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Monday, July 10, 2017

Trump Playing The Media

President Donald Trump is a maestro playing the media like a well tuned Stradivarius violin.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans, founder of the Lev Tahor ultra-Orthodox sect, found dead in a river in Mexico

Helbrans as a child lighting Chanukah Candles

Rabbi Shlomo Erez Helbrans, 55, leader of the "Lev Tahor" ("Pure Heart") ultra-Orthodox sect, was found drowned in a river in the Mexican state of Chiapas on Friday, according to local media.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying the reports were being looked into by the Israeli embassy in Mexico.

According to local media, Helbrans' body was pulled from the river by rescue forces on Friday afternoon after the rabbi was swept away by strong currents while swimming before Shabbat.

Rabbi Helbrans was the head of a group of forty ultra-Orthodox families who entered the state of Chiapas about three weeks ago, after crossing the border from Guatemala.

From Israel to the US, Canada, Guatemala and finally Mexico

Helbrans was born Shlomo Elbarnes into a secular family in Jerusalem, only becoming religious as a young man. He studied at the Itri Yeshiva in Jerusalem before founding the Lev Tahor sect in the 1980s.

Lev Tahor is an ultra-Orthodox sect comprised of predominantly Israeli Haredi extremists who leave their families behind in Israel as part of a wider boycott of Zionism. The group is widely considered to be a cult for its extreme conduct which adheres to the strict word of Jewish scripture.

In the 1990s, the movement was under investigation by Israeli authorities for allegedly collaborating with Islamist elements against state security. Helbrans fled to the United States along with several students who were smuggled out of Israel with fake passports. As such, an additional investigation into Helbrans for kidnapping was launched.

Whilst in the United States, Helbrans was arrested and served two years in prison for kidnapping after assisting a 13-year-old boy go into hiding from his secular mother.

After his release from prison in the US, Helbrans was to be deported to Israel, but instead fled to Canada where he was granted refugee status after claiming persecution in Israel for his religious and political beliefs.

Underage marriage, beatings and psychiatric drugs

According to estimates, the sect numbers about 230 people, of whom about 150 are children.

About three and a half years ago, Canadian authorities blocked the group from transferring underage members to Guatemala after Canadian courts issued a decree requiring some children to be transferred to foster families after being found to have been severely abused.

Welfare officials in Ontario and Quebec claimed that they had evidence of abuse involving beatings, underage marriage, and illegal education. However, the sect succeeded in transferring a number of the children to Guatemala giving rise to a legal battle over the last few years to expel them back to Canada.

In September 2016, at the request of Israeli authorities, Guatemalan law enforcement raided the Lev Tahor compound and arrested its leaders on suspicion of child abuse. The raid prompted its members to leave the site to a new location in eastern Guatemala, and complain that they were being persecuted due of their faith.

Helbrans and the group had crossed the Guatemalan border into the Mexican state of Chiapas several weeks ago. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Satmar Rebbe to French Jews: Don't move to Israel!

R' Zalma Leib Teitelbaum, Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe

Sounds familiar????
His late uncle R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Satmar dynasty, advised his chassidim that held American and Palestinian passports during WW2, not to emigrate, saying that Hitler YM"S will never get to Romania and Hungary!
So it's natural that his successor would follow the same minhag even if it may very well annihilate the entire French Jewish Community!

Then he outright lied and told the French Jews:
"Specifically in Israel, children learn in public schools," one of the influential businessmen said. "And because of that, we're losing our next generation."

That is a bald faced lie, since there are over 300,000 Jewish children learning in Frum Schools in Israel, 100,000 are American boys from the USA.
There is more Torah learned in Israel now in the year 2017 than anytime in Jewish history, going back to Moshe Rabbeinu.

Why doesn't he address the 85% assimilation rate of Jewish students in the USA?????????????
The assimilation rate in Israel is practically ZERO!

Over the past two years, France's growing anti-Semitism and terror have led a record number of French Jews to immigrate to Israel. However, the Chasidic rebbe said, these Jews also lose their connection to Jewish tradition.

"Specifically in Israel, children learn in public schools," one of the influential businessmen said. "And because of that, we're losing our next generation."

