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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Media Upset with Trump because he called a bomb a "bomb"?

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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each referred to the intentionally set explosion Saturday night in New York City as a bomb, but Trump is taking the brunt of the backlash for failing to wait until police made a determination.
"Just before I got off the plane a bomb went off in New York, and nobody knows what's going on," Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said during a rally in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Authorities say they suspect the explosion, which injured 29 people, was an "intentional act" but have provided no details about a suspect or motive. The device was put in a large metal trash bin in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood.
A second device was purportedly found four blocks from the explosion. It appeared to be a pressure cooker attached to wiring and a cellphone.
Also on Saturday, a pipe bomb explosion in New Jersey forced the cancellation of a morning charity run. And a man in St. Cloud, Minn., stabbed at least eight people in a shopping mall while making references to Allah.
After the Chelsea explosion, Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, told reporters she had been briefed "about the bombings in New York and New Jersey and the attacks in Minnesota."
However, wire service reports characterized Clinton’s comments as “more cautious.”
In addition, CNN.com posted a story with the headline: “Trump says 'bomb went off in New York.’ ”
And Katy Tur, the NBC reporter covering the Trump campaign, tweeted: “Reported 'explosion' in NY at 8:30. At 9:10 Trump tells CO a ‘bomb’ went off. Source says Trump was 'briefed' on plane. Who briefed him?”
Still, many of the comments on social media, including one journalist’s, were critical of how the news media covered Trump and Clinton’s responses.
“If you're in the media and your chief worry is that Trump called a bombing a bombing too early for you, please find another line of work,” conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted.
Another person tweeted: “Media slams Trump for calling the New York explosion a bomb even after they KNEW he was right. Incredible.”

Police do not rule out Terrorisim in explosion in New York City ...25 injured

At least 25 people were injured after an explosion in Manhattan Saturday night, emergency workers confirmed to Fox News as police evacuated the area.
The blast was heard on West 23rd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues in the city's Chelsea neighborhood. Police counterterrorism officers, a bomb squad and firefighters rushed to the scene. Sources tell Fox News investigators have not ruled out terrorism as a possible factor but that it was too early to determine the exact cause. 
The explosion shattered windows at a nearby home for the blind, The New York Post added.
All of the injured were expected to survive, the FDNY reported. The blast may have originated in a garbage can which was found mangled, investigators said.
A witness described the explosion as "very forceful," telling Fox News it sent a "big cloud of black smoke" into the air as people ran from the scene. Another said a fireball shot into the air as a nearby building shook. Witnesses said they did not smell gas beforehand.
"Louder than any thunder I've ever heard in my life. Like the sky exploded. Shook the building" NYC explosion
A National Guard member near the scene told Fox News the explosion was so loud that he put on his uniform and raced to the area.
Witnesses say FBI and Homeland Security officials are also at the scene. Crews were evacuating at least two buildings, the Post added.
Earlier Saturday, a planned charity run for Marines and sailors was canceled after a pipe bomb exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey, a 90-minute drive south of New York City.
Police blocked off nearby streets as the investigation continued.

Satmar Zalonim furious with their Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib for locking out poor toddlers from Satmar Cheder while collecting millions for Chinuch Atzmai

Loose translation of a comment on a chassidishe blog!
"my wife tells me that she went to bring my little toddler to her first day in school in UTA (United Talmudical Academy ..Satmar) .....and out side at the entrance of the school stood two black gentiles accepting "admittance cards" 

Those children that didn't possess those cards were sent to the left outside and not allowed to enter the building. 

She noticed that there were many little children from the first to the fifth class, standing on the left looking frightened and crying.
There wasn't any Jewish staff of the Yeshiva outside to either take charge of the situation or to calm down the children who were initially excited to to come to school on the first day..and were now shocked  that they were denied entry by gentiles.... 

My wife noticed that one little girl was hysterically crying and my wife felt so bad for her so she asked her, her phone number. The little searched in her briefcase for her phone number...my wife called the number, and the mother told my wife, that she just had a baby and the little girl slept by an aunt, her husband is at work and asked begged my wife to help her child!

