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Monday, October 10, 2016

Yeshiva Bochur Aviad Elmelem and his cousin Elisheva Hadad killed in car accident on way to Jerusalem

Aviad Elmelem
Aviad Elmelem
Courtesy of the family

A teenage yeshiva student from Ashdod was killed early Monday morning in a car accident as he drove to Jerusalem.

Aviad Elmelem, a 19-year old student from the coastal city of Ashdod died after the accident, which also left his sister seriously injured. She was evacuated to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer, Ramat Gan.

Relatives of Elmelem released a statement shortly after his death.
“With great sadness and bitter sorrow we announce the death of our son, our brother, and our beloved grandson, Aviad Elmelem.”

A friend of the family, Avi Amsalem – who serves as a member of the Ashdod city council as part of the Shas party – recalled Elmelem in an interview with BeHadrei Haredim.

“When you wanted to give an example of a generous young man, you’d point to him [Aviad]; and I’m not just talking about his love of Torah and the religious obligations to others, which for him was so important – he was entirely dedicated to others.”

“Before Rosh Hashanah he called up 150 of his father’s close friends to wish them a happy New Year, and asked from each of them forgiveness if he may have done anything impolite during one of his visits to them with his father. That’s the noble behavior of a yeshiva student.

“That’s also how he was yesterday – Aviad was on his way to Jerusalem as a favor; he was driving a family into town – but never made it back. It’s a terrible tragedy. We can’t understand it.”

Elmelem leaves behind his parents and nine siblings. His funeral will be held Monday afternoon in Ashdod.

It was also  was announced that a cousin of Aviad, Elisheva Hadad A”H from Bnei Brak, died of her injuries. They were heading to Yerushalayim together and she was critically wounded. She succumbed to her massive injuries a number of hours later. Levaya details to be announced.

Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital trauma unit received four victims of the accident including a 29-year-old female in very serious condition with a head injury, a 20-year-old female in light condition as well as an 18-year-old female and 55-year-old male in light condition.

The photo is that of Aviad. The tzibur is asked to be mispallel for Osnat bas Tziporah bsoch kol cholei am yisrael. She is the 29-year-old, a sister of the niftar who is in need of Rachmei Shomayim.

Quick pick Presidential Ballot

2017 Presidential Ballot

Trumps's message to the Jewish People today!

Image result for donald trump
The Palestinian terror attack today reminds the world of the grievous perils facing Israeli citizens. In a split second today, the streets of Jerusalem, Israel turned calamitous, shattered by gunfire as a Palestinian motorist trained his sights on Jews, killing two and wounding six others.
It marks yet another in a string of terrorist incidents targeting Israeli civilians in 2016. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent attendance at the funeral of Shimon Peres, the late Israeli president and prime minister, should have marked a new chapter in Israeli-Palestinian relations. Instead, the streets of Jerusalem tragically flow once more with the blood of innocents.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the survivors and the families of the victims. We must work to defeat terror once and for all. I wish everyone in Israel and the Jewish community around the world a meaningful Yom Kippur and peace.
Donald J. Trump

Hafganah in Geulah, Yerushalayim

So what are the bochrim doing during the "Aseres Yemei Teshuvah?"  
Getting ready for Yom ha'Din? For Yom Kippur? 
The are busy protesting and burning garbage cans in Geulah ......
Instead of joining their brothers and sisters in the fight against their common enemy ....they come out to protest ...
I can guarantee you that those who are learning Le'shmah or those who have jobs are not at the protest! Only the Leidegayers are there ...and from what I see, there are many ....

Sunday, October 9, 2016

This Is Your Life, Hanna Kohner ...the story of a Holocaust Survivor ! Tissues Please!

In a video uploaded to the Holocaust Visual Archive’s YouTube channel, one of the most emotional reality tv episodes was captured detailing the life of a Holocaust survivor who had only been liberated a few short years prior.
In 1953 32-year-old Hanna Bloch-Kohner was the first non-celebrity to appear on Ralph Edwards’s This Is Your Life, the reality series that aired on NBC radio and television from 1948 to 1961.

