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Thursday, May 10, 2018

New Square & Monroe Have the Highest Poverty Rate In The Entire USA Yet Have the Highest Real Estate Prices

A report published by financial news and opinion website 24/7 Wall Street gives New Square the dubious honor of being both the poorest town in New York State and the town with the highest poverty rate in the nation.
According to the report (http://bit.ly/2G1WaPU), the median household income in New Square is $21,773, $38,968 less than the median household income in the state.
Kiryas Joel came in a close second to New Square, with median household incomes of almost $5,000 higher. 
Only four towns on the state by state listing of poorest towns in the United States had median household incomes lower than New Square:  South Tucson, Arizona, East Cleveland, Ohio, Brownsville, Florida and Ville Platte, Louisiana.
Poverty rates in the study were defined as an annual income of less than $25,100 per year for a family of four, with New Square’s 70 percent rate far surpassing Centerville, Illinois’s 50.1 percent poverty rate, the second highest in the nation. 
New Square also had the highest rate of SNAP recipients in the country with 77.1 percent of the village’s residents relying on supplemental aid programs to feed their families.
According to the report, towns with a significant population of low income residents typically have relatively low housing prices. New Square was the exception to that rule, with median housing prices higher than that of the state average.
The report was based on data from the United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, with social and economic factors based on five year estimates for the period of 2012 through 2016. 
Among the areas studied by the report were percentage of adults with high school and college diplomas, local poverty and SNAP recipient rates and median home values. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Not Only Belz Rebbitzen Surrounded Herself With Men, Satmar Rebbitzen Did The Same!

In the Satmar Newspapers they photoshopped out the rebbbetzin in this photo!

The rule amongst the Satmar hypocrites is that there must be a mechitzah between men and women even in restaurants .... but that only applies to the regular Szlub Chassidim, but it doesn't apply to the Holy Rebbitzen, the wife of R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Gypsy Romanian Cult.

Trump Kills "Ezra Friedlander's" Iran Deal

Guys, remember when the Kapo Ezra Friedlander tried to convince his own brothers and sisters that Nadler's vote for the murderous Iran Deal was a good thing?
Remember when the Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum of Monroe sent letters to US congressmen that they "stab Israel" and vote for the Iran Deal which basically gave Iran nuclear capabilities to destroy C"V, Israel?
Well, Trump, a goy, destroyed the deal, shutting up these Jewish Reshaim!
A US president is pushing back on Iran’s dangerous and growing power.
President Trump’s decision Tuesday to withdraw from Team Obama’s badly flawed Iran deal and reimpose sanctions sends a clear message to the mullahs: The jig’s up.
As Trump noted, the accord left Iran free to develop nukes within a decade, even as Washington unfroze billions in Iranian assets and lifted sanctions that had left the regime gasping. And it let Tehran keep developing ever-more-deadly and longer-range missiles.
More, it encouraged Iran’s inflaming of conflicts across the region and expanding its influence at the expense of US allies.
Now US sanctions will return in coming months, leaving companies in Europe and elsewhere with the choice of doing business with Iran or the United States. Other measures against the country’s Central Bank will make it tough to do business even with companies that are still willing.
And sanctions related to insurance will make it far harder to ship Iranian oil — Tehran’s chief source of foreign money.
This, when the regime already faces mass protests over the fact that it devoted the cash freed up by the deal not to domestic needs but to its military and its foreign adventurism. With its currency already collapsing, can it risk fresh confrontation?
Indeed, while Tehran talked tough in the runup to Trump’s announcement, its immediate reaction was not to restart its programs or turn inspectors away, but to seek talks with Europe, Russia and China about preserving the deal.
French President Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, called for negotiations to strengthen the deal enough to bring the United States back in — by addressing all the flaws Trump has flagged.
This, when the Obama crew had insisted this was the best accord anyone could get — though it denied inspectors full access to Iran’s military sites and, again, left it free to openly resume its nuke work in a few years.
Far better to wipe the slate clean now, and begin working to stop Iran before it grows stronger.
“America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail,” said Trump. Hear, hear.
But now he’ll need to follow up — not just with restored sanctions, but with a full-court press to roll back Iran’s march of evil.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Palestinian President Claims Jews’ Behavior Caused the Holocaust Just Like the Va'Yoel Moshe

Reading the report (below), I have to believe that the bastard Abbas must be learning the Va"Yoel Moshe, authored by R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Satmar Dynasty.

