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Monday, September 12, 2016

Sniper takes out ISIS executioner from a mile away

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A British sniper took out a top ISIS executioner with a single bullet from nearly a mile away — just seconds before the fiend burned 12 hostages alive with a flamethrower.
The ace sharpshooter turned one of the most hated terrorists in Syria into a fireball when he expertly shot a single round into the fuel tank affixed to the jihadi’s back, prompting a fiery explosion that fatally engulfed the mass-murderer. Three of the terrorist’s flunkies who were there to film the execution were also killed, reported the UK’s Daily Star.
The ISIS butcher had been on a US “kill list” for several months before the British Special Air Service marksman downed him with a Barrett .50-caliber rifle during the rescue operation outside of Raqqa, Syria, several months ago, sources said.
The group of terrorists had been traveling around ISIS-held compounds slaughtering civilians who had been labeled as spies.
The prisoners were tied to stakes or thrown in cages before being torched by the fiend, according to the report.
“The executioner gave some sort of rambling speech over a [megaphone], then when he finished, the SAS sniper opened fire,” a source told the daily.
The jubilant civilians were then rescued by British and US special forces.
ISIS started using flamethrowers after the torture method was popularized in North Korea.
The rescue comes just months after another SAS sniper killed two ISIS car bombers as they drove toward Libya, when the bullet catapulted through the driver’s skull and into the passenger’s neck, taking both out.
The jihadis had been en route to a packed Tripoli market with a massive bomb, which they planned to detonate, intelligence showed.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering Shimmy Biegeleisen HYD, 9/11 Victim & Devoted Chossid of the Belzer Rebbe


FIVE FLOORS ABOVE, Shimmy Biegeleisen phoned his wife from his office at money-management firm Fiduciary Trust International Inc. “There’s been an explosion next door,” the 42-year-old vice president said. “Don’t worry. I’m OK.”
After a few minutes, Mr. Biegeleisen grabbed his black canvas bag, walked past a cluster of cubicles and headed toward the stairwell. But when he reached the doorway — a step behind a project manager who worked for him — he stopped, leaned his big body against the open metal door and rummaged through his bag. “Whatever you’re looking for, it’s not important,” the manager told her boss. “Please come.” She started down the stairs.
THE WORD “FIDUCIARY” filled the caller-ID panel on the kitchen phone in the Biegeleisen home in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. Miriam Biegeleisen knew it was her husband calling again from his office. “I love you,” he told her.
He hadn’t made it to the stairs when the wings of the second jet ripped diagonally through the south tower just four floors below Mr. Biegeleisen’s cubicle. Fire engulfed the tower’s stairwells. Mr. Biegeleisen was trapped.
Mrs. Biegeleisen handed the phone to Dovid Langer, a friend who volunteered for an ambulance service and had run over when he heard that ambulances had been dispatched to the towers.
“Dovid,” Mr. Biegeleisen told him, “take care of Miriam and take care of my children.” Mr. Langer heard a recording in the background saying over and over that the building was secure and that people should stay put. (A Port Authority spokesman said, “We are not aware of any recorded announcement made by building management.”) Mr. Biegeleisen continued: “Dovid, I’m not coming out of this.”
Mr. Langer connected Mr. Biegeleisen to Gary Gelbfish, a vascular surgeon and friend who was watching the towers burn on TV. “I’m having difficulty breathing,” Mr. Biegeleisen told him. Black smoke was filling the room.
“You’ve got to do two things,” the doctor said. “Stay low to the ground. And do you have a towel or a rag? Put water on it and put it over your mouth.” Twin

New York Times and Washington Post turn on fellow liberal card-carrier Matt Lauer for his performance

