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Monday, September 25, 2017

Rav Berland, the Sexual Predator Arrives in Uman with his Supporters Singing "Ohr Zeruh L'ztaddik

Berland's Motorcade in Uman

New York Synagogue Unveils First Torah Written By a Woman Dedicated in a Christian Church!

Julie Seltzer the Sofer

The independent synagogue Tamid, located in downtown Manhattan, has unveiled its new Torah, entirely written by a female sofer, this week as celebrations for the High Holidays begun.
The Torah, the first one ever written by a woman for a Manhattan synagogue, was unveiled the morning of Rosh Hashana at St.Paul’s Chapel, the oldest house of worship in New York City and where the congregation resides. 
The scribe, Philadelphia native Julie Seltzer spent two and a half years writing the 304,805 letters scroll. She was chosen for her work as an educator, artist and community builder.
“Being a female scribe is something very new in the Jewish tradition,” she said in a video posted on Tamid’s website about the new Torah. “It has been traditionally forbidden for a woman to write a Torah. If she did write a Torah, it would not be accepted as Kosher.”
“I have the honor to be a role model for girls and young women,” Seltzer added. “I really love the idea of being part of the link in that chain of history.”
Tamid practices what they call “positive Judaism,” which focuses on ways Judaism can help one enhance their personal well-being.
“We have an expanded view of tradition and Jewish law,” the founding Rabbi, Darren Levine said. “While we respect the ancient ways, we live in a different era and our tradition needs to evolve to stay relevant to the values we hold dear today; equality among men and women is just one of these modern values.”
Over 450 people involved with Tamid have also left their mark on the new Torah as well, by writing letters in the scroll with Seltzer’s guidance.
“The truth is that we did not commission Julie to write our scroll because she is a woman,” member of Tamid’s Leadership Council Alla Liberman said. “We commissioned Julie because she best reflects our vision for positive Jewish life in the 21st Century.”

Satmar Hooligans Disturb Viznitz Rosh Hashana and Shabbos Shabbos Prayers in Monsey

R' Meir Porush 
So you think that Satmar would be busy davening on Rosh Hashana, and the Shabbos after, letting  others daven peacefully.

Keep on dreaming .... you are forgetting that they are descendants of Romanian gypsies, who have an anti-Jewish agenda, and won't allow anyone live even if it means desecrating the holiest day. Shabbos crappos .....to them its all the same.

This Rosh Hashana and the day after on Shabbos, the day after Rosh Hashana the holiest day of the year, a bunch of savages from the Satmar cult, bored with their miserable existence, burst into a Monsey Shul in the Viznitz community, and started yelling at R' Meir Porush, the Israeli Deputy Education Minister, while he was in the middle of davening  yelling that he was "destroying the Jewish people through the forced IDF draft."

The gangsters waited for the shul to be quiet during musaf and then began shouting “sheigetz” at Porush. They returned on shabbos during laining.

Some Jewish blogs called the "savages" "Sikrikim" the Israeli fanatics who throw stones on frum soldiers.......
don't you believe this for one second ....these are not "Sikrikim" these are gangsters from Satmar Institutions ...who  quote the "Va'Yoel Moshe, the Satmar Quran!

Police were summoned to the scene and they were hauled off.

The truth is that Satmar is loosing hundreds to drug addiction and suicides. Hundreds if not thousands are leaving the fold and dumping the religion on the way .....writing books and producing videos on UTube describing their experiences.

Instead of dealing with the problems in their own communities they export their anti-Israel agenda to terrorize those who won't go along with their bizarre and archaic SHIT'ah! 

The State of Israel is here to stay and all their stupid "ve'lamsheenoms" in the world will not stop the State of Israel from building and growing like no other country in the entire world.

They are upset that the viable State flies in the face of their agenda, with hundred of thousands of Boys and Yungaleit learning Torah, like no time in the entire Jewish history... people are coming back from the 4 corners of the world ..... and that is like a "Brakel" bone in their parched throats.
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rosh Hashana .... Wishing All Jewish People "Happy New Year"

