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Thursday, October 19, 2017

NYPD Quitely Remove "Chesed Bins" At Night!

From a Citizen ....

Many of us have seen the dropoff bins put out at various locations in Flatbush  by the Chesed Center. (They have other bins in other parts of the city as well) 

I’ve observed over the past months many well meaning  people dropping off expensive clothing, shoes, toys etc., apparently in the belief that it will go to a good cause.

To be clear, I do not vouch for the legitimacy of the Chesed Center, and to what extent or what percentage of donations reach the intended recipients. One clearly has reason to question the veracity of a “chesed” organization, that prior to the present time was not known, and has no office address, its only presence being on the www. ; You  can do your own google research .and find that many a donation bin was only a scam, the donated clothing not going to the needy, but  for recycling with  proceeds to the owner

But turning back to the issue at hand, these bins have been here for a while, and (for whatever reason)  no action was taken by law enforcement. That was until tonight.

Last night, under cloak of darkness, NYPD Officers  of the 66th Precinct, had this donation bin (and its contents) towed from Avenue I off of Ocean Parkway. The  obvious concern is one of due process;  notice and an opportunity by the Chesed Center.

Why did the NYPD act in a sneaky way to tow on a late weekend night, hoping no one would notice. But more important is the notion of selective enforcement; this  bin as opposed to others. If  they are all illegal they all should have been towed. 

I tried calling the 66th precinct at (718) 851 5611 and asking for an explanation. I was put on an indefinite hold. Maybe your luck will be better.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Zionists say that eating fruits daily reduces the risk of developing blood and lymph cancers, and cuts the risk of contracting a variety of malignancies including lung, bladder, gastric and esophageal cancer; and eating tree nuts (not peanuts) minimizes the danger of recurrence and death from colorectal cancer.

These findings were reported on Tuesday by the Zionist Israel Cancer Association, which held a press conference in advance of its annual Knock on the Door fund-raising campaign next Monday. The campaign will be headed this year by Liora Ofer, chairman of Melisron and Ofer Investments.

Ofer said: “Sometimes it seems that none of us has enough mental resources to cope with pain, helplessness, seemingly endless treatments and loss. This disease does not distinguish between people. Therefore, we need more than ever to mobilize to combat cancer. At the ICA, each patient receives an attentive ear and professional advice for the specific treatment and for the doctor or hospital that specializes in the specific type of illness.”

ICA director-general Miri Ziv added: “Cancer has no territorial boundaries. It hurts people all over the world, so every achievement in cancer research, including here in Israel, means success of the entire world in the fight against cancer. Indeed, new methods developed from studies conducted in Israel are implemented today here and abroad.”

Prof. Lital Keinan Boker, deputy director of the Health Ministry’s Center for Disease Control, reported on findings from the National Cancer Registry that while “the Israeli Arab population has lower incidence rates than the Jewish population for most cancers, the rates in the Arab sector are increasing over time, thus narrowing the gap with the Jewish population.” With high smoking and obesity rates, the consumption of a more Western, urban diet, and reduced fertility, Arab Israelis are putting themselves at higher risk for cancer.

An ICA-funded meta-analysis by several Israeli hospitals found that eating a lot of fresh produce reduces the risk of developing blood and lymph cancers, including Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myeloma and acute myeloid leukemia.

The study on tree nuts found that eating almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, macadamia, pecans and more can reduce the risk of obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes and cut the danger of the recurrence of colon cancer by 46% and death from it by 53% compared with patients who did not consume nuts.

A study conducted at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine found that the balance of seven genes in glioblastoma model systems may predict a significant prolongation of patients’ lives. Glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer, is known to be particularly violent. Some 97% of patients die within 14 months of diagnosis, and many die within a few months.

In the future, the studies may serve as a basis for the development of an effective cocktail of drugs for these deadly diseases and other cancers, Based on these results, the researchers developed materials that would identify and fluoresce cancer cells that remained in tissue in real-time, while surgically removing the tumor.