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by Michael Goodwin
There is nothing more to learn about Hillary Clinton’s home-brew server, deleted e-mails, chronic cough or anything else that makes her look bad, according to The Washington Post. 
And The New York Times, stung by Clinton’s woeful performance at last week’s presidential forum, believes the debates are going to be a total disaster unless moderators get much, much tougher with Donald Trump.
To judge from her tone, the Gray Lady finally has found somebody she wants to waterboard. Naturally, it’s a Republican, not a terrorist.
America’s two most prominent newspapers used to compete for Pulitzer Prizes and readers, but now they’re competing to see which can suck up more to Clinton. On Friday, both papers’ editorial pages turned on fellow liberal card-carrier Matt Lauer for his performance as the moderator of the commander-in-chief forum, with The Washington Post blasting him for being too tough on Clinton and the Times accusing Lauer of letting Trump ramble, boast and lie.
The unsubtle point was clear: journalists must focus all their firepower on Trump, or they will get a beatdown from the Clinton Praetorian Guard. She must be protected, even if that means taking the “new” out of “news.” How odd for businesses protected by the First Amendment to demand that others shut up.
Then again, the stakes are high. The best lap dog can expect better access and more leaks from a Clinton White House. Whoppee.
In any other era, there would be staff revolts as both papers trash their standards and torch their credibility in their partisan quest. But Trump Derangement Syndrome is creating an unprecedented spectacle as elite news organizations reveal contempt for their own traditions and the millions upon millions of Americans who don’t agree with them.
Put it this way: With polls showing a tight race, Trump is on track to win at least 50 million votes in the fall. That’s a lot of Americans to dismiss as idiots, rednecks and racists just because you hate their candidate.
Yet the partisan shrillness reflects desperation as much as conviction. Clinton, viewed as inevitable from the start, just as she was in 2008, is having trouble putting Trump away and is actually sliding backwards in key areas. Her slump suggests that the media’s nonstop bashing of the GOP nominee — in their news and opinion pages — is yielding diminishing returns and might be backfiring.
With no end in sight of the drip-drip-drip of bad news about Clinton’s e-mails and the growing evidence of a slipshod FBI investigation, the new efforts to help her carry a heightened sense of urgency.
The editorial in The Washington Post was especially striking. Headlined “The Hillary Clinton EMail Story is Out of Control,” the paper lamented that Lauer and most other journalists still find the subject newsworthy. It called the stories much ado over a “minor e-mail scandal,” and insisted coverage “has vastly exceeded the boundaries of the facts.”
Days earlier, the Post’s political blogger, Chris Cillizza, made himself a health expert in declaring that stories about Clinton’s health are “ridiculous.” He insisted there is “zero evidence” that there is anything wrong with her.
What, she has to cough up a lung before her uncontrollable hacking is news? Many Post readers objected to the Cillizza rant, with a number recalling that the same paper relentlessly raised health and age concerns about Ronald Reagan and John McCain.
But, of course, they were Republicans, and the Washington Post has never, ever endorsed one for president.
The Times has — but not since 1956, when it backed Dwight Eisenhower. Since then, every Democratic nominee, no matter how pathetic or unqualified, has gotten the Times’ backing. It even had zero doubts about George McGovern and Walter Mondale, both of whom lost 49 states.
In its Friday editorial, the Times wanted Trump to be asked “why he should be allowed to be commander in chief,” as if there is some higher approval needed beyond the ballot box. It also faulted a “tendency among some journalists to let Mr. Trump’s deceptions go unchallenged,” as if Clinton is a font of pure honesty.
She knows she has the Times and the Post in the bag, notwithstanding her policy failures, lies and shameful selling of access. The papers should end any pretense of having an open mind and endorse her now.
It would be the most honest thing they have done in the campaign.

Hillary has 'medical episode' at 9/11 ceremony abruptly leaves "her knees buckled and lost her shoe"

Hillary Coughing Attack
Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode” that required her to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early, a law enforcement source who witnessed the event told Fox News.
The Democratic presidential nominee appeared to faint on her way into her van and had to be helped by her security, the source said. She was “clearly having some type of medical episode.”
Clinton's stumbled off the curb, her "knees buckled" and she lost a shoe as she was helped into a van during her "unexpected early departure," a witness told Fox News.
A separate law enforcement source told Fox News that Clinton left the event because she wasn't feeling well.
Clinton's campaign did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment.
MORE ON  per witness: "unexpected early departure"; she stumbled off curb, "knees buckled", lost a shoe as she was helped into van

Clinton was in New York for Sunday’s ceremony commemorating 15 years since the 9/11 terror attacks.
The Clinton campaign would not confirm Clinton’s location to an NBC pool producer. After Clinton left the ceremony, the reporters following her on the campaign trail were prevented from leaving the media area for a period of time.

Mars ...Stunning Photos ....by the Curiosty Mars rover!