Wiretaps may prove Trump right — and that’s absolutely terrifying

Over the years, a curious habit has taken hold at the United Nations. A body designed to strengthen the best of humanity has too often become a font of doublespeak and appeasement that protects the worst of humanity.
That tragic comity was shattered when President Trump played the skunk at the garden party and dared to tell the truth. Many truths, in fact.
Among them, that Islamic terrorism is a scourge that must be stopped. That Iran is controlled by a “murderous regime” bent on getting nukes.
That North Korea’s “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission” and the United States “will have no choice but to totally destroy” that country if war begins. And that socialism and communism have failed everywhere, including Cuba and Venezuela.
The delegates and heads of state got The Full Trump, including what it means to put America First. It was the president’s finest, most complete expression of his worldview and, thankfully, contained no apologies for American power or history.
Yet even as Trump spoke, a threat to his presidency gained new steam. Reports that special counsel Robert Mueller had wiretapped former Trump campaign boss Paul Manafort and plans to indict him sent Washington into a new tizzy of speculation.
According to CNN, which first carried the wiretapping report, Manafort was surveilled under a FISA warrant, meaning the FBI suspected he was operating as a foreign agent. The network said it is possible G-men listened to the president talking to Manafort because the wiretap continued into this year and Trump and Manafort often talked in 2017.
If so, that would mark an infamous history — an American president being overheard by secret agents of his own government.
It would also be additional support for Trump’s charge that former President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.”

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trump Was Right All Along ...Obama and Comey Wiretapped Trump

Absolutely incredible,  Trump was actually wiretapped.
Remember when the media called him insane, and everybody told him he didn’t know what he was talking about.
Remember when everybody was saying this is typical of having an outsider that doesn’t know what he’s doing, it turns out that the Obama administration and James Comey’s FBI wiretapped the head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, including conversations Manafort had with Trump.
We also know the New York Times has a story today that there was a raid on Manafort’s home not long ago, predawn. 
The FBI picked the lock at Manafort’s home while he was at home in bed and stormed in the front door and demanded computer files and computers and documents and walked out of there. This is the result of the Mueller investigation. And there are threats now they’re trying to get Mueller to flip and other people by threatening to indict him. 
And we now know there was a wiretap that James Comey pooh-poohed and laughed at during congressional testimony.
You remember. When Trump said his wires were being tapped at Trump Tower and they didn’t find anything, and the establishment smirked, and the establishment snickered, and they all started laughing and said, “Trump, this is typical. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s insane. He’s shooting from the hip.” It turns out that all of that was correct.
The New York Times reports this as though it’s something that happens every day. Yep, the FBI showed up, they picked the lock of Manafort’s front door in Virginia and walked in and woke him up along with his family and then started demanding things and taking things.
So now we know that not only Obama and Comey’s FBI were wiretapping Trump Tower where Manafort has lived since 2006, although it was his Virginia home where they showed up and picked the lock. That was a no-knock search, Manafort’s house, picked the lock at his house to seize records while he was asleep in the bedroom. That used to happen in other countries, that kind of thing that happened here. Maybe it happens against drug lords, but we’re not talking about drug cartels or anything here.
So now we’re gonna relive all the stories from the smart aleck Drive-By Media assuring everybody that Trump was off his rocker, that nobody cared enough about Trump to be wiretapping anything he was doing. 

I don’t care whether they had a warrant for the wiretap. That’s not the point. 
I don’t care if they think they had a legitimate case against Manafort. 
The fact is, Manafort’s phone calls were tapped, he talked to Trump, Trump said he was tapped, and they made a mockery of him. This is not the first instance of this where Trump has made an allegation that people think is off the wall, and it turns out to be true.

Blessing from an Uman Pilgrim

See The Kitchen At The Scheiner Hachnosas Orchim In Uman

R' Shlomo Zalman Blau Drowns in Jordan River Leaves 11 Orphans

A 46 year old man drowned to death in the Jordan River Monday. The man was identified as Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Blau, a 46-year-old resident of the Neve Yaakov neighborhood in Jerusalem.

The Behadrei Haredim Hebrew news website reported that the father went to pray at the tombs of the righteous together with his children. Afterwards, the family went for a walk near the Arik Bridge on the Jordan River in the Golan Heights.
Rabbi Blau saw his 16-year-old daughter in distress in the river and jumped into the river in an attempt to save her. He drowned in the attempt.

Two passerby saw the incident and pulled Rabbi Blau out of the river. They attempted to resuscitate him until Magen David Adom paramedics arrived. However, they were forced to declare his death at the scene. His daughter was rescued and physically unharmed.

Rabbi Blau leaves behind 11 children, including a soon to be married bride.

The funeral procession will start at midnight from the Shamgar funeral home to Jerusalem's Har Hamenuhot where Rabbi Blau will be laid to rest.

Happy New Year Message From President Trump

Monday, September 18, 2017

Chris Day Removing Eirav in Orangetown Doesn't Want Chassidim Living Near Him!

Eida Chareidi the ones who tried serving Jews "The Treif Brakel Chicken" Call For Violent Protests Against IDF Draft

I don't see anyone working? Does anyone even have a job???
Who's supporting these guys??