R' Yoel Teitelbaum, wrote that Jews that were Zionists were the cause of the Holocaust! 
I'm not making this up ..... according to R' Yoel's bizarre theory, the Zionists colluded with Hitler ym"s to murder six million Jews!!!
The Zionists at the time had no army and no country.... but that didn't stop the Satmarer Rebbe from spreading this idiotic theory..... and his chassidim are still buying this as I type this. 
And get this ..... Zionists living in Europe were also murdered by the Nazis, because the Nazis didn't differentiate between a Chassidishe Jew wearing "vaaseh zoken" and a Jew wearing a Kipah Serugah, the ovens consumed everything thrown in.

So why is Abbas who is parroting the Va'Yoel Moshe, an anti-Semite???
Isn't he only repeating the words from the Satmar book, verbatim?

In yet another long and disoriented rant on Monday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas took his antisemitic sentiment to a new level.
Abbas told a Palestinian National Council session that the Jewish people — not antisemitism or the Nazis — caused the Holocaust, through their “social behavior,” The Times of Israel reported.
According to Abbas, the mass genocide of more than six million Jews was a result of the Jews’ “social behavior, [charging] interest, and financial matters.”
Abbas also claimed that Israel is a European colonial project, that European Jews have “no historical ties” to Israel, and that “those who sought a Jewish state weren’t Jews.”
Denying Jewish identity and Jewish rights to any part of Israel are other forms of antisemitism that Abbas frequently embraces.
In a January 14 address to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council, Abbas spent more than two hours ranting about the history of Zionism in a conspiratorial fashion. He claimed that Jews moved to Israel solely for ideological and colonial reasons, not because of persecution — “even during the Holocaust.”
In the same speech, he went off on a blatantly antisemitic tirade that attempted to de-legitimize any Jewish presence in the state of Israel: “The significance of Israel’s functional character is that colonialism created it in order to fill a specific role; it is a colonialist project that is not connected to Judaism, but made use of the Jews so they would serve as pawns…”
These antisemitic comments are reminiscent of his Holocaust-denying doctoral thesis, which grossly underestimates the number of Jews killed in the genocide and focuses on an unsubstantiated relationship between Zionists and Nazis.
While trying to present a moderate face for years, recent developments show that the Palestinian president has become a hostile and outwardly racist leader, who continues to alienate the Palestinian people.

Satmarer Chassidim Arrested for Fraud in Bet Shemesh

The Minhag in the Zionist State of Israel, "miyamim kadmonim shel Dovid ben Gurion, is that if you want to open a Shul, the Zionists provide the land for gratis...

So the Satmarer Aronim followers went and negotiated from the "cursed" Zionists a huge piece of land in Bet Shemesh to build a Bais Medrish and got the land for absolutely nothing as per the "cursed" law of the Zionists.

But they noticed that they could build over 100 homes on this land, why should they build a Mokon Torah if they can make millions building homes, so they bribed the Zionists Bet Shemesh Construction inspectors and started building regular homes.

They all got arrested!

Police arrested ten senior officials from the Beit Shemesh municipality in an early morning raid on Sunday. Authorities ransacked Beit Shemesh city hall and conducted searches in suspects' private homes.

Police said they are investigating senior Beit Shemesh officials over suspicions of bribery and breach of trust. The probe centers around allegations that officials converted a building destined for use by a Yeshiva to a private residential complex.

The investigation is a being conducted in cooperation with the Tax Authority and the Jerusalem District Attorney's office.
The Israel Police said that it would "continue to investigate and expose improper processes, in a conflict of interest, and to seek and reach any place where there is suspicion of public corruption that harms government and normative citizens."

Belzer Rebbitzen Surrounded by Singing Chassidim

Can you just imagine the outcry if a YU Modern Rabbanit would "feer tish" with a bunch of men  sitting near her and singing

Monday, May 7, 2018

Why I love Israel .......

Driving up the Number 2 Highway, I noticed a sign straight ahead. It was of a big slice of Cheesecake and it said, "Happy Shavuot!" It's only a few weeks away and the bakeries want to get a head start on sales. I can still smell the smoke from last night's bonfires. I am not sure if the majority of people know what L'ag Ba'Omer, even Shavuout is all about, but they sure do celebrate them. It's not just a part of our religion, it's a part of our nationality.