The Satmar and Pshevorsk rebbes have worked to create schools which teach only Jewish studies, in an attempt to persuade the local Jewish community to provide their children with a Jewish education and not to leave France.
"Your place is here," the Satmar Rebbe said on Tuesday night. "Don't move to Israel."
He explained that his fathers, the founders of his hasidic sect, worked to provide for the spiritual welfare of Moroccan and Algerian Jews. Already decades ago, they built schools for these communities' children, or provided support to the existing schools.
"Today, many people are leaving for Israel, and cutting off all connection with Judaism," the Satmar Rebbe continued. "It's a spiritual holocaust."
"You must continue to stay here, and send your children only to schools which provide a true Jewish education."

Satmar Rebbe Monroe Mocks His Brother Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg about IDF

מתקפת האדמו"ר נגד הקיצוניים

הרבי מסאטמר: הסיקריקים משקרים ומחריבים את ירושלים

תיעודים חדשים מתוך פגישת רבני ואדמו"רי ארה"ב בעניין הגיוס בישראל, מכילים אמירות מפתיעות ונחרצות של האדמו"ר מסאטמר - מנהיג החסידות המתנגדת לציונות - נגד הסיקריקים (אקטואליה)

The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, R' Aron Teitelbaum, has now taken the stand that the protests against the IDF Recruitment, instigated by his brother, R' Zalman Leib, are Fake and  Phony!

R' Aron  mockingly said that there are over 60,000 Yeshivah Boys in Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim learning Torah and no one is in jail!
He added that the "sikrikim" that are aligned with Shmuel "the bachelor" Auerbach are a bunch of liars and frauds that are perpetrating a Chillul Hashem by blocking traffic and inconveniencing innocent people trying to get to work.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Infant hit by Route 59 Road Rage Driver Dies

The 3 month baby who was being pushed in a stroller was hit June 26 along with his mother 38, and two sisters, ages 13 and 9, by Albert Gomez 62, of Spring Valley.

To Cover Up the Frauds in Lakewood, R' Malkiel Kotler will Organize a Meeting against the IDF in Monsey

Rav Kotler existing a private jet

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Instead of taking care of the massive Chillul Hashem that is occurring on a daily basis in his own community, Rav Kotler has decided to attack the IDF instead!

ראשי הישיבות הגאון רבי מלכיאל קוטלר והגאון רבי אליהו בער ווכטפויגל יוזמים "כינוס חירום" בנושא המאבק ב'חוק הגיוס' • גורם בכיר: "דעת רבים מגדולי הדור בארה"ב שאין להתערב בנושא" (חרדים)

Loose Translation:

(Kikar Shabbos) Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Eliyahu Wachtfogel are organizing an "emergency conference" addressing the Draft Law!

Crazy stuff!

Aaron Rajman murdered in Boca Raton

Yesterday, July 3rd, 2017, a great soul was tragically taken from this earth. 

Anyone who knew Aaron Rajman, knew him in many ways. 

The fighter, the friend, the brother, the sister, nephew, uncle and much more! 

Aaron was murdered at his home in South Florida in an home invasion .

Details are still scarce as to what lead to fatal shooting.
PBSO said a group of men entered a residence at 65th Terrace where a fight broke out. That led to gunfire.
Detectives from the Violent Crimes Division and Crime Scene Investigators were on scene this morning, and investigating this as a homicide.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Heroin has infiltrated the Chasidic community

