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Monday, December 17, 2018

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17, & 18

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

"דף י''ב.."רוב מצויים אצל שחיטה מומחים הם    
Page 12 Mesectas Chullin  
"Most 'Ritual Slaughterers' Are Experts" 

The daf discusses a case where Reuvein asks Shimon the "shoichet" "please go to my chicken coup and slaughter 5 chickens." 
Approximately two hours later Reuvein goes to the chicken coup and finds 5 slaughtered chickens near the coup.
He did not see Shimon there and isn't sure whether Shimon in fact slaughtered the chickens.
Reuvein now questions whether he is allowed to eat those chickens.

We have a universal principle in reference to agents "sheluchim" that in the majority of cases, the agent for some reason does not follow thru with directives!
Therefore in most cases, one cannot rely that the agent actually followed thru with his mission ....

Nevertheless we have a novel halacha here that Reuvein is permitted to eat the chickens.
Because our rabbis instituted a principle that "most ritual slaughterers are experts in their field," therefore, even though Reuvein is not sure that his agent Shimon followed his directives to slaughter the chickens, we can assume that whoever did in fact slaughter the chickens was an expert, one who fears G-d and Reuvein can rely on whoever slaughtered the chickens that it was done according to halacha!

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Trial Begins For Peleg Terrorist Arrested At Protest With Knife ... His Claim: "He needs knife to cut apples!"

A Terrorist masquerading as a Yeshiva Bochur who took part in a protest in Elad about six months ago, a protest against the arrest of terrorist bochrim who do not report to the draft, began his trial on Sunday. 
His situation became complicated, for when he was arrested, he was found to be carrying a knife. While he was released from detention for protesting, an indictment was filed against him for carrying the knife.
According to the Kikar Shabbos News report, the bochur is a talmid in Yeshivas Knesset Yechezkel in Elad and since that protest, has become engaged and hopes to be married in a month.
The family explains their son would never attack anyone including police, with the knife, which he uses to cut apples. They call on the tzibur to be mispallel for him, Shlomo Tzvi ben Leah Ita.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

HaRav Chanina Herzberg Longtime Menahel At Yeshiva of South Shore, Rov In Far Rockaway Niftar at 69

Rav Herzberg was the Menahel of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of South Shore for nearly 40 years.
Growing up in East New York, he attended Yeshiva Toras Chaim as a young boy, under Rav Yitzchok Schmidman and went to Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin where he learned under Rav Yitzchok Hutner. When Rav Shlomo Freifeld began Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv, in Far Rockaway, he was from the early Talmidim. He grew under Rav Shlomo to become a talmid muvhak and a mechaneich par excellence.
After his reputation grew as on of the outstanding Rabbeim and later s’gan Menahel of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe, Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky invited him to assume the role of Menahel of his Yeshiva of South Shore which had merged with Rav Schmidman’s Yeshiva Toras Chaim, a role he held until his petirah.
Rav Herzberg was the Rav of Kehillas Ohr Shlomo in Far Rockaway named in memory of his rebbe, Rav Shlomo Freifeld zt”l
Rav Herzberg was married to Naomi Spiegel, the daughter of Rav Moshe Spiegel z”l, who was the son of Rav Elchonon Yochanan, the Ostroveh Kalushiner Rebbe.
He leaves behind, his wife and six children, Reb Moshe; Reb Mendy; Rav Eli, a rebbe at Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Rav Yitzchock, menahel of the elementary school of Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Reb Yudy, Rivky Nachman, Brocha Kaplan
The Levaya will take place Sunday Morning 10:30 AM at Yeshiva Toras Chaim Bais Binyamin, 1170 William Street, Hewlett, NY

Posters Announcing Murder of Chareidie Soldier Vandelized in Meah Shearim on Shabbos!

The entire nation is saddened by the murder of the IDF soldiers in a terror attack last week, but the extremists animals living in Meah Shearim have no heart and no soul!

Here was a guy, Yosef Cohen HY"D that was murdered protecting these savages, and died according to all poiskim "Al Kiddush Hashem" and yet you have a bunch of parasites, who never worked a day in their lives, masquerading as frum observant Jews, tearing down posters announcing the death .... on Shabbos!!

The posters did not mention the fact that he was a soldier, being sensitive to the residents of Meah Shearim. 
And only read: 
"With deep and piercing sorrow, we announce the murder in cold blood  of my son, our dear brother and grandson, the son of Rabbi Eitan Cohen zt "l of the Bratslav Chassidus who ascended into the heavens on Kiddush Hashem on Thursday, Tevet 5769" 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Frum Santa Claus!! Says "It's a Mitzvah"

Rick Rosenthal is a professional, year-round Santa who also attends Congregation Young Israel of Toco Hills in Atlanta

Just like any other Santa Claus, Santa Rick will spend much of the next couple of weeks sitting children on his knee, asking whether they’ve been good and listening to their Christmas wishes.

