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Monday, February 13, 2017

Masbia’s Alexander Rapaport Protests Trump’s Immigration Order Wants More Muslims in Boro-Park

Alex Rapaport "Der Tam"

Alexander Rapaport, director of Masbia soup kitchen, rallied support for his Yemeni neighbors who were protesting President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, JTA reports.
Not everyone was happy about the gesture.
Rapaport, who said, according to JTA, that “his experience being the victim of anti-Semitism forces him to call out hatred against others,” is now receiving flack for helping to organize a communal show of support last week for a local Yemeni-owned bodega.
“I received your solicitation letter in the mail along with this phone number,” read a text message he received Wednesday. “After seeing, though, that you protested President Trump’s executive order, and thus shamefully sided with those who are putting American lives in danger, I am no longer able to donate to your organization.”
The message, Rapaport told JTA, was referring to a fundraising letter he sent a few weeks ago to about 1,500 “top donors” — those who had given a one-time three-figure donation to the New York-based Masbia Soup Kitchen Network.

Watch 60 Minutes Try To Show How Wonderful the Refugees Are, But Get Attacked By Refugees During the Piece

During an episode of 60 Minutes of CBS News on the changing face of Sweden, the camera team and reporters were ambushed and attacked by a group of masked immigrants as soon as the police that escorted them left. 
They fled the scene, the producer and cameraman got injured. 

Sweden, like Germany, pursues an "no limit, open border" policy towards illegal immigration of Muslim men from the poorest nations in Africa

This has led to ghettos and the biggest emigration wave of native Swedes fleeing their home country in its history - because it is no longer safe. The only country with more violent rapes than Sweden is a South African nation called Lesotho.

The tiny nation of just over 9 million inhabitants accept a sizable percentage of its population in immigrants while having one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. It is expected that Swedes will be a minority in Sweden within 2 decades. This is just a tiny demonstration of the so-called "demographic shift".

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Attorneys General bringing anti-Trump lawsuits are being funded by George Soros

More than a dozen lawsuits and counting have been filed against President Donald Trump’s executive order that temporarily blocks visas from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen. Looking beyond the handful of emotional personal stories that are gaining the media’s sympathy, there is a more predictable political power dynamic at play. The lawsuits largely stem from organizations bankrolled by billionaire leftist George Soros and Democratic state attorneys general.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has carried out a political vendetta against Trump, led 15 other state attorneys general in a joint statement condemning what they called an “unconstitutional, un-American and unlawful executive order.” The Democratic AGs also said, “Religious liberty has been, and always will be, a bedrock principle of our country and no president can change that truth,” a curious statement from the party that targeted the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Last August, George Soros’ son, Alex Soros, posted a picture of himself with Schneiderman on Instagram, and wrote, “Great to meet with #newyork attorney general @ericschneiderman who recognized that @realdonaldtrump was a fraud way before many and has courageously taken him on!”
Last August, George Soros’ son, Alex Soros, posted a picture of himself with Schneiderman on Instagram, and wrote, “Great to meet with #newyork attorney general @ericschneiderman who recognized that @realdonaldtrump was a fraud way before many and has courageously taken him on!”
Democrats are even raising money off the lawsuits. In a Facebook post, the Democratic Attorneys General Association said, "Stand with Attorney General Bob Ferguson and all Democratic State Attorneys General fighting for what's right!" It added, "Chip in to support Democratic AGs fighting for progressive rights and freedoms."
Outside of the politicians, Soros' Open Society Foundations, which advocates for open borders, is financing several advocacy groups that initiated litigation against the order.
Leading the way in these lawsuits in several states is the American Civil Liberties Union, which has gotten at least $35.5 million from the Open Society Foundations, according to the Capital Research Center, a Washington think tank that investigates nonprofits.
Soros also gave $4.6 million to the National Immigration Law Center, which has been involved in litigation, according to the CRC; and $621,000 to the Urban Justice Center, which has an appendage known as the International Refugee Assistance Project that has jumped into the lawsuits, according to the CRC.
shouldn't surprise anyone that pressure groups funded by George Soros are litigating to keep U.S. ports-of-entry wide open to terrorists and other people who hate America," Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of the CRC, told LifeZette. "Soros has said he wants to bring America down. Flooding the country with Muslim aliens who won't assimilate is one way to do that."
In a Seattle suit, separate from the Washington State case, ABC News reported the American Immigration Council, the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild filed a class action complaint on behalf of lawful permanent residents that want their immediate family members that are citizens of the seven countries be able to enter the United States.
Soros' Open Society Foundations gave $425,000 to the American Immigration Council from 2011 through 2013, according to the CRC, which shows Soros' group also gave at least $50,000 to the National Lawyers Guild.
The fact that a lawsuit is politically motivated doesn't mean it lacks legal merits. Republican attorneys general and conservative groups challenged the Obama administration's executive actions. But as the media plays up emotional stories, no one should try to divorce politics from these legal maneuvers.