This stunning landscape, taken by the Curiosity Mars rover, shows the rim of Gale Crater visible in the distance, through the dusty haze in this view of a sloping hillside on Mount Sharp
This stunning landscape, taken by the Curiosity Mars rover, shows the rim of Gale Crater visible in the distance, through the dusty haze in this view of a sloping hillside on Mount Sharp
NASA says the Martian buttes and mesas rising above the surface are eroded remnants of ancient sandstone that originated when winds deposited sand after lower Mount Sharp had formed. 
NASA says the Martian buttes and mesas rising above the surface are eroded remnants of ancient sandstone that originated when winds deposited sand after lower Mount Sharp had formed. 
Layered rock on Mars pictured by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, which has been on the Red Planet since August 2012
Layered rock on Mars pictured by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, which has been on the Red Planet since August 2012

These images reveal in stunning detail the hills, plateaus and rock faces of the Red Planet. 

Taken by the mast camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover and released today, the stunning pictures are from the 'Murray Buttes' region on our neighbouring planet. 

Likening the scenes to areas of the US desert, Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada, from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, said: 'Curiosity's science team has been just thrilled to go on this road trip through a bit of the American desert Southwest on Mars.' 

 The rover team plans to assemble several large, color mosaics from images taken in the area, where the rover has spent the last month. The buttes and mesas were formed from eroded remnants of ancient sandstone, which originated when winds deposited sand after Martian mountain lower Mount Sharp was formed.

 Vasavada said: 'Studying these buttes up close has given us a better understanding of ancient sand dunes that formed and were buried, chemically changed by groundwater, exhumed and eroded to form the landscape that we see today.' Curiosity, which landed near Mount Sharp back in 2012, is set to continue its mission further south and higher up the mountain. 

It has already discovered evidence that ancient lakes on the Red Planet offered conditions that would have been favorable for microbes if Mars has ever hosted life.

R' Issar Zalman Meltzer's Eulogy on R' Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l

ר' איסר זלמן מלצר בהספדו על הרב קוק: גדולה מיתתן של צדיקים יותר משריפת בית אלוקינו - נשבר עמוד השדרה של כלל ישראל'

R' Issar Zalman Meltzer z"l was the father-in-law of R' Aron Kotler  z"l the founder of Lakewood.
 R' Issar Zalman eulogized R' Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l stating that the pain to Klall Yisroel "when a Tzaddik dies, is much greater than the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash" and he added that the "spine of Klall Yisroel was now broken"

I wonder how many of R' Issar Zalman's bones would be broken if he had made a statement like that today???

Friday, September 9, 2016

I'm not just saying 'no' to Hillary Clinton

Naomi Ragen
Yes, I’m voting for Donald Trump. And I’m proud of it.

If anyone had told me two years ago that I’d be making that statement, I would have done a Jon Stewart eye roll and stare. What? The guy from reality TV? The “You’re fired” guy with the funny hair and New York accent? That guy?!

But things have happened in the last few years that have made me —and many pro-Israel Americans in both countries—decide that this is not only our best but our only choice.
First of all, there is President Barack Hussein Obama. 

As columnist Charles Krauthammer said in the 2012 videoDaylight: The Story of Obama and Israel: “This president has done more to delegitimize and undermine Israel’s position in the world than any other president.”

Even without Obama’s toxic embrace, Hillary Clinton’s own history is damning. As she bragged to her online followers: “As Secretary of State, Hillary led the international negotiations that paved the way for the Iran deal.” Multiple outlets reported in March that Iran had test-fired two ballistic missiles bearing the phrase “Israel must be wiped out.” Clinton, conveniently no longer secretary of state, uselessly suggested sanctions. Of course, Obama did nothing. Are you surprised? Was she surprised?

I continue to wonder why American Jews—who often declare, “Never again!”— don’t seem to grasp the enormity of Clinton’s responsibility for the creation of this existential threat to six of the world’s remaining 16 million Jews. She and her fans, many of them American Jews, still believe Jewish votes are her due and expect them to sweep her into the White House, where she can carry on where Obama has left off.

How can I be sure Donald Trump will be better for Israel?

 I can’t. But at least he gives me hope. I fully admit that, as an American who lives in Israel, I personally loathe and distrust Hillary Clinton. Among my many reasons is her willingness to sell arms to Israel’s enemies: As reported by theInternational Business Times, during Clinton’s tenure, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales, some of it over Israel’s vociferous objections. This includes the 2011 sale of $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to Saudi Arabia. This ramp-up has continued after her departure and may have multiple causes, but most worryingly, “…governments and corporations involved in the arms deals approved by Clinton’s State Department have delivered between $54 million and $141 million to the Clinton Foundation,” the IBT says.
Israel doesn’t have a slush fund to compete with either Saudi Arabia or Qatar. Whatever you say about Trump, he isn’t in this for either wealth or fame, both of which he has in abundant supply.