Every Purim the skies light up with fireworks. It's as if we defeated the Persians yesterday. Now that we are locked in a fight to the death with modern day Persia, Purim comes to life. We celebrate like the actual events happened yesterday.  

We are a nation like any other, mixing religion into our national identity. This wasn't accomplished by the nationalist right: it was the vision of the secular socialist Zionist leadership who founded our country.

They modeled our flag after a prayer shawl. They declared our name Israel, making us the only nation on earth to incorporate G-d's Holy Name into our national title. They set our country in the Biblical Land of Israel, not Uganda. They declared Shabbat a national holiday and closed all government offices. The IDF was commanded to keep Kosher while David Ben Gurion was Prime Minister. 

The United States does the same. New Year's is at the beginning of January (the Christian calendar), and not Tishrei (Jewish) or Muharram (Muslim). January 1 is related the life of the central figure in Christianity. The holiday season in America starts with Thanksgiving, enshrined by President George Washington as, "a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God", and concludes on Christmas.  

America is a Christian nation, and its "secular" traditions reinforce this. The same can be said for Canada, England, and Mexico.

So why not us?

In Israel, every Jew has the opportunity to feel comfortable in his own flesh by simply being an Israeli citizen. When he eats, it will most likely be at a kosher restaurant. He doesn't work on Shabbat or Festivals. Religious or not, he will know what each festival is. How else can he remind his boss why the office will be closed?
We are a nation where Jews wearing head covering are part of every walk of life, from the workplace to the war zone. We are a nation where a local sitcom had an entire episode dedicated to the politics of who is coming for Passover Seder – it was a two-parter! In the past 18 months, over 3 shows have aired about Haredim and their growing role in Israeli life.
Just like every other country, our religious identity is a part of our national identity. Because we are a free and diverse society, it doesn't get in the way of other religions. Muslims have no problems practicing their faith here anymore than they would in Christian America.

For over 40 years, my uncle, living in the Jewish wastelands of New York, was the organizer of the company Christmas party. 

Last winter I was asked to recite the blessings over the Hannukah candles for our company party in Netanya.
These small, everyday examples of being able to wear our faith on our sleeves in peace gives me immeasurable pride every time I am on the line with a client from overseas and they ask where I am calling from.

Every week you can expect me, David Ben Horin, to be writing this column, Thank God for Israel. Writing and fighting to give my every morsel of wisdom to the good people who love my beloved country. Even to the not so good people who should love my country, it's never too late to see the light. Check out http://www.succeedinisrael.com.

Discovery of Bar Kochba-Era Coin in Israel and Not in Monroe

Satmar Chassidim are astonished that this archeological find was found in Israel and not in their "holy" city of Monroe!
On the other hand, Yeshivishe fanatics are begging the State of Israel to keep this historical find a secret, because these coins prove that the Jews had an army and a draft.... 
As Jews across Israel and around the world celebrated Lag B’Omer, a holiday commemorating the life of anti-Roman Torah sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Israeli authorities announced that they had found a symbol of the revolt by Shimon bar Kochba against the Romans in the form of a small bronze coin.
The single round coin was discovered as part of an archaeological excavation in a limestone cave outside the city of Modi’in. Etched on one side is a seven-branched date tree bearing two clusters of dates and inscribed with the letters shin mem ayin for Shimon, the leader of the rebellion against the Roman occupation of Israel. The other side contains an etching of a grape leaf and the abbreviated inscription L’Herut Yerushalayim or “For the Liberty of Jerusalem.”
The find took place as part of a joint excavation carried out by the Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), Bar-Ilan University and Ariel University.
Archaeologists noted that the distance of the find, which included potsherds and glass shards, from Jerusalem indicates that the revolt had spread far from the city that stood at the center of the rebellion.
The Bar Kochba rebellion, or “Great Revolt,” lasted three-and-a-half years. During that time, more than 1,000 Jewish towns and 50 fortresses were destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed.
Rabbi Akiva—the mentor of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai—was one of many rabbinical leaders who supported Bar Kochba, and believed that he would be a messiah for the Jewish people.
The coin is believed to have been minted between the third and fourth year of the Bar Kochba revolt (136-134 C.E.).