A 20-year-old Chasidic woman died of a heroin overdose in Brooklyn last month — showing how even an ultra-insular religious community isn’t immune to the nation’s opioid epidemic.
Malky Klein’s mother discovered her daughter slumped over in bed and frothing at the mouth on June 24 at around 7:15 p.m. in their Borough Park home, according to police.
The Jewish volunteer ambulance service Hatzolah was called and medics tried to revive the young woman before taking her to Maimonides Hospital.
But by 8:22 p.m., doctors at Maimonides had pronounced her dead.
Malky’s overdose death is not an isolated incident, according to community members.
“We’re definitely losing more people to drugs — there’s no question,” said Yaakov Behr­man, who runs the Crown Heights drug-prevention group Operation Survival. “It’s getting worse in the United States, it’s getting worse in the world, and it’s affecting our community.”
Zvi Gluck, who works with suicidal and drug-addicted Jewish youth at his Manhattan-based group Amudim, has personally counted 60 opioid-related deaths among the metro area’s Orthodox Jews since the start of the year. Twenty of those were Hasidic.
Layala Rauch, 24, a close friend of Malky’s, said feelings of isolation are driving heroin use among Hasids. Rauch, who was raised Hasidic but strayed from the sect, said that from a young age, Klein embraced a more mainstream identity that alienated her from her ultra-religious community, getting her kicked out of a conservative religious school in Kensington and landing her at a school for troubled kids in Midwood, where she and others turned to drugs.
“This happens to many girls,” said Rauch.
Gluck and Behrman argue there is no straight line from Hasidism to addiction.
“It pains me when people make it a Hasidic issue,” Gluck said. “With suicide, it has certainly been among Hasidim that have left the fold. On the addiction side, though, it’s an equal-opportunity offender.”
Behrman blamed a rise in drugs on city streets for the rise in Orthodox and Hasidic overdoses.
“In many cases, the families are committed to getting help for their family members. They’ve tried, they’ve gone to professional help, attempted to put their child through rehabilitation. But if the kid is addicted and experimenting, there is very little the family can do,” he said.
Gluck and Rauch both know Klein’s family and agreed the parents did all they could.
The family kept anti-overdose drugs on hand, and Klein’s father was the first to administer one during her fateful overdose, according to a Hatzolah first-responder.
The parents paid for two years of rehab in California — from which Klein had recently returned, Rauch said, adding:
“The father and mother stopped at nothing.”
Klein’s parents did not return requests for comment.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Ike Fisher Blackmails Israel Because of Kotel Issue! Take Your $$$$ and Shove it!!

Does anybody else see the irony of mega rich Liberal American Jews like Ike Fisher, trying to dictate policy to Jews in Israel and by extension the rest of us Jews in the Diaspora.?

Mr Ike, 
take your Trangendered,Feminist,Liberal, Pro Gay,Fake Jewish agenda, and stick it where the sun don't shine. 

The unmitigated arrogance of a rich mamzer expecting everyone to bow down to his money.
The Jewish People do not need your stinking money.

 This Reform yutz who is a "supporter' of Israel in now boycotting Israel.
 Well, why don't we boycott his clients? 

He writes:
" “It is time for the Government of Israel to understand that its constituency includes Am Yisrael.”"

Let me tell you something about "Am Yisrael" ..... Am Yisrael survived Hitler YM"S ...we will survive you too....
 Coming out in public, guarantees that your offspring will most certainly assimilate amongst other Jew haters.

Email this two timing Jew Hater!

Here is a list direct from his website:

 Major US Jewish philanthropist Isaac “Ike” Fisher has suspended his financial support of Israel, in light of two explosive decisions made last week by the Israeli government that have upset liberal Jews around the world.
American born Knesset member Michael Oren confirmed to The Jerusalem Post a report in Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot on Sunday, that Fisher had sent him a letter informing him of a series of measures he is taking in protest of a government decision to backtrack on an agreement for an egalitarian prayer section at the Western Wall, and another on the issue of conversion.
These steps include cancelling a 1 million dollar investment made into Israeli bonds, suspending fundraising activities, and suspending his involvement in AIPAC.
Oren himself told the Post last week that he was furious about the decisions, and would vote in the Knesset against the government’s decision to grant the Chief Rabbinate a monopoly on conversion, even it meant getting fired from his post as a deputy minister. This has not yet been necessary as on Friday, a deal was reached to freeze the conversion legislation, while a special task force will be created to find a solution to both the haredi parties and the opponents of the bill.
In an email obtained by the Post Sunday, Fisher thanked Oren for his support for Diaspora Jewry over these issues. “As you know, I actively support the State of Israel, however my support is suspended till the Government of Israel reverses course,” he wrote.
“Last week I purchased one million dollars of Israel Bonds. That support is suspended. I am the incoming Campaign Chair of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. I have advised them my work is suspended unless Israel reverses course. I am a National Board member of AIPAC. That work too is also suspended. I sit on the Board of American Friends of Tel Aviv University. I have advised them that my financial support is suspended,” Fisher stated.
“Enough is enough,” he concluded. “It is time for the Government of Israel to understand that its constituency includes Am Yisrael.”
“I was very saddened by what he wrote,” Oren told the Post, but added that “Israelis have to hear it.”
“I don’t think there is appreciation of the depth of hurt and alienation that liberal North American Jews feel toward Israel now, and this was a last straw for many,” the MK added.
Oren does not see this issue disappearing anytime soon, nor is it likely that Fisher is the only Jewish figure who will take concrete action in protest of the government decisions.
“I’ve heard from several major philanthropists that they were crestfallen, disappointed, hurt and they were certain it would have impact on Diaspora giving [to Israel]” he noted, though he said he was not at liberty to reveal anymore names.
While reactions might be expressed via financial avenues, Oren stressed that this is not about money, but about the concept of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people.
“I agree with this,” he emphasized. “The state of the Jewish people is not just about Jewish people living in Israel. We demand that the Palestinians recognize us as such so we should be the nation state of the Jewish people.”