If it’s a Saturday, he may have slept overnight in the building. And he’ll only accept payment after nightfall.

For Santa Rick’s last name is Rosenthal, and he’s an Orthodox Jew who does not drive or handle money on Shabbat. But that doesn’t stop him from doing his job.

“I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t help a child,” said Rosenthal, 66, who lives in Atlanta and attends Young Israel of Toco Hills. “If you look at the world as children do, that’s a better feeling. I’m a better person and a better Jew because I’m Santa.”

Rosenthal — a full-time, professional Santa — sees no contradiction between serving as the symbol of Christmas and living as an observant Jew. To him, Santa is a nonreligious spiritual figure who provides trust, reassurance and comfort to the young and old.

He says that anyone who is inclined to criticize him for working as a Santa should consider ways they help non-Jews observe holidays — like working a shift on Christmas when Christians take the day off.

“As a Jew, we are to be a light unto the world,” Rosenthal said, paraphrasing a famous Jewish aphorism from the Bible. “That’s one of our jobs. If we can help make people’s lives better, we should do that. 
It’s a mitzvah. If we can ease tensions between Jews and non-Jews, we can do that.”

Just wondering..... Which one of the 613 mitzvois is this?

"Sola Kokosh Mar"

They now made Hungarian the language of the Jew murderers, holy! 

But Ivrit is treif! 

Sleazy Vaad of Flatbush Now Says "apology" Was A Forgery!

Rabbi Goldberg head of the Vaad Haganavim denied signing the apology letter and referred to the statement as a “forgery.” He did not add any further comments. 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Flatbush Vaad Backs Down and Allows "Ladies Only" Party

City anti-discrimination law trumped religious rules in the case of a Jewish lesbian comic Brooklyn rabbis sought to bar from performing at a kosher restaurant on New Year’s Eve.
The Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush had put the kosher kibosh on Leah Forster’s gig after it decided allowing the restaurant to host it would be a violation of Jewish law.
But the Vaad changed its mind Thursday, four days after the Daily News highlighted Forster’s case on the front page.

Israeli Satmar "Shvantz" Wants His Son To Get Killed!

Not only is he ready to die .... but he is willing to take his very own son on his journey to the 70 virgins!

Dumb Actress Natalie (Hershlag) Portman blasts "Jewish" Israel as 'racist' On Arab TV!

The dummy Natalie Hershlag, who now calls herself Portman, born by chance in Yerushalyim, went on an Arab TV station and blasted the Jewish State.

 Married to a goy, this utterly brainless piece of turd knows little or even less about her own People and nothing about Judaism.

She uttered these views in an interview with BBC in Arabic, i.e. she wishes her movies to be shown in Arab countries where human rights do not exist, and Jews are not allowed to live there.

She should live in Ramallah with her friends.

Father of murdered soldier reveals son's final words

Rabbi Eliyahu Merav, the father of Yossi Cohen, one of the soldiers who fell in the shooting attack at the Givat Asaf junction earlier today, spoke to Channel 10 News about his son's final words.

"Yossi was a beautiful and pure soul. He was on a mission. We sent him with great love," the bereaved father told the news station. 

"When we sat at [our last] Shabbat meal and everyone thanked us for something, Yossi said, 'I thank God that I have the right to protect the people of Israel with my body.'" Yossi was a pure soul, a devoted child who only wanted to help since he was a little boy, and G-d took him."

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Two Chareidi IDF Soldiers From Nachal Chareidi Murdered

Yossi Cohen HY”D
Yuval Mor Yosef HY”D

Two Israelis were murdered and another two injured – one critically – in a Palestinian terror attack Thursday morning, just one mile from the Ofra attack earlier this week.
According to the latest information available, shots rang out from a vehicle at Givat Assaf Junction in the Binyamin Regional Council area of Shomron at about 11:15AM this morning, Thursday, 5 Teves. The gunfire was directed at Israelis standing at a hitchhiking post at the location, which is about two kilometers (1.2 miles) south of Yishuv Ofra, on Route 60, the main north/south road in Shomron.
After stopping the blue Mitsubishi, a terrorist got out and began firing at soldiers and civilians at the hitchhiking station. He then got back into the vehicle and fled the scene. A manhunt for the terrorist is underway at this time. The area remains shut down. It appears the terrorist abandoned the blue sedan near Ein Tut and entered Ramallah on foot. The IDF has sealed off Ramallah and no one is permitted to enter or leave as they are working to locate the terrorist responsible for this latest fatal attack.
Two IDF Soldiers were pronounced dead on the scene following life-saving efforts. They were in traumatic arrest as a result of their massive injuries.
The soldiers have been identified as:
Yossi Cohen HY”D from Yerushalayim. He previously lived in Bnei Brak. His father was Niftar around 5 years ago, and was the dentist of Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky.

Ted Cruz Grows a Flatbush Beard ...