Watch ABC News in 2008 Predicting That NYC Will Be Underwater by 2015

New York City underwater?
Gas over $9 a gallon?
A carton of milk costs almost $13?

Welcome to June 12, 2015. Or at least that was the wildly-inaccurate version of 2015 predicted by ABC News exactly seven years ago.

Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.The segment included supposedly prophetic videos, such as a teenager declaring, "It's June 8th, 2015. One carton of milk is $12.99." (On the actual June 8, 2015, a gallon of milk cost, on average, $3.39.) Another clip featured this prediction for the current year: "Gas reached over $9 a gallon." (In reality, gas costs an average of $2.75.)

His'gaarus Be"umois In Monroe

Satmar constantly accuses the State of Israel of "antagonizing the nations" , but it seems that what is "good for goose" is apparently not good for the gander.....
It all depends whose ox is being gored..... if it's good for Satmar they will 
throw the whole "hisgaarus be' umois" concept down the drain

Israel Waits for the Remains of R' Mendy Klein After Sudden Heart Attack

Reb Mendy Klein, 65, was involved in hundreds of causes, funding Kollelim, Yeshivos, and organizations around the globe.

He was supposed to be one of the honorees at the upcoming dinner for Agudath Israel of America.
He suffered a massive heart attack on Wednesday afternoon and was Niftar minutes later.
The Levaya will be held in Cleveland on Friday at 12:00PM in Yavne High School 2475 South Green Rd in Beachwood, Ohio.
Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel.was a well-known businessman, philanthropist and community leader.People have said that the entire Cleveland Jewish Community rested on his shoulders.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thousands Flocking to Meron But Reb Shimon Bar Yochai Wasnt Even Buried There

According to R' Menachem Hachevroni, a Rishon that lived during the 13th century, Reb Shimon ben Yochai is buried in Kfar Chananya, which is 15km south of Meron. 

Reb Binyomen of Toledo mentions being in Meron at the Kever of Hillel and Shammai, but there is no mention that Reb Shimon ben Yochai was also buried there. There is no doubt that if Reb Shimon was buried in Meron, R' Binyomin would have mentioned that.

And according to the Chida, there is absolutely no mekor that Reb Shimon ben Yochai was niftar on Lag Beomer. 

The first to mention the Yurzeit of Reb Shimon ben Yochai on Lag Be'omer is in the Sefer "Chemdas Ha'yamim, that some have accused of being from the Shabtzei Tzvi cult.

According to the Yavetz, R' Yaakov Me'Emdim, R' Shimon ben Yochai never wrote the Zohar HaKodosh, it was R' Moshe d'Leon!
Time to give credit where credit is due!

According to the Gemorrah Yevamos (62)12,000 pairs of the students of Rebbe Akivah died.  
The Midrash, however states that only 300 talmidim died...... go figure!

That Gemmorah states that all the talmidim died of a disease called "Askera." 
Rav Henkin and others say that "Askera" is a code word for getting killed by the Romans....
Were they in fact serving in the army?????? 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Fish Jumping For Joy Excited That DusIzNeis Made Aliyah

Who Needs Satmars When We Have Koreans

Free Bus Rides For Litvishe Boys in Israel

Roseanne Barr Says She Wants to Make Aliyah and Run for Prime Minister of Israel

Roseanne Barr said at the Jerusalem Post Conference on Sunday, April 29, that she wants to move to Israel and run for prime minister — and she also talked about her phone call from Donald Trump.
“I’ve met him several times when he was just a civilian, or whatever you call it, not the president, just a showbusiness person and he was always nice to me. …He said ‘Congratulations on the ratings,’ cause he’s really into ratings like I am,” she said at the conference in NYC.
Then the actress, who is Jewish, thanked the former reality TV star for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
“I want to thank you on behalf of my mother, and all the Jewish people, for moving the embassy to Jerusalem,” she told the businessman, adding that Trump told her that “a lot of presidents have promised it, but I wanted to get it done.” Trump’s decision to move the embassy has been a controversial one, but the Emmy winner believes “it’s the first step to peace in the world, I really do.”
Barr, who has been to Israel three times, told interviewer Dana Weiss, “I want to move to Israel and run for prime minister, I do. In 2012, I said I was gonna run for president of the United States and prime minister of Israel, a twofer. I do have that fantasy. If God calls me, I’ll go, of course.”