Last week’s High Court decision struck down a law exempting ultra-Orthodox men engaged in religious study from military service, saying it undermined equality. The decision raises the possibility that they could be forced into service, a highly contentious proposition with political implications.
However, the court suspended its decision for one year to allow for preparations for the new arrangement — which also provides the government with the opportunity to pass a new law.
Ultra-Orthodox political parties, holding key positions in the ruling coalition, are likely to draft new legislation that could seek to override the court ruling and keep the exemption in place.
The issue is part of a decades-old debate over whether young ultra-Orthodox men studying at yeshivas should undergo compulsory military service like the rest of Israel’s Jewish population.
After reaching the age of 18, men must serve for 32 months, and women must serve for 24.
Ultra-Orthodox seminary students have been largely exempt from Israel’s military draft since then-defense minister David Ben-Gurion exempted 400 students from service in 1949 on the grounds that “their studies are their craft.” Exceptional young artists and athletes are often granted exemptions by the Defense Ministry on the grounds that two or three years of military service could hold them back dramatically.
The ultra-Orthodox oppose serving for a variety of reasons, with the most extreme believing a Jewish state is not allowed before the coming of the Messiah. Others argue that study of religious texts is just as important to Israel as military service or that ultra-Orthodox soldiers would be confronted with irreligious behavior.
The court decision drew instant condemnation from ultra-Orthodox leaders and sparked a number of protests opposing the move.
On Friday, an ultra-Orthodox IDF soldier was attacked by residents of the Beit Yisrael neighborhood in Jerusalem, and was only extracted from there after police were called to the scene.
According to the police, the soldier entered a store in the neighborhood, which is located north of the ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood. A large crowd gathered by the store, yelling slogans against the soldier and against service in the IDF.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Charedi draft law needed to restore the glory of Torah

Letter From Rav Shach Stating Only Students Who make their Torah "Umnoso" "his trade" should get exemptions, all others must serve in the IDF
By Dov Lipman 
Dov Lipman served as a member of Knesset (2013-2015) with the Yesh Atid party. He is the author of seven books about Judaism and Israel, and holds rabbinic ordination from Ner Israel Rabbinical College and a masters in education from Johns Hopkins University. He has been at the forefront of combating religious extremism in Israel and is a leader in efforts to create Jewish unity both in Israel and around the world.

When an ultra-Orthodox young man appears before the IDF draft board to receive his exemption from serving in the army, he does not say “I am ultra-Orthodox.” He declares that “his Torah study is his trade.”
That phrase in Jewish tradition refers to someone who is so dedicated to Torah study that he cannot do anything else. We are talking about unique individuals who separate themselves from the physical world and engage in Torah study alone.
The Talmud teaches that these people are so committed to Torah study that they shouldn’t pause their studies for prayer! The great Rabbi Yochanan comments that this category only applies to someone like Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai but it doesn’t apply to people like himself. The Talmud relates that many people tried to live in accordance with Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai’s way of life in which Torah was his trade and he did not work for a living — and they failed.

Time to Take Back Our Religion, PART 2

A Jewish Father responds to his critics

Last week I posted a letter from an anonymous father and now responds to his critics 

I appreciate the feedback, both in support of how I resolved my very real dilemma, and against. Some of you were really passionate. I think that’s great! 

Let’s brainstorm together how to collectively get out of this quagmire before our children are totally lost at sea. 

The goal of my article was not to divide the community, but rather to rally a response that will raise this dilemma to the rabbinic leadership of our communities as the number one threat to the future of American Orthodox Jewry. 

Every Yom Kippur sermon this year, after the appeal is over, of course, should find the rabbis of the shuls standing humbly before the communities, publicly repenting for what they have and have not done this past year to help solve the problem of overpriced Judaism that is slowly bleeding the community dry. If the rabbis won’t lead us out of this problem, then it really is up to us little guys to make it happen on our own. Happy New Year! Now let’s get to work.

So what are the answers everyone is looking for?

New York Times Upset that Harvard Rejected a Women Who Tortured and Murdered Her Own 4 year-old child

Guys, you cannot make this stuff up. This is the new definition of privilege ....
 A black woman who kills her child is praised and placed on a pedestal as somebody who is worthy. Being a "published scholar" washes away the brutal torture and beating death of a helpless 4 year old little boy according to NY Times.  

What an awful example of humanity. And what an awful, corrupt organization that praises her. And Jones still won't reveal what she did with his body. This women hasn't even demonstrated credible remorse!
I wonder why the Times doesn't hire her as a daycare worker for its employees.
Read below and vomit!

Zionist Group Brings Almost 10,000 Jews Back to Israel with Help From Christians Around the World

Jerome Henri Cohen was born in Paris and he was also born a Jew. But despite his heritage, he was living a secular life, first as a journalist and then as a successful lawyer in the French capital.