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.
In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.
He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.
Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy,”it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.
Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.
“It is fine for everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged,” he said in a conference call from the White House. “But get over it.” He demanded they “move forward to protect what we’ve accomplished.”
“Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope.”
Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”
Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show “nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.
OFA, in IRS filings, says it trains young activists to develop “organizing skills.” Armed with Obama’s 2012 campaign database, OFA plans to get out the vote for Democratic candidates it’s grooming to win back Congress and erect a wall of resistance to Trump at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
It will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obama’s former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he and Obama call GOP “gerrymandering” of congressional districts.
Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.
Critical to the fight is rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party. Obama hopes to install his former civil-rights chief Tom Perez at the helm of the Democratic National Committee.
Perez is running for the vacant DNC chairmanship, vowing “It’s time to organize and fight . . . We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments;” while also promising, “We’re going to build the strongest grass-roots organizing force this country has ever seen.”
The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.
“You’re going to see me early next year,” he said after the election, “and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”
Added the ex-president: “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go.”
Paul Sperry is the author of “The Great American Bank Robbery,” which details the link between race-based housing policies and the mortgage crisis.

72 convicted of terrorism from 'Trump 7' mostly Muslim countries

Since 9/11, 72 individuals from the seven mostly Muslim countries covered by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism, bolstering the administration's immigration ban.
According to a report out Saturday, at least 17 claimed to be refugees from those nations, three came in as "students," and 25 eventually became U.S. citizens.
The Center for Immigration Studies calculated the numbers of convicted terrorists from the Trump Seven:
— Somalia: 20
— Yemen: 19
— Iraq: 19
— Syria: 7
— Iran: 4
— Libya: 2

Friday, February 10, 2017

Yeshiva Terrorist brings along child to stop Ambulances and buses from moving!

Here is a savage, who I'll bet, never worked a day in his life, stopping buses filled with people trying to come home from a days work.... stopping ambulances from getting the sick to the hospital ... carrying his innocent child while his wife is working somewhere to support this parasite.

Which meshiginer is supporting this terrorist?

What this guy needs ..... is the army, where they will strengthen  his sorry ass out ....

9th "Circus" Court rules against Donald Trump’s constitutional travel ban proving once again their liberal bias.

Watch President Obama Plug A Beer Company and Do a Commercial For Them From the White House

The Current Hafganos – Why Everyone Holds They Are Forbidden – A Halachic Analysis -

[By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times]
Let no one think that the protests happening in Israel are by any means justifiable. They are a clear violation of many prohibitions in the Torah. But before we get to that, let’s get some background as to what is currently happening.

There is a great debate in the Chareidi world in Eretz Yisroel about how to best deal with the forced registration for the draft of Yeshiva students. Rav Aron Leib Shteinman Shlita is of the opinion that the Yeshiva students should register for the army at the induction centers, and rely upon the tacit understanding that they will not be drafted.
Rav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, head of Peleg Yerushalmi, is of the opinion that the Chareidi yeshiva students should not register for the draft at all. A number of Chareidi families have switched their schools on account of this debate.
It should be noted that both Rabbis are brilliant Gedolei HaDor and Tzaddikim. The debate is thus a rather painful issue in the Torah world – somewhat akin to the pain of children whose parents are divorcing, r”l. The debate has not only torn apart the Chareidi world in Eretz Yisroel, it has also torn apart families.

This past Sunday evening, a 24 year-old Jerusalem yeshiva student was arrested at a protest in Yerushalayim. The young man is a follower of Rav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita and is following his instructions. According to an article in HaPeles, the young man was arraigned in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court after his arrest. He was to be released under house arrest with restrictions, as often happens in such cases. However, instead of releasing him, he was handed over to military police, who now are holding him without bail in a military jail because he had not registered for the draft.