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Chris Matthews Wants Trump To Execute Jared Kushner

In just a few minutes on Thursday's edition of 'Hardball' on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews compared President Trump and his family to Saddam Hussein and his sons, the Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam, Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, and the deposed Russian royal family, the Romanovs. 

Matthews wondered about the Trumps: "Is it a royal family instead of a Democratic or a Republican form of government? Or is it a family running the government? Is it Ivanka and Jared and the President sitting around in the White House upstairs ruling the world?"

“So the son-in-law — you know, one good thing Mussolini did was execute his son-in-law. I mean, I’m talking about Ciano,” he happily remembered.

Friday, June 30, 2017

John Podesta and Maria Bartiromo Epic Fight Over Russia Ties

John Podesta is not just the former chairman of the Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, but also a central figure in the ongoing narrative of Russian meddling in the US election of 2016. His hacked emails were at the heart of what some have called a coordinated news campaign led by Wikileaks, and so he met with the House Intelligence panel yesterday behind closed doors.
This morning he appeared on Fox Business to discuss the Russian interference, allegations of collusion with Trump campaign and more with host Maria Bartiromo in what became a testy debate that perfectly exemplifies the divided positions that so many Americans hold right now.
Bartiromo, a long-time New York financial news figure has had something of a close relationship with Donald Trump for years, so it’s not a surprise that she consistently showed skepticism over the Russia claims in a defensive posture. And there may be no other individual (without the Clinton surname) that best embodies the Clinton’s web of influence — for good and bad — than Mr. Podesta.
Bartiromo aggressively attacked Podesta and Democrats for what she said were deeper ties with Russia, specifically asking about Podesta’s investment portfolio.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

PASSAIC ASSEMBLYMAN GARY SCHAER Will Vote for Permitting 6' Zhlubs in little girls bathrooms TODAY!!








Why should innocent children be molested because of your "Equality

His office number is 973-249-3665
"Rabbis of Passaic are supporting this "shomer shabbos" 

PLEASE disseminate this information ASAP, via any means 


Iran "lover" Jerry Nadler Wants MIxed Prayers at Kotel, Jews Holiest Site

This fat nobody, Jerry "the capo" Nadler, is again stabbing the backs of Holocaust survivors that are his constituents. 
This "Murderer Loving" Congressman ignored the lives and safety of over 6 million Jews living in the State of Israel by supporting the sick Iran deal , handing over nuclear weapons to the Iran Terrorist regime.
Now, he wants to changes the Kotel status quo of having separate prayer services at the Kotel , a rule respected by the entire gentile world, except for some fat "bacon fressers" ladies that come to the Kotel on Rosh Chodash only.
The Reform movement is outraged that the Kotel is in frum hands. The Reform movement had taken the words, "Zion" and "Jerusalem" out of their prayer books, and only recently re-instated them to stop the bleeding  of their 88% assimilation rate. Who can forget when they refused to make appeals for Israel Bonds in their shuls during the 1967 war.
People should call his office and tell him to keep his fat butt out of the internal affairs of the sovereign country of Israel.
  • Phone: (202) 225-5635 

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat who represents the most heavily Jewish district in the nation, has been bombarded by angry calls over the Israeli government’s decision not to create an egalitarian prayer space at Jerusalem’s Western Wall.
“People are outraged,” Nadler said. “This is a direct declaration by the government of Israel that non-Orthodox Jews in Israel and in the United States are irrelevant. It’s a total insult to the entire community. The message is basically, ‘we don’t care about you.’”
According to Nadler, the decision is most disturbing because, “the angriest phone calls I’ve received are from the people who care most about Israel and are most involved in advocacy.”
The Western Wall issue, Nadler says, has been raised in many conversations by Jewish-American lawmakers and their Israeli counterparts.
“This is about how the Israeli government regards the majority of American Jews,” he said. “It’s hard to think of a more harmful thing they could have done.”
The damage, he warns, is real - and it could intensify worrying trends that are already visible when it comes to support for Israel among young American Jews. 