Cancer patients and their families are invited to contact the ICA telemedicine center 24 hours a day to ask questions and receive free newsletters on cancer treatment, treatments, rights and services, clinical studies, support groups, events and seminars for patients. 
Call 1-800-599 or go to the website at http://en.cancer.org.il.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Oh Oh! Vegas woman who claimed multiple gunmen dies unexpectedly ??????

Kymberley Suchomel

I'm not into conspiracy theories, but this seems very strange .. The 28-year old that claimed that there were multiple shooters, was found dead in her bed.

The 28-year-old shooting survivor had taken to Facebook to contradict the official story line.

Just over a week after living through the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history in Las Vegas on October 1, shooting survivor and witness Kymberley Suchomel passed away at the age of 28. 

Suchomel was uninjured in the shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, and after the terrifying event she used her Facebook presence to contradict the official story of a lone gunman. 

According to Kymberley Suchomel’s posts, there were multiple shooters involved in the horrific mass shooting that left 58 people dead and 546 injured. 

In fact, Suchomel, who was the co-founder of the High Desert Phoenix Foundation (a charity that financially assists victims of tragedies), claimed that she and those in her party were “chased” by more than one active shooter.
“Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one.
As we were running, we kept changing direction, because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed.”

BUSTED! Hillary Caught Using Hand Signals at Rigged Debate

Did A Sukkah Block Jewish Woman From Escaping Borough Park Apartment Fire?

Broken windows next to an erected sukkah on the fire escape is seen at the building where a raging fire left a woman in critical condition on Oct. 16-2017 (Eli Wohl/VINnews.com

A Brooklyn woman was one of 10 people injured in an apartment fire after her balcony exit was blocked by the sukkah erected on her balcony.
Daniella Livy Stauber , 53, the divorced mother of three adult children, remains unconscious and on a respirator at a local hospital,  the New York Daily News reported. The fire started early Monday morning in the Borough Park neighborhood.
Liby was unable to jump out a window of her second-floor apartment due to the metal bars covering them, and the sukkah blocked her escape from the balcony. She reportedly shouted for help while waiting to be rescued.
A Brooklyn woman was one of 10 people injured in an apartment fire after her balcony exit was blocked by the sukkah erected on her balcony.
Daniella Livy Stauber , 53, the divorced mother of three adult children, remains unconscious and on a respirator at a local hospital,  the New York Daily News reported. The fire started early Monday morning in the Borough Park neighborhood.
Liby was unable to jump out a window of her second-floor apartment due to the metal bars covering them, and the sukkah blocked her escape from the balcony. She reportedly shouted for help while waiting to be rescued.


