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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Europe Comprising A Database Of Husbands Who refuse to Give A Get!

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In a major step forward for agunos, 
batei din in Europe of comprising a collective database of recalcitrant husbands and they plan to publish the names, photos and information of these husbands. 

This step is taken to facilitate locating many of these husbands who have vanished. 

It is also hoped rabbonim will exclude these men from minyanim and community events and assist batei din in arranging for a ‘get’. 

The decision to establish the database was reached during a meeting of dayanim in Europe who recently convened in Brussels under the Rabbinical Council of Europe (RCE) umbrella.

Tel Aviv Massacre ..... and a disturbing conversation I heard in Monsey

There was a massacre in Tel Aviv and 4 are already dead r"l! 
And there isn't a Jew out there that isn't upset ........ you would think .... right?
Guess what I heard in a Monsey supermarket, at the check out!

Chassidisher guy #1: Yoi, a big tragedy in Israel, an Arab shooting Jews to death!

Chassidisher guy # 2: Where?

Chassidisher guy #1: In Tel Aviv!

Chassidisher guy #2: B'H......  it was in Tel Aviv, means no frum Jews were victims!

Me: Are you sick? Do you have any brains? How do you even talk like this? Jews are murdered on the streets and you say B"H ... it was in Tel Aviv?

Chassidisher guy #2: That's not what I meant ...!

Me: So tell us, what did you mean?

Chassidisher guy #2: I meant that if there was a shooting already, then I'm happy it wasn't someone frum ... but I'm not happy that not frum Jews are being killed!

I'm telling you guys ... this new generation of "Frum Jews" are sicker than sick...

Everyone is busy trying to be more "machmer" than his neighbor but don't give two hoots about another Jew!

This "shtams" from those hateful comic books the Satmar Rebbe wrote! And now you know why I scream and yell that this hate that the Satmar Rebbe implanted in his Chassidim is the cause of the hate against their fellow non-Satmar...
take your Bikur Choilim Chicken Soup and flush it! 

Monsey Yeshivas Kick Ed Day To the Curb! Go over His head and have Ramapo do the Inspections!

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This Ed Day thought that he had everything under control, and would close 25 yeshivas in a week!
He thought that he got them with violations of the Fire Code!
In one instance he went into Beth Ruchel in Monsey and told them that the Plaques on the wall was a fire code violation!
Instead of working with the Yeshivas, he decided to take the belligerent way ... and like the gestapo he attempted to bully his way into our Mosdos Ha'Torah!
Yeshivas yelled "no way Jose"! Ed Day is not above the law!
The same law that gives him the right to inspect Yeshivas, gives the  same right to Ramapo and Kaser to inspect, as well!

So the Yeshivas got together and kicked him in the ass .....and went to the Ramapo and Kaser officials and had them do the inspections! Now he is left holding an empty bag and  has over a dozen eggs on his face!
Turns out that he has an agenda to limit the growth of Monsey!
He was trying to pander to"preserve ramapo" an organization that was established to harass frum people living in Monsey ...
For example they started out by giving summonses to frum Jews on Yom Kippur!It went downhill from there and now they are growing desperate seeing that they are being outnumbered!

More than 20 yeshivas targeted by the New York state Education Department for overdue fire-safety inspections turned to Ramapo and Kaser officials this week to get their paperwork done, sidestepping attempts by the county to send its own team into the facilities for review.
Education Department spokeswoman Jeanne Beattie said in an email that 22 schools have filed inspection reports done by either private inspections or Ramapo inspectors. The filings mean the schools won't be required to be inspected by the county.

Ed Day Must Resign! Wants to Limit Growth of Jewish Community!

Ed Day claims that he is not an anti-Semite, but his remarks to his employees to limit growth of the Jewish Community proves otherwise.
He must resign because he no longer represents the entire community of Rockland!
He must resign!



Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rabbi Berland's Supporters Threaten His Accuser with Assault & Death!

Witness against Rabbi Berland reveals the night he tried to sneak a glimpse of the rabbi studying - and caught a sight that shook his faith.

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The central witness against Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the fugitive head of the Shuvu Banim sect who was finally arrested in Johannesburg, South Africa two months ago, has spoken out on shocking details of the sexual abuse case against Berland.