Statement From The Lakewood Vaad On Welfare-Fraud Related Arrests

The following is a statement from the Lakewood Vaad:
We are saddened beyond words by the arrests of seven couples in our town. As firm believers in the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty,’ we suspend judgment until the disposition of these charges, and are comforted knowing that our judicial system is an able arbiter of justice.
Regardless of the outcomes of these cases, we have, in our view, a valuable teaching moment that cannot be wasted.
There is no such a thing as “justified” theft. Federal and State social safety-net programs are meant for those in need, even those in need have rules and criteria that must be strictly followed. To deliberately bend a safety-net eligibility rule is stealing, no different than stealing from your friend or neighbor.
We would all do well to redouble and triple our efforts in our communities, reminding each and every one of us that there is never any excuse for dishonesty in any form. Let us take this moment to speak openly of these matters, from the pulpit, in the classroom, and by parents at the dinner table, so that this tragic but necessary learning moment is not lost.
In the days ahead we will help launch a set of intensive educational programs that can ensure that such does not happen again, and will invite the public to participate in these timely programs.
Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg on behalf of The Lakewood Vaad

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Six More Arrested In Lakewood welfare fraud raids ....More Expected...

Six more people were arrested in Lakewood late Tuesday as part of an ongoing government fraud investigation.

The individuals arrested Tuesday by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office are accused of defrauding government Medicaid and government assistance programs, including those for Superstorm Sandy benefits. In all, they’re accused of fraud amounting to nearly $700,000.

Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said the investigation by his office found the six failed to report income they received from “numerous sources” that would make them ineligible for aid. Instead, they misrepresented their incomes and submitted amounts that made them qualify for the respective program’s benefits, he said.

The arrests included:
• Yitzchock Kanarek, 33, and Sora Kanarek, 39 of Brisk Lane: Charged with second-degree theft by deception for allegedly wrongfully collecting approximately $339,002.56 in Medicaid, SNAP, HUD, and SSI benefits between January 2009 and July 2014.
• Chaim Ehrman, 40, and Liatt Ehrman, 39, of Twin Oaks Drive: Charged with second- degree theft by deception for allegedly wrongfully collecting approximately $185,692.22 in Medicaid, SNAP, HEAP, and Sandy benefits between January 2011 and December 2015
• William Friedman, 45, and Faigy Friedman, 40, of Leigh Drive: Charged with second-degree theft by deception for allegedly wrongfully collecting approximately $149,842.28 in Medicaid, SNAP, HEAP, and HUD benefits between January 2011 and December 2015.
The defendants will appear in Ocean County Superior Court at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday.

The investigation, which initially included the prosecutor’s office, FBI and the the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller’s Medicaid Fraud Division, has expanded to include to include the US Social Security Administration, New Jersey Department of the Treasury’s Office of Criminal Investigation, and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office’s Economic Crimes Unit.
Coronato expects further arrests and may add other charges could be added.
The arrests came two days after eight people, including Rabbi Zalmen Sorotzkin and his wife, Tzipporah, were arrested early Monday morning on federal and state charges.
Collectively, they’re accused of receiving several hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of food, housing, and medical benefits despite income levels that would disqualify them from the various programs. Some of those arrested had $1 million-plus incomes, authorities have said.

