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Friday, November 11, 2016

Republicans Dominated The Senate Races, Except The Ones Who Dumped Trump

GOPe Chasing Trump
Republicans had excellent results in Tuesday’s high-stakes Senate races, winning numerous tough battles to preserve their majority in the chamber for the next two years.
 But THE DAILY CALLER points out that Tuesday’s results revealed an interesting dynamic: 
The Republican Senate candidates who rejected President-elect Donald Trump and tried to go it alone were the only ones who ended up losing their races.
Overall, there were eight Republican-held seats and one Democrat-held seat that were competitive going into Tuesday night: Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Florida, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Missouri. 
Of the nine Republicans in these competitive races, six of them stood by Trump or, in the case of Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey, didn’t reject him. 
Three of them, though, explicitly rejected Trump: Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire, Mark Kirk in Illinois, and Joe Heck in Nevada.
The final results are telling: 
The three candidates who rejected Trump all lost, while the rest triumphed.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The unbearable smugness of the press

The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.
This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’s be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.

So much for that. The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it. Trump knew what he was doingwhen he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.
And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid.

Reform Jews suffered a bitter blow with Trump's election

Shas leader and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri welcomed the results of the American elections Thursday and said that the Reform Jews in America had suffered a "bitter blow".

"It is too early to discuss the possible repercussions of Trumps' election as president," said Interior Minister Deri, "but there is no doubt that we should thank God that all the desecrators of the covenant and impersonators of Judaism who wished to take control of the Land of Israel and introduce their destructive reforms- received a significant blow.

"Their influence and threat came from their connection to the administration in America, they realize that they have lost this power and we can, God willing, continue to strengthen the traditional religion which we received from previous generations.

"Many Jews said over the last few days that if such a miracle happens, it must be the days prior to the advent of the Messiah. We must truly be in Messianic times when everything will turn out favorably for the people of Israel."

'Trump does not view Jewish settlement as an obstacle to peace'

Jason Greenblatt, one of US President-elect Donald Trump’s close advisors, spoke with Army Radio this morning about Trump’s future stances with respect to the Jewish State.
In the interview, Greenblatt said that Trump “does not view the settlements as being an obstacle to peace. I think he would show [the expulsion of Jewish communities in Gaza, which didn’t bring peace] as proof of that. The two sides are going to have to decide how to deal with that region, but it is certainly not Mr. Trump’s view that settlement activity should be condemned and that it is an obstacle for peace - because it is not the obstacle for peace.”

Greenblatt said that Trump would not impose a “peace process” on Israel. “He thinks that Israel is in a very tough situation and needs to [do what it has to in order] to defend itself. He is not going to impose any solution on Israel. He thinks that the peace has to come from the parties themselves.”

When asked how he knew that Trump would keep his word on moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, Greenblatt noted: “He said that he’s going to do it. He’s different for Israel than any recent President has been and I think that he’s a man who keeps his word. He recognizes the historical significance of the Jewish people to Jerusalem unlike, let’s say, UNESCO.”

New York magazine's Disgusting Cover of Trump!

The "Loser" seems to be New York Magazine, with its premature cover, thinking Hillary would win! 

Newsweek misfires with Clinton cover

I thought they were out of business!!!!

A national recall went out Wednesday for the special “Madame President” issue of Newsweek that was prematurely shipped to stores and newsstands across the country.
At the same time, the publisher of the magazine will rush the “President Trump” version of the commemorative issue to press on Thursday — so it will get to stores next week.
“Like everybody else, we got it wrong,” said Tony Romando, CEO of Topix Media, the Newsweek partner which produces special issues under the popular brand.

Both a Clinton and a Trump commemorative issue were designed and laid out in advance, but Topix Media, believing late last week that Clinton was likely to win, shipped only the Clinton issue.
The magazine hit stores Tuesday. While retailers were told not to put issues on sale prior to the election, a handful did.
Romando claims only 17 Clinton magazines were sold — out of 125,000 printed and shipped.
“All wholesalers and retailers have been asked to return any issues they have as we need to clear room for [150,000 copies of] the President Trump issue,” Romando said. “We expect it to sell very well as there is obviously a great demand.”
The Barnes & Noble on Union Square that was selling “Madam President” issues Tuesday had none on their shelves Wednesday, according to a clerk in the magazine section, who told The Post he didn’t know if they sold out or were pulled.
Romando said he plans to print more copies of the Trump version because the upset victory would lead to bigger sales.