Watch: Footage of attack in J'lem's Old City

Arab Animal Who Killed Two Israelis at Barkan Shot Dead By IDF, Ending 2 Month Manhunt

After a two month manhunt, the IDF eliminated the terrorist wanted in the Barkan attack which left two Israelis dead.
Ashraf Na’alowa, was killed early Thursday morning by Israeli security forces as they tried to arrest him near Nablus (Shechem).
Involved in the operation was the IDF, Shin Bet and Israel police. He was armed at the time he was shot.
The two victims in the terrorist shooting attack in the Barkan Industrial Park were 28-year-old Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel HY”D and 35-year-old Ziv Hajbi H”YD, both parents of young children.

Yehoshua Goldsmith 62 Missing In Israel

ZAKA is calling on the tzibur at large to assist in locating missing Bayit Vegan resident, 62-year-old Yehoshua Goldsmidt, who was last in touch with family on Wednesday, 4 Teves. 
The ZAKA alert points out “There is a real fear for his life”.
Anyone with information on his whereabout is urged to call ZAKA at 1220 (without an asterisk).

Pinchos Kreiner, 71 Killed By Truck in Boro-Park

An elderly Jewish man was R”L struck and killed by a truck on the border between Kensington and Boro Park, Wednesday morning.
Pinchos Kreiner, 71, was crossing McDonald Avenue and Cortelyou Road at around 7:30AM when he was struck and pinned under a truck. Paramedics were unable to save his life, and he was Niftar on the scene.
The NYPD Highway Collision Investigation Squad later arrested the driver for failing to yield to a pedestrian and failing to exercise due care.
The Niftar Davened at Rabbi Bluth Shul on East 2nd Street and Ditmas Avenue, as well as the Shomer Shabbos Shul on 13 Avenue.
He may have been returning from Shacharis when the accident happened.
Misaskim says that the Niftar was not married and never had any children. They request if people can please learn or Daven for the Neshama of Chaim Pinchos Tzvi ben Mattisyahu Z”L.
Levaya information is unknown as an NYPD investigation is underway.
Misaskim is working closely with the NYC Medical Examiner and Police to ensure proper Kavod HaNiftar.

Frum 18 year old Seminary Girl Ordered Off El Al Flight, Forced to Undress & Searched Without Explanation

An 18-year-old girl was left traumatized by a recent flight on El Al Israel Airlines, after she was ordered off the plane, forced to undress and searched – all without explanation.
The victim said that she arrived at Toronto Pearson airport this past Sunday afternoon and stood on line at the check-in counters. As is usual protocol with El Al, security personnel approached and asked standard security questions. Where she is coming from, who packed her luggage etc. They asked if she was flying alone or with someone else, and she replied that she was flying alone. She was asked the purpose of her trip and replied that she studies in seminary in Israel. They then asked who paid for her ticket, and she replied that she had paid for it.
The victim says she was then asked where she had money from to be able to pay for a ticket, a question she felt was irrelevant and intrusive. However, she answered that she saved up allowance money and had bought the ticket. Security then let her proceed with the check-in process. She checked in her bags and headed towards the gate.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sefardie Rabbi Fanatics Warn French Jews To Keep Their Children In France Rather Than Have them Educated in Eretz Yisroel

Over the years since the State of Israel has been established, Sefardim by-in-large fled all their home countries and made Aliyah. They are thriving in Israel and there are more Frum Sefardim in Eretz Yisroel than ever before. 
There are Sfardishe Shuls on practically every corner in Israel....

But Sefardishi Rabbis in France are frightened that because of anti-Semitism, their constituents will either leave or worse will send their children to be educated in Israel, hoping that they will stay in Israel and not face annihilation either by assimilation or be physically attacked by the Arabs in France.

The French Rabbis will have to look for employment elsewhere.

The Rabbis asked the Sefardie Bais Din Zedek in Yerushalyim to issue a "kol korah" to warn French Jews not to send the children to  Israel, because tin Israel they may G-D forbid become Zionists and leave Judaism.

The facts are actually the opposite, French Jews are assimilating in France at an alarming rate, and their only hope is for them to make Aliyah and at least the children will marry Jews.

French Jews are ignoring the stupid letter and are making Aliyah by the thousands, in fact the price of housing in Israel is rising because of  French Jews who are buying houses like crazy ....

Yanky Kanievski On His SmartPhone

He is the grandchild of R' Chaim Kanievski and he is the one you have to deal with if you want to see the Gadol Hador. 
But ................. if you have a smartphone you cannot enter the room that R' Chaim holds court; there is a huge sign in front of the door that reads that it is "Forbidden To Enter The Room If you Own a Smartphone."
Who do you think put up the sign??????
Yup you guessed right...... R' Yanky Kanievski....
He is also the guy who is his grandfather's spokesman, and is arguably he most powerful guy in the Yeshivishe Litvisher World!