get a deeper appreciation of each other while dating.
Why, then, are looks an exception? Why must that be proven? Pressure to provide a photo makes many a girl feel awful. It only adds to her gnawing sense that she is a commodity, not a person with a neshama.

Satmar Starts War With "Toldos Ahron" Rebbe .....

The list of Satmar victims gets larger and larger by the day, with their next victim, the Rebbe of the Toldos Ahron Chassidim...
this time so far ... its the Satmar Rebbe from "Miami Beach"... R' Zalman Leib who is the general of the Satmar Hooligans! 

What started this is that the Toldos Ahron Rebbe was meshadech with the Spinka Rebbe... whom they hate ...
so the Satmar hooligans went and vandalized the wedding ..
kedarkom  ba'koidesh!

Satmar, way back in Hungary and Rumania, terrorized all... yes all, Spinka simchos... and would call the Spinka Rebbe z"l ..."Abish Sheigatz" .... this happened before Hitler ym"s came to power ....

The following is a partial list of Chassidishe Rebbes and Non-Chassidim that Satmar terrorized in the past:
Munkatch, Belz, Chabad, Spinka, Kloizenberg, Kretchnef, Kruli, R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Shteinman.

One of the points that Satmar bullies wrote on the "Kol Korah" against the Toldos Ahron Rebbe was that he signed a contract with the "Medinah" that he would abide by the "Rules and Regulations" of the "Medinah". Which is "chazer treif."

But what the Satmar liars don't tell tell you is that all Satmar Buildings in Israel have the same clause in their contracts!

In Israel, if you want to build a Shul, a Yeshivah, anything for the "tzibbur" the "Medinah" grants the land gratis, for free.....
however, you must sign a waiver that you will follow their rules....

Satmar buildings, be they in Yerushalyim or Bet Shemesh etc...
all have land that they didn't pay for but got for free! 
And yes..... they signed the waiver....!!!
Now the hypocrites, upset that Toldos Ahron did a shidduch with Spinka , accuse them of the same thing they themselves have been doing for years!
Below see the posters smeared all over Bet Shemesh 

Pope kissed a notorious Islamist anti-Semite

Dear Pope Francis, are you sure the imam of Al Azhar was an angel of peace and not one of death?

The most important picture taken during the Pope's trip to the Arab Emirates was the Pontiff's close encounter with the imam of Al Azhar, Ahmed al Tayyeb. They kissed each other after signing a joint declaration which repudiated violence justified “in the name of religion”.

Religion? I don't see any violence today in the name of Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism, while I see a lot in the name of Islam!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Pocohantas Strikes Again!

Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren indicated that her race was "American Indian" in a handwritten registration form filed in 1986 with the Texas State Bar, according to a new report on Tuesday that documents the presidential hopeful's efforts to identify as a minority during her earliest days as a law professor.
The revelation, initially reported by The Washington Post, is the first known instance of Warren claiming Native American ancestry in an official document or in her own handwriting. It threatened to add more ammunition to already-frequent attacks by Republicans, including President Trump, deriding Warren for claiming such ancestry to bolster her academic career.
Warren's office, questioned by The Post, did not dispute the authenticity of the bar card.
The bright-yellow bar card is dated April 1986, when Warren was a professor at the University of Texas School of Law. Past reporting by several outlets, including CNN, had indicated that Warren "had not" listed herself as a minority in her "student applications and during her time as a teacher at the University of Texas." Records unearthed by The Boston Globe found that in 1981, 1985, and 1988, personnel forms at the University of Texas showed that Warren had called herself "white."


Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"

President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address.

"We stand with the Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom — and we condemn the brutality of the Maduro regime, whose socialist policies have turned that nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject poverty and despair," Trump said Tuesday night.

"Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country," the president said. "America was founded on liberty and independence - not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free."

"Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country," Trump declared.