Bloch-Kohner, born in Czechoslovakia, was arrested in 1943 and eventually sent to Auschwitz. Edwards left out one shocking detail that Bloch-Kohner would reveal in later interviews: she was pregnant when she was deported, and to survive, she had a secret abortion. She listens as he describes her separation from her brother Gottfried, who had moved to Israel after the war and who later steps out from behind the curtain, and the death of her first husband in the gas chambers.
Bloch-Kohner’s face is incredibly expressive as she exudes delight at seeing loved ones she has not seen in years, and of incredible sorrow. When they arrive at the part of the story when she discovers that her brother is still alive, she interrupts Edwards because she needs to tell the rest of it herself.

Wikileaks Release Exposes Hillary wish to "End the USA" as we know it!


The most frightening thing about the recent Wikileaks drop, which included excerpts of Hillary’s paid Wall St. speeches is her excitement over ending the United States as we know it.

Hillary is an extreme globalist.
She not only embraces the globalist mentality but she actually wants to end the U.S. as we know it and replace it with a “Hemispheric Government.”
No wonder Angela Merkel is her “favorite leader.”
Hillary wants to turn the United States into Germany – or worse.

Yoko Ono: “I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s”

Los Angeles | Yoko Ono shocked reporters yesterday when she responded to a question concerning the presidential run of Hillary Clinton and the possibility that she could become the first woman President of the United States in American history.
Image result for yoko ono and hillary

The artist and widow of John Lennon, who is in Los Angeles to present a collection of cups and saucers she is exhibiting at the Museum of Modern Art, totally took reporters by surprise by admitting she had not only met the former First Lady at various times during a series of protests against the Vietnam War in New York in the 1970s but also knew her “intimately”.

The celebrity admitted laughingly to having “a fling” with her at the time and acknowledged her election “would be a great advancement for LGBT and Women rights in America” she added.

Yoko Ono when asked about her thoughts about Hillary’s run for the presidency completely took reporters by surprise.

“We met many times during the New York Vietnam War protests in the 1970s, and became very intimate. We shared many of the same values about sexual equality, fighting against the authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society we were raised in” she explained.

“We had a brief romantic fling when I lived with John in Manhattan and Hillary was studying at Yale, but eventually we lost touch. I am amazed how things are going well for her and wish her the best for her campaign” she told reporters during the press conference.

Experts believe the statement could affect the presidential candidates bid for the presidency but previous allegations of Hillary Clinton’s lesbian past have not seemed to play against the front runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential race yet.

New York Times to Obama: Hit Israel hard because Israel allowed Jews to build in their own country

Image result for new york times israel

The Jew Hating New York Times has demanded US President Barack Obama use his last months in office to hit Israel hard diplomatically.

Apparently, this is in response to the fact that the Israeli government "approved the construction of a new Jewish settlement in the West Bank," which is simply "another step in the steady march under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to build on land needed to create a Palestinian state."

Last week, the Israeli government approved a plan allowing Amona residents to move to the neighboring town of Shilo, where they would be housed in a new neighborhood on government land planned specially for them.

Shilo is a town in in the Biblical "hills of Ephraim," and is now under the jurisdiction of the Binyamin Regional Council.

Ukranian beating up Jews again ...Holocaust wasn't enough!

 A Lubavitch rabbi is fighting for his life after being subjected to a vicious beating this morning at a Ukranian train station.

Rabbi Mendel Deitsch, a Chabad shaliach who has been stationed in France and Israel, was believed to have spent Rosh Hashana in Haditch, Ukraine, the birthplace of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Lubavitch movement. 
Rabbi Deitsch was at the Zhitomir’s central train station this morning when he was brutally attacked by unknown assailants, reported Chabad.org.
Anti-Semitism is said to be rare in the Ukraine and it is unknown at this time if the attack on Rabbi Deitsch was religiously motivated.
According to Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, the Chabad shaliach to Zhitomir, Rabbi Deitsch was in extremely critical condition and was undergoing surgery as Shabbos began in the Ukraine.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Rabbi in Boro Park doesn't think Moshiach is coming anytime soon: Building a "Monster" Building!