Ezra Friedlander (left) listening to anti-Israel Senator Gillbrand 
Rachel Frommer of the Washington Free Beacon reports that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is scheduled to give the keynote address at an upcoming “social justice” conference funded by, and featuring high profile supporters of, the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement (BDS). 
The conference, Frommer notes, is co-sponsored by the Open Society Foundations, founded and funded by prominent left-wing billionaire George Soros. One of that organization’s objectives is to erode Israel’s status as a democracy on the world stage, according to internal emails leaked last year.
The conference Gillibrand will kick off features a who’s-who of Israel-hating speakers. Among them are Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Linda Sarsour. Regarding Garza, Frommer writes:
[She] has defended the Movement for Black Lives platform‘s inclusion of a pro-BDS policy, and both [she and Tometi] have been outspoken about their condemnation of Israel on social media.
This summer, Garza repeatedly tweeted her support for the Chicago Dyke March organizers expelling two Jewish Zionists from the event, writing, “Shoutout to @DykeMarchChi for standing up for their principals when folks tried to take it over for their own agenda.”
As for Tometi:
[She] has retweeted a link to a report claiming Israel forcibly sterilized female Ethiopian immigrants, a story that blew up on anti-Israel websites in 2013 after over 30 Ethiopian women claimed they were forced by Israeli officials to take contraceptives without their consent. An Israel governmental probe concluded in 2016 found “no evidence” of truth to these claims.
Tometi tweeted in 2012, “I can’t believe that sh*t!” in response to an Israeli flag being hung outside the New York Stock Exchange, in honor of the annual America-Israel Friendship League Israel Day at the NYSE.
We have written about the odious Sarsour here and here. Frommer notes that the fiery left-wing radical has repeatedly compared Zionists to white supremacists.
This is not a complete list of Israel-haters slated to speak at the conference Gillibrand will kick off. Frommer’s article cites several others.
Gillibrand, who is frequently mentioned as a potential Democratic candidate for national office, aligned herself with the interests of BDS on at least one previous occasion. In July, she pulled her endorsement of the bipartisan Israel Anti-Boycott Act, citing free speech concerns. This despite the fact that Gillibrand’s has taken past positions supporting restrictions on free expression.
Professor Eugene Kontorovich persuasively dismissed the notion that the legislation in question infringes on free speechs. Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that, to the extent there is such a concern, it could be assuaged simply by adding that “no provision of this law shall be construed in a manner that violates the First Amendment.”
As far as I know, Gillibrand offered no such language.
Gillibrand insisted that, despite pulling her support for the anti-BDS legislation, she “vehemently oppose[s] the BDS movement.” Her decision to deliver the keynote address at an event dominated by leading supporters of BDS casts doubt on her claim.
Is Gillibrand, who during her days in the House was considered moderate for a Democrat, trying to bolster her credibility with the increasingly powerful, if not dominant, left-wing faction of her Party? I don’t know, but it kind of looks that way.

Charedie Bochrim Attack and Spit on Brave Israeli Soldier

I will not be able to stress this enough. These disgraceful animals are not representative of the Ultra-Orthodox and Chasidic Jewish communities.
If anyone knows this BRAVE חיילת, PLEASE let her know that the orthodox Jewish people of America and Israel stand behind her!!
We know our apologies do not wipe the spittle from her face but we hope she hears and believes us when we say: Thank you for your service. Thank you for standing your ground. Thank you for protecting our land!

מי שבירך לצה”ל

We hope you can find a way to forgive our despicable “brethren”and their inexcusable actions.
I am at a loss for words.
A Thinking and Sorrowful Yid

Finally here see a video where the savage gets a "hosing"

Monday, October 16, 2017

The LIES and History Behind Yeshivah Draft Deferments That Chareidim Will Never Tell You

R' Chaim Ahron Kaufman

Enough with the "BS" "Gezeiras Ha'Gius"propaganda  .... read this interview and see my "emphasis' and "underline" in red! 

An interview with Rabbi Chaim Aharon Kaufman, Chairman of the Vaad Hayeshivos

by Yossi Goldschmiedt
The roots of Vaad Hayeshivos
Before we get into the current responsibilities and challenges of the Vaad Hayeshivos, can you please share with our readers the history of its establishment? Most of us have only heard of it recently, in connection with the draft law.