“Antisemite Of The Year Award” Featuring Top 10 Of World’s Jew-Haters

“This is a participatory approach to having a social conversation to determine who among these ten celebrated racists deserves the moniker of ‘Antisemite of the Year’ for their contributions to the spreading of Nazi-level propaganda that would make Joseph Goebbels (Nazi propaganda minister) proud,” said Dov Hikind, former New York state assemblyman, and chairman of the Coalition for a Positive America
The ‘Antisemite of the Year Award’ campaign presents ten of the most notorious antisemites who are presented with one of their many offending statements that prove a consistent antisemitism. Online users can vote for any of the ten nominees presented or submit a ‘write-in’ choice. The winner, with most votes, will win the Joseph P. Goebbels Excellence in Propaganda Grant, a value of $5,000, which will go to helping the winner publicize their antisemitic comments through an online campaign. They’ll also get a signed bobble-Goebbels-head that spews out antisemitic vitriol every time you make him open his mouth.
“This campaign serves as a warning to those who will later say they didn’t know or weren’t warned,” cautioned Hikind. “Whether they’re on the Left or the Right, all of these haters have been nominated because they are consistent in their expressions of hatred for the Jewish people, sometimes expressed in code of ‘anti-Zionism’ which everyone knows is just the in-vogue way of being a Jew-hater. They also hold the proud distinction of being the faces of this new-layer of the ‘oldest hatred’.”

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Linda Goldbloom Dies After Being Hit By A Ball At A Dodger Game

A woman died as a result of being struck in the head by a foul ball at Dodger Stadium last August, according to a coroner’s report obtained by ESPN .
Linda Goldbloom was celebrating her 79th birthday and 59th wedding anniversary to her husband at a game Aug. 25 when a ball hit by San Diego’s Franmil Reyes traveled over an area protected by netting and struck Goldbloom in the head. She died four days later at L.A. County-USC Medical Center.
The Los Angeles County coroner’s report said trauma from the batted ball was the cause of death.
The Dodgers said in a statement to ESPN they are “deeply saddened” by Goldbloom’s death and the “matter has been resolved between the Dodgers and the Goldbloom family.”
For the first time last season, all 30 major league ballparks had expanded protective netting that reached to at least the far ends of each dugout. The push for expansion increased in 2017 after a series of spectator injuries.

Municipality Fed Up With the Crazies in Geula.. Tear down Signs for Separate Streets for Men and Ladies

Kerem Avraham is a neighborhood near Geula in central Jerusalem, where the crazies of Yerushalyim live. 

Men and Women cannot walk on the same side of the street and they have signs indicating which side is for men and which side for ladies! 

Finally, now with the new Mayor, the municipally  tore down the signs .... 

I walk down those streets all the time and I walk on the ladies side, and when they sceram at me, I shout back in Yiddish that they "can all go to hell...." 
First they stop ... hearing Yiddish from guy that doesn't wear "longeh gatchkes" ... then they run in the other direction ....

Reb Chaim Kanievsky Totally Ignores Party All around Him

?Is this crazy or what
R' Chaim is totally immersed in the sugyeh that he is learning, and they make a whole simcha around him
The answer of course is that R' Chaim isn't at all interested to be bothered and this is all a show for the askanim

Monday, February 4, 2019

Headstone of girl buried in Har Hamnuchot reads: She Was Murdered by the Doctors!

A visitor to the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Jerusalem will be surprised to see the headstone for one girl buried at the cemetery, which states that she was "murdered by the doctors."

"She was murdered by the doctors at Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem under the law of the Knesset of the heretics and the masses, may their names be erased. May G-d avenge her blood. All is in the hands of the almighty," the headstone reads.

Last month, 16-year-old Uriah Mahfoud passed away at Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center. She had been hospitalized following the development of difficulties in her motor functions that indicated problems in her brain functions. Her condition deteriorated and she was declared brain dead.
The medical staff at the hospital issued a death certificate for the girl even though her heart was still beating, in line with the accepted medical opinion that brain death is true death.

The girl's father refused to accept the death certificate and petitioned the court against the hospital's conduct. The judges accepted the hospital's decision.

After the girl's heart stopped beating, the girl was laid to rest with the family's agreement.

The status of brain death as true death has been a subject of debate among halakhic scholars and rabbis for decades. In 1986, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel issued a ruling recognizing brain death as true death.

Rav Elyashiv's Army Recruitment Certificate Being Auctioned

I guess this was way before Rav Shmuel Auerbach's royal decree, that Yeshivah Boys shouldn't even register for the draft! 

Shortly before the establishment of the State of Israel, a law for compulsory recruitment was enacted alongside the תורה אומנותו Law, which granted yeshivah students exemption from military service and other exemptions due to social reasons. Rebbe Elyashiv reported on the 24th of November 1948, in Jerusalem Conscription Center and received a service exemption.

The certificate (pictured above) he was issued includes personal information such as his year of birth, height, marital status, children, address, occupation, job location and reason for his exemption. It is complete with a photo of him at age 38 and boasts his full signature.

The opening bid: $5,000.00
Estimate: $7,000.00 - $10,000.00
Auction will take place Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
for more info contact: moshe@genazym.com
and say DIN sent you!