Yes,  the Rebbe (R' Zalman Leib) flies on private airplanes with Ruby Shron to collect millions of dollars for French children to place them in Chinuch Atzmaie schools , but his own blood brothers are brutally blocked from entering the school by black gentiles, and for one reason only, because the children come from poor homes ....
The holy spirit says, "On these I cry" 

Ben Ish Chai ... Lost Photo

Ben Ish Chai on the left, R' aaron Gabbai in the middle, Harav Ezra Yoisef Gabbai, the Mechutin of the Ben Ish Chai on the right

Friday, September 16, 2016

‘The Boys in Tehran Know Israel Has 200 Nukes Pointed at Them,’ Says Former Secretary of State Colin Powell in Leaked Email

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Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell told a colleague last year that Israel has a slew of nuclear weapons pointed at Iran, according to emails released by hacking group DCLeaks and reported on by US foreign policy blog LobeLog on Wednesday.
In a March 2015 exchange between America’s former top diplomat and his current business partner, Jeffrey Leeds — about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial speech to Congress to warn against the Iran nuclear deal that was being negotiated — Powell wrote:
Negotiators can’t get what he wants. Anyway, Iranians can’t use one [a nuclear weapon] if they finally make one. The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands. As Akmdinijad (sic) [said], “What would we do with one, polish it?” I have spoken publicly about both nK and Iran. We’ll blow up the only thing they care about—regime survival. Where, how would they even test one?
This assertion about the existence of Israeli nukes, as LobeLog‘s Eli Clifton pointed out, is significant, because Jerusalem continues to maintain a policy of “nuclear ambiguity.”
Powell, who publicly endorsed the Iran deal a few months later, during an interview onNBC‘s “Meet the Press,” wrote a subsequent email to Leeds saying,
They [the Iranians] say, correctly, that they have every right to enrich [uranium] for energy. Russians helped build a power reactor at Busher. Can’t get enough sanctions to break them Lots of bs around about their progress. Bibi likes to say “a year away,” as do our intel guys.They say it every year. [It] ain’t that easy to do.
In another email exchange, this one in August 2015 with President Ronald Reagan’s former chief of staff Ken Duberstein, who – as Clifton explained, “suggested that Powell might refrain from endorsing the deal in a television interview where he would face questions about Hillary Clinton’s emails.” But Powell was undeterred, and harshly criticized Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass and Ret. General David Petraeus for remaining on the fence about the nuclear agreement:
The Iran deal is a good one for the country and our alliances. Retired generals and admirals popping off. I have studied it pretty thoroughly…I have done emails before on tv. Have to deal with ISIS. Richard] Haass, Petraeus et all claiming to be undecided. BS, they are just protecting their future options. I don’t have or want any. [James] Baker, [George] Shultz know what’s right, as does Henry [Kissinger]. Brent [Scowcroft] showed some guts.
Duberstein later forwarded Powell a fundraising email sent out by former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton, which called the nuclear deal “the single largest global security crisis.”
“Haha! What is he smoking?” Duberstein wrote.
According to a report in the Washington Post, the shady site that posted Powell’s two years’ worth of emails — in which he mocked and hurled epithets at Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney and others — is being linked to the Russian government. The FBI, the report said, is investigating the veracity of this suspicion.
Powell is a retired four-star general in the US Army, who served as as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-1993) during the Gulf War. He served as secretary of state under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005.

Lost onyx stone believed to be an ancient gem from the Choshen of the Kohein Gadol of Jerusalem is 'found' after being 'missing for 1,000 years'

Biblical text describes a breastplate worn by the High Priest that was fitted with 12 stones and used to communicate with God. There were also two sardonyx set on the shoulders and now, it is believed that one of the stones (pictured) is being held in South Africa
Legend says it was given to a Knight Templar 1,000 years ago and handed down through that family from one generation to the next. Because this stone was one-of-a-kind, he appraised its value at $175 million to $225 million

A small onyx stone believed to have been worn in the sacred breastplate of the High Priest of Jerusalem may have been found after being missing for more than 1,000 years. 

A sardonyx gem, thought to have been one of two that were set in gold on each shoulder of the breastplate and deemed to be 'forms of divine communication', was discovered in South Africa.

The owner claims the stone was given to a distant ancestor as a reward from the High Priest in 1189 and has been passed from generation to generation of the family since. 

Biblical text describes a sacred breastplate worn by the High Priest of Jerusalem that was fitted with 12 stones and used to determine God's will. The sardonyx could be one of two additional stones worn on the shoulders.

What makes this sardonyx so unique is it has a tiny Hebrew inscription, which is believed to be an ancient script that dates back to 1000 BC, burned or engraved in the heart of the stone. The letters in the stone appear to be similar to those found on archaeological finds dating from 1300 to 300 BC.

The Jewish text Talmud reveals that questions would be brought to the breastplate worn by the High Priest and the stones would light up to spell the answers.
The stones of the High Priest's breastplate, were referred   as Urim and the Thummim, a phrase that has yet to be defined
The Jewish text, Talmund, reveals that questions would be brought to the breastplate worn by the High Priest and the stones would light up to spell the answers. Pictured is a concept drawing of the breastplate 
Legend says it was given to a Knight Templar 1,000 years ago and handed down through that family from one generation to the next.
The stone was first discovered in 2000 and was investigated in person by Professor Moshe Sharon, an ancient Hebrew expert at the University of Witwatersrand who described the script as the equivalent to our 'B' and 'K'.