Cohen did not feel any discrimination because of his heritage — until he decided to embrace Judaism. Things changed when he asked for time off from work to celebrate the Sabbath and other aspects of practicing his faith proved challenging.
That changed when the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) helped Cohen move to Israel in July where, under Israeli right of return law, he was granted citizenship and is getting help for his first six months in his new homeland, including with housing and employment.
“That’s my dream,” Cohen told Breitbart News of his repatriation to Israel. “That’s what my ancestors wanted.”
In fact, like the organization that helped him come to Israel, Cohen believes his return is fulfilling biblical prophecy that says all Jews will return to the land God promised them.

“We are making history,” Cohen said. “I changed the destiny of my family.”
“It’s huge,” Cohen said, adding that he believes the mission of IFCJ — which embraces the Zionist belief of Jews returning to their ancestral home, with the help of Christians around the world — is healing the rift between the two faiths that has existed since the birth of Jesus and the founding of the Christian church.
“It’s really wonderful to feel that,” Cohen said. “We are doing something that is important for us and for humanity.”
Cohen’s “aliyah,” or immigration to Israel, is part of the larger mission of IFCJ, according to Yael Eckstein, senior vice president of the organization founded in 1983 by her father, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein to “promote understanding between Jews and Christians and build broad support for Israel,” according to its website.
“Christians around the world are able to show their love from Israel and the Jewish people,” Eckstein told Breitbart News.
Eckstein said that her organization is not a fund-raising organization but rather a “bridge-building” group that gathered as much as $150 million a year in donations to help repatriate Jews, help care for the poor in Israel and contribute to the effort to protect Israel from its enemies.
Eckstein said that the interest from Christians around the world to help Israel — especially among Evangelicals — has increased dramatically in recent years, as has the need for Jews to escape persecution around the world. This includes a record number of 26 non-western countries where IFJC is helping Jews repatriate to Israel.
“That has grown dramatically in recent years,” Eckstein said. “We see a rising need to escape these countries.”
Those countries include — for the first time since World War II — Russia, and the Ukraine, where she said Jews now arrive in Israel at least once a week.
In all, Eckstein said, some 10,000 Jews have been brought to Israel.
“We putting in place a whole new reality — tapping into this prophetic reality that is unfolding before our very eyes,” said Eckstein, who has been in Israel for more than a dozen years and all four of her children were born here.
The work of IFCJ also has included building 5,500 bomb shelters and providing food for Israelis in need, Eckstein said, noting that Israel does not have a national food program.
The Jewish American media outlet, The Algemeiner reported on Friday that IFCJ, which is based in Chicago and Jerusalem, will provide $1.5 million to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in annual Rosh Hashanah “Fellowship Gift Cards” to 12,000 IDF soldiers marking the upcoming Jewish New Year.
“The initiative, coordinated in collaboration with the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers and the LIBI Fund, will provide more than 10,000 lone soldiers and soldiers $140 gift cards. Another 2,200 soldiers will receive gift cards worth $100,” the Algemeiner reported.
The cards “will allow the soldiers to celebrate the New Year without the burden of financial stress,” the organizations said in a statement issued last week.
“The vouchers can be used at some 90 major Israeli retail chains to purchase food, clothing, shoes, sporting goods and leisure products,” the Algemeiner reported, adding that 840 soldiers serving in the IDF are from the United States.
Eckstein said the long history of Jews being persecuted and attacked by enemies around the world continues and she said told Breitbart News that she hopes Christians from America come to Israel to see beyond the “fake news” presented by the U.S. media.
“Come visit, come experience, come see the beauty beyond the politics,” Epstein said, adding that she is grateful for Israel-loving people around the world.
“Thank God we are not alone and that there are people who understand the difference between good and evil,” Eckstein said.

סליחות נוסח קרליבך עם החזן יצחק מאיר - - אלול תשע״ז

Selichos with Yehuda Green

Selichos with Rabbi YY Jacobson

Zoltan Hirsch One of Five handicapped New Yorkers behind hundreds of lawsuits

Five New Yorkers in wheelchairs are behind nearly 400 lawsuits brought against small businesses for lacking handicap access.
Such legal claims have been criticized as part of a “cottage industry” of “serial plaintiffs” who target mom-and-pop establishments for quick cash settlements. But others see the suits as helping enforce the American with Disabilities Act.
Wheelchair ramps and bathroom doors are not the only battleground. Two blind New Yorkers have taken the fight online, filing a combined 23 suits against business Web sites that didn’t have screen-reading software for the visually impaired. And a woman cited seven businesses for not allowing her service dog inside.
Zoltan Hirsch, 37, a double amputee from Brooklyn, is hell on wheels for those who fail to make their establishments wheelchair accessible. Since 2010, he has filed suit against 195 businesses ranging from a Soho eyeglass shop to Brooklyn non-kosher bodegas to a Hell’s Non-Kosher Kitchen restaurant.