 A vacant lot on a Borough Park corner may soon be the home to a synagogue of epic proportions.
Congregation Heichal Hatefillah, led by Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger, has filed plans for a 93,720 square foot synagogue to be located at 1772 52nd Street, which runs from the southeast corner of Old New Utrecht Avenue on 52nd Street until 18th Avenue.
The six story building designed by prolific architect Karl Fischer, will have three floors located above ground, with the remaining three levels located below street level.  Plans for the structure include offices, banquet and lecture halls and an on-site mikvah. Living quarters for Rabbi Eisenberger are also included in the plan and are estimated at 12,224 square feet by real estate website New York Yimby.
Pictures of the proposed synagogue show a large airy space with numerous windows, two levels of women’s balconies on each side of the building and four long rows of wood encased seating to hold the many expected congregants.According to the Karl Fischer website, the synagogue is expected to be completed in 2017.
Fischer, who has offices in both New York and Montreal, has designed numerous buildings in Williamsburg as well as the 180,000 square foot Yeshiva Darchei Torah pre-school, elementary and junior high school campus in Far Rockaway.The interior (KARL FISCHER ARCHITECT)

Why I attack Satmar?

People constantly ask me why are you obsessed with Satmar? 
Why do all your posts somehow denigrate the SHIT'ah of Satmar .....??
The answer is that I believe that because Satmar is becoming a very strong majority in the frum world; the average Satmar family is 12 souls, it is imperative for frum Jews,that believe that G-D gave us Eretz Yisroel, to shout from the rooftops that the SHIT'ah is false, and is not part of our holy Torah and is in fact not Judaism!

  Emes Ve-Emunah, Harry Maryles, articulates this idea beautifully ...

There is a story about the Satmar Rebbe, R’ Yoel Teitelbaum that goes something like this:

When in 1968 Vice President Hubert Humphrey came to visit the Satmar Rebbe seeking his support for election to the Presidency, he asked the Rebbe what he could do for him. The Satmar Rebbe is purported to have said "Sell weapons to Israel!". People in attendance later asked the Rebbe, ‘How can you have advised Humphrey that way - when we know you are opposed to the State?’ The Rebbe supposedly answered that we have a disagreement with our family members but we don't want to see them hurt’. Supposedly the Rebbe added that when a Jew criticizes Israel it is anti Zionism. When a non Jew does that, it’s antisemitism.

One might admire the fact that the Rebbe did not let his antipathy to the State of Israel get in the way of protecting the people living there. And that he rightly labeled non Jewish critics of Israel – antisemites. One could admire that  if it were true. But apparently it never happened. The true story went something like this:

Humphrey visited the Rebbe and was treated cordially as he spoke about his support for Israel. The Rebbe listened to him without saying much. After leaving, the Rebbe was asked why he didn’t tell Humphrey that he was opposed to Israel. His answer was rhetorical, “What should I do, tell him about the Shalosh Shevuous (the 3 oaths mentioned in the Gemara which form the theological basis for his opposition to the State)?”

Was Rav Kook an Ish Tzar V'Oyev?
When asked whether a non Jew’s anti Zionism was tantamount to antisemitism he said, ‘No’. The video below explains all this – debunking the urban legend about the difference between the Satmar Rebbe’s public versus private persona vis-à-vis Israel. If the Rebbe was anything, he was consistent in his vitriol for the state.

As I’ve pointed out many times, his published statement that Rav Avraham Yitzchok Kook was an Ish Tzar V’Oyev - which basically compares him to Hitler - underscores that vitriol.

I have always maintained that it is the Satmar Rebbe himself that inspired people from extremists groups like Neturei Karta. Some of whose members have embraced Holocaust denying antisemites like former Iranian President Ahmad Amadinijad who along with Iran’s current supreme leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei has called for the annihilation of the Jewish state.

But Neurei Karta is not the alone in harboring this attitude. It is the same as the current Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, R’ Zalman Leib Teitelbaum - and virtually all of his tens of thousands (if not more) Chasidim.

When I have made this accusation in the past, I was severely criticized for it. The claim was that even though they did not support the state, they would never make the kind of Chilul HaShem that those ‘Ahmadinijad kissing’ Neturei Kartaniks did! Well, apparently my critics have been proven wrong. Because as reported by Matzav - last Thursday in front of the United Nations at exactly the moment that Israel’s sitting prime minister spoke, the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg succeeded in hosting thousands of his Chasidim in public protest against Israel. The supposed purpose was to oppose the new draft laws – which have already been defanged to the point of irrelevance by the very person they protested against.

They are of course entitled to express their views in public no different than any antisemite would. It’s called free speech. But I am also free to condemn it in public as a massive Chilul HaShem with the potential to do great damage to the Jewish people. Not to mention the fact that it could end up endangering the lives of all of Israel’s residents, including the many Satmar Chasidim that live there. 