Most of all, when I look at these two candidates I see a clear choice between a successful entrepreneur and a corrupt politician; a family man honest about his failings and a hypocrite involved in a sham marriage. A person with a vision (agree with it or not) for America, and someone willing to endanger her entire country’s national security with a private email server simply to hide the truth about her words, actions and beliefs. Moreover, the cynical manipulation of the Democratic National Committee to gain unfair advantage over her opponent reveals an endemic propensity for deceit. She would have won fair and square. But that’s just not her way.

Even if you don’t believe everything in the anti-Clinton exposé by Peter Schweizer, Clinton Cash, there are just too many coincidences: “Who else in American politics would be so audacious as to have one spouse accept money from foreign governments and businesses while the other charted American foreign policy?” Schweizer asks. Until the Clintons can come up with a convincing counter-narrative — which they haven’t so far — and given their conduct in amassing great wealth since leaving the White House “broke” in 2001, every American should shudder at the possibility of their returning to power.

Trump, on the other hand, has given me no reason to believe he is in this fight for the money. He did little serious fundraising in the primaries. I believe that Donald Trump is sincere in the vision he has for America, and that he will do his best to achieve it.
Some people find that vision appalling. But I have a different take.

Take border walls. As an Israeli whose family almost died in the 2002 Passover massacre in Netanya, a direct result of the disastrous Oslo “peace accords” pushed by Bill Clinton, I can testify to the wonderful power of walls. When we began building ours in 2003 — over universal condemnation — our casualties from suicide bombings, from a peak of 220 dead in 2002 and 142 in 2003, dwindled until in 2015 there were… none.

Radical Islamists have taken the worst in their religion and made it their creed, infecting some of their coreligionists with an ideology that turns them into rabid killers. This virulent ideology can strike at anyone, any time. What is wrong, then, with advocating a careful vetting of all those from affected areas? Likewise, what is wrong with stopping the illegal arrival en masse of Mexican criminals who are not vetted at all?

Clinton’s promise to continue Obama’s mass amnesty plans, along with her even vaguer plans to “protect our borders,” is simply irresponsible. Given power, she will do to America what Angela Merkel has done to Europe, destroying its people’s peace and security and leaving them helpless to barbarous daily attacks by a mass of people who appreciate neither generosity nor kindness.

Would I have preferred that another candidate — one with better hair, a more neutral accent and no reality TV on his resumé — espouse Trump’s agenda? You bet! But as it is, as an adult, I have no choice but to deal with reality. And the reality I see is that Trump is the best bet in this particular election for those who love both Israel and America.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Black Lady charged in 1983 necktie murder of 92-year-old Jewish Purple Heart World War I veteran

Edmund Schreiber
Authorities in upstate New York believe they have solved the 33-year-old necktie murder of a 92-year-old Jewish World War I veteran who was awarded the Purple Heart.
Fingerprints and DNA evidence link Saundra Adams a black lady, to the slaying of Edmund Schreiber, found strangled with eight of his own neckties in Buffalo in 1983,according to the Buffalo News.
Saundra Adams
The 50-year-old Adams, 17 at the time of the killing, was charged with two counts of second-degree murder. An unknown accomplice was also involved, prosecutors say.
"Mr. Schreiber survived World War I, but he did not survive those who, during the night of June 23, 1983, invaded his home, attacked him, and took his life," acting Erie County District Attorney Michael Flaherty Jr. said, WIVB reported.
Schreiber and his wife lived in the same house for more than five decades as they raised a family, the Buffalo News reported. His wife passed away five years before the slaying, according to the newspaper.
The war hero weighed just 100 pounds at the time of the murder and could not do much to defend himself, according to the paper. His killers tied his hands and savagely wrapped his neckties around his throat.

Clinton wears earpiece so that her aids can whisper answers to difficult questions

Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night's Presidential Forum?
While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each generated headlines about comments made Wednesday night at a candidates’ forum, the buzz Thursday morning was more about a report claiming Clinton relied on a “micro” earbud as she fielded questions about national security — a claim her campaign vigorously denied. 

The website True Pundit quoted unnamed New York police sources saying Clinton was wearing an “inductive earpiece” during the NBC forum hosted by Matt Lauer. 
The website described the unit as the kind of tech used by stage actors in need of prompting to recite forgotten lines.