In reaction to this arrest, on Monday night, hundreds of Peleg Yerushalmi affiliated yeshiva students took to the streets and highways across the country.
On Tuesday evening, some 50 demonstrators who tried to block major roads and junctions in Jerusalem, Modiin, Beit Shemesh and Bnei Brak were arrested.
At the Bar-Ilan Junction in Yerushalayim on Tuesday, dozens of protesters intermittently blocked the road and caused heavy traffic congestion in the approaching roads. Police arrested 15 people at that demonstration. Other protesters tried to block Shivtei Yisrael Street in Jerusalem and were dispersed by police.
On Tuesday night, 25 Peleg Yerushalmi students stopped an entire highway and began singing, “Aye aye aye tzion.” The cars that were blocked waited until the police either escorted or arrested the protestors.
The protests have caused a groundswell of anger among Israelis across the country. Police officers have been injured. The protestors have caused massive delays and forced closures of highways. Rocks have been thrown, trashbins have been set on fire. People missed flights, arrived late home from work, etc. Ambulances were delayed. Tens of thousands of people were inconvenienced.
Rabbis who encourage the protests are unaware of both the repercussions of the actions of the protestors or the more extreme measures that the protestors have taken up by themselves. Those close to these Rabbis tell them that such information are fabrications – lies. But they are not. It is thus incumbent on those who have entry to the Rabbinic supporters of protestors to explain the repercussions.
Rav Eliezer Menachem Shach zt”l, however, was aware of some of the repercussions and extreme measures that protestors take. He spent time and effort clarifying to his followers that at all times protestors must act with the utmost derecho eretz – like true Bnei Torah. The enclosed video is just one example of such a speech that Rav Shach zt”l had given.

Yeshiva Bochrim Lynch IDF Soldier in Bnei Brak

                        זו תורה  וזו שכרה 
The incident took place on Rechov Rabbi Akiva in Bnei Brak, where dozens of “Peleg Yerushalmi” Bochrim had gathered to protest.

According to multiple published sources, an IDF soldier attempted to disperse the crowd standing in the street blocking traffic – and as can seen in the attached video – sprayed tear gas at the crowd.

Around a minute later, the soldier is physically grabbed in a sweeping choke hold, thrown to the sidewalk and is kicked and beaten by a group of Bochrim.

An unidentified person comes to his rescue and begins dragging him to safety – but not before another Yeshiva Bochur punches the soldier clear in the face.

Police have launched an investigation, promising to prosecute anyone involved to the fullest extent of the law.

 It should be noted that on Wednesday night a Frum IDF Soldier was attacked with rocks and bottles by a group of Peleg Yerushalmi protesters on the same street. The soldier on Wednesday night had recently been discharged from the army, was wearing civilian clothing, but was recognized by the angry crowds. Police came and rescued him after he managed to barricade himself in a locked room.

More than 30 Bochrim from the “Peleg Yerushalmi” were arrested on Thursday in addition to the more than 50 yesterday.
Viewer discretion is advised.

Moshe Friedman" the Pig" slapped on the wrist after Sexually Torturing a helpless 6 year-old Child!

Der Groiser Chazzer Moshe Friedman

Beware of Moshe Friedman: Your Stomach Will Turn After You Read the Police Report

Moshe Friedman got a sweetheart deal which kept him out of jail and off the sex offender registry when he pled guilty on February 1, 2017 to a misdemeanor charge of “child endangerment” (NY Daily News).
Some of his defenders will say he didn’t really do anything serious. Maybe he just slapped a boy who was misbehaving. But you won’t say that after you read the police report with allegations of a string of sadistic sexual tortures that led to his indictment for multiple felony acts which could have put him in prison for decades.
According to the signed and sworn police report which was the basis of his indictment: The People of the State of New York County of Kings v Moshe Friedman:
…Between September 01, 2013 … and June 06, 2014 … at … [a Bobov yeshiva in Boro Park], the defendant … on multiple incidents per month …
  • Did strike the informant’s hand with defendant’s hand when informant’s hand was injured and treated with a cast
  • Did place defendant’s hand on the informant’s exposed buttocks
  • Did grab the informant’s penis,
  • Did insert the defendant’s finger into the informant’s anus
  • Did insert a banana into the informant’s anus
  • Did put the defendant’s mouth on the informant’s buttocks
  • Did place the informant’s penis inside the defendant’s mouth
  • Did bite the informant’s penis with defendant’s mouth
  • Did tie a string around the informant’s penis
  • Did shove a rag into the informant’s mouth
  • Did tie the informant’s lips shut with string
  • Did display a gun to the informant and state to the informant in sum and substance, “you’d better not tell your parents, or I’ll kill you and your family.”
The … [boy was born in] 2007.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