Here's a roundup of journalists insisting Trump would never win

So much for the Trump slump! Dow hits closing record high as stocks soar and the dollar makes its largest gains since Brexit

Image result for stocks
Wall Street reached record highs on Wednesday as the markets strengthened and currencies rose after being initially threatened by Donald Trump's election win.

The Dow index closed on 18,586 after rising more than 250 points in what experts described as the biggest market turnaround since the 2008 global financial crisis. 

It reached a record high of 18,650 in the afternoon as the dust settled after Tuesday's election result.  

The S&P 500 recorded a one month high at around 12pm, the exact time Hillary Clinton delivered her concession speech, and the Nasdaq index also strengthened.  
The dollar clawed back its earlier two percent loss after being abandoned by investors who flocked to safe haven currencies including the Japanese Yen and the Euro overnight. 

By 1pm on Wednesday, it had reached its highest gain since Brexit, climbing by 1.1 percent in a Bloomberg gauge.
While most other global markets were shaken by overnight losses, Russia was one of the few which showed soaring stock rates. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Aron Weider loses Assembly Seat, Kiryas Yoel's Biggest Nightmare!

Karl Brabenec and Aron Wieder

98th Assembly District 

Republican Karl Brabenec overcame a challenge by Democrat Aron Wieder for the 98th state Assembly District seat.
Brabenec, of Deerpark, beat out Wieder with 59 percent of the vote, according to unofficial results from the state Board of Elections. Brabenec was originally elected to the seat in 2014.
Weider, of Spring Valley, appeared on six different ballot lines, and managed to wrest the Conservative line away from Brabenec through a write-in challenge.
Among the top issues in the district, which includes portions of Rockland and Orange counties, was Kiryas Joel’s annexation of land from the Town of Monroe.
Brabenec opposed Kiryas Joel’s move to increase in size, and favored a proposal to create a town of North Monroe that lets both municipalities decide their futures. Wieder, who is former vice president and president of the East Ramapo school board, said the courts should decide — they have so far ruled in favor of the annexation.
The 98th Assembly district includes parts of the villages of Spring Valley, Montebello, Wesley Hills, Monsey and Kaser, and all of the village of Sloatsburg, as well as the Orange County towns of Monroe, Tuxedo, Warwick, Minisink, Greenville and Deerpark.

Trump a True Friend of Israel

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump on Wednesday, following his victory in Tuesday’s election.

Netanyahu, who assiduously avoided commenting on the race prior to the vote, called Trump "a true friend” of Israel.

Following criticism by left-leaning media outlets that he had appeared to side with Mitt Romney in 2012, the Prime Minister remained mum on this year’s election, going so far as to order government ministers not to make public statements on the issue.

Netanyahu said he looked forward to working with the 45th President of the United States, adding that the bond between the US and Israel was “ironclad.”

"President-elect Trump is a true friend of the state of Israel, and I look forward to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region," Netanyahu said.
"The ironclad bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared values, buttressed by shared interests and driven by a shared destiny.”
"I am confident that president-elect Trump and I will continue to strengthen the unique alliance between our two countries and bring it to ever greater heights."
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin also reacted to the news of Trump’s election, congratulating him – and warning him of the challenges he will face once in office.

“I want to congratulate President elect Donald Trump, his family, and all the American people who have once again showed the world it is the greatest democracy.”
“There are many challenges that lie before you as president - at home and around the world. Israel, your greatest ally, stands by you as your friend and partner in turning those challenges into opportunities.”
Rivlin then offered a blessing for the new President-elect, and a wish for increased cooperation between Israel and the US.

“I hope together Israelis and Americans can grow our innovation and cooperation, which are the fruits of liberty, and equality. God bless you Mr. President.”

Arrogant Media Sore Losers!

Trump Wins in Historic Uprising

Trump Wins ElectionCovers for November 9, 2016

Satmar & Skver Running Scared Because They Bet On the Wrong Horse

Both Satmar Brothers in collusion with the Skverer, endorsed Crooked Hillary for POTUS! They endorsed someone who voted to hand nuclear weapons to Iran, a country that vowed to wipe Israel off the map, Chas Ve'Sholem!  They endorsed a candidate that endorses gay marriage.