That the US is now at its peak level of support to the Jewish State is based in large part (albeit not exclusively) on how the current politicians perceive American Jewish support of it. God in His infinite wisdom has given under 2% of the population tremendous influence on how their government treats Israel. 

But that support is not automatic. There are plenty of politicians in office that could easily turn on us. Some because they are closet antisemites, and some because they see the Arab world as a far more important strategic partner because of their oil and their exponentially greater  numbers. When these people see that many Jews – Jews that appear and claim to be the most religious among us protesting the state, that might turn the tide of support. Or at least lessen it to the point of reduced aid or elimination of aid altogether. It might also embolden more of those those politicians to support BDS which is increasingly becoming exposed as a purely anti Israel movement - and not just anti ‘West Bank settlement’ movement. 

I can’t blame the Chasidim themselves. They have been indoctrinated to see Israel only in the way the Satmar Rebbe sees it. In the rare circumstance that any of their Chasidim might see things differently, such dissent is not tolerated. That is the nature of relying on a supreme religious leader – whose views they see as Godly. If the Rebbe says it’s so, it is so. Period! End of discussion! Which is why so many Chasidim showed up for that protest.

What makes this protest so worse than those Neturei Karta protests is that Satmar is one of the fastest growing Jewish demographics in the world. They are multiplying exponentially with each succeeding generation - hating the Jewish state as much as their founder did. And becoming more public about it in greater numbers than ever. True - what Neturei Karta has done by raising he Palestinain flag, or attending pro Palestinians rallies, or by going to Iran to support their anti Israel views - are by themselves much worse acts. But they can be chalked up to a few crazies. When thousands of people show up to protest Israel at the UN during the prime minister’s speech - it is mainstream Chasidim doing it.

I therefore cannot condemn what they have done here enough. Unfortunately I am just a lone voice. And I’m sure there will be those that somehow find ways to defend them – adding to the Chilul HaShem – and the danger it may bring! 

I only wish other more prominent voices in the Jewish world would join me. It is time to once and for all sever any ties to this community and let the world know that Satmar does not speak for the Jewish people. Not even the Orthodox ones. 

Hillary Campaign Bus

Hillary and Machado

R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe rules that the Marriage of Yoel and Chava Schwartz is Null and Void!

Religious Jews all over the world are in the midst of the "Aseres Yemei Tsuvah" and are making a reckoning of their actions from the past year; repenting and attempting to  rectify all the wrongs  they may have done to their fellow beings and their Creator.

But it seems that does not apply to Chassidishe Rebbes, specifically R' Aron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe!

R' Aron is the one that wrote a letter to Senators and Congressman asking them  to  boycott Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to congress. Netanyahu was addressing both houses of congress  begging them to persuade the Obama administration not to hand nuclear arms into the hands of the Iranian Jew murderers. Even though he knew that Netanyahu was invited by the Speaker of the House.

Not content with throwing all Jews residing in Israel under the bus, he went out of his way to ostracize a young Satmar couple that reside in Kiryas Yoel , that got married in Woodbury, a stone's throw from Monroe.  

Yoel and Chava Schwarts got married properly under Jewish Law, but R' Aron, the dictator of Monroe, declared long ago that anyone that resides in Monroe must get married under his jurisdiction with one of his goons acting as the Mesader Kiddushin...

Since the Schwartz' "violated" his precept, he went bonkers and wrote the above Kol Korah , naming them by name and writing that their marriage is not recognized by their Kehilah and they " must get remarried by one of R' Aron's  own" gangsters! And if they ignore the "edict" they "will pay dearly" for their infraction.

Satmar is divided into 3 factions: 
The two feuding brothers: The Aronim under R' Aron Teitelbaum, and the Zilonim under R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, 
and the Bnei Yoel who hate both of them!
All three factions live also in Monroe and have their own institutions and Shuls in Kiryas Yoel.

But since R' Aron lives there as well. he considers himself the king and wants all the residents in Monroe to be his subjects! 
But Satmars will remain Satmars ... and the Zalonim and the Bnei Yoel thumb their fingers at him and ignore him and act as if R' Aron is an annoying  fly on the wall! 
So the Schwartz' who I presume are Bnei Yoel ignored the king and will now pay dearly for the "mischief"  they did ...which was getting married under the halacha but not under the direction of R' Aron's gangsters!
A Git Genbentched Yuhr! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How NOT talking Loshon Hara can destroy the Jewish People

Image result for lashon hara

The following is a true record of events regarding an institution that is close to our hearts. The institution was located in a community where many of our children currently reside. It is a most unfortunate story.