The Vaad Hayeshivos was established nearly one hundred years ago by the Chofetz Chaim and Hagaon Harav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, zecher tzaddikim livrachah, in 5684 (1924), to help yeshivos and yeshivaleit. In those days, there was no government funding for yeshivos, and their survival was at risk. So the Vaad was established for this purpose, setting up a joint pool for amassing sums for the upkeep of yeshivos. The Chofetz Chaim initiated a set fee that all families were obligated to pay towards this fund. If not for this assistance, the yeshivos might have been forced to close, chas v’shalom.
At the time, Vaad Hayeshivos served the yeshivos in Poland and Lithuania. Obviously, with the outbreak of World War II, the activities of the Vaad ceased. Yet, it is well known that some yeshivos and many bachurim found shelter in Vilna at the beginning of the war, and were supported by the Vaad, under the leadership of Harav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski.
In Eretz Yisrael in 5701 (1941), barely a year into the war, Vaad Hayeshivos was re-established. The Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael at the time, led by the Gerrer Rebbe, the Imrei Emes; Harav Isser Zalmen Meltzer; Harav Zalman Sorotzkin; the Abir Yaakov of Husyitan; and Harav Yechiel Michel Tekachinsky, zecher tzaddikim livrachah, among others, saw the need to establish a system similar to the one in place in Europe, pre-War, in building a new vibrant center for Torah. Harav Zalmen Sorotzin, who had been an active force in the pre-War Vaad, took a leading role in its reestablishment in Eretz Yisrael, taking dozens of yeshivos under its wing at the time.
Ultimately, this was the beginning of the great olam haTorah that there is today, baruch Hashem, in Eretz Yisrael. As part of its assistance to the Torah world, the Vaad published Gemaros, Chumashim and other sefarim, which were made available to yeshivos at cost price.
What was the role of the Vaad Hayeshivos in the original army service deferment?
In 5708 (1948), with the establishment of the State of Israel, the topic of army service came to the fore.
Through much siyatta diShmaya, an agreement allowing yeshivah students to be exempted from military service for as long as their sole occupation was Torah was signed into law in 1951. The new legal status was then named Toraso Umanuso.
The shtadlanus behind the scenes of this law included meetings between the government officials and Gedolei Yisrael. The chareidi askanim at the time, led by the Agudas Yisrael leader, Harav Yitzchok Meir Levin, zt”l,helped finalize the law.
At the time of the initial agreement, the Roshei Yeshivos stated clearly that the bachurim would be exempted from service for as long as they’d be learning. Not a blanket exemption, as many in the secular world believe. The Gedolim who worked this agreement out felt that this was the way to establish and build the olam haTorah.
The Vaad, which was led by the Gedolei Roshei Yeshivah of the time, was officially recognized as the authority with whom the government would deal to effect any further arrangements.
We must note that the Vaad Hayeshivos isn’t “for” or “against” the army; Vaad Hayeshivos’ raison d’etre has been, and is, to facilitate the unhindered Torah learning of anyone who wishes to do so. (Noteworthy is that Vaad Hayeshivos didn’t take a stance in the giyus banos saga, in adherence to its core mission, on behalf of yeshivos.)

Watch the Best and Smartest Gun Argument

Ponovitz Bochrim Singimg Chabad Tunes ...... MOshiach Must Be Here!

פונוביז' אמש אדמו"ר וחסידים -

Israel Discovers 1,800 years old Roman-Era Theater Extending From Kotel!

 Israeli archaeologists on Monday announced the discovery of the first known Roman-era theater in Jerusalem’s Old City, a unique structure around 1,800 years old that abuts the Western Wall and may have been built during Roman Emperor Hadrian’s reign.

The edifice’s elegant masonry was found during excavations carried out in the past two years below the Western Wall tunnels, a warren of ancient subterranean passageways running alongside a contested Jerusalem holy site built by King Herod in the first century B.C. The excavations plunged over 6 meters (20 feet) below ground, exposing eight previously uncovered courses of the Temple Mount’s western retaining wall.

Jews consider the Temple Mount the holiest site on earth, while Muslims refer to the walled compound as the Noble Sanctuary and consider it the third holiest after Mecca and Medina. It was the site of two Jewish temples in antiquity — the second renovated and expanded by Herod — and today is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock.

Joe Uziel, an Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist heading the dig, said that the theater-like structure is believed to date to the second or third centuries — the period after Rome razed the city in 70 and the Emperor Hadrian rebuilt it in the mid-second century as a Roman colony, Aelia Capitolina.

Ancient historical accounts mentioned the presence of theaters in Roman-era Jerusalem, but until now archaeologists had not found any of the structures.

Uziel speculates that the unfinished semi-circular theater may have been intended to serve as a small odeon, a venue for musical or theatric performances, or a bouleuterion, a place of assembly for the colony’s municipal officials.
It was relatively small, and might have been designed to seat around 200 people. The excavations have exposed the first row of seats, orchestra area, and part of the stage. Wilson’s Arch, part of a monumental causeway leading into the temple that soars above the theater, may have been employed for its acoustic properties.

“One of the amazing things is that because we’re beneath an arch, they would have had the arch to use as their roof,” Uziel said.