T.J.Maxx, Marshals and Nordstrom Ban Clothing from Jewish Ivanka

Employees at T.J. Maxx and Marshalls stores have reportedly been told not to feature Ivanka Trump's merchandise and to discard signs advertising those products.
The New York Times reported that TJX Companies, the retailers’ parent company, sent a following note to employees on Wednesday:
"Effective immediately, please remove all Ivanka Trump merchandise from features. All Ivanka Trump signs should be discarded."
A spokeswoman for the TJX Companies confirmed the note, but pointed out that it did not instruct employees to remove Ivanka Trump merchandise from sales floors.
Several companies have recently changed their relationships with Trump brands, as many of President Donald Trump's critics call for shoppers to boycott products related to the president and his family.
On Thursday, Nordstrom said that it would no longer carry Ivanka Trump's line of clothing and shoes. Neiman Marcus said shoppers will no longer be able to find the first daughter’s line of jewelry on its website.
After Nordstrom dropped her products, President Trump fired back at the clothing giant on Twitter:
My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by@Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!
Nordstrom says it dropped her merchandise because of poor sales, but the White House isn't buying that explanation.
At a press briefing today, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said it was an "attack" on the first daughter over President Trump's policies.
"He ran for president, he won, he's leading this country," Spicer said. "I think for people to take out their concern for his actions or executive orders on members of his family, he has every right to stand up for his family."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fake Silly "Rabbis" Arrested for Protesting in Front of Trump Building

The Rosh Yeshivah 

Nineteen fake rabbis were cuffed Monday night outside a Trump hotel near Columbus Circle while protesting the President’s ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority nations, that export terrorism, police and activists said.
The fake clergy members — seven men and 12 women — are members of T’ruah Rabbis, a liberal Jewish group that opposes President Trump’s executive order and hate Israel!
“Tradition teaches us to be kind to the plight of refugees,” T’ruah co-chair Rabbi Rachel Gartner said after marching with group.
She referenced the ill-fated St. Louis voyage full of Jewish refugees that was turned away from the U.S. in 1939.
“We cannot tolerate the executive order that comes from the administration. It’s very painful for us. It’s personal. We remember the St. Louis,” Gartner told the Daily News. “It’s eerily reminiscent and it strikes us to our core.”
Gartner failed to mention that the Jews on the St. Louis were fleeing Nazi Germany...and were requesting legal immigration. She also failed to mention that the citizens of those 7 nations advocate hate against all infidels.
Gartner joined about 200 crazed protesters, including the fake rabbis, who hiked about 30 blocks (nebech) to the Trump International Hotel and Tower at W. 59th St. and Central Park West.
In an act of civil disobedience, nearly two dozen members of the group sat in the street, linked arms and sang Hebrew protest (?) songs while blocking traffic.
After a warning, cops moved in for arrests.
The fake rabbis were handcuffed with their prayer shawls still draped over their shoulders.
It should be noted that these fake "rabbis" only wear their prayer shawls for protests, otherwise the shawls collect dust in their drawers.
Your people were legal refugees.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Kiddush Hashem !! IDF's First Haredi Paratrooper Company Sworn In

For the first time in history of the IDF a haredi paratrooper company swearing-in ceremony took place last Thursday at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. After Kfir and Givati brigades, Paratroopers will also incorporate a haredi company.
Only one month ago the new haredi paratrooper recruits arrived to induction center (Bakum). Paratroopers commander Col. Nimrod Aloni have said: “I am proud to welcome first haredi company becoming part of our brigade. I don’t have a slightest doubt that a new company will be professional, strong in both physically and spiritually. From now on you will become paratroopers. I wish you great success, you are true pioneers”.
In the shadow of the attacks of extremists against the haredi soldiers, ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi Zahav have published a picture of his recently enlisted son in paratroopers uniforms and wrote: “My soldier son, I’m proud of you”.
Rabbis of the Nahal Haredi Foundation, who will provide a spiritual support to new paratroopers by conducting Gemara lessons and providing personal backing for each soldier, have stated: “Today we have witnessed a historical moment. New haredi company in the IDF will continue the process of integration, started by Netzah Yehuda (Nahal Haredi) Battalion. The one can be a professional soldier and in the same time a practicing haredi Jew”.