More Welfare Arrests Expected Today As Feds Warn Lakewood: The Party Is Over

One day after four Lakewood couples were arrested for fraudulently underreporting their incomes in order to illegally take advantage of more than $1 million in state and federal benefits, township phones have been ringing off the hook, with hundreds of area residents requesting advice on how to avoid being arrested for public assistance fraud. 
The investigation was initiated by the FBI and the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller, later growing to include the Social Security Administration, the New Jersey Department of Treasury and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office.
More arrests are expected to take place, possibly as soon as early Wednesday morning, reported NJ.comhttp://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2017/06/more_arrests_coming_in_lakewood_di_ionno.html
Complaints in the impending arrests involve fraudulent activity that has been taking place for as long as five years and Monday’s arrests appear to be just the tip of the iceberg.
“We are sending a message to this community that the party is over,” said one law enforcement source.
According to the Asbury Park Press (http://on.app.com/2tVVsyG), a law enforcement source who agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity said that dozens of people have called the Ocean County Social Services office asking to discontinue their public assistance benefits or to revise the income information they had previously submitted.
Millions of dollars in public assistance have allegedly been fraudulently distributed in the Lakewood area, said the source.
According to authorities, the investigation into financial irregularities in Lakewood has been ongoing for three years.
Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles said that he was disturbed by the recent arrests and that there are many people in the town who are truly in need of financial assistance.
“I have a waiting list of Section 8 vouchers of maybe 2,000 families that really need it,” said Coles.  “I hate to see things like that.”
Complaints in the impending arrests involve fraudulent activity that has been taking place for as long as five years and Monday’s arrests appear to be just the tip of the iceberg.
“We are sending a message to this community that the party is over,” said one law enforcement source.
According to the Asbury Park Press (http://on.app.com/2tVVsyG), a law enforcement source who agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity said that dozens of people have called the Ocean County Social Services office asking to discontinue their public assistance benefits or to revise the income information they had previously submitted.
Millions of dollars in public assistance have allegedly been fraudulently distributed in the Lakewood area, said the source.
According to authorities, the investigation into financial irregularities in Lakewood has been ongoing for three years.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Israel Askanim to Satmar and Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva ..."Chutzpa to Protest IDF.......Is Everything OK in Your Communities?"

The following is an open letter that appeared in Charedie Newspapers in Eretz Yisroel addressed to the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and Satmar Askanim that recently protested at Barclay Center in Brooklyn, about a total false narrative about IDF recruiting Yeshiva boys .... a total fabrication and a figment of the imagination of the Litvishe "Gedoilim" ...even R' Aron Schecter, Rosh Yeshivah of Chaim Berlin attended this "community of leitzem and Baalei Loshon Hara on Eretz Yisroel" on Parshas Shlach no less!

עסקני אמריקה החצופים:

 אצלכם הכל בסדר?

מאז העצרת בארה"ב נגד חוק הגיוס, נחשפים עוד ועוד סקנדלים בציבור החרדי בארה"ב. עסקנים: במקום לחפש בעיות שאינן קיימות בארץ ישראל, תקנו את הבעיות שלכם

:Loose  Translation
   Since last week's organized protest in Barclay's Center against the IDF, More and more scandals in the US Chareidie community have been exposed and reported 

Message to American activists: Instead of looking for problems that do not exist in Israel, correct your own 


                                                                                                     מאז העצרת בארה"ב נגד                                                                                                                                                                 חוק הגיוס, נחשפים עוד ועוד סקנדלים בציבור החרדי בארה"ב, "כל יום קללתו מרובה מחברתו". 

מספיק לרפרף בחשבונות פייסבוק של קהילת החוזרים בשאלה בארה"ב, ולגלות שם קהילה גדולה שלא מפסיקה לגדול, קהילה שמתפרסת לאורך כל מרכזי הקהילות בארה"ב. אין בית שאין שם מת כבר הפך כמעט לביטוי מילולי: לאחרונה אירעו מספר מקרי מוות טראגיים ומזעזעים בקרב הקהילה הזו - מקרים שהסעירו את החרדים בארה"ב.

אותם מקרים מזעזעים, הם תוצאה ישירה של כשלון מתמשך בטיפול בנוער הנושר בארה"ב, תופעה ההולכת ומתרחבת.

אך קלקולים קיימים לא רק אצל הנוער: היום התפרסמו תמונות של חרדים בעיירה לייקווד שנעצרו בחשד לזיוף מסמכים והוצאת כספים במרמה ממשרדי ממשלה, חלק מהעצורים הם קרובי משפחה מדרגה ראשונה של אישיות תורנית גדולה מאד בישראל. לפי הדיווחים גם כאן מדובר בתופעה נרחבת מאוד.