“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,” claimed the article.
The story also drew almost a thousand comments over on The Donald subreddit, with one user commenting, “Either she admits a health issue and says she’s deaf or she admits to cheating.”

“I commented earlier during the Town Hall saying her responses seemed a little slower than normal. Now it all makes sense,” responded another.
Another user remarked that Hillary appeared to be uttering broken sentences such as “I think that’s an ex—- actly right way to proceed.”
This is not the first time Clinton has faced charges that she was wearing an earpiece during a crucial event – similar claims were made after her appearance in front of the House Select Benghazi Hearing in October last year.
Hillary Earpiece

Two senior campaign aides, though, told Fox News the report is absolutely not true.

LOHUD Turns Tragic Yeshiva Bochur death into political story

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Lohud, the Rockland "anti-Frum" newspaper in Rockland, turned a tragic car crash into a political story .....

Two Yeshiva boys were talking to each other innocently in the parking lot of the Yeshiva Tiferet Tora 996 Route 202, when an off duty police officer passed another car on a "no passing" zone, lost control and barreled thru the parking lot  smashing into the boys ...

"Both young man were standing on the edge (Din Emphasis) of driveway at 996 Haverstraw Road when a 2016 Lexus driven by Peekskill Police Officer Jonathan Mosquera of Suffern drove up behind a 2008 Honda driven by Tzvi Hakakian, 19, of Monsey"

They were not standing at the "edge of the driveway" according to Hatzalah, they were IN the driveway!
not that it makes a difference .... the car barreled into the "driveway"!

"The property had been operating with a temporary certificate of occupancy after opening in violation of town zoning and building codes. A 2015 critical state report on the Building Department operations cites the school for lacking permits and operating in violation of safety regulations.
Yeshivat Tiferet Tora also has been hit with fines by the Rockland Board of Health."
In 2013, the Rockland Board of Health fined Arash and Sara Hakakian and Neal J. Klatzko, owners, 996 Haverstraw Road, $900 for operating a rooming house without a permit and for failure to get proper permits for a sewer system."

What does this crash have anything to do with the fact that "the property had been operating with a temporary certificate of occupancy"? 
and if the had a permanent C of O ...would the crazy cop not have barreled into the innocent boys??

There is no end to the hatred that Lohud has against the religious community! Take a tragic story and shamelessly turn it into a hate campaign to give fodder to the anti-Semites!

And now a word to to my readers!
The Rosh Yeshiva of this school prohibited the boys from having any phones, be they kosher or otherwise!

The boys in the Yeshivah took at least 10 minutes to find a bystander to phone Hatzalah!

According to a memeber of Hatzalah that I spoke to, "in this case, it would not have made a difference." 
Parents .... insist that your child, 10 and above, carry a phone ..... absolutely! 


Yeshiva Bochur Killed on Route 202 in Monsey by Car

Tragedy has struck the Monsey, NY, community, as Marco Tawil z”l, a 17-year-old yeshiva bochur, has been killed in an accident on Route 202.

At about 11:45 p.m., two bochurim were standing at the side of the road when a vehicle careened into them.
Marco succumbed to his wounds, while the second bochur, 19-year-old David Maldanado, was seriously injured.
Marco was a resident of Argentina.
The tragic accident took place in front of Yeshivat Tiferet Torah on Haverstraw Road, northwest of the Wesley Hills community, in Suffern, down the road from Spook Rock Road. Both bochurim were talmidim of the yeshiva.
One of the vehicles was turning into the yeshiva driveway, while the other was coming at a high speed in the opposite direction. They collided, and one of the cars jumped the side of the road due to the force of the crash and rolled down an embankment, coming to a rest amidst trees and shrubbery.
Police Officer Jonathan Mosquera of Suffern was driving one of the vehicles. He is believed to have been off duty at the time.
The injured bochur was taken in serious condition to Westchester Trauma Center in Valhala. All are asked to daven for David Yosef ben Leah l’refuah sheleimah.
Tiferet Torah, where the accident took place, is a yeshiva for Sephardic bochurim led by its rosh yeshiva, Rav Nissan Hakakian, who is also the rov of the Sephardic Congregation of South Monsey. Maggidei shiur include Rav Chaim Schabes, Rav Binyamin Ehrman, Rav David Weisberger, and Rav Moshe Nadoff.
Boruch Dayan Ha’emes.