The Kapos Friedlander, Nadler and the arrogant Lichtensteins will now crawl under the rock....

But there is a G-d out there that protects Israel and didn't listen to those who "chanfeh" Goyim! Hashem didn't listen to the losing "manhigim" who could care less about 6 million Jews living in Israel and only cared about what it will do for the "moisid" or for New Square or Monroe and Williamsburg!

Now Trump owes them nothing!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's Your Choice ... America!

President Obama to FIRE FBI director James Comey after the election

  • Image result for comey
  • After persistent prodding by Valerie Jarrett, President Obama has agreed to fire America's top cop

  • A White House source familiar with the decision says Jarrett and the president held lengthy discussions over the past several days about the political and legal ramifications of firing FBI director

  • The president was furious with Comey for reopening the FBI's investigation of Hillary's emails 

  • But he was reluctant to move against Comey for fear that it would open him to charges of obstruction of justice.
  • It has yet to be decided who will wield the hatchet—the president, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, or someone else 

  • Monday, November 7, 2016

    Is the END near?

    2016 Election Finish

    Reform Jews, Leftist Jews team up with Satmar & Skver to vote for Hillary


    Who would believe that Skver and Satmar would be on the same page as leftist and Reform Jews?
    Voting for someone who advocates handing nuclear weapons to the Iranian Mullahs, and are strong proponents of having men who claim they are women go into public ladies bathrooms..

    Is this the new chassidis shtik to vote with Reform Jews? Or is it all about money?
    So for money they will throw 6 million plus Jews living in Israel under the bus, so they could get a couple of zlotes for the moisid!

    Sunday, November 6, 2016

    Clueless Satmar leaders in Kiryat Yoel tell their followers to vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8.

    Leaders of one of the groups of the Satmar anti-Zionist hasidic sect have told their followers to vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton next week. 

    According to those Satmar leaders, Republican candidate Donald Trump is pro-Israel and works to strengthen the Jewish state, and it is therefore forbidden to vote for him. Satmar believes that it was forbidden to create a Jewish state until the coming of the Messiah as the Talmud says that Jews in exile must not antagonize the non-Jews.

    In the notice sent to thousands of hasidim, the group justified their decision on other grounds as well, stating that Clinton "has stood with the haredi sects for several years, when she was First Lady, New York Senator, and Foreign Minister."

    A fringe group related to Satmar and often confused with them, known as Neturei Karta, organizes anti-Israel rallies, and often organizes protests at pro-Israel gatherings in the US in which Satmar participates.

    Ivanka Trump Visiting Ohel Of Lubavitcher Rebbe


    Image result for rockland police car

    Police in Rockland County are investigating two separate incidents involving female victims who were approached from behind by an unknown male subject.

    The first incident happened Tuesday on Carmen Court in Chestnut Ridge, while the second happened Thursday on Olympia Lane in Monsey. Both incidents occurred in the driveways of the victims' homes after they exited their vehicles, and both took place between 8:30 p.m and 10 p.m.

    The victim in the most recent incident said she isn't sure whether she was followed by a suspect in a car or whether he was lurking in a neighborhood.

    "Someone came from behind and attacked me," Chanie Lipschutz said. "He didn't say anything, he just attacked me. And thank God he just let go, because he really could've done anything."

    Authorities say he attempted to incapacitate her with ammonia in a surprise assault that took place just steps from her side door.

    "She couldn't scream, because he had her mouth covered," husband Pinny Lipschutz said. "He had some type of ammonia or something on his hands. Her eyes were burning, and she said she knew she should fight back, but she couldn't. He had her in such a grip that she couldn't move."

    The Lipschutz said something, perhaps a passing car, may have scared off the suspect, who fled without seriously hurting the victim or stealing anything.

    "At first we thought that he stole her pocketbook, but she had gone shopping, and the pocketbook was under the bags," Pinny Lipschutz said. "She dropped them and ran into the house."

    The unsettling incident happened on a quiet street where the family has lived for 22 years.

    "I was born in this town 58 years ago," Lipschutz said. "So it shakes you up when something like this happens in a small town, quiet street."

    It is unknown if the incidents are related, but both are being investigated by the Ramapo Police Detective Division with assistance from the Rockland County Sheriff's Department.

    Anyone with information is asked to contact authorities.