What remains unanswered is why the building wasn’t finished.

“After putting in all this effort of building such a grandiose building, what would cause them to stop,” Uziel wondered and suggested that the outbreak of the second Jewish revolt against Rome, from 132-135, could have halted construction and left the theater unfinished.
Zeev Weiss, a Roman archaeologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who wasn’t involved in the excavation, said the discovery of such a central civic building was “a great find.”
Most of the major public structures from Roman Jerusalem — the large theater, forum, basilica and bathhouse — remain undiscovered.
“Hopefully one day those will be found as well,” Weiss said.
Uziel hopes further excavation of the theater will better inform scholars about daily life in Roman Jerusalem in the decades after Jerusalem and its temple were razed.
“I believe that this is one of the indications that also during that period between the Second Temple and between the rise of Christianity, Jerusalem was also an important Roman colony, not just a wasteland, no-man’s land where the legion sat around,” he said.

An ultra orthodox jewish man visits at an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)An ultra orthodox jewish man visits at an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
Joe Uziel, an archeologist from the Israeli Antiquity Authority cleans stones at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)Joe Uziel, an archeologist from the Israeli Antiquity Authority cleans stones at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
An ultra orthodox jewish man visits at an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)An ultra orthodox jewish man visits at an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
Ultra orthodox jewish men visit at an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)Ultra orthodox jewish men visit at an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
Tehillah Lieberman (L) and Joe Uziel, archeologist from the Israeli Antiquity Authority at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)Tehillah Lieberman (L) and Joe Uziel, archeologist from the Israeli Antiquity Authority at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)
Tehillah Lieberman, an archeologist from the Israeli Antiquity Authority cleans stones at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem's Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Credit: Flash90)Tehillah Lieberman, an archeologist from the Israeli Antiquity Authority cleans stones at the site of an ancient Roman theater-like structure that have been hidden for 1,700 years at the Western Wall tunnels underneath Jerusalem’s Old City on October 16, 2017, the ancient Roman theater-like structure was hidden for 1,700 years, it was uncovered during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Trump defies both Satmar Rebbes and Decides Not to Recertify Iran Nuclear Deal

In 2015,  the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe,   R' Aron Teitelbaum encouraged his naive sheep to write letters to US Congressmen that they not attend Netanyahu's anti-Iran speech given to Congress ...

Both "feuding" Satmar Rebbes officially endorsed the disastrous Iran deal, that put 6 million Jews in Israel and the USA in jeopardy.

They supported Obama that committed the US to a deal that was deeply flawed, both in content and scope. 

In addition to paving a way for the mullahs to get nukes, the "deal" completely ignored the fact that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism and, rather than curb the aggression, the deal has emboldened Iran.
As Trump said Friday, “We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more ­violence, more terror, and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakthrough.”

Yet the "feuding" Rebbes of Satmar, only interested in free programs and not in the security of Jews living in Israel, endorsed this suicidal "deal."

Trump stuck his thumb into their eyes.

R' Aron Lauber Passes Away on Simchas Torah in Antwerp

Ari Lauber z"l moved to China about 15 years ago, and found his wife (who was from Antwerp) there. 
Ari's wedding in 2010 took place in China and it was the first Chassidic wedding to take place there.
 Vosizneias  covered it .. 

Ari died in Antwerp on Simchas Torah.
See Ari at his wedding ... see him at 1.30

R' Shaya Blum 32 Passes Away on Shabbos in Williamsburg

He was the Son-in-law of R' Kalman Fried and died suddenly in his father-in-law's home .

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Chag Samaiach!

Bereishit: Tasty fruit trees

Moreinu Rav Avraham Yitzchok HaCohein Kook z"l
by Moreinu Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l

The account in the Torah describing Creation and the beginnings of mankind is not particularly encouraging. We read of Adam’s sin, the murder of Abel, the origins of idol worship, the corrupt generation of the Flood, and so on.