On examining the stone Professor Sharon was baffled to find there are no markings on the stone's surface to suggest it has been cut open to add the letters. 
'Due to the clarity of the letters and their fine definition it would be incredible if they are a coincidental natural formation in the stone,' Professor Sharon stated in a notarized report at the time.
'The lack of any apparent sign of interference with the surface makes the existence of the letters inside the stone a real enigma.' 

Now an expert who laid eyes on the mysterious gem 16 years ago is calling for a new appraisal in the hope of revealing its true history. 

Dr. James Strange, a professor in religious studies and archaeology at Samford University in Alabama, traveled to South Africa in 2000 to appraise what was described as an interesting gemstone at the request of a friend. What he found left him puzzled. 


Experts believe the stone dates back to 1000 BC, as there is ancient Hebrew inscribed at its center.
The script is the equivalent of our 'B' and 'K'.
The letters in the stone appear to be similar to those found on archaeological finds dating from 1300 to 300 BC. 
What makes this case so unique is that there are not marks on the stone's surface, which means the stone was not cut open to add the  two letters. 
Experts suggest the sardonyx had either been set in a large plate or breast plate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC.

Now he has told Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz with Breaking Israel News: 'I think this object needs a new appraisal and as many scientific tests as possible to determine whether it is genuine.
'If it turns out to be an artifact important to the history of the Jewish people, then that is truly wonderful.
'If it turns out to be a masterful fraud, then I will be pained that I was duped.'

Speaking of his trip in 2000, he said: 'I was unaware that anyone in the late Middle Ages had the technology to cut a hemisphere in such a medium, so I tried to exhaust all other explanations. 
'There is no modern or ancient technology known to me by which an artisan could produce the inscription, as it is not cut into the surface of the stone.' 

With no visible markings on the surface, Dr. Strange ruled out the idea that the stone was cut open.
After his examination, Dr. Strange concluded that the sardonyx had either been set in a large plate or breastplate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC. 
What makes the sardonyx so unique is a tiny inscription (pictured is a drawing of the text) in the heart of the stone, which is believed to be an ancient script that dates back to 1000 BC. M.  Experts says the script is the equivalent of our 'B' and 'K'
What makes the sardonyx so unique is a tiny inscription (pictured is a drawing of the text) in the heart of the stone, which is believed to be an ancient script that dates back to 1000 BC. M.  Experts says the script is the equivalent of our 'B' and 'K'
Pictured is a concept drawing of the breastplate, which was studded with gems and would light up to spell out answers when questions were put to it
Pictured is a concept drawing of the breastplate, which was studded with gems and would light up to spell out answers when questions were put to it
Because this stone was one-of-a-kind, he appraised its value between $175 million to $225 million.

Ian Campbell who was the director of the Independent Coloured Stones Laboratory in Johannesburg and a leading South African gemologist, also confirmed that the stone had not been sliced open to add the inscription. 
'How does one logically go about putting a value to something like a proven religious artifact that is a 'one of' article?'

He estimated that $200 million was a 'fair starting point'.
Now, the claims from 2000 have been confirmed by Breaking Israel News who spoke with Campbell's apprentice, Jeremy Rothon.
However, Dr. Strange still remembers the stone as if it was still sitting in his hand.
He noted that if it was a fake, another stone that was similar would have surfaced by now, and he is requesting a new appraisal.
The present owner is in contract with a South African businessman who is now searching for investors who are willing to purchase the stone and take it back to Israel – both parties wish to stay anonymous.
When the businessman laid eyes on this small stone, he immediately recognized that the sardonyx was an important piece of Jewish history and is determined to bring it home.   


The stones of the choshen mishpat, the High Priest's breastplate, were referred to in the Bible as the urim v'tummim, or Urim and the Thummim, a phrase that has yet to be defined.
Legend says it was given to a Knight Templar 1,000 years ago and handed down through that family from one generation to the next.
With no visible markings on the surface, Dr. James Strange ruled out the idea that the stone (pictured) was initially cut open. After his examination, he said it had either been set in a large plate or breastplate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC
With no visible markings on the surface, Dr. James Strange ruled out the idea that the stone (pictured) was initially cut open. After his examination, he said it had either been set in a large plate or breastplate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC
‘And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aharon’s heart’. Exodus 28:30
The Jewish text, Talmund, reveals questions would be brought to the breastplate and the stones would light up to spell the questions – each stone had different letters at the center.
This text states the stones were lost in Jerusalem was invaded by the Babylonians.
In the book of Samuel, you read the urim v’tummim is one of the three forms of divine communication: dreams, prophets and the urim v’tummim.
And when Shaul inquired of Hashem, Hashem answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets. I Samuel 28:6

Thursday, September 15, 2016