Berland fled from Israel in 2012 after several women as well as a 15-year-old girl laid charges of sexual assault against him. He evaded capture in the US, Switzerland, Morocco and Zimbabwe and managed to avoid extradition from Holland, before being finally arrested in South Africa in April - now he faces extradition to Israel to stand trial.

Central witness Itay Nachman Shalom, formerly a member of Shuvu Banim, exposed his testimony against Berland to Walla on Wednesday, and spoke about the persecution he faces from the sect.

"They crushed us from all sides," said Shalom. "We underwent a private Holocaust and our only hope is upturned to He who Dwells on High. Our tears fell like water but there is no despair. We will fight for the truth - even at the cost of our lives."

"We will not rest and we will not be silent. Not from threats and not from blows. Whoever harms us - that's a great mitzvah for us," he said.

Shalom was one of the charismatic rabbi's most devoted followers, and was a member of the adoring youths who followed Berland everywhere.

He would wait for the rabbi for hours outside of his home in Beitar Illit, but one night he recalls climbing on top of the drainpipe outside of the house to try and sneak a glimpse of Berland praying and studying Torah.

To his horror, he instead saw the rabbi naked "bending forward over a female student and moving upwards and downwards."
The sight shook him and brought him to a great crisis of faith. "I told myself either he is the most righteous or he is the most evil," Shalom said.

Colmer the serial pedophile is back in Passaic hunting for more prey!

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Image result for stefan colmer released

From: R. Y. Eisenman <rabbi@ahavasisrael.orgSubject: Important
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2016, 10:02 PM

Please be aware that Stefan Colmer, whom I spoke publicly about a few years ago and who was subsequently arrested, convicted and imprisoned for sexually abusing minors, has moved back to his home on 38 John Street [Passaic, NJ].
Congregation Ahavas Israel, together with all the Shuls in the Passaic-Clifton area has prohibited him from entering our premises; he is also not allowed in any of the Yeshivas. Mr. Colmer’s picture and the details of his criminal record can be found here.
JFS [Jewish Family Services] will be hosting a forum within the next few days that will address concerns and appropriate steps on how to keep one’s children safe. The details will be communicated to you shortly.
Ron Yitzchok Eisenman, Rabbi
Congregation Ahavas Israel, Passaic, NJ
181 Van Houten Ave.
Passaic, NJ 07055

Great choice tonight in California

Pick Your Poison

Chaim Weiss murder update!

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I have been blogging about this for years, and in fact have his story on my sidebar for over 8 years....
I have gotten a lot of comments ...but no leads ....
but here is a fresh prospective on the case, and perhaps someone out there who knows something will come forward .....
According to our holy tradition, the soul cannot rest until the perpetrator of this vicious crime gets caught!

Noveminsker bashes bloggers as "lizanei hador"

With all due respect to the holy Noveminsker, I think, that after you finish watching the video, you will come to the conclusion that he may have made the biggest "litzanis!"

This was a Torah Umesorah convention, and the Noveminsker was addressing the issue ... of guess what? ....
Nope ..guess again.................................... give up? 
Sexual Abuse of children! 
And who does he blame? Guess?
The Abusers? 
You would think!
Nope ....think again!
The Bloggers! Yep ...crazy but true ....
Did he yell at Weingarten that raped his daughter? Did you hear a peep out of him, then? 
Who exposed that living bastard? This Blogger! Yup! way back in 2011! It's now 2016, have you heard the Noveminsker say one word to the victims?
How about the two "Kolko Rapists" did you hear one word out his holy mouth?
When Weberman raped and sexually abused countless girls...did you hear one word?
So who are the Lizanei hador? The bloggers that are exposing this? or is it perhaps the Gadol Hador ...the Noveminsker? HMMMMM?
And now for the kicker ...this Noveminsker is fighting against legislation to make this crime with no statue of limitation! 
Yes! He is fighting this ! so who is the comedian?

Intense Moment As This Female Israeli Police Officer Becomes A Giyores

I know most have you have seen this... It went Viral !
But it gives us chizuk to watch someone have so much emotion and we take that for granted!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Gedoilim back Nachan Yitzchok Burstein the Serial Child Rapist!

Here is a guy that raped and sodomized his own relatives, had a trial,was convicted, and is currently sitting in Jail in Israel. 

He was a rebbe of little children, and picked a profession so that he could satisfy his bizarre sexual cravings of little children.