The Kabbalists used the term shevirat ha-keilim, breaking of the vessels, to describe the many difficulties that occurred in the process of creating the world. With this phrase, they wished to convey the idea that the limited physical realm was incapable of accepting all of the spiritual content that it needed to contain. Like a balloon pumped with too much air, it simply burst.

The Midrash (Breishit Rabbah 5:9) relates that these failings were not only with the human inhabitants of the universe, but also with the heavenly bodies (a power struggle between the sun and the moon) and even with earth itself. The “vessels broke” on many different levels.

What was the “rebellion of the earth”?
God commanded the earth to give forth “fruit trees producing fruit” (Gen. 1:11). The earth, however, only produced “trees producing fruit” (Gen. 1:12). God’s intention, the Midrash explains, was that the trees would be literally fruit trees - i.e., the taste of the fruit would be in the tree itself. Were one to lick the bark of an apple tree, for example, it would taste like apple.
What does this mean? Why should the trees taste like their own fruit?

Appreciating the Path
Rav Kook explained that the Midrash is describing a fundamental flaw of nature. One of the basic failings of our limited world is that we are unable to appreciate the means - the path we take towards a particular goal - as much as we value the goal itself. We set for ourselves many goals, both short-term and long-term; and we are usually excited, even inspired, by the vision of accomplishing our final objectives. But how much exhilaration do we feel in our laborious, day-to-day efforts to attain these goals?

A number of factors - the world’s material character, life’s transient nature, and the weariness of spirituality when confined to a physical framework - contribute to the current state of affairs, so that we can only sense true fulfillment after attaining the ultimate goal.

G-d’s intention, however, was that the soul would be able to feel some of the inspiration experienced when contemplating a sublime goal also during the process of achieving that end. 

This is the inner meaning of the Midrash: the means (the fruit tree) should also contain some of the taste, some of the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that we feel in the final goal (the fruit).

In the future, the flaws of Creation will be corrected, including the sin of the earth. The world’s physical nature will no longer obstruct the resplendent light of the ideal while it is being accomplished through suitable means. Then we will be able to enjoy genuine awareness of the ultimate purpose that resides within all preparatory activity.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chilling Audio: Harvey Weinstein Begs Model to Enter His Hotel Room, Admits Groping Her

This Weinstein guy was  criticizing normal people like you and me for voting for Donald Trump?

Three women—among them Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans—said Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex. 

Four women said that they experienced unwanted touching that could be classified as an assault. In the above  audio recording captured during a New York Police Department sting operation in 2015 and made public here for the first time, Weinstein admits to groping a Filipina-Italian model named Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, describing it as behavior he is “used to.”

And after nearly a week of silence, "Trump hating" actress Jennifer Lawrence said Monday she was unaware of Harvey Weinstein’s “inexcusable” behavior and the claims that the former Weinstein & Co. boss had sexually harassed young women for decades.


Meir "bugeye" Kin Still Refuses His Wife 
The names and photographs of men who refuse to give their wives a get, a Jewish bill of divorce, will be made publicly available, if new legislation Zionist Union MK Revital Swid plans to submit becomes law.

The bill is part of ongoing efforts to fight the phenomenon of agunot, or chained women, whose husbands refuse to give them a divorce and, according to Jewish law, cannot remarry. Israeli rabbinical courts can issue sanctions, such as a ban on leaving the country, against recalcitrant spouses in order to persuade them to give a divorce.

“Women denied a divorce may as well be dead,” Swid said. “Their lives are behind bars created by their spouses.”

The Zionist Union MK has focused on fighting cyber-bulling and Internet shaming, and she found a way to redirect the phenomenon towards a good cause. According to Swid’s proposal, which she says has the support of the Chief Rabbinate and rabbinical courts, a publicly-viewable online database would feature the names and photos of anyone who has had a restraining order filed against him because of a refusal to give a get.

Swid said the database would show the public the people who are “imprisoning their spouses in marriages that they do not want.”

“The path towards eradicating the [aguna] phenomenon is long, but the bill I am proposing… is a significant step in exposing the ugly faces of those who refuse to give a get,” Swid stated.