אותם אירועים ואותן תמונות, מעמידים באור מגוחך את התערבות של חלק מהקהילה בארה"ב, בכל הנוגע לחוק הגיוס בישראל, כשעוד נטען בפרסומים השקריים שכביכול גדולי ישראל שותפים לגיוס בחורי ישיבה. שיא של חוצפה היה כאשר עסקנים מסויימים בלייקווד ניסו להתערב בהחלטות של גדולי ישראל בארץ. התמונות שהגיעו משכניהם ממחישה עד כמה התערבות זו היא שערוריה.

הגדיל לעשות עיתון מסויים בארה"ב, מחוג מאוד מסויים שפרסם את שמותיהם ותמונותיהם וכתובותיהם של גדולי ואדירי תורה בארץ, וביקש מהקוראים לשלוח מכתבים אליהם הביתה כדי להטריד אותם, משל היו אחרוני העסקנים.

קל להם לעסקנים לנופף בישיבות ובכוללים, ולהתלונן על הבעיות שיש בארץ ישראל. אך על אותם עסקנים אמריקנים, אם אכפת להם מהציבור החרדי, לדאוג קודם כל לעצמם. לתקן תחילה את הבעיות והקלקולים שם מעבר לים. ולא לחפש בעיות שאינן קיימות כאן.

בבקשה עסקנים חצופים מארה"ב: אל תתערבו בנעשה פה אצל החברה החרדית, התעסקו בג'ונגל של אלפי נערים נושרים אמריקניים, שמצבם קשה גם ללא כל 'סכנת גיוס'. תקנו את החברה שלכם, הרחיקו ממנה נוכלים, ועבריינים. חנכו את הנוער שלכם ושימרו עליו. זו היא חובתכם האמיתית.

Loose translation
One can peruse Facebook and see that those who have unfortunately left the frum community in the United States, is now an OTD community that does not stop growing

There has been a number of tragic and shocking deaths amongst those who are OTD 
These shocking cases are the direct result of a continuing failure by American Askanim in the treatment of youth dropping out of Charedie communities in the US, a phenomenon that is expanding 

Today, we see published pictures of Charedim in the town of Lakewood, who were arrested on suspicion of falsifying documents and fraudulently removing funds from government offices  

Some of the detainees are relatives of a very large Torah personality in Klall Yisroel. According to reports, this phenomenon is very widespread 

These same Rabbies criticise and ridicule the Israeli 
Gedoilim regarding the law of conscription in Israel

It was also claimed at the despicable anti-IDF Barcley rally that the great rabbis of Israel are partners in recruiting yeshiva students 

A certain newspaper in the United States, even published  names and pictures and the addresses of the greatest Torah scholars in Israel, and asked the readers to send letters to harass them 

It is easy for them to make meetings, assemblies, and protests and complain about the problems in Eretz Yisroel
But the same American activists, if they care about the 
    Orthodox public, should take care of themselves first 
First fix the problems overseas, rather than looking for problems that do not exist here 

Please Chutzpadika US activists 
Do not interfere with what is happening here in the ultra-Orthodox community. They have been busy with the jungle of thousands of American dropouts who are in a difficult situation even without any danger of being drafted. Fix your institutions, keep crooks away, and criminals. Educate and protect your youth. This is your true duty.

Gomez is the reckless driver that mowed down Mother and three children on Route 59 Monsey

Police charged a Spring Valley man with several counts of assault and reckless endangerment after he struck a mother and her three children as they walked along the shoulder of Route 59 in Monsey Monday afternoon.

Albert Gomez, 62, was sent to the Rockland County Jail in lieu of $150,000 bail.
The 38-year-old mother, a 13-year-old daughter, nine-year-old daughter and three-month-old son in a stroller, were struck by the vehicle at around 2:47 p.m.  All of the injured were treated at the scene by Hatzolah Ambulance and transported to Westchester Medical Center.

Gomez, who was alone in his car, was charged with four counts of assault, four counts of reckless endangerment and one count of reckless driving. Additional charges may be pending, police said.

Anyone who may have witnessed the accident is asked to call Ramapo Town Police at 845-357-2400.

What were Obama, Mueller and Comey Up To?

These Are The People That Don't Want Orthodox Control Of The Kotel ..... "Bark Mitzvah"