Initials and first names only have been used so as not to disclose the identities of the parties involved. The truth is, however, that perhaps their identities should be disclosed. If we do not disclose them, the lessons contained in this narrative will not be learned. Some may think that the disclosure of the names of the parties involved might constitute Lashon Harah. The 5TJT editorial staff believes otherwise, but if you feel differently, you will be warned with ample time.
“Ben N.” is a well respected and reputable individual – well-liked both by the Rabbinic and Jewish political establishment, and especially by Rabbi G, the head of the institution involved.
“Yochanan” is someone that thinks differently. He has a very low regard for “Ben N” – suspecting him of very base motives. The atmosphere, however, in the community is one of strong appreciation and regard for the laws of Lashon Harah. It seems that anything Yochanan will say will be dismissed. He will be labeled as a “Baal Lashon Harah.”
Yochanan means well. He wishes to protect the institution. It seems, however, that one man’s protective intent is another man’s violation of Lashon Horah’s prohibitions. Yochanan approaches Rabbi G and gives him his information about Ben N. He hopes that Rabbi G will be reasonable and at least take some action to protect the institution.
Unfortunately, Yochanan’s worst fears are realized. Rabbi G refuses to listen to Yochanan – labeling what he says as pure, unadulterated Lashon Harah. Yochanan pleads:
“At least listen, then decide..”
“No. Chas V’Shalom.”
“I need you to stop this Lashon Harah immediately. Period. End of story.”

Pence vs the anti-Semite Kaine!

Kaine Pence Debate
There were 70 interruptions because Pence was interrupted 70 times.
 I don't care how you think he did, he was interrupted 70 times.   Seventy different times a serious effort was made to silence Mike Pence.  
We deserve better than this -- and the moderator was worthless, totally over her head, not qualified.  
For every Kaine interruption, you have to conclude 70 things Pence didn't get to say, 70 times Pence didn't get finished -- 70 times Pence was prevented from giving his thoughts.  
They were terrified of any right-leaning, mainstream American ideas entering the public arena.  Just shout out over and over that Trump loves Putin, that Mexicans are rapists, that women are pigs -- and those tax returns, yeah! Just keep pounding those tax returns. 
 Don't let anybody talk about, say, job creation.  No, no, we can't talk about job creation.  The government does that already. The government's doing great, like 15 million new jobs, the interrupter kept shouting last night, 15 million new jobs. 
What 15 million new jobs?  
There are 94 million Americans not working, 15 million new jobs?  What are they?  
They're part-time jobs, people hired, so companies can escape Obamacare, which even Bill Clinton is out trashing now.  And don't let's talk about the results of illegal immigration.  No, no, no, we can't talk about immigration honestly.  We can't permit any honest characterization of what's happening to this country because of illegal immigration, because there are too many potential Democrat votes tied up in it.  So we can't allow anybody to actually discuss this in a truthful and honest manner. 

Blacks for Trump! Video

The New York Times Paid No Taxes in 2014

The New York Times has excited the Clinton campaign and the rest of the media with a revelation that Republican nominee Donald Trump declared a $916 million loss in 1995 that might have resulted in him not paying taxes in some subsequent years.

The implication, reinforced by CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union on Sunday morning, is that Trump “avoided” paying taxes, when in fact his tax liability was zero.
But the Times itself has “avoided” paying taxes — in 2014, for example.
As Forbes noted at the time:
… for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again.
New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani defended Trump on Sunday, telling NBC News’ Meet the Press that Trump was a “genius” in business who was simply doing what the tax code allows every American to do by counting losses against tax liabilities, and bouncing back from failure to success.

That would include the New York Times — which, however, is still struggling.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Gut Ge'bentched Yuhr! Rosh Hashanan!

Frustrated Obama can't wait to get the "hell" out of Israel!

Obama and Clinton traveled to Israel to attend the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres. 

See video watch  and see a rare moment where the leader of the free world is forced to wait, for "crooked Hillary's" husband Bill! 
Couldn't wait to leave Israel!