Friday, February 3, 2017

This is in Brooklyn .... Not in Mecca!

White House: 'Settlements' may not help promote peace

The White House suggested on Thursday night that Israeli construction plans in Judea and Samaria “may not be helpful” to promote a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).
At the same time, the White House clarified that President Donald Trump’s administration has not yet taken an official position on Israeli “settlement activity”.

“The American desire for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians has remained unchanged for 50 years. While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer in a statement.

“As the President has expressed many times, he hopes to achieve peace throughout the Middle East region. The Trump administration has not taken an official position on settlement activity and looks forward to continuing discussions, including with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he visits with President Trump later this month,” added Spicer.

The statement from the White House followed a report in the Jerusalem Post, which quoted an unnamed American official who said that Trump has warned Israel to stop its unilateral announcements of new construction in Judea and Samaria as they “undermine” his efforts to reach a peace agreement.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced earlier this week the construction of 3,000 new homes in Judea and Samaria.

That announcement came after the approval of 2,500 units last week.
While the construction has been criticized by the UNthe EU and France, the Trump administration has thus far been silent on the issue, angering senior PA officials.
Just a week ago, Spicer declined to express a position on Israeli construction when asked about it in his daily press briefing.
"Israel continues to be a huge ally of the United States," Spicer said at the time, adding, "He wants to grow closer to Israel to make sure it gets the full respect in the Middle East. We'll have a conversation with the prime minister."
PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat later said he was "shocked" by the White House's silence on Israel’s construction announcement, and called on Trump's administration to clarify its policy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Gedoilim of Bnei-Brak now against Kiruv Work in their town

A thoughtful person would say ..... "wow ...what a great opportunity to do Kiruv in Bnei-Brak" but it seems that the big Gedoilim will have nothing to do with it ..... they are worried that all frumkeit will go out the window in Bnei Brak with the new Senior Citizen facility across the street from Rabbi Akiva Street.
Are they so insecure about their followers' frumkeit that they are opposed to a facility catering to Alteh Kockers?

Rabbonim have taken an active role in the battle to prevent the opening of a non-religious senior citizens’ facility on Jabotinsky Street opposite Rabbi Akiva Street in Bnei Brak for fear of the Chilul Shabbos that would be associated with such a facility. 

Among the rabbonim who have signed against the new facility are members of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, Rabbi Ba’adani, Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, Rabbi Chaim Meir Halevy Wosner, Rabbi Silman, Rabbi Luria, and Rabbi Baruch Weisbecker. The rabbonim explain a large non-religious facility of this size will bring many visitors on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim and result in major Chilul Shabbos.
Askanim in the city blame the city’s local planning board for bringing this project forward. Planning board officials explain that the project was approved by the mayor long before they were brought into the picture. They explain the mayor is working to have the facility become a medical facility treating the geriatric population.

City officials explain they do not have the authority to halt a project that was approved years earlier, but they are working to minimize the problematic issues that would accompany a non-religious senior care facility. 

'Not a coincidence' that Trump controversies come while Kushner observing Shabbat,

It is “not a coincidence” that some of President Trump’s most controversial moments came when two of his closest advisers were observing the Shabbat, according to a report.
Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner are seen as a moderating force on the commander-in-chief’s policies, though Vanity Fairreports that he has been out of the loop in critical phases.
The magazine wrote that Kushner and Ivanka, who are Orthodox Jews, do not work or use technology from sundown on Fridays to sundown on Saturdays, which is when Trump complained about reports of his inauguration crowd size.
“He wasn’t rolling calls on Saturday when this happened,” an unidentified source said. “To me, that’s not a coincidence.”
Beyond that Saturday, chaos surrounding Trump’s travel ban, believed to have been pushed by nationalist-leaning adviser Steve Bannon, also occurred during Shabbat.
Bannon's influence is seen as growing in the administration's first weeks, and the former Breitbart editor has been given a seat on the National Security Council.
This Saturday also saw the White House release a statement on the Holocaust that did not specifically mention Jews, which gained national attention despite officials' claims that it was being blown out of proportion.
Going back to July 2015, one of Trump’s first controversial campaign statements, saying that Sen. John McCain was “not a war hero” because he was captured.
The Sundays after each of those Saturdays saw Trump’s team more under control.
Trump followed the McCain statements by pointing out that he did call the senator a war hero in the same interview, and White House officials tried to clarify the executive orders this past Sunday.