So what do our holy gedoilim do? They write letters and make fundraising functions to help out his family.
Now I'm not saying that his family doesn't need financial help, eventhough they knew all about it and did nothing, but to write in these letters and posters that he is an "innocent guy," "convicted wrongly," is an affront to his victims and a Chillul Hashem! 

The following Rabbanim wrote letters backing a serial child rapist!

R' Yaakov Meir Schechter - Rosh yeshivas Shaar


Rachmestrivker Rebbe

R' Tzvi Meyer Zilberberg - Rosh yeshivas Nachalas Yaakov

 (grandson of R' Gedalya Schorr)

Lelover Rebbe

R' Boruch Nosson Halberstam - Kiviashder Dayan

R' Yosef Binyomin Wosner - Satmar London Dayan

R' Yosef Padwa - Kedassia Dayan

R' Aryeh Weiss - Vizhnitz London

R' Dovid Hager - - Vizhnitz London

R' Zev Feldman - Etz Chaim London

R' Avrohom Yosef Rubinfeld - Khal Charedim London

R' Bentzion Blum - Bobov London Dayan

R' Sholom Friedman - Kedassia Dayan

Please Let Us Swim in Peace, as Women


It’s summer, and that means the inevitable stares on the subway, the street, the grocery lines.

“It’s 90 degrees, and you’re wearing long sleeves?”
Welcome to the life of the religious woman. I find myself constantly explaining my Orthodox Jewish customs, defending my faith, representing something larger than myself, even in a city with a large minority of people who share my faith.
“Why do you have to suffer underneath all that clothing?” sales associates ask, carefully, as I look for a modest dress.
“Why can’t you just be normal?” my braver, blunter secular relatives ask, caressing my wig.
It’s inevitable, in a secular world that cannot bring itself to understand, or at least respect, the values of the religious other.
The debate roiling over the Bedford Ave. public pool in Williamsburg offering several hours weekly to women’s-only swim, accommodating local Orthodox Jewish women, has gotten especially ugly. Separate women’s hours, the New York Times proclaimed in an editorial, carries the “odor of religious intrusion.”
(DIN:Interesting to note that the same New York Times wrote an editorial, last week, praising Canada for allowing separate swimming for Muslims)
Read on:

Fish can recognize human faces, new study shows

Now let's experiment and see if the fish can tell the difference between a Zali and an Ahroini! We know for a fact that they can recognize  a Skverer Chasid !

A species of tropical fish has been shown to be able to distinguish between human faces. It is the first time fish have demonstrated this ability.

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The research, carried out by a team of scientists from the University of Oxford (UK) and the University of Queensland (Australia), found that archerfish were able to learn and recognize faces with a high degree of accuracy—an impressive feat, given this task requires sophisticated visual recognition capabilities.
The study is published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Mazel Tov Dies Suddenly in Israel!

Two Jews Running for President of the US and Both are Anti-Semites!

Jill Stein

I'll bet you didn't know that there was another self hating Jew running for President! 
And she must be reading Der Yid and Der Blatt, because her hate rhetoric comes straight out of the Satmar handbook!
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein calls to end military and economic support for Israel "while it is committing war crimes".

The Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, on Monday released a statement in support of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

“The United States has encouraged the worst tendencies of the Israeli government as it pursues policies of occupation, apartheid, assassination, illegal settlements, demolitions, blockades, building of nuclear bombs, indefinite detention, collective punishment, and defiance of international law,” the Stein campaign said in a statement quoted by the Jewish Insiderwebsite.

“Therefore, the Stein campaign calls for ending military and economic support for the Israeli government while it is committing war crimes and defying international law,” the statement added.

Stein, 64, a physician and a Jewish Chicago native, announced her candidacy for president last February. 

In 2012, Stein was endorsed by Israel critic linguist Noam Chomsky. She received 456,169 votes (0.36%), mostly in Alaska, Oregon and Maine, noted the Jewish Insider.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, while criticizing Israel’s conduct during the 2014 war in Gaza and touting his empathy for the Palestinian cause, acknowledged “there is some level of anti-Semitism” in the BDS movement.

Nevertheless, Sanders is associated with some pro-BDS supporters, noted the Jewish Insider. Just recently, Sanders appointed Dr. Cornel West, a prominent supporter of the BDS movement, to the Democratic Party drafting platform committee in order to push for changes in the party’s policy on Israel.

Reports indicate that Sanders wants to make "Palestinian rights" more of a priority in